Nr: 278
SQLSaturday #278 - Budapest 2014
SessionID: 10564
Load Testing Analysis Services
Event Date: 01-03-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: 04 BI Track
Speaker: Bob Duffy
Title: Load Testing Analysis Services
Ever deployed an Analysis Services cube that worked perfectly well with one user on the development server, only to find that it doesn't meet the required volumes of user concurrency?
This session focuses on tools and methodology to load test Analysis Services in highly concurrent environments. Including how to locate resource bottlenecks and the appropriate configuration settings that can help improve performance.
Sample source code will be supplied to help you load test analysis services. We will be focused on the MOLAP engine, but techniques are equally applicable to the tabular model.
SessionID: 10924
The nightmare of locking, blocking and isolation levels!
Event Date: 01-03-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: 02 Data Platform Track 1
Speaker: Boris Hristov
Title: The nightmare of locking, blocking and isolation levels!
SessionID: 13526
Optimizing Temporal Queries
Event Date: 01-03-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: 03 Data Platform Track 2
Speaker: Dejan Sarka
Title: Optimizing Temporal Queries
SessionID: 13923
SQL Server and Transactional Replication - senkit sem hagy hidegen
Event Date: 01-03-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: 01 Magyar nyelvu szekcio
Speaker: Erik Bitemo
Title: SQL Server and Transactional Replication - senkit sem hagy hidegen
Vajon miért beszélnek az emberek viszonylag keveset a tranzakcionális replikációról? Miért találunk nagyobb eséllyel nyitott kérdéseket ebben a témában egy fórumon, mint például mirroringban vagy mentésben?
És mire jó a tranzakcionális replikáció egyáltalán, és mire nem? És hogyan lehet svájcibicskát csinálni belőle? Ezt próbálom meg körüljárni az összejövetel során.
SessionID: 14186
Using Fusion ioMemory to leverage SQL Server 2014 features: Buffer Pool Extension and In-memory OLTP
Event Date: 01-03-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: 02 Data Platform Track 1
Speaker: Francois-Manuel Billault
Title: Using Fusion ioMemory to leverage SQL Server 2014 features: Buffer Pool Extension and In-memory OLTP
SessionID: 14934
A jó index scan, a rossz index seek avagy hogyan olvassunk végrehajtási tervet
Event Date: 01-03-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: 01 Magyar nyelvu szekcio
Speaker: Zoltán Hangyál
Title: A jó index scan, a rossz index seek avagy hogyan olvassunk végrehajtási tervet
Mi az a végrehajtási terv? Miért hozza létre és mire használja az SQL Server? Mik azok az operátorok? Mi a különbség a logikai és fizikai operátorok között? Mit jelent az index seek és az index scan, melyik a jobb? Van-e tábla seek? Hogyan kell jól olvasni a végrehajtási terveket? Az előadás ezekre a kérdésekre ad választ.
SessionID: 15304
Dynamic code for efficient searching
Event Date: 01-03-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: 02 Data Platform Track 1
Speaker: Ian Meade
Title: Dynamic code for efficient searching
SessionID: 15752
T-SQL hibakezelés a gyakorlatban
Event Date: 01-03-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: 01 Magyar nyelvu szekcio
Speaker: Janos Berke
Title: T-SQL hibakezelés a gyakorlatban
Szeretném bemutatni a T-SQL nyelv által biztosított hibakezelési eljárásokat, parancsokat és az elmúlt években szerzett tapasztalatokat. Itt nem csak a trry/catch és a throw használata, hanem az alábbi témakörök kerülnének lefedésre:
- alapvető hibakezelések: kell, nem kell?
- tranzakciók és a hibák
- XACT_ABORT hatása a hibákra és a tranzakciókra
- deadlock hibák kezelése
- hibák logolása
A prezentáció nagy hangsúlyt feketet a demókra, inkább gyakorlati, mint sem ppt alapú.
SessionID: 16398
Let's PowerBI Hungary with Big Data!
Event Date: 01-03-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: 04 BI Track
Speaker: Jen Stirrup
Title: Let's PowerBI Hungary with Big Data!
In this fun session, we will use Microsoft's Big Data and PowerBI tools to learn about Hungary! We will mix and mashup data from a variety of sources such as 'The Spirit Level' by Prof Richard Wilkinson, UNICEF, the World Bank and even the CIA to learn more about Hungary. Business Intelligence professionals need to tackle ever-increasing sources of data that are increasing in volume, velocity and variety. Let's look at fun example of global data about Hungary to look at common data storytelling by BI and BA professionals: analysing open data with varying degrees of data quality, business puzzles versus business mysteries, and deciding on which chart or graph to use when presenting data. If the 'too much data, too little information' scenario is familiar, then come to this session, which isn't just for the international visitors visiting SQLSaturday Budapest like myself! Uncover surprising facts as we mashup, slice and dice the data, and look at Big Data and Data Visualisation along the
SessionID: 18673
Azure SQL Database Tips and Tricks for Beginners
Event Date: 01-03-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: 02 Data Platform Track 1
Speaker: Tobias Koprowski
Title: Azure SQL Database Tips and Tricks for Beginners
Microsoft released SQL Azure more than two years ago - that's enough time for testing (I hope!). So, are you ready to move your data to the Cloud? If you’re considering a business (i.e. a production environment) in the Cloud, you need to think about methods for backing up your data, a backup plan for your data and, eventually, restoring with Red Gate Cloud Services (and not only). In this session, you’ll see the differences, functionality, restrictions, and opportunities in SQL Azure and On-Premise SQL Server 2008/2008 R2/2012. We’ll consider topics such as how to be prepared for backup and restore, and which parts of a cloud environment are most important: keys, triggers, indexes, prices, security, service level agreements, etc.
SessionID: 19457
Stored procedures — facts and myths
Event Date: 01-03-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: 03 Data Platform Track 2
Speaker: Marcin Szeliga
Title: Stored procedures — facts and myths
Everybody knows that use of stored procedures offers a number of benefits over issuing T-SQL code directly from an application. In this demo heavy session I am going to explain to you:
- Why plan caching and reuse is a good thing.
- How to avoid unnecessary recompilations for plan stability-related reasons.
- How to avoid unnecessary recompilations for plan optimality-related reasons.
- When plan reusing is not a good thing and how you can deal with this “Parameter Sniffing” problem.
- Why you should evade conditional logic inside stored procedures that do data access.
SessionID: 20311
Entity Framework 6 New Features
Event Date: 01-03-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: 02 Data Platform Track 1
Speaker: Mihail Mateev
Title: Entity Framework 6 New Features
This talk is about new features in Microsoft Entity Framework 6 - the new major release of EF. In December 2012 Entity Framework 6 beta was announced and made publicly available. In October 2013 were released EF 6.00 (major release) and EF 6.01. This is the first new version of EF since the announcement in 2012 that the product would be Open Sourced. Entity Framework is hosted on CodePlex. This presentation is about the new features, included in EF 6: Async Query and Save, Custom Code First Conventions, Multi-Tenant Migrations, Configurable Migrations History Table, Code-Based Configuration, Dependency Resolution, Updated Provider Model, Enums, Spatial and Better Performance on .NET 4.x, Stored Procedures Functions in Code First, Connecti
SessionID: 20749
SQL Server 2014 - New Cardinality Estimator
Event Date: 01-03-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: 03 Data Platform Track 2
Speaker: Miloš Radivojević
Title: SQL Server 2014 - New Cardinality Estimator
In SQL Server 2014 query processing has been improved. What we can expect from new cardinality estimator? Does it really estimate better? Will our execution plans be better after migration to 2014? All of them? Is the key ascending column statistics problem solved in new version? Do we finally can have more than 200 steps in the statistics histogram per table? What about column correlation and cardinality estimates - are the predicates still completely independent?
This session will answers all these questions and will demonstrate new query processing capabilities and compare them with those from SQL Server2012.
SessionID: 21999
Mastering the Excel CUBE Functions
Event Date: 01-03-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: 04 BI Track
Speaker: Peter Myers
Title: Mastering the Excel CUBE Functions
This session explores the seven CUBE functions that are natively available in Excel. Unknown to many business analysts, these useful functions can be used to retrieve data model members and values to create parameter-driven report designs.The session topics will introduce each of the seven functions. Demonstrations will range from the simple, to the more sophisticated involving dynamic expressions, MDX expressions, integration of data from multiple data models, and macro-driven layouts.This session is a must for those looking to drive more from Excel when reporting from the BI Semantic Model. Much of the content presented in this session is applicable to Excel 2007, 2010 and 2013.
SessionID: 22002
Introduction to SQL Server 2012 MDS and DQS
Event Date: 01-03-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: 04 BI Track
Speaker: Peter Myers
Title: Introduction to SQL Server 2012 MDS and DQS
This presentation introduces the upgraded features of SQL Server 2012 Master Data Services (MDS) and the new service, SQL Server 2012 Data Quality Services (DQS).
MDS is a solution for master data management. First released in SQL Server 2008 R2, this upgraded version includes many new features and enhancements, including a new web interface developed with Silverlight, an Excel add-in to support simplified model creation and easier data updates and management.
DQS is a new knowledge-driven data cleansing solution, and it supports building knowledge bases that provide correction and de-duplication of data.
SessionID: 22179
Remodel your old EAV design
Event Date: 01-03-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: 03 Data Platform Track 2
Title: Remodel your old EAV design
Sometimes you really need an EAV model. In most cases they are ugly and slow.
After this session you will have gained new insights how to turn your old, slow, EAV model into a slim superfast model.
There will be real life examples from a recent project. With the techniques displayed in the presentation, I cut the execution time down from 134 days down to 0.5 seconds and cut the storage need from 550GB to 45GB.
SessionID: 22220
Data for everyone with Power BI! The role of the data stewards and analysts inside the organization
Event Date: 01-03-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: 01 Magyar nyelvu szekcio
Speaker: Tamás Polner
Title: Data for everyone with Power BI! The role of the data stewards and analysts inside the organization
Introducing the role of datastewards in Power BI. How to share, track and control data assest inside the organization with Power Query and the Data Management Gateway.
SessionID: 26412
Windowing Functions: THE Reason to Upgrade to 2012
Event Date: 01-03-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: 02 Data Platform Track 1
Speaker: Kevin Boles
Title: Windowing Functions: THE Reason to Upgrade to 2012
SessionID: 27226
SQL Server in motion - Page Splits
Event Date: 01-03-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: 03 Data Platform Track 2
Speaker: Uwe Ricken
Title: SQL Server in motion - Page Splits
This session is based on participation of the audience for a great movie about SQL Server internals. This session will demonstrate complicated inernal db engine operatoins by using the audience as "objects" replaying each simple task.
So FUN should be the primaray target but step by step the audience will get familiar with the tremendous work SQL Server has to to when "simple" operations may occur
SessionID: 27355
Adatbányászat SQL Server Analysis Services-el
Event Date: 01-03-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: 01 Magyar nyelvu szekcio
Speaker: Balázs Farkas
Title: Adatbányászat SQL Server Analysis Services-el
Egy általános adatbányászatba történő bevezetést követően áttekintjük az SQL Server Analysis Services nyújtotta adatbányászati lehetőségeket. Végignézzük a rendelkezésünkre álló algoritmusokat, valamint azt, hogy melyiket mire lehet használni. Egy konkrét példán kereszül végigmegyünk az adatbányászati struktúra és modell létrehozásának folyamatán, modellt processzálunk és értelmezzük az elért eredményeket. Kicsit elmélyülünk a klaszterezésben, és megmutatjuk azt is, hogyan lehet lekérdezni és integrálni egy adatbányászati modellt.