
Nr: 264

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SQLSaturday #264 - Ancona, Italy 2013

Start Time (24h) Speaker Track Title
00:00:00 Francesco Milano BI Useful everyday tips and tricks for Reporting Services (IT)
00:00:00 Danilo Dominici DBA SQL Server Virtualization Best Practices (IT)
00:00:00 Francesco De Chirico BI Monitoring MDX Queries in Analysis Services (IT)
00:00:00 Gianluca Hotz DBA What's new in SQL Server 2014 Database Engine (IT)
00:00:00 Gianluca Sartori DBA SQL Server Data Collector From Every Angle (IT)
00:00:00 Gilberto Zampatti DBA Exploring In-memory OLTP Engine (Hekaton) in SQL Server 2014 CTP2 (IT)
00:00:00 Shehab El-Najjar DEV T-SQL Performance Guidelines for better DB stress powers
00:00:00 Shehab El-Najjar BI Data Warehousing Guidelines for BI and BAM solutions (EN)
00:00:00 Davide Mauri DBA Hardware Planning Sizing for SQL Server (IT)
00:00:00 Marco Pozzan BI Dax Introduction (IT)
00:00:00 Luca Zavarella BI Agile SSIS with Biml (IT)
00:00:00 Marco Parenzan DEV .NET Development for the SQL Server Developer (IT)
00:00:00 Sergio Govoni DEV Trigger: Utili o dannosi? (IT)
00:00:00 Alessandro Alpi DEV Put database in ALM backgrounds (IT)
00:00:00 Giuseppe Zagarrio Francesco Cogno DBA Six degrees of separation: a quick crash course into the SQL Server authorization world (IT)

SessionID: 11812

Useful everyday tips and tricks for Reporting Services (IT)

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Event Date: 13-12-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: BI

Speaker: Francesco Milano

Title: Useful everyday tips and tricks for Reporting Services (IT)


Reporting Services è uno strumento molto potente e permette di creare report anche complessi in breve tempo. L'esperienza di sviluppo, però, presenta a volte alcuni "spigoli" che possono creare qualche problema e allungare i tempi di realizzazione nel tentativo di trovare una soluzione girovagando tra MSDN e i forum più disparati. Questa sessione vuole fornire una serie di trucchi e consigli, dettati dall'esperienza diretta sul campo -e da molti caffè-, che si sono rivelati utili a limare tali spigoli.

SessionID: 12913

SQL Server Virtualization Best Practices (IT)

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Event Date: 13-12-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DBA

Speaker: Danilo Dominici

Title: SQL Server Virtualization Best Practices (IT)


Are you a DBA and want to virtualize or manage a virtualized instance of SQL Server? This session will teach you how to do it, applying best practices and saving time and money! Based upon experience learned using VMWare and hundreds of databases in real world scenario, but adaptable to any virtualized platform.

SessionID: 14190

Monitoring MDX Queries in Analysis Services (IT)

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Event Date: 13-12-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: BI

Speaker: Francesco De Chirico

Title: Monitoring MDX Queries in Analysis Services (IT)


If you are able to answer to questions like “How many people use your OLAP solution?”, “How many MDX queries are performed daily on your Analysis Services instances?”, “What is the average response time of an MDX query on your servers?” THIS SESSION IS NOT FOR YOU!!!Otherwise, in this session we will see how is it possible to implement a monitoring tool using resources already available on our servers such as PowerShell, SQL Server Profiler, Reporting Services, and simple XMLA commands.Finally, we will see how further enrich the presented solution providing also the ability to identify the most problematic MDX queries, run performance measures on them and obtain a summary report that identifies any bottlenecks specifying whether they reside in the Storage or Formula Engine of Analysis Services All this in a fully automatic way!The solution presented is currently being used successfully by SolidQ at some customers in Italy.

SessionID: 14590

What's new in SQL Server 2014 Database Engine (IT)

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Event Date: 13-12-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DBA

Speaker: Gianluca Hotz

Title: What's new in SQL Server 2014 Database Engine (IT)


SQL Server 2014 will bring some new exciting features and enhancements to achieve mission critical performance and to enable more scenarios as a platform for the Hybrid Cloud. With the help of live demos, we will cover all these features with a particular focus on In-Memory OLTP (aka Hekaton).

SessionID: 14595

SQL Server Data Collector From Every Angle (IT)

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Event Date: 13-12-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DBA

Speaker: Gianluca Sartori

Title: SQL Server Data Collector From Every Angle (IT)


The SQL Server Data Collector has been around since SQL Server 2008 but a surprisingly high number of DBAs are not using it. It’s free, it ships with the product and it gives great insight into the performance metrics that really matter when monitoring your servers. In this session you will learn how the SQL Server Data Collector works, how to set it up according to the best practices and how to extend it and customize it to fit your needs.

SessionID: 14626

Exploring In-memory OLTP Engine (Hekaton) in SQL Server 2014 CTP2 (IT)

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Event Date: 13-12-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DBA

Speaker: Gilberto Zampatti

Title: Exploring In-memory OLTP Engine (Hekaton) in SQL Server 2014 CTP2 (IT)


The continuing drop in the price of memory has made fast in-memory OLTP increasingly viable. SQL Server 2014 allows you to migrate the most-used tables in an existing database to memory-optimised 'Hekaton' technology, but how you balance between disk tables and in-memory tables for optimum performance requires judgement and experiment. What is this technology, and how can you exploit it? This session will try to explains.

SessionID: 15214

T-SQL Performance Guidelines for better DB stress powers

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Event Date: 13-12-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DEV

Speaker: Shehab El-Najjar

Title: T-SQL Performance Guidelines for better DB stress powers


To reach your desired business functionalities, it can be easy using some common T-SQL practices like MTVF , scalar functions , Temp tables, Union…etc and they might perform pretty well on development server coz neither adequate stress of users or adequate volume of data is exists there but actually they seem totally strange once going to live and they become performing badly ending up with standstill cases sometimes , this is due to lack of stress powers of T-SQL codes which should be considered largely for critical mission DBs so I am going to talk to you about How to capture expensive queries using different techniques ..?and How to optimize them in the shortest time using scientific ways ..? (10 different T-SQL Practices will be analyzed within this session)

SessionID: 15215

Data Warehousing Guidelines for BI and BAM solutions (EN)

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Event Date: 13-12-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: BI

Speaker: Shehab El-Najjar

Title: Data Warehousing Guidelines for BI and BAM solutions (EN)


SessionID: 15314

Hardware Planning Sizing for SQL Server (IT)

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Event Date: 13-12-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DBA

Speaker: Davide Mauri

Title: Hardware Planning Sizing for SQL Server (IT)


L'acquisto di un server dedicato a SQL Server è ancora un'operazione necessaria. Il cloud è un'ottima scelta ma se dovete creare un datawarehouse di dimensioni non banali o se avete la necessità di avere performance e controllo ottimali del vostro database server di produzione, la scelta del server on-premise è ancora quella vincente.Il problema è quindi: come non buttare via soldi in hardware inutile? In questa sessione vedremo come tutti i componenti concorrono nel formare un hardware bilanciato (questa è la parola chiave!) e senza colli di bottiglia, massimizzando l'investimento fatto. Parlaremo di SAN, CPU, HBA, Fiber Channel, Memoria e tutto quello che pensavate di conoscere bene...

SessionID: 15339

Dax Introduction (IT)

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Event Date: 13-12-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: BI

Speaker: Marco Pozzan

Title: Dax Introduction (IT)


Data Analysis Expressions is the language for the definition of the expressions in PowerPivot. Offers a number of specific features of PowerPivot as many functions for the management of relationships between tables. This session will be introduced PowerPivot, its database columnar and operation of calculated columns and measures listed in DAX. The discussion will cover the DAX syntax, data types, and the set of the most useful functions of language. The aim is to illustrate what can be done using DAX and PowerPivot.

SessionID: 19329

Agile SSIS with Biml (IT)

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Event Date: 13-12-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: BI

Speaker: Luca Zavarella

Title: Agile SSIS with Biml (IT)


Are you tired to waste your time in a “monkey work” spent in SSIS packages? Are you tired to fight against packages' corrupted metadata and side effects due to abrupt changes in metadata? It's time to get in touch with Biml, a new player in the Microsoft BI realm. We’ll see how Biml can help us in a BI project, automating the ETL packages' development. In particular, we’ll see it in action in the Staging phase of the project.

SessionID: 19461

.NET Development for the SQL Server Developer (IT)

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Event Date: 13-12-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DEV

Speaker: Marco Parenzan

Title: .NET Development for the SQL Server Developer (IT)


Every SQL Server DBA or Developer needs to create some kind of applications: a dashboard for data, a management console, a data-entry tool. Like SQL Server, .NET have evolved over years. Linq and ORM, ASP.NET MVC, Javascript/jQuery, async programming, Azure and the Cloud. I'll present a fast entry to .net and some scenarios and sample applications that a typical SQL Server DBA or Developer can use in his daily work.

SessionID: 24388

Trigger: Utili o dannosi? (IT)

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Event Date: 13-12-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DEV

Speaker: Sergio Govoni

Title: Trigger: Utili o dannosi? (IT)


I Trigger sono spesso motivo di discordia tra sviluppatori e DBA, tra chi personalizza una soluzione standard e chi la fornisce, tra clienti e software vendor. Sono spesso i primi imputati quando le performance dell'istanza o del database degradano. Sembrano facili da scrivere, ma scrivere Trigger efficienti non è affatto semplice e quando la loro complessità aumenta, talvolta possono presentare effetti collaterali in grado di confondere persino l'autore. Tuttavia, per quanti difetti possano avere, hanno un pregio dannatamente importante: permettono di risolvere problemi che non potrebbero essere gestiti in qualsiasi altro layer applicativo. Quindi, se non potete farne a meno, non perdete questa sessione in cui parleremo dei trucchi e delle best practices per scriverli e gestirli in modo efficiente.

SessionID: 25890

Put database in ALM backgrounds (IT)

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Event Date: 13-12-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DEV

Speaker: Alessandro Alpi

Title: Put database in ALM backgrounds (IT)


We are used to see our code under source control. What about our databases? This topic is too often underestimated. Keeping database under our control (source controlled) brings many advantages in terms of organization and quality. The distributed work become rock solid and Continuous integration is simpler to implement. In addition, we can take many advantages from testing, automated deployment and all the stuff that brings the agile methodology available to the team.

SessionID: 28296

Six degrees of separation: a quick crash course into the SQL Server authorization world (IT)

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Event Date: 13-12-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DBA

Speaker: Giuseppe Zagarrio Francesco Cogno

Title: Six degrees of separation: a quick crash course into the SQL Server authorization world (IT)


Panoramica su authentication e authorization su SQL Server. Gestione degli utenti e delle login, ruoli applicativi e ruoli server. Parleremo di schema separation, security chaining e trustworthy.Con l'aiuto di alcuni case study, analizzeremo nel pratico alcune tecniche di separazione dei ruoli a livello database e istanza.