Nr: 272
SQLSaturday #272 - Nashville 2014
SessionID: 10039
Automate Your ETL Infrastructure with SSIS and PowerShell
Event Date: 18-01-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Spotlight Sessions
Speaker: Allen White
Title: Automate Your ETL Infrastructure with SSIS and PowerShell
Much of your ETL process flow consists of packages that are very similar in structure, capturing data from a single source and transferring that to a single destination. Creating the individual packages can be tedious and it's easy to miss something in the process of generating the same basic package over and again. BI Markup Language makes it easy to build new packages, and PowerShell makes creating the BIML scripts easy. In this session we'll show you how to use PowerShell to generate dozens of SSIS packages doing similar tasks from a defined set of ETL sources.
SessionID: 11078
ETL in a Nutshell with SSIS
Event Date: 18-01-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Business Intelligence
Speaker: Brett Tomson
Title: ETL in a Nutshell with SSIS
SessionID: 11181
Judge, Jury, and Executioner--A First Look At Execution Plans
Event Date: 18-01-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DBA
Speaker: Carlos L Chacon
Title: Judge, Jury, and Executioner--A First Look At Execution Plans
When a query is run against a database, a plan is formed to do the work. This session will serve as an introduction on how to read and interpret execution plans. We will also take a look at the execution plan that won the 'Hairy' Execution Plan contest on SQLCruise Miami in 2013! Take a peek at
SessionID: 11558
Check Engine Lights
Event Date: 18-01-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DBA
Speaker: Chris Skorlinski
Title: Check Engine Lights
Together we'll explore SQL Server "check engine lights", those little indications that your SQL Server needs your attention. Ignore these and you could be stuck alongside the road with a broken engine.
SessionID: 11559
Your Best Interview Ever
Event Date: 18-01-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Professional Development
Speaker: Chris Skorlinski
Title: Your Best Interview Ever
Twenty years of interviewing experience presented by Chris Skorlinski, Microsoft Support Escalation Engineer covering key strategies utilized during the first ten minutes of an interview, either phone, Skype, or in-person, increasing your chances for a new job and a new adventure.
SessionID: 12243
Master Data Management
Event Date: 18-01-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Business Intelligence
Speaker: Dave Mattingly
Title: Master Data Management
Making sure that data is accurate and current across multiple systems is very tricky, but can yield powerful benefits if done right.
Attendees will learn: (a) concepts behind MDM, (b) approaches to implementing MDM, (c) tools that are available, and (d) by examining a case study of a large financial company.
SessionID: 12537
SQL Server Virtualization 101
Event Date: 18-01-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DBA
Speaker: David Klee
Title: SQL Server Virtualization 101
What is virtualization? What impact does it have on DBAs and their systems? What aspects of their job stays the same, and what changes? What is really going on inside that black box? The fundamentals of private cloud computing and how it impacts data professionals will be discussed in this interactive session. Tips on how to use the best of virtualization to improve their daily tasks and efficiencies will be demonstrated, and common questions and concerns will be addressed.
SessionID: 12994
Column Level Encryption
Event Date: 18-01-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DEV/DBA Misc
Speaker: David Dye
Title: Column Level Encryption
This session will introduce column level encryption using t-sql. We will discuss the introduction of cryptographic services in SQL Server and how this enables native encryption as well as real life scenarios and uses of column level encryption.
SessionID: 13314
DBA 911 - Database Corruption
Event Date: 18-01-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: BONUS Sessions
Speaker: David Maxwell
Title: DBA 911 - Database Corruption
SessionID: 13422
Self-Service BI with SSAS Multi-Dim
Event Date: 18-01-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Spotlight Sessions
Speaker: Dan Evans
Title: Self-Service BI with SSAS Multi-Dim
SessionID: 13697
Backup Strategies are for Losers!
Event Date: 18-01-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DEV/DBA Misc
Speaker: Ed Watson
Title: Backup Strategies are for Losers!
Every company has a backup strategy. That backup strategy is worthless and will cause your business to fail miserably while losing valuable customer data and more importantly you will lose my order of chicken wings! In this session you will learn why backup strategies are for losers, what can I do to keep from being a loser, and how can I build a winning strategy!
SessionID: 14999
Event Date: 18-01-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Spotlight Sessions
Speaker: Hope Foley
You got the "It's Slow" call, yeah you know the one. There are many places to dig in and determine how true that is but we'll focus on what the server thinks utilizing Performance Monitor. We'll go a bit deep into those facts in the poster on the wall and tell you the what/where/whys of it all. We'll make sure you understand those items selected and what they mean. We will also go through ways to quickly analyze that mountain of data collected.
SessionID: 15691
Event Date: 18-01-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DBA
Speaker: Janis Griffin
SessionID: 16201
Taking Your IT Career to the Next Level
Event Date: 18-01-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Professional Development
Speaker: Joseph D'Antoni
Title: Taking Your IT Career to the Next Level
This session will feature a panel discussion of several senior IT professionals. Discussions will include what you can do to take your career to the next level. Attendees are welcome to bring questions to help enliven the discussion.
SessionID: 16202
In-Memory Columnstore Indexes--Make Your Data Warehouse Fly
Event Date: 18-01-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: BONUS Sessions
Speaker: Joseph D'Antoni
Title: In-Memory Columnstore Indexes--Make Your Data Warehouse Fly
SessionID: 16203
Event Date: 18-01-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DEV/DBA Misc
Speaker: Joseph D'Antoni
Back in the old days, compression and databases was a really bad idea. Now, with powerful CPUs we can use to both improve performance and save disk space. We will cover the basics of how all compression and deduplication works, and then we will learn how SQL Server page and row compression work, and the special compression that is used in SQL 2012 Columnstore Indexes. We will demo performance and space savings in using compression.
SessionID: 16766
Event Date: 18-01-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: BONUS Sessions
Speaker: Jason Hall
I intend to share the whys and hows of these issues with anyone who would like to attend during a SQL Saturday session.
SessionID: 16795
Change Data Capture for Developers and DBAs
Event Date: 18-01-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: BONUS Sessions
Speaker: Joe Settles
Title: Change Data Capture for Developers and DBAs
This presentation shows how CDC works using multiple code demonstrations. The first demo illustrates how to configure CDC and capture changes. The next demonstrates practical data capture scenarios using Template Explorer code samples.
Finally, we will explore approaches to tuning CDC and examine SSIS Controls for CDC in SQL Server 2012.
SessionID: 17112
Scaling Up Through Delegation
Event Date: 18-01-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Professional Development
Speaker: Joe Webb
Title: Scaling Up Through Delegation
SessionID: 17443
Entity Framework: Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Learned to Love Developers
Event Date: 18-01-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DEV/DBA Misc
Speaker: Richie Rump
Title: Entity Framework: Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Learned to Love Developers
Do you have applications in your environment that don't use SQL written by a person but by the application itself? No, the system isn't self-aware. Chances are the system is utilizing Microsoft's Entity Framework.
Entity Framework (EF) and other object relational mapping technologies have been a boon for developers. But is Entity Framework a technology that developers should even be using? In this session, we'll review what Entity Framework is and how it's changed over time. We'll also dive into how Entity Framework works and what to look for when inspecting a database generated by Entity Framework. Finally, we'll review T-SQL generated by Entity Framework and give some tips on how to improve performance. If you're a data professional that manages databases that are accessed through Entity Framework or would like a basic knowledge of how Entity Framework works this session is for you.
SessionID: 17513
Visual Analytics with HDInsight and Power View
Event Date: 18-01-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Big Data/Azure/BI
Speaker: Josh Fennessy
Title: Visual Analytics with HDInsight and Power View
BIG DATA! There, I've said it. But, what exactly does it mean for YOU?
This session will help to dispel some of the Big Data confusion. This session will focus on HD Insight, Microsoft's Hadoop based implementation. Loading data and querying a database is one thing and that will certainly be covered. Exploring how we can integrate data from HD Insight into our existing analytic solutions is one of the real world implementations this session will be focused on. This is one of the keys to successfully selling management on the needs for a Big Data solution. It's not just another database, it's a tool to enhance existing analytic structures.
During this session, we'll start with a brief overview of Hadoop and HDFS. Next we'll take a look at HD Insight, and explore some of the features therein.
Finally, integration with SSAS and Power View (using Excel 2013) will be shown, which will close the loop on Big Data visualizations.
SessionID: 18196
Team Leadership Fundamentals
Event Date: 18-01-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Professional Development
Speaker: Kevin Kline
Title: Team Leadership Fundamentals
- What are the fundamental ways that a new leader can build credibility and trust with their team?
- What are the unique ways in which IT people are motivated?
- How can a leader effectively communicate with their IT team using a variety of communication channels?
- How steps can a leader take to ensure that their IT team is achieving optimum effectiveness?
SessionID: 18418
Writing Better T-SQL Queries with Window Functions
Event Date: 18-01-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Spotlight Sessions
Speaker: Kathi Kellenberger
Title: Writing Better T-SQL Queries with Window Functions
This session will teach you how to get great performance, avoid cursor solutions, and create simpler code by using the window functions that have been introduced between 2005 and 2012. You'll learn how to use the new functions and how to apply them to several design patterns that are commonly found in the real world.
SessionID: 18419
Event Date: 18-01-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DEV
Speaker: Kathi Kellenberger
SessionID: 19044
Geospatial Data Types in SQL Server 2012
Event Date: 18-01-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DEV
Speaker: Leonard Lobel
Title: Geospatial Data Types in SQL Server 2012
The geospatial capabilities in SQL Server are not only powerful, but easy and fun to use! In this session, Lenni shows you how to integrate location-awareness into your own applications with the geometry and geography data types. We’ll explore the planar and geodetic spatial models, spatial markup languages such as WKT and GML, and then put these concepts to use as we build several useful demos, (e.g., Bing Maps integration). Demos show how to use the geospatial methods to easily calculate area, length, and distance, and project new shapes based on intersection and overlap. Attend this session and embrace spatial programming today!
SessionID: 20417
Database Development Comes out of the Dark Ages
Event Date: 18-01-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DEV/DBA Misc
Speaker: miguel Cebollero
Title: Database Development Comes out of the Dark Ages
SessionID: 20637
Trace Flags for Developers
Event Date: 18-01-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DEV
Speaker: Mike Hays
Title: Trace Flags for Developers
Will Trace Flags help troubleshoot or optimize your your queries? This is an introduction on the how why Trace Flags alters the way SQL Server behaves. Understand the difference between documented and undocumented trace flags. Learn how Trace Flags can be enabled as a hint for individual queries. Also review a couple trace flags that may help with those day to day puzzles.
SessionID: 21065
Index Internals
Event Date: 18-01-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Spotlight Sessions
Speaker: Denny Cherry
Title: Index Internals
During this session we will be digging into the internals of SQL Server indexes.
SessionID: 21066
SANLess Clustering on the Ground and In the Cloud
Event Date: 18-01-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DBA
Speaker: Denny Cherry
Title: SANLess Clustering on the Ground and In the Cloud
SessionID: 22654
SSIS Templates Can Make Your Life Easier
Event Date: 18-01-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Big Data/Azure/BI
Speaker: Brian Davis
Title: SSIS Templates Can Make Your Life Easier
How many times have you started a new SSIS project and added the same components that you’ve added to almost every other package you’ve created? Components to handle logging and errors or even a standard workflow for loading data files. In this session I’ll show you how you can create standard templates that already contain any and all of the common components you desire. We’ll also look at how to implement and use these templates so that the next time you create a SSIS package you can spend your time on the work you actually need to do instead of implementing common components over and over again.
SessionID: 23241
Know Your Role(s)!
Event Date: 18-01-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DBA
Speaker: Robert Verell
Title: Know Your Role(s)!
Developers and DBAs naturally butt heads with each other over permissions since developers want to be able to fix their code and research issues, but DBAs are the gatekeepers. Robert Verell will discuss Microsoft recommended best practices for setting up users and service account permissions. He will go over common server and database roles and what they actually allow, including roles that should be avoided as potential security loopholes. He will also look into alternatives for elevated database roles, and easier ways of setting up users across an enterprise environment, all as part of how to consolidate your development servers into fewer instances.
SessionID: 23264
Harvesting Web Data Using Data Explorer and XML
Event Date: 18-01-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DEV/DBA Misc
Speaker: Rob Volk
Title: Harvesting Web Data Using Data Explorer and XML
SessionID: 23674
Introduction to BIML and BIMLScript
Event Date: 18-01-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Big Data/Azure/BI
Speaker: Russel Loski
Title: Introduction to BIML and BIMLScript
SessionID: 23675
SSRS data driven subscription using SSIS
Event Date: 18-01-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Big Data/Azure/BI
Speaker: Russel Loski
Title: SSRS data driven subscription using SSIS
SessionID: 24616
"Flash 101 – An Introduction to Flash Storage for MS SQL Server and Data Centers."
Event Date: 18-01-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DEV
Speaker: Stephen LeRoy
Title: "Flash 101 – An Introduction to Flash Storage for MS SQL Server and Data Centers."
SessionID: 25833
Managing a Technical Team: Lessons Learned
Event Date: 18-01-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Professional Development
Speaker: Stuart Ainsworth
Title: Managing a Technical Team: Lessons Learned
SessionID: 25834
Working with "Biggish Data"
Event Date: 18-01-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Big Data/Azure/BI
Speaker: Stuart Ainsworth
Title: Working with "Biggish Data"
Most database professionals know (from firsthand experience) that there continues to be a "data explosion", and there's been a lot of focus lately on "big data". But what do you do when your data's just kind of "biggish"? You're managing Terabytes, not Petabytes, and you're trying to squeeze out as much performance out of your aging servers as possible. The focus of this session is to identify some key guidelines for the design, management, and ongoing optimization of "larger-than-average" databases. Special attention will be paid to the following areas: * query design * logical and physical data structures * maintenance backup strategies
SessionID: 26703
Know Backups and Know Recovery
Event Date: 18-01-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: BONUS Sessions
Speaker: Tim Radney
Title: Know Backups and Know Recovery
SessionID: 26704
You Inherited a Database, Now What?
Event Date: 18-01-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Spotlight Sessions
Speaker: Tim Radney
Title: You Inherited a Database, Now What?
SessionID: 27455
Data Flow Architectures in Software Development Life-Cycle
Event Date: 18-01-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Business Intelligence
Speaker: Virginia Mushkatbat
Title: Data Flow Architectures in Software Development Life-Cycle
The presenter will consider different architectures to move data across environments during the software development life-cycle. Whether you start from scratch working with XP, or you have to establish processes in already existing organization working in waterfall, whether the data to move is 1 MB or terabytes, the presenter will present ways to handle the tasks and outline the cons and pros of each approach.
SessionID: 27811
Read Dirty to Me - Isolation Levels/User Impact
Event Date: 18-01-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DEV
Speaker: Wendy Pastrick
Title: Read Dirty to Me - Isolation Levels/User Impact
Issue a "SELECT {data} FROM {myTable}" statement and users need to trust the data returned is accurate. What happens when multiple processes access the same data? What happens further if one of those process is an UPDATE or even a DELETE statement? How about if both processes will be updating that data? Understanding Isolation in SQL Server is paramount in ensuring data integrity in your system. We will cover the different levels of isolation and how they impact what a user views when accessing the data at a given point-in-time.
SessionID: 27812
Women In Technology Roundtable
Event Date: 18-01-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DEV/DBA Misc
Speaker: Wendy Pastrick
Title: Women In Technology Roundtable
SessionID: 28172
Bus Matrix – The Foundation of your Dimensional DW
Event Date: 18-01-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Big Data/Azure/BI
Speaker: Bill Anton
Title: Bus Matrix – The Foundation of your Dimensional DW
The Bus Matrix is the cornerstone of a successful Dimensional Data Warehouse strategy. It serves many purposes: from communicating requirements, capabilities, and expectations with the business users down to the prioritization and delegation of tasks across the development team.
Join me in this session and learn what a Bus Matrix is, why it is the single most important document in your Data Warehouse project, and what can go wrong without it. We'll also cover several approaches for creating and maintaining the Bus Matrix document.
SessionID: 28173
The 20-Minute Tabular Model
Event Date: 18-01-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Business Intelligence
Speaker: Bill Anton
Title: The 20-Minute Tabular Model
SessionID: 34764
Supercharge Microsoft BI with Pyramid Analytics
Event Date: 18-01-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: BONUS Sessions
Speaker: Mark Scott
Title: Supercharge Microsoft BI with Pyramid Analytics
Mark will show you how you can Supercharge your Microsoft BI with Pyramid Analytics “BI Office”. See how BI Office gives you the “freedom to” Scale, Maximize, Visualize, and Mobilize your business users with the new Version 5. Attendees will see how easy it is to go from Analytics to Dashboards and reports in just 45 minutes. Additionally Mark will show you our mobile dashboard offering on the new iPad Air.
SessionID: 8839
SQL Server Database Development with SSDT
Event Date: 18-01-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DEV
Speaker: Aaron Nelson
Title: SQL Server Database Development with SSDT
Most importantly we’ll show the many benefits of the Publish feature, and why you will want to use the built-in refactoring instead of just renaming objects. Throughout this presentation we will also highlight and demonstrate the features that have been added to SSDT in the past year.
SessionID: 8938
BizTalk and SQL Server: EDI Made Simple
Event Date: 18-01-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Business Intelligence
Speaker: Aaron Crouch
Title: BizTalk and SQL Server: EDI Made Simple
What is BizTalk?
- What does BizTalk have to do with SQL Server?
- A systems and process integrator
When to use BizTalk...when not to use BizTalk (It's not SSIS)
- Why BizTalk rules for EDI
What is the Business Activity Monitor (BAM)?
- How can BAM help you make better business decisions?
- Simple BI based on your EDI data
SessionID: 8968
XML Without Xanax: How to Handle XML in SQL Server
Event Date: 18-01-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DEV
Speaker: Adam Belebczuk
Title: XML Without Xanax: How to Handle XML in SQL Server
Do you cringe whenever you have to look at an XML document? Does the very thought of XML data living in your database make you scream? Do you have a panic attack any time you have to parse XML? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this session is for you!
We'll start with reasons why having XML in SQL Server might be a good thing, then we'll face our fears and turn tabular data into XML, and finally we'll confront the true source of our anxiety by parsing XML back into tabular data using xQuery.
If you survive this session, you'll have faced your fears about XML in SQL Server, you'll have a solid understanding of creating XML from tabular data, and you'll know how to use xQuery to parse XML.
SessionID: 9081
Manageable SSAS Deployment Strategies
Event Date: 18-01-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Business Intelligence
Speaker: Kerry Tyler
Title: Manageable SSAS Deployment Strategies
If you've answered "yes" to any of these questions, and are in search of a better way, I have the solution! In this demo-heavy session, will look at five steps to more robust, controllable, and flexible Tabular and Multidimensional SSAS deployments.