
Nr: 260

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SQLSaturday #260 - Milan 2013

Start Time (24h) Speaker Track Title
00:00:00 Francesco Milano Track 2 Useful everyday tips and tricks for Reporting Services (IT)
00:00:00 Davide Mauri Track 1 Hardware Planning Sizing for SQL Server (IT)
00:00:00 Klaus Aschenbrenner Track 1 Let's learn Greek - Hekaton (EN)
00:00:00 Luca Ferrari Track 1 SQL Server Profiling with Extended Events (IT)
00:00:00 Marco Russo Track 2 Power BI in Action (IT)
00:00:00 Fabian Pascal Track 2 Denormalization for Performance: A Costly Illusion (EN)
00:00:00 Silvano Coriani Track 1 CAT: Azure SQL DB Premium – Deep Dive and Mythbuster (IT)
00:00:00 Andrea Uggetti Track 2 Introduzione a Power BI (IT)

SessionID: 11813

Useful everyday tips and tricks for Reporting Services (IT)

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Event Date: 08-10-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Track 2

Speaker: Francesco Milano

Title: Useful everyday tips and tricks for Reporting Services (IT)


Reporting Services è uno strumento molto potente e permette di creare report anche complessi in breve tempo. L'esperienza di sviluppo, però, presenta a volte alcuni "spigoli" che possono creare qualche problema e allungare i tempi di realizzazione nel tentativo di trovare una soluzione girovagando tra MSDN e i forum più disparati. Questa sessione vuole fornire una serie di trucchi e consigli, dettati dall'esperienza diretta sul campo -e da molti caffè-, che si sono rivelati utili a limare tali spigoli.

SessionID: 15318

Hardware Planning Sizing for SQL Server (IT)

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Event Date: 08-10-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Track 1

Speaker: Davide Mauri

Title: Hardware Planning Sizing for SQL Server (IT)


L'acquisto di un server dedicato a SQL Server è ancora un'operazione necessaria. Il cloud è un'ottima scelta ma se dovete creare un datawarehouse di dimensioni non banali o se avete la necessità di avere performance e controllo ottimali del vostro database server di produzione, la scelta del server on-premise è ancora quella vincente.Il problema è quindi: come non buttare via soldi in hardware inutile? In questa sessione vedremo come tutti i componenti concorrono nel formare un hardware bilanciato (questa è la parola chiave!) e senza colli di bottiglia, massimizzando l'investimento fatto. Parlaremo di SAN, CPU, HBA, Fiber Channel, Memoria e tutto quello che pensavate di conoscere bene...

SessionID: 18464

Let's learn Greek - Hekaton (EN)

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Event Date: 08-10-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Track 1

Speaker: Klaus Aschenbrenner

Title: Let's learn Greek - Hekaton (EN)


Hekaton is the Greek word for 100 - the goal of Hekaton in SQL Server 2014 is to improve query performance up to 100 times. In this session we will look under the cover of Hekaton and the Multi Version Concurrency Control (MVCC) principles on which Hekaton is build. We will start the session by looking on the challenges that can be solved by Hekaton, especially Locking, Blocking, and Latching within SQL Server. Based on that foundation we move into the principles of MVCC, and how a Storage Engine and Transaction Manager can be built based on that concepts.

SessionID: 19283

SQL Server Profiling with Extended Events (IT)

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Event Date: 08-10-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Track 1

Speaker: Luca Ferrari

Title: SQL Server Profiling with Extended Events (IT)


Dopo anni di onoratissimo servizio anche per Sql Server Profiler ? giunta l'ora della meritata pensione...Ma chi lo sostituirà !?!?! Gli Extended Events !!!Gli Extended Events consentono di profilare dettagliatamente le attivit? di SQL Server e di trarre informazioi per troubleshooting e performance tuning senza appesantire l'ambiente di produzione come avveniva con il SQL Server Profiler.

SessionID: 19466

Power BI in Action (IT)

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Event Date: 08-10-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Track 2

Speaker: Marco Russo

Title: Power BI in Action (IT)


You will see how to create a Data Model in Power Pivot leveraging on Power Query to extract and manipulate data from your data sources. The model will be used to analyze data in Power View and the result will be published on Power BI site.The goal of the session is understanding how to leverage the feature of the on-premise tools in order to enable better reports also when the report is published in Power BI sites.

SessionID: 21572

Denormalization for Performance: A Costly Illusion (EN)

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Event Date: 08-10-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Track 2

Speaker: Fabian Pascal

Title: Denormalization for Performance: A Costly Illusion (EN)


If you believe that you must "denormalize for performance", you've internalized a very costly misconception prevalent in the industry. The core Principle of Full Normalization (PFN) in database design is there for practical reasons, not just theoretical "purity" and you violate it at your peril. But despite having been amply debunked, this myth is hard to dislodge because both vendors and users lack foundation knowledge.This presentation demonstrates that:1. It is actually impossible for normalization to affect performance2. If performance with databases that are not fully normalized is better than those that are (which is rarely the case):* the gain does not come from denormalization* even if it did, the cost would not justify the benefit

SessionID: 24439

CAT: Azure SQL DB Premium – Deep Dive and Mythbuster (IT)

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Event Date: 08-10-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Track 1

Speaker: Silvano Coriani

Title: CAT: Azure SQL DB Premium – Deep Dive and Mythbuster (IT)


There are a number of relational and non-relational storage options available on Azure including; Azure SQL DB, the new premium DB offering, SQL in a Virtual Machine and table storage. In this session we will do a deep dive on the new Premium offering that Azure SQL Database has in preview. We will describe how this is implemented and show you how to; determine in a systematic way when to use this technology, estimate your capacity needs, and give you an understanding of the performance and scale you can achieve when leveraging Azure SQL Database Premium and how this compares to storage technology and scale-out approaches on Azure. You will understand how to select the most appropriate one for a certain scenario and have a practical understanding of what it can achieve. We will demonstrate the learnings and best practices gathered during real customer engagements over the last 12 months with the Premium Database.

SessionID: 9454

Introduzione a Power BI (IT)

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Event Date: 08-10-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Track 2

Speaker: Andrea Uggetti

Title: Introduzione a Power BI (IT)


Iniziamo a conoscere le potenzialità di Power BI, un nuovo modo di usare Excel e Office 365 per trovare, trasformare, analizzare e visualizzare i dati. Scopriremo come si usano i vari componenti, tra i quali Power Query, Power Pivot, Power Map, Power View, per creare un semplice modello di dati da visualizzare su qualsiasi dispositivo.