Nr: 264
SQLSaturday #264 - Ancona, Italy 2013
SessionID: 11812
Useful everyday tips and tricks for Reporting Services (IT)
Event Date: 13-12-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: BI
Speaker: Francesco Milano
Title: Useful everyday tips and tricks for Reporting Services (IT)
Reporting Services è uno strumento molto potente e permette di creare report anche complessi in breve tempo. L'esperienza di sviluppo, però, presenta a volte alcuni "spigoli" che possono creare qualche problema e allungare i tempi di realizzazione nel tentativo di trovare una soluzione girovagando tra MSDN e i forum più disparati. Questa sessione vuole fornire una serie di trucchi e consigli, dettati dall'esperienza diretta sul campo -e da molti caffè-, che si sono rivelati utili a limare tali spigoli.
SessionID: 12913
SQL Server Virtualization Best Practices (IT)
Event Date: 13-12-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DBA
Speaker: Danilo Dominici
Title: SQL Server Virtualization Best Practices (IT)
SessionID: 14190
Monitoring MDX Queries in Analysis Services (IT)
Event Date: 13-12-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: BI
Speaker: Francesco De Chirico
Title: Monitoring MDX Queries in Analysis Services (IT)
SessionID: 14590
What's new in SQL Server 2014 Database Engine (IT)
Event Date: 13-12-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DBA
Speaker: Gianluca Hotz
Title: What's new in SQL Server 2014 Database Engine (IT)
SessionID: 14595
SQL Server Data Collector From Every Angle (IT)
Event Date: 13-12-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DBA
Speaker: Gianluca Sartori
Title: SQL Server Data Collector From Every Angle (IT)
SessionID: 14626
Exploring In-memory OLTP Engine (Hekaton) in SQL Server 2014 CTP2 (IT)
Event Date: 13-12-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DBA
Speaker: Gilberto Zampatti
Title: Exploring In-memory OLTP Engine (Hekaton) in SQL Server 2014 CTP2 (IT)
SessionID: 15214
Event Date: 13-12-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DEV
Speaker: Shehab El-Najjar
SessionID: 15215
Data Warehousing Guidelines for BI and BAM solutions (EN)
Event Date: 13-12-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: BI
Speaker: Shehab El-Najjar
Title: Data Warehousing Guidelines for BI and BAM solutions (EN)
SessionID: 15314
Hardware Planning Sizing for SQL Server (IT)
Event Date: 13-12-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DBA
Speaker: Davide Mauri
Title: Hardware Planning Sizing for SQL Server (IT)
SessionID: 15339
Dax Introduction (IT)
Event Date: 13-12-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: BI
Speaker: Marco Pozzan
Title: Dax Introduction (IT)
Data Analysis Expressions is the language for the definition of the expressions in PowerPivot. Offers a number of specific features of PowerPivot as many functions for the management of relationships between tables. This session will be introduced PowerPivot, its database columnar and operation of calculated columns and measures listed in DAX. The discussion will cover the DAX syntax, data types, and the set of the most useful functions of language. The aim is to illustrate what can be done using DAX and PowerPivot.
SessionID: 19329
Agile SSIS with Biml (IT)
Event Date: 13-12-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: BI
Speaker: Luca Zavarella
Title: Agile SSIS with Biml (IT)
SessionID: 19461
.NET Development for the SQL Server Developer (IT)
Event Date: 13-12-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DEV
Speaker: Marco Parenzan
Title: .NET Development for the SQL Server Developer (IT)
Every SQL Server DBA or Developer needs to create some kind of applications: a dashboard for data, a management console, a data-entry tool. Like SQL Server, .NET have evolved over years. Linq and ORM, ASP.NET MVC, Javascript/jQuery, async programming, Azure and the Cloud. I'll present a fast entry to .net and some scenarios and sample applications that a typical SQL Server DBA or Developer can use in his daily work.
SessionID: 24388
Trigger: Utili o dannosi? (IT)
Event Date: 13-12-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DEV
Speaker: Sergio Govoni
Title: Trigger: Utili o dannosi? (IT)
SessionID: 25890
Put database in ALM backgrounds (IT)
Event Date: 13-12-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DEV
Speaker: Alessandro Alpi
Title: Put database in ALM backgrounds (IT)
We are used to see our code under source control. What about our databases? This topic is too often underestimated. Keeping database under our control (source controlled) brings many advantages in terms of organization and quality. The distributed work become rock solid and Continuous integration is simpler to implement. In addition, we can take many advantages from testing, automated deployment and all the stuff that brings the agile methodology available to the team.
SessionID: 28296
Six degrees of separation: a quick crash course into the SQL Server authorization world (IT)
Event Date: 13-12-2013 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DBA
Speaker: Giuseppe Zagarrio Francesco Cogno
Title: Six degrees of separation: a quick crash course into the SQL Server authorization world (IT)
Panoramica su authentication e authorization su SQL Server. Gestione degli utenti e delle login, ruoli applicativi e ruoli server. Parleremo di schema separation, security chaining e trustworthy.Con l'aiuto di alcuni case study, analizzeremo nel pratico alcune tecniche di separazione dei ruoli a livello database e istanza.