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SQLSaturday #242 - Indianapolis 2013

Start Time (24h) Speaker Track Title
00:00:00 Allen White Track 5 Manage SQLServer Efficiently w/PowerShell Remoting
00:00:00 Brent Dragoo Track 2 Going Live! Upgrading to SQL 2012 with Log Shipping
00:00:00 Julie Smith Track 3 BIML--Step by Step
00:00:00 Chris Bell Track 2 “Indexing” Encrypted Data
00:00:00 Sios Technology and Allan Hirt Track 3 High Performance SANLess Clustering
00:00:00 David Maxwell Track 1 DBA 911 - Database Corruption
00:00:00 Eddie Wuerch Track 2 Partitioning for Perf and Mgmt of Large Tables
00:00:00 Josh Burgin Track 3 Pervasive business information through Mobile BI
00:00:00 JD Wade Track 4 What SQL DBAs need to know about SharePoint
00:00:00 Joe McTaggart Track 6 Troubleshooting SQL IO issues with Xperf
00:00:00 Josh Fennessy Track 3 Demystifying BISM and Tabular Mode SSAS
00:00:00 Joe Salvatore Track 3 Agile Data Warehouse Design – Just Enough Design for Success
00:00:00 Jim Miller Track 1 SQL Server ‘BI Stack’ Metadata Management
00:00:00 Karen Lopez Track 4 Database Design Contentious Issues
00:00:00 Kyle Neier Track 4 Into a Swan - Discovering the Beauty of RESTORE
00:00:00 Lisa Gardner Track 6 Performance Troubleshooting Tools Techniques
00:00:00 Neil Hambly Track 1 Why are we Waiting..
00:00:00 Neil Hambly Track 6 MDS and DQS - Beyond the TLAs to Data Quality
00:00:00 Brian Davis Track 4 SSIS Templates Can Make Your Life Easier
00:00:00 Rob Volk Track 2 Denali Ho! Exploring SQL Server
00:00:00 Luke Jian Track 6 Anatomy of a Join
00:00:00 WIT Panel Track 6 WIT Panel: You.. as a brand.
00:00:00 Tamera Clark Track 4 Designing Formatting Reports
00:00:00 Kevin Boles Track 1 Windowing Functions: THE Reason to Upgrade to 2012
00:00:00 Kevin Boles Track 5 Common TSQL Mistakes
00:00:00 Warren Sifre Track 5 Introduction to FileTables in SQL 2012
00:00:00 Wendy Pastrick Track 1 Visualizing Your Indexes - Science vs Art
00:00:00 William E Pearson III Track 6 Getting Started with MDX
00:00:00 Aaron Cutshall Track 1 T-SQL Tips Tricks
00:00:00 Adam Belebczuk Track 2 Introduction to SQL Server 2012 AlwaysOn Availability Groups
00:00:00 Aaron King Track 5 Agile Database Development
00:00:00 Arie Jones Track 5 Cloud Ready: Preparing Yourself for Azure SQL Databases
00:00:00 Audrey Hammonds Track 3 Pretty Output: T-SQL for Presentation

SessionID: 10034

Manage SQLServer Efficiently w/PowerShell Remoting

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Event Date: 10-08-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Track 5

Speaker: Allen White

Title: Manage SQLServer Efficiently w/PowerShell Remoting


You have more and more servers to manage and less time to accomplish everything. You're writing scripts to automate those tasks but they still take time to run. PowerShell remoting allows you to manage servers without the overhead of Remote Desktop, and allows you to run processes on all your servers simultaneously. In this session we'll walk through how PowerShell remoting works, how to set it up, and how you can save time getting things done more quickly.

SessionID: 10189

Going Live! Upgrading to SQL 2012 with Log Shipping

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Event Date: 10-08-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Track 2

Speaker: Brent Dragoo

Title: Going Live! Upgrading to SQL 2012 with Log Shipping


Want to see an in-the-trenches example of transitioning a SQL2005 server to a SQL2012 server? This session will review how we upgraded a SQL2005 server to a SQL2012 by utilizing Log Shipping, speedy restore operations, and quick thinking. This isn't a technical demonstration of how you COULD do something:this is a review of how we planned, organized, and executed a server upgrade. I'll include some of the problems we encountered and troubleshot before, during, and after the upgrade.

SessionID: 11119

BIML--Step by Step

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Event Date: 10-08-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Track 3

Speaker: Julie Smith

Title: BIML--Step by Step


BIML--Business Intelligence Markup Language is your key to faster development of SSIS Projects. This session will guide you through initial familiarization and setup of BIML, ending with more complex demos which show the true power of BIML.

SessionID: 11255

“Indexing” Encrypted Data

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Event Date: 10-08-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Track 2

Speaker: Chris Bell

Title: “Indexing” Encrypted Data


As a SQL Server DBA I see my role having 2 main focuses. First is to protect the data and second is to ensure performance is maximized. More often than not companies forget about data security when they focus on performance tuning. In this presentation I will mention a few cases where encryption could have saved a lot of hassle. I will then demo a method that can be used to "index" commonly searched encrypted values (ex: SSNs, Credit Card, etc) helping reduce the impact on the performance of a query.

SessionID: 12417

High Performance SANLess Clustering

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Event Date: 10-08-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Track 3

Speaker: Sios Technology and Allan Hirt

Title: High Performance SANLess Clustering


Powered by Fusion-io, Protected by SIOS: Learn how to eliminate the bottlenecks and costs of SAN-based clustering. Leverage the performance of high-speed Fusion ioMemory and achieve higher levels of availability with SIOS. It is the best of both worlds - performance and protection – at a price you can afford. Join us and you could win a $100 American Express gift card.

SessionID: 13321

DBA 911 - Database Corruption

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Event Date: 10-08-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Track 1

Speaker: David Maxwell

Title: DBA 911 - Database Corruption


SessionID: 14112

Partitioning for Perf and Mgmt of Large Tables

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Event Date: 10-08-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Track 2

Speaker: Eddie Wuerch

Title: Partitioning for Perf and Mgmt of Large Tables


Managing data in ever-growing transaction and history tables can be challenging. Activities with large chunks of data such as moving data to archive tables, batch-importing many rows, or defragging an entire table when only the active portion changes introduces heavy I/O and blocking. Table partitioning solves a host of headaches with minimal effort. Ever wanted to truncate or defrag part of a table, or insert an entire staging table of data into another table in milliseconds instead of hours? Come see what partitioning can provide for you.

SessionID: 16082

Pervasive business information through Mobile BI

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Event Date: 10-08-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Track 3

Speaker: Josh Burgin

Title: Pervasive business information through Mobile BI


There’s no arguing the proliferation of mobile devices in our society. Mobile devices offer BI teams a very exciting new product offering, Mobile BI. Early studies indicate Mobile BI can dramatically increase user adoption. It also allows BI teams to market to new customer segments. While the possibilities are great, Mobile BI also introduces a number of challenges that can push a BI team out of their comfort zone.

In this session we’ll discuss the pros and cons of Mobile BI. We’ll discuss common use cases and look at best practices for developing mobile visualizations in the Microsoft BI stack on both Windows 8 and iOS platforms.

SessionID: 16145

What SQL DBAs need to know about SharePoint

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Event Date: 10-08-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Track 4

Speaker: JD Wade

Title: What SQL DBAs need to know about SharePoint


With the number of deployments of SharePoint exponentially growing every day, as a DBA, it is very likely you are going to have SharePoint databases on SQL Servers you support. This session reviews SharePoint strictly from the SQL Server perspective. You will learn how SharePoint is optimized for SQL, how to properly manage and maintain the SharePoint databases, how to optimize the SQL configuration for SharePoint, what settings in SharePoint need to be changed or not changed to maintain SQL Server performance, supported methods for providing high availability and disaster recovery, and the part SharePoint and SQL each play in the Microsoft Business Intelligence story.

SessionID: 17127

Troubleshooting SQL IO issues with Xperf

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Event Date: 10-08-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Track 6

Speaker: Joe McTaggart

Title: Troubleshooting SQL IO issues with Xperf


Xperf is a light weight performance tracing tool based on Event Tracing for Windows (ETW). The tool can help troubleshoot notoriously difficult SQL Server issues such as determining the root cause of slow IO's and high privileged time on the sql server process. Xperf can help bridge the gap between SQL tracing and kernel tracing to give insight into these types of issues that previously was unavailable. We will look at how Xperf works and how to configure it for different issues. We'll then step through using Xperf to determine the root cause of a 15 second IO error.

SessionID: 17511

Demystifying BISM and Tabular Mode SSAS

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Event Date: 10-08-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Track 3

Speaker: Josh Fennessy

Title: Demystifying BISM and Tabular Mode SSAS


With the release of SQL 2012, Analysis Services (SSAS) has seen some major changes. An entire new method of modelling analytic data has emerged and it's called Tabular Mode Analysis Services. In addition to that, a new semantic layer has been added to the tool, the Business Intelligence Semantic Model (BISM), which will help to bring the two modes -- Multidimensional and Tabular -- into one level playing arena.

In this session, attendees will gain understanding of what Multidimensional and Tabular modelling IS, as well as how the BISM layer helps to translate user requests to ensure no confusion is made. Attendees will also learn how to BUILD a Tabular model, and will help design a solution live during the presentation.

SessionID: 17619

Agile Data Warehouse Design – Just Enough Design for Success

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Event Date: 10-08-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Track 3

Speaker: Joe Salvatore

Title: Agile Data Warehouse Design – Just Enough Design for Success


How comfortable are you with your current process for designing data warehouses? Have you encountered difficulties determining how to better gather, organize, and use requirements to ensure a successful data warehouse design? This session will help by providing an agile data warehouse design process that gets targeted and meaningful requirements. The session will start by reviewing common\current data warehouse design elements and architectures. Next, the session will detail primary agile techniques and terminology. Lastly, the session will detail the use of Modelstorming using BEAM* (Business Event Analysis Modeling) and the 7 Ws Framework.

SessionID: 17642

SQL Server ‘BI Stack’ Metadata Management

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Event Date: 10-08-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Track 1

Speaker: Jim Miller

Title: SQL Server ‘BI Stack’ Metadata Management


Have you ever fallen behind on your Microsoft BI solution documentation? Can you easily determine which tables

and queries are used in which SSRS Report / SSIS Package / or SSAS Cube? The answers to these questions are probably buried in your BI solution metadata. In this session, we will examine techniques that can be used to extract, organize, and query this very helpful metadata.

SessionID: 17892

Database Design Contentious Issues

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Event Date: 10-08-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Track 4

Speaker: Karen Lopez

Title: Database Design Contentious Issues


SessionID: 18901

Into a Swan - Discovering the Beauty of RESTORE

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Event Date: 10-08-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Track 4

Speaker: Kyle Neier

Title: Into a Swan - Discovering the Beauty of RESTORE


Many DBAs believe that a backup is the most important process to implement. For most, they soon realize that the most important process to the business is actually the restore. In this session, we’ll start by exploring some of the options in the SSMS restore wizard, but will quickly move to T-SQL to discover the power and beauty that writing the RESTORE statement can provide. In addition to the classic RESTORE DATABASE and LOG statements, we’ll work through some real world examples of how to leverage some of the lesser known syntax of the restore statement to help in both foreign and well known environments.

SessionID: 19164

Performance Troubleshooting Tools Techniques

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Event Date: 10-08-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Track 6

Speaker: Lisa Gardner

Title: Performance Troubleshooting Tools Techniques


Ever wonder how Microsoft Support collects and analyzes data to troubleshoot SQL Server problems? Some of the tools we use, SQLDiag, SQLNexus, and PAL, are publicly available and free! In this session we will show you these tools and how to use them. We will also walk through some techniques to analyze the data that has been collected to quickly troubleshoot problems.

SessionID: 21371

Why are we Waiting..

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Event Date: 10-08-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Track 1

Speaker: Neil Hambly

Title: Why are we Waiting..


An in-depth session examining "Waits" happening in your SQL Servers, using the well-known "Waits Queues" methodology.

With particular focus in the session on understanding and interpreting the information found the (DMV) sys.dm_os_wait_stats, Taking note of which “Waits “with the highest counts or excessive wait times, as well as those which “Waits” can be safely ignored, We can discover those "performance hurdles" and ways to overcome or remove them, restoring your SQL Servers performance levels. By using established methodologies like “Waits Queues”, we can systematically identify and remove performance

Previous Presented @ SQLBits 8 9 in UK @ SQLPASS Summit 2011 (310 Attendees) SQLDay And @ several UK User Groups

SessionID: 21372

MDS and DQS - Beyond the TLAs to Data Quality

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Event Date: 10-08-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Track 6

Speaker: Neil Hambly

Title: MDS and DQS - Beyond the TLAs to Data Quality


Many three-letter acronyms (TLAs) adorn our database world. This session focuses on two recent additions – MDS (Master Data Services) and DQS (Data Quality Services) – explaining what the new features are and exploring how to leverage them to improve your data quality.

High data quality is fundamental to any business analytics system. In this session, we’ll begin with an overview of data quality and the latest Microsoft tools available, and then demonstrate MDS and DQS and how to use them together for continuously improving data quality. We’ll also look at how to integrate them into your existing data-quality strategies. Data quality is everyone’s responsibility – but we can still lead the way forward. Join this session to see how.

SessionID: 22653

SSIS Templates Can Make Your Life Easier

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Event Date: 10-08-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Track 4

Speaker: Brian Davis

Title: SSIS Templates Can Make Your Life Easier


How many times have you started a new SSIS project and added the same components that you’ve added to almost every other package you’ve created? Components to handle logging and errors or even a standard workflow for loading data files. In this session I’ll show you how you can create standard templates that already contain any and all of the common components you desire. We’ll also look at how to implement and use these templates so that the next time you create a SSIS package you can spend your time on the work you actually need to do instead of implementing common components over and over again.

SessionID: 23270

Denali Ho! Exploring SQL Server

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Event Date: 10-08-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Track 2

Speaker: Rob Volk

Title: Denali Ho! Exploring SQL Server


Lewis and Clark. Stanley and Livingstone. Armstrong and Aldrin. Never bound by 9-to-5 TPS reports, they forged dauntlessly into uncharted territory, driven to discover, learn, and conquer the unknown. This session will be nowhere near that exciting or dangerous, but will explore features of SQL Server that you may not know, and give you the tools to do your own discovery. Learn about all those weird functions, undocumented procedures, and how to find and use them yourself. We'll also cover how to "hack" SQL Server and possibly find even more interesting features...from the future!

SessionID: 24309

Anatomy of a Join

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Event Date: 10-08-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Track 6

Speaker: Luke Jian

Title: Anatomy of a Join


SessionID: 24753

WIT Panel: You.. as a brand.

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Event Date: 10-08-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Track 6

Speaker: WIT Panel

Title: WIT Panel: You.. as a brand.


You.. as a brand. How important is it to create a professional presence for your career success?

SessionID: 25998

Designing Formatting Reports

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Event Date: 10-08-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Track 4

Speaker: Tamera Clark

Title: Designing Formatting Reports


You spent 45 minutes making your first report, but now you want more. Of course you do; everyone wants to make things pretty. Using SSRS 2012 we will look into rendering types considerations, conditional formatting, properties you can’t live without, and why standards are good. Full of samples and demos, you can’t miss this one.

SessionID: 26198

Windowing Functions: THE Reason to Upgrade to 2012

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Event Date: 10-08-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Track 1

Speaker: Kevin Boles

Title: Windowing Functions: THE Reason to Upgrade to 2012


For the first time since SQL 7 there is a compelling reason for EVERY SQL Server user to upgrade to the next version and this time around the reason is Windowing Functions. And these are NOT limited to Enterprise Edition, like so many other really useful and important features! The range of data processing needs that can be very efficiently and cleanly solved with these tools is stunning. In this demo-packed session we will cover as many features as we can pack into an hour's time, and you can take the demo code back home with you to review at your leisure!

SessionID: 26199

Common TSQL Mistakes

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Event Date: 10-08-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Track 5

Speaker: Kevin Boles

Title: Common TSQL Mistakes


We are going to examine a variety of oopsies MANY developers fall prey too - some obvious, some pretty subtle and some down right sneaky! Lots of code examples with the bad AND good code presented. I GUARANTEE that you will find things here that will either prevent you from getting bad data, throwing unwanted errors or vastly improving your database application's performance. I have given this talk over FORTY times now and it is always very highly rated!

SessionID: 27560

Introduction to FileTables in SQL 2012

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Event Date: 10-08-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Track 5

Speaker: Warren Sifre

Title: Introduction to FileTables in SQL 2012


What are FileTables? How do they work? What are their limitations? These questions and more will be answered in this demo filled presentation. We will walkthrough the configuration and implementation of this feature. We will show you some use cases on how this fucntionality can help you manage your data in whatever forms it exists.

SessionID: 27807

Visualizing Your Indexes - Science vs Art

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Event Date: 10-08-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Track 1

Speaker: Wendy Pastrick

Title: Visualizing Your Indexes - Science vs Art


Indexes make queries run faster, right? Not always, no. And finding the right indexes for your needs is often more of an Art than a Science. Attend this session as we take a visual tour of how indexes are laid out and the way data is accessed when indexes are utilized. We will discuss clustered indexes as well as non-clustered indexes and also when to use indexed views along with some other variations.

SessionID: 28103

Getting Started with MDX

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Event Date: 10-08-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Track 6

Speaker: William E Pearson III

Title: Getting Started with MDX


In this session, led by Microsoft BI Architect and SQL Server MVP Bill Pearson, we will concentrate largely upon crafting simple MDX expressions and queries whose purposes, for the most part, are to return a set of data. We will overview the structure of a cube, using as a basis the sample Adventure Works cube that is available to anyone installing SQL Server Analysis Services 2008 R2. We will then outline the components of simple MDX syntax, and get started writing basic expressions and queries. We will expose basic member functions, introduce filters (or “slicers”), and begin exploring core MDX functionality, including calculated members, and named sets. This session applies equally to Analysis Services 2008, 2008R2 and 2012.

SessionID: 8884

T-SQL Tips Tricks

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Event Date: 10-08-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Track 1

Speaker: Aaron Cutshall

Title: T-SQL Tips Tricks


Do you ever wonder how you can make T-SQL do what you really want? Do you want to know how to make it jump through loops, perform amazing twists and turns, and execute other wondrous performances? In this session you'll learn about various features such as CTE, ROW_NUMBER, and other great features that will enable you to make your T-SQL queries and stored procedures more efficient and give you the results you really want.

SessionID: 8971

Introduction to SQL Server 2012 AlwaysOn Availability Groups

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Event Date: 10-08-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Track 2

Speaker: Adam Belebczuk

Title: Introduction to SQL Server 2012 AlwaysOn Availability Groups


One of the most talked about new features in SQL Server 2012 is AlwaysOn Availability Groups. In this session, we will cover the pros and cons of using Availability Groups as well as the basics of how to set them up and take advantage of readable secondary replicas. If you want to improve the availability and performance of your applications databases, are currently using Database Mirroring, or if you're just curious about Availability Groups, then you won't want to miss this session.

SessionID: 9169

Agile Database Development

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Event Date: 10-08-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Track 5

Speaker: Aaron King

Title: Agile Database Development


In this talk Aaron will introduce users to some techniques and tools for developing and maintaining SQL code inside an Agile SDLC. Aaron will use test driven development techniques and commit his code changes to Team Foundation Services and schedule a build. He'll also demonstrate some custom solutions and go over all of the different databases that a DBA might support in an on-premise TFS install.

SessionID: 9830

Cloud Ready: Preparing Yourself for Azure SQL Databases

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Event Date: 10-08-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Track 5

Speaker: Arie Jones

Title: Cloud Ready: Preparing Yourself for Azure SQL Databases


Cloud computing is one of the hot topic issues of the day and Microsoft is pushing hard to show that they are in the game to win. As such, SQL Azure is your data storage in the cloud solution. However, the platform is much different from simply a SQL Server that sits in the cloud and needs to be approached in an intelligent manner. In this fast paced session, we will be going well beyond the simple “hello world” scenario to show you how to leverage the cloud architecture for data storage as well as educate you in how the cloud works differently than your local database instance. Learn all of the functionality as well as the limitations so that you can make and educated decision when looking to move resource to a cloud based environment. This session is going to be an eye opener for sure and will have many of you dreaming of your data sitting in the cloud.

SessionID: 9965

Pretty Output: T-SQL for Presentation

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Event Date: 10-08-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Track 3

Speaker: Audrey Hammonds

Title: Pretty Output: T-SQL for Presentation


So you've got your data in the database? That's great! Now... how about getting it back out? Sometimes complex reports call for complex queries, and this session is all about that. Want to pivot your rows into columns? Sure. Want to format that self-referencing hierarchy? Got it. Ranking? Windowing? No problem. In this session we'll cover some common data formatting issues and the T-SQL solutions that make them a little less scary.