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SQLSaturday #228 - Cambridge 2013

Start Time (24h) Speaker Track Title
00:00:00 Bruno Basto The Meaning of Life (DBA) SQL Internal Storage – P2
00:00:00 Constantin Klein ...and now for something completely different StreamInsight: Complex Event Processing by MS
00:00:00 Dave Ballantyne Ministry of funny walks (DEV) TraceFlag Fun
00:00:00 David McMahon Dead Parrot (SharePoint) SharePoint HA and DR
00:00:00 Hugo Kornelis The Meaning of Life (DBA) Advanced Indexing
00:00:00 Hugo Kornelis Ministry of funny walks (DEV) Create Your Own Data Type
00:00:00 Niko Neugebauer SPAM (BI) DataExplorer - the reason you might not need SQL Server
00:00:00 Jen Stirrup ...and now for something completely different From Big Data to secret sauce: power your organisation with PowerBI
00:00:00 Jen Stirrup SPAM (BI) Advanced Data Visualisation with Reporting Services
00:00:00 John Martin Ministry of funny walks (DEV) Data Driven Branding for SSRS
00:00:00 Jens Vestergaard SPAM (BI) Analysis Services Security - Steel Curtain Cubes
00:00:00 Kevin Chant ...and now for something completely different Come and meet my little friend - Using Hyper-V on Windows 8 Pro
00:00:00 Kennie Pontoppidan Ministry of funny walks (DEV) SQL anti patterns
00:00:00 Leonard Lobel Ministry of funny walks (DEV) Database Development with SQL Server Data Tools
00:00:00 Les Reading Ministry of funny walks (DEV) Advanced Performance Tuning Tips with Ignite
00:00:00 Les Reading SPAM (BI) High Performance and Highly Available SANLess Clustering for MS SQL Server
00:00:00 Les Reading The Meaning of Life (DBA) Automate All The Things! Best Practices for Fast, Painless Database Deployments
00:00:00 Les Reading Just a slither How to build process based applications on top of your SQL Data
00:00:00 Les Reading ...and now for something completely different Microsoft training and certification for SQL Server and Cloud solutions
00:00:00 Les Reading The Meaning of Life (DBA) Migrating to the Cloud
00:00:00 Les Reading SPAM (BI) PDW : Introduction to the Data Movement Service
00:00:00 Les Reading Dead Parrot (SharePoint) Now that’s what I call the worst dataviz – ever!
00:00:00 Les Reading The Meaning of Life (DBA) Idera SQL Diagnostic Manager
00:00:00 Les Reading Just a slither Introduction to SQL Server 2014 In-Memory OLTP
00:00:00 Les Reading Dead Parrot (SharePoint) SQL Server Estate Rationalisation
00:00:00 Mark Broadbent Just a slither When to use which installation of SQL Server: On-prem, IaaS in Windows Azure, or Windows Azure SQLDB
00:00:00 Mark Broadbent SPAM (BI) The Irish Economic Crisis, Visualized
00:00:00 Mark Macrae Dead Parrot (SharePoint) Business Intelligence Options for SharePoint 2013
00:00:00 Niko Neugabauer ...and now for something completely different SQL 2014 Clustered Columnstore - An Introduction
00:00:00 Oliver Engels ...and now for something completely different Access Services are cool! Are you kidding? :)
00:00:00 Peter Baddeley Dead Parrot (SharePoint) SharePoint what are you doing at my SQL event
00:00:00 Lord Richard Douglas Ministry of funny walks (DEV) Natural Born Killers, performance issues to avoid
00:00:00 Lord Richard Douglas Ministry of funny walks (DEV) The Day After Tomorrow: Why you need to baseline
00:00:00 Regis Baccaro Just a slither Deep Dive into DQS
00:00:00 Seb Matthews Dead Parrot (SharePoint) Leveraging PowerShell for SharePoint Database Operations
00:00:00 Stephen Archbold The Meaning of Life (DBA) Getting the most from your SAN - File and Filegroup design patterns
00:00:00 Stuart Moore The Meaning of Life (DBA) Automating Database Restores and Verification with PowerShell
00:00:00 Kevin Boles ...and now for something completely different Windowing Functions: THE Reason to Upgrade to 2012
00:00:00 Tony Rogerson The Meaning of Life (DBA) Bitmap and Bloom Filter Indexing in SQL Server
00:00:00 Al Eardley Dead Parrot (SharePoint) So you're getting SharePoint - What's a DBA to do?
00:00:00 Alex Whittles SPAM (BI) MDX 101 - getting started with MDX
00:00:00 Allan Mitchell SPAM (BI) Hadoop for the Microsoft Guy
00:00:00 Anthony Obi Dead Parrot (SharePoint) Rapid Data Integration using SharePoint Business Connectivity Services

SessionID: 11002

SQL Internal Storage – P2

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Event Date: 28-09-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: The Meaning of Life (DBA)

Speaker: Bruno Basto

Title: SQL Internal Storage – P2


This session describes how SQL Server internally stores table data. Although you can use SQL without understanding the internals of data storage, a deep knowledge of how data is stored will improve the development of efficient applications. This second part of this session explores the basic of metadata that keeps track of index storage and compression.

SessionID: 11802

StreamInsight: Complex Event Processing by MS

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Event Date: 28-09-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: ...and now for something completely different

Speaker: Constantin Klein

Title: StreamInsight: Complex Event Processing by MS


The number of sensors is growing and growing and brings us closer to the "Internet of things". Applications, that have to process a big amount of data from event streams are a logical consequence. Some developers might have heard from Reactive Extensions (Rx) already, but Microsoft offers with StreamInsight (SI) another comprehensive platform for these scenarios.

In this session you will learn what a great addition for your toolbox StreamInsight is, if you have to develop applications, that have to handle complex events (CEP- Complex Event Processing). See how you can start with this technologie and how easy it is to jump in for .NET developers.

SessionID: 12193

TraceFlag Fun

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Event Date: 28-09-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Ministry of funny walks (DEV)

Speaker: Dave Ballantyne

Title: TraceFlag Fun


SQLServer has many TraceFlags that are, for the most part, used to alter a specific part of functionality of SQLServer and are documented as such. Many of the more interesting flags, however are undocumented, usage is not guaranteed to work across releases, but none the less can reveal some important insight about the product, your data and your queries.

In this session a selection of flags ( both documented and undocumented ) will be explained and why you would (and would not) want to enable them.

SessionID: 12422

SharePoint HA and DR

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Event Date: 28-09-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Dead Parrot (SharePoint)

Speaker: David McMahon

Title: SharePoint HA and DR


When it comes to SharePoint High Availability (HA) and Disaster Recovery (DR) are often merged and confused. In this session we'll take a look at the various HA tools that are available to you when configuring a SharePoint Farm. We'll look at this from a SQL perspective and from a SharePoint perspective and consider what the implications are when applying patches and deploying customisations to a SharePoint Farm for HA and DR. We'll consider some HA and DR scenarios for SharePoint 2010 and SharePoint 2013 and take a look at the use of SQL Always On as it relates to SharePoint.

SessionID: 15063

Advanced Indexing

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Event Date: 28-09-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: The Meaning of Life (DBA)

Speaker: Hugo Kornelis

Title: Advanced Indexing


So you know all about heaps, clustered indexes, and nonclustered indexes, but are still not satisfied? Then this is just the session for you!

Hugo will explore advanced features such as included columns, indexed views, and filtered indexes. You will find out how they are stored on disk, and how SQL Server uses them to satisfy queries. Then, you will see the tools SQL Server itself hands you to help identify just the right subset of indexes. And finally, you will get an stunning demonstration of just how bad you can hurt performance by following all those recommendations and creating too many indexes.

SessionID: 15068

Create Your Own Data Type

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Event Date: 28-09-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Ministry of funny walks (DEV)

Speaker: Hugo Kornelis

Title: Create Your Own Data Type


Have you ever needed a data type that SQL Server simply does not support? So why not add it?

Ever since SQL Server 2005, you can easily create additional data types for use in SQL Server. Using .NET integration, you can define a data type and program all the methods you need to make it behave exactly the way you want it to - both in the database and in your .NET application programs. This session will show you exactly how to create a CLR user-defined data type, and how to integrate it in your database. Will you be the one who creates the next Big Thing, the data type that puts Spatial and Hierarchyid to shame?

SessionID: 15368

DataExplorer - the reason you might not need SQL Server

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Event Date: 28-09-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: SPAM (BI)

Speaker: Niko Neugebauer

Title: DataExplorer - the reason you might not need SQL Server


The DataExplorer plugin for Excel( which is currently in preview) is targeting Excel users and Business Analysts by providing them a homegrown ETL process without any additional Servers. Powered by the flexibility of the "M" language, DataExplorer is capable reaching out for such diverse sources as OData, File System, HDInsight or Facebook, for example.

Besides providing an accessible interface for the non-IT people, the real potential behind DataExplorer lies in creating customizable functions and processes far beyond any GUI. Join me for an hour of "DataExploration"! :)

SessionID: 16391

From Big Data to secret sauce: power your organisation with PowerBI

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Event Date: 28-09-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: ...and now for something completely different

Speaker: Jen Stirrup

Title: From Big Data to secret sauce: power your organisation with PowerBI


Big Data is not so much about storing massive amounts of data in a common database. It is also a force of change for the organisation, and it means that we have to consider the collective capabilities of the platform to serve the business: from data source to secret sauce that will help the business to make data-driven decisions to drive the enterprise forward, using familiar tools such as the new Microsoft Power BI tools

In this session, we will look at RHadoop, which is a match made in heaven for data scientists. It is a combination of R, the world's favourite free data analysis tool, and Hadoop. In this session, we will look at an example of using RHadoop to analyse Big Data, from data to result.

We will also look at evangelising your secret sauce throughout the business, using Microsoft’s new Power BI tools in Office 365: Power View, Power Map and Power Query. Come and see how to make Big Data accessible, relevant and perhaps even fun!

SessionID: 16547

Advanced Data Visualisation with Reporting Services

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Event Date: 28-09-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: SPAM (BI)

Speaker: Jen Stirrup

Title: Advanced Data Visualisation with Reporting Services


As a report creator and designer, it's your role to make the message of the data come alive for data consumers and decision-makers. This requires a balance between conveying the 'truth' of the data across to the target audience, in addition to making the report look interesting that it will draw people's attentions in the first place.

SSRS is one of the most widely-used Business Intelligence products within the Microsoft stack. Come to this session to pick up some tips and tricks for advanced reporting writing, that is also in accordance with thinking by Data Visualisation gurus such as Stephen Few and Edward Tufte. This session will cover more advanced and less well-known features of reporting services with Data Viz in mind!

SessionID: 17166

Data Driven Branding for SSRS

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Event Date: 28-09-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Ministry of funny walks (DEV)

Speaker: John Martin

Title: Data Driven Branding for SSRS


Ever had marketing send out that email saying that they are re-branding the company with new colours and fonts, normally not a problem until they mention that the 300+ SSRS reports need to be changed too...

This session will show you how to make use of SSRS project templates, and built in data sets, variable, expressions and a bit of modification to the SSRS database to help make these sorts of requests a simple matter of updating some values in a database. As opposed to pulling the reports out of source control before modifying them and trying to get a deployment scheduled.

SessionID: 17805

Analysis Services Security - Steel Curtain Cubes

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Event Date: 28-09-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: SPAM (BI)

Speaker: Jens Vestergaard

Title: Analysis Services Security - Steel Curtain Cubes


Being able to accomodate the most demanding requirements on security is more important now than ever. This session will take you through a variety of approaches on how to implement basic to complex security on dimensions in SSAS. A quick intro through the GUI will bring us to XMLA and AMO as the weapon of choice. Different concepts on hierarchy security models will also be demonstrated.

SessionID: 18034

Come and meet my little friend - Using Hyper-V on Windows 8 Pro

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Event Date: 28-09-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: ...and now for something completely different

Speaker: Kevin Chant

Title: Come and meet my little friend - Using Hyper-V on Windows 8 Pro


We've all been there, utilising Virtualisation packages on our previous Windows installations on our desktops or laptops to test new things, in this practical session I'll introduce you to the version of Hyper-V that comes with Windows 8 Professional, and show you how to utilise it to test various SQL Server 2012 scenarios on your machine and some useful tips.

SessionID: 18113

SQL anti patterns

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Event Date: 28-09-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Ministry of funny walks (DEV)

Speaker: Kennie Pontoppidan

Title: SQL anti patterns


You can learn SQL in three days but it'll take you 10 years to become good at it. In this session we will have a look at some basic design errors and get a notion of the things that absolutely doesn't work. Antipatterns is a way of naming common design errors in order to make them easier to remember - even if you haven't done them yet.

We will become acquainted with antipatterns on a physical level, a logical level and an sql-queries and application level, and spice it up with some seriously foolish errors made by me and my colleagues. The session is relevant for developers and DBAs.

SessionID: 19032

Database Development with SQL Server Data Tools

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Event Date: 28-09-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Ministry of funny walks (DEV)

Speaker: Leonard Lobel

Title: Database Development with SQL Server Data Tools


With the release of SQL Server 2012, the new SQL Server Data Tools serves as your primary development environment for building applications on top of SQL Server. SSDT plugs in to Visual Studio with tooling designed specifically for the application developer. With SSDT, developers no long need to constantly switch between VS and SSMS. In this session, Lenni demonstrates how SSDT is used to develop for (and deploy to) on-premise and Windows Azure SQL Database. You will learn how to use code navigation, IntelliSense, and refactoring with your database model, and how to design databases offline and under source control right from VS. Don’t miss out on this demo-centric information-packed session on the new generation of database tools for developers!

SessionID: 19517

Advanced Performance Tuning Tips with Ignite

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Event Date: 28-09-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Ministry of funny walks (DEV)

Speaker: Les Reading

Title: Advanced Performance Tuning Tips with Ignite


Are you struggling with performance issues and your current tools are not providing answers? Confio’s flagship product, Ignite, may be your answer. This presentation outlines a method for determining the best approach for tuning SQL statements by utilizing response time analysis. Neil will use real-life case studies to demonstrate the techniques.

SessionID: 19518

High Performance and Highly Available SANLess Clustering for MS SQL Server

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Event Date: 28-09-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: SPAM (BI)

Speaker: Les Reading

Title: High Performance and Highly Available SANLess Clustering for MS SQL Server


Join SIOS to learn how to eliminate the IO bottlenecks, costs and failure points with traditional SAN-based clustering. By leveraging the performance of high-speed storage such as that offered by Fusion- io, and by adopting a SANless architecture to achieve higher levels of availability with SIOS – this ‘blueprint’ gives you the best of both worlds – cost effective performance and protection. Join us and you could win a £75 gift card.

SessionID: 19519

Automate All The Things! Best Practices for Fast, Painless Database Deployments

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Event Date: 28-09-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: The Meaning of Life (DBA)

Speaker: Les Reading

Title: Automate All The Things! Best Practices for Fast, Painless Database Deployments


“In this speed-through session, Emma will give a bird’s eye-view of database deployment best practices, covering where – and how - automation fits into your workflow. We’ll look at how to combine your database and application code changes for maximum effect, what kind of processes to put in place, and some of the tools – like Deployment Manager – that will get you there.”

SessionID: 19521

How to build process based applications on top of your SQL Data

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Event Date: 28-09-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Just a slither

Speaker: Les Reading

Title: How to build process based applications on top of your SQL Data


See the live build of a process based business application using your SQL Server data. See how an effective business data layer can speed up your time to delivering custom user forms and process driven business applications.

SessionID: 19522

Microsoft training and certification for SQL Server and Cloud solutions

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Event Date: 28-09-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: ...and now for something completely different

Speaker: Les Reading

Title: Microsoft training and certification for SQL Server and Cloud solutions


Join Global Knowledge, a leading Microsoft Learning Partner, to hear about the latest Microsoft training and certifications available to you as SQL Server professionals, BI and SQL server developers.

SessionID: 19523

Migrating to the Cloud

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Event Date: 28-09-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: The Meaning of Life (DBA)

Speaker: Les Reading

Title: Migrating to the Cloud


So your CTO wants you to migrate your mission critical database application to the Azure. What's involved and what are the pitfalls?

In one hour we will take a sample ecommerce application and database, show tools available for migrating schema, data and application components. Then we aim to demo performance and scalability impacts.

SessionID: 19524

PDW : Introduction to the Data Movement Service

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Event Date: 28-09-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: SPAM (BI)

Speaker: Les Reading

Title: PDW : Introduction to the Data Movement Service


Question: How do you get multiple SQL Servers to act as one monstrously powerful processing scale out database engine?

Answer: Go to California and acquire some kick-ass technology! Introducing the DMS. Learn what it is, how it works and why it holds the key to the future for PDW. All in 30 minutes.

SessionID: 19525

Now that’s what I call the worst dataviz – ever!

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Event Date: 28-09-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Dead Parrot (SharePoint)

Speaker: Les Reading

Title: Now that’s what I call the worst dataviz – ever!


Information: We will discuss the worst data visualisations in the world - ever. Join in the fun and bring along the worst data visualisation you’ve ever seen. Come and see why certain visualisations are bad, and wonder why people ever thought that it was a good idea to display data like that!

SessionID: 19526

Idera SQL Diagnostic Manager

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Event Date: 28-09-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: The Meaning of Life (DBA)

Speaker: Les Reading

Title: Idera SQL Diagnostic Manager


Come to this session to learn about Idera SQL Diagnostic Manager

SessionID: 19527

Introduction to SQL Server 2014 In-Memory OLTP

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Event Date: 28-09-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Just a slither

Speaker: Les Reading

Title: Introduction to SQL Server 2014 In-Memory OLTP


This session will introduce the In Memory OLTP engine that is planned for SQL Server 2014, covering off the implementation approach, migration considerations and tips and tricks in effective use.

SessionID: 19528

SQL Server Estate Rationalisation

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Event Date: 28-09-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Dead Parrot (SharePoint)

Speaker: Les Reading

Title: SQL Server Estate Rationalisation


Learn how SoftwareONE help their clients get a grip on database sprawl and poorly or semi-hidden deployments in order to improve database performance and availability whilst reducing SQL Server licence liability.

SessionID: 19529

When to use which installation of SQL Server: On-prem, IaaS in Windows Azure, or Windows Azure SQLDB

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Event Date: 28-09-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Just a slither

Speaker: Mark Broadbent

Title: When to use which installation of SQL Server: On-prem, IaaS in Windows Azure, or Windows Azure SQLDB


Buck will explain the various pivot-points to consider for using SQL Server on-premises, in virtualization, or in the Windows Azure Cloud Service - either as a full installation of SQL Server in IaaS, or in "SQL Azure" (Windows Azure SQL Databases). You'll get technical guidance on which option suits your solution architecture best.

SessionID: 19530

The Irish Economic Crisis, Visualized

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Event Date: 28-09-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: SPAM (BI)

Speaker: Mark Broadbent

Title: The Irish Economic Crisis, Visualized


In this session we will explore the Irish Economic Crisis as it unfolded, using Microsoft’s latest Visualisation tools including Power BI, Power Query, Power Map, Power View and SharePoint”. It starts from a very common business perspective, needing to make sense of data, fast, but not knowing what questions to ask, nor how to combine available sources in a way that makes sense. This session converts the Irish Economic crisis into a story that can be explored in an interactive way, using familiar tools, in a way that people may feel should have been noticed in the run-up to the crisis.

SessionID: 19675

Business Intelligence Options for SharePoint 2013

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Event Date: 28-09-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Dead Parrot (SharePoint)

Speaker: Mark Macrae

Title: Business Intelligence Options for SharePoint 2013


This presentation will provide the audience with an overview of the options available to them across the BI toolkit proivided by SharePoint 2013 and Office 2013. We will break these options down into Personal, Team and Corporate BI and look at the pros and cons of each. Specifically we will look at PowerView, PowerPivot, Excel Services and PerformancePoint covering a good mix of slides and demonstrations.

SessionID: 21444

SQL 2014 Clustered Columnstore - An Introduction

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Event Date: 28-09-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: ...and now for something completely different

Speaker: Niko Neugabauer

Title: SQL 2014 Clustered Columnstore - An Introduction


SQL Server 2014 receives a very new important feature - Clustered Columnstore Indexes. Using a xVelocity compression and a batch processing mode this type of indexes which was introduced in SQL Server 2012 is greatly enhanced by making it a Clustered and making it a default recommend solution for the DataWarehouse solutions. Join to discover the Clustered Columnstore Indexes by understanding on which principles they are built and what should you do get the best out of them. This new feature is targeted at the OLAP installations and it is already available for the PDW (Parallel DataWarehouse) v2.

SessionID: 21548

Access Services are cool! Are you kidding? :)

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Event Date: 28-09-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: ...and now for something completely different

Speaker: Oliver Engels

Title: Access Services are cool! Are you kidding? :)


No! Access Services in SharePoint 2013 are really cool, if used in the right way and with clear expectations. This session will give you a detailed demo-driven look to the possibilities you have with Access Services, how you integrate it with SSRS, how you can use it as RAD toolset or as an simple but effective MDS approach. A comparison to the version in SharePoint 2010, deployment and change management tips and tricks will round up the session.

SessionID: 21899

SharePoint what are you doing at my SQL event

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Event Date: 28-09-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Dead Parrot (SharePoint)

Speaker: Peter Baddeley

Title: SharePoint what are you doing at my SQL event


SQL is fundamental to every deployment of SharePoint, and increasingly many organisations have or are planning some form of SharePoint deployment. Building on the presentation from last year this session will explain the importance of SharePoint to SQL Professionals and thus why there is a dedicated SharePoint track this year. The session will be an introduction to some of the key considerations around SQL for SharePoint including different database, sizing, naming and a few common issues encountered. It will also introduce the SharePoint integration to Reporting Services which has been enhanced in SQL 2012. Finally it will make the case that you how and why you should get actively in your organisations SharePoint deployment.

SessionID: 22689

Natural Born Killers, performance issues to avoid

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Event Date: 28-09-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Ministry of funny walks (DEV)

Speaker: Lord Richard Douglas

Title: Natural Born Killers, performance issues to avoid


You’ll learn simple tricks to write better code, scripts, and tables. Plus, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of common database development and administration mistakes, and how you can avoid them.

Plus, you’ll learn how to take corrective action when: •The optimizer isn’t using all available processors •The database engine fails to report all the resources a query has used •The optimizer uses the wrong plan •Database tables cause memory issues

SessionID: 22692

The Day After Tomorrow: Why you need to baseline

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Event Date: 28-09-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Ministry of funny walks (DEV)

Speaker: Lord Richard Douglas

Title: The Day After Tomorrow: Why you need to baseline


Ensuring peak SQL Server performance isn’t always easy and requires a lot of work on the part of the DBA. To maintain the best-possible performance, you need to make sure you’re monitoring the right things. But how do you know if the figures you’re seeing are good or bad? Baseline comparisons can help, and in this session Richard will show you how to get the most from them. Richard will explain what a baseline is, why and when you need to take one, and how you can create one. You’ll also learn about a number of native Windows and SQL Server tools that will allow you to do just that.

SessionID: 22827

Deep Dive into DQS

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Event Date: 28-09-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Just a slither

Speaker: Regis Baccaro

Title: Deep Dive into DQS


Is DQS here to stay or is it the emperor's new clothes ? in this session we will a look at how DQS can empower data cleansing in the enterprise , how we can use it in SSIS and some advanced techniques to solved complex data cleansing problems that'll make you a cleansing and matching hero with concepts such as Term Based Relationships, Domain/Composite Domain Rules, and using Remote Data Services in Windows Azure marketplace. We will also demonstrate how to enhance your DQS KB as you cleanse, enabling a cycle of data quality improvement. If you’ve looked at DQS but aren’t sure how to get the most out of it for your data, come to this session to see how to move beyond the basics

SessionID: 24296

Leveraging PowerShell for SharePoint Database Operations

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Event Date: 28-09-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Dead Parrot (SharePoint)

Speaker: Seb Matthews

Title: Leveraging PowerShell for SharePoint Database Operations


PowerShell has become the lifeblood of SharePoint Administrators and it's simplicity, elegance and intuitive nature makes our lives easier, or does it?

Many SharePoint admins suffer from "decisions made by SharePoint" when using both the UI and PowerShell to configure and manage their farms, database operations in particular are often clunky and inefficient due to how SharePoint uses its own stored procedures to manage its databases.

In this session we will look at how SharePoint admins can unleash their DBA-fu via PowerShell to help their SharePoint farm databases run efficiently, optimally and (the big one) FASTER.

If you want to understand how you can utilise PowerShell in SharePoint database scenarios, this session is for you.

SessionID: 25292

Getting the most from your SAN - File and Filegroup design patterns

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Event Date: 28-09-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: The Meaning of Life (DBA)

Speaker: Stephen Archbold

Title: Getting the most from your SAN - File and Filegroup design patterns


You’ve been given the task of optimising the File and Filegroup layout to get the most from your storage. Not sure where to start, or thinking you could get a more from your storage with a different design?

Are your SAN guys telling you your storage can process 2 GB/s but you're only seeing 200 MB/s?

This session will dive into how to optimise your File and Filegroup layout strategy to get the most from your I/O Subsytem, including a case study where we took a customer's table scans from 500 MB/s to 1.2 GB/s with only a change in filegroup layout.

Topics covered include:

SessionID: 25823

Automating Database Restores and Verification with PowerShell

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Event Date: 28-09-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: The Meaning of Life (DBA)

Speaker: Stuart Moore

Title: Automating Database Restores and Verification with PowerShell


SQL Server makes it simple to automate backups with jobs and maintenance, but doesn't provide a simple method to schedule test restores to prove the backups have worked. Using PowerShell we can write simple scripts that allow us to automate test restores from our SQL backups, and then check that the restored database is valid, consistent and usable.

This session will introduce you to the basics of restoring simple databases with PowerShell scripts, and then extending this to cope with more complex situations including data file relocation, point in time restores and running DBCC checks against the restored database

SessionID: 26157

Windowing Functions: THE Reason to Upgrade to 2012

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Event Date: 28-09-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: ...and now for something completely different

Speaker: Kevin Boles

Title: Windowing Functions: THE Reason to Upgrade to 2012


For the first time since SQL 7 there is a compelling reason for EVERY SQL Server user to upgrade to the next version and this time around the reason is Windowing Functions. And these are NOT limited to Enterprise Edition, like so many other really useful and important features! The range of data processing needs that can be very efficiently and cleanly solved with these tools is stunning. In this demo-packed session we will cover as many features as we can pack into an hour's time, and you can take the demo code back home with you to review at your leisure!

SessionID: 27047

Bitmap and Bloom Filter Indexing in SQL Server

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Event Date: 28-09-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: The Meaning of Life (DBA)

Speaker: Tony Rogerson

Title: Bitmap and Bloom Filter Indexing in SQL Server


We look at how you can role your own indexing strategies to complement SQL Server's B+Tree; this session will refresh you on how SQL Server Indexes work, bitwise operations. We will then look at how Bloom Filters and Bitmap Indexing can be used to dramatically improve the performance of certain query patterns within SQL Server. Session is based partly on the blog series on Bloom Filters: http://tinyurl.com/bloomfilter

SessionID: 9172

So you're getting SharePoint - What's a DBA to do?

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Event Date: 28-09-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Dead Parrot (SharePoint)

Speaker: Al Eardley

Title: So you're getting SharePoint - What's a DBA to do?


Learn about the databases that SharePoint creates: how to plan for the databases; what sizes to expect; what type of IO profile they have; how fast they will grow.

Understand the SQL Server pre-requisites that need to be in place for a successful implementation of SharePoint.

Learn how to manage the SharePoint databases: Maintenance, Disaster Recovery High Availability

SessionID: 9213

MDX 101 - getting started with MDX

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Event Date: 28-09-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: SPAM (BI)

Speaker: Alex Whittles

Title: MDX 101 - getting started with MDX


Getting Multi-dimensional with Queries!

In this session we'll look at the structure and basics of MDX, the Multi-Dimensional query eXpression language for querying Analysis Services OLAP cubes. We'll start at the beginning, so you need no previous MDX experience.

SessionID: 9289

Hadoop for the Microsoft Guy

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Event Date: 28-09-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: SPAM (BI)

Speaker: Allan Mitchell

Title: Hadoop for the Microsoft Guy


Microsoft have released a distribution of Hadoop targeted at making big data accessible to everyone. Hadoop is different to SQL Server. Not necessarily better, just different. It is a tool for a job. if you have only ever worked with an RDBMS such as SQL Server then Hadoop is going to play with your mind a little and you are going to need to rethink a few things.

This session is going to take Hadoop and break it apart. I will also look at some of the tooling Hive and Pig. Keep an open mind and let me show you that Hadoop has lots to offer.

SessionID: 9692

Rapid Data Integration using SharePoint Business Connectivity Services

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Event Date: 28-09-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Dead Parrot (SharePoint)

Speaker: Anthony Obi

Title: Rapid Data Integration using SharePoint Business Connectivity Services


Anthony Obi – Performing CRUD operations against SQL data sources using SharePoint Business Connectivity Services.Many organizations see SharePoint as yet another silo of information that can only access data stored in its Lists and Libraries. In this session, Anthony will review working with external SQL data from within SharePoint using Business Connectivity Services (BCS). He will cover the basic fundamentals required to perform ‘CRUD’ (Create, Read, Update and Delete) operations against external SQL Databases, whilst also exploring a variety of SharePoint features available through a series of real time demonstrations. Finally, Anthony will attempt to highlight key points/comparisons to look out for when attempting to use in real world scenarios.