Nr: 304
SQLSaturday #304 - Indianapolis 2014
SessionID: 10618
The User Experience of Data Systems
Event Date: 09-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Lannister
Speaker: Bradley Nielsen
Title: The User Experience of Data Systems
The modern business is demanding advanced analytics to drive decisions. However, businesses are discovering that more data does not always equal more value. What good is a petabyte database if no one can make sense of the data? User Experience is not just the domain of mobile apps and web sites! Every developer should know how to effectively present and deliver data. This session will examine user experience principles and techniques and how to apply them to Reporting Services, Power View, and Excel.
SessionID: 10771
Database Unit Testing
Event Date: 09-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Baratheon
Speaker: Brian Beswick
Title: Database Unit Testing
SessionID: 11212
Event Date: 09-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Stark
Speaker: Carlos Parra
SessionID: 12323
Change Data Capture - What is it and Why I should use it
Event Date: 09-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Drogo
Speaker: Dave Bland
Title: Change Data Capture - What is it and Why I should use it
SessionID: 13302
DBA 911 - Database Corruption
Event Date: 09-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Snow
Speaker: David Maxwell
Title: DBA 911 - Database Corruption
SessionID: 13603
How to start with XML
Event Date: 09-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Baratheon
Speaker: Alan Dykes
Title: How to start with XML
XML can be a complex and confusing topic. This session will give a basic introduction to some of the XML technologies needed to work with XML in SQL Server as well as some examples of how to get started.
SessionID: 13934
Making the Leap from Profiler to Extended Events
Event Date: 09-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Targaryen
Speaker: Erin Stellato
Title: Making the Leap from Profiler to Extended Events
If you’re like me, you’ve been using SQL Trace and Profiler since you started using SQL Server. They’re like old friends, tried and true. You know how they work, you know what you can capture, you know how to find the data you need. But now you’ve been told that your good friends have been deprecated in SQL Server 2012, and you need to become best friends with Extended Events. What is THAT all about? It’s ok. Really. In this session we’ll look at Profiler and Extended Events side by side to see how easy it is to transition to Extended Events. We’ll step through real world examples using Extended Events to do what you’re used to doing with Trace, and even more. You can find the time learn Extended Events…today.
SessionID: 14115
The Guts of Data Manipulation
Event Date: 09-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Stark
Speaker: Eddie Wuerch
Title: The Guts of Data Manipulation
The SQL Server Query Processor does a great job hiding all the dirty work necessary to display, store, modify, and delete data. When designing, coding, or tuning, however, knowing what’s happening under the hood can be the difference between fast and fail. In this demo-heavy deep-dive session, we’ll follow the query processor as it rips through a database and discover the steps it takes to deliver the results of your queries.
SessionID: 14298
DIY Geocoding
Event Date: 09-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Targaryen
Speaker: Frank Murphy
Title: DIY Geocoding
Do It Yourself Geocoding -- Step-by-step instructions on how to build a CLR assembly that will allow you to directly query various web services for geospatial data. We will also learn how to ensure a high level of confidence in the accuracy of your geospatial data.
SessionID: 16147
What SQL DBAs need to know about SharePoint
Event Date: 09-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Lannister
Speaker: JD Wade
Title: What SQL DBAs need to know about SharePoint
With the number of deployments of SharePoint exponentially growing every day, as a DBA, it is very likely you are going to have SharePoint databases on SQL Servers you support. This session reviews SharePoint strictly from the SQL Server perspective. You will learn how SharePoint is optimized for SQL, how to properly manage and maintain the SharePoint databases, how to optimize the SQL configuration for SharePoint, what settings in SharePoint need to be changed or not changed to maintain SQL Server performance, and supported methods for providing high availability and disaster recovery.
SessionID: 16152
Building Perfect SQL Servers, Every Time
Event Date: 09-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Snow
Speaker: Joseph D'Antoni
Title: Building Perfect SQL Servers, Every Time
Some of the biggest challenges in any large SQL environment are maintaining consistent configurations and meeting the pressures from the business for rapid server deployments. Join us in this session to learn best practices for system settings, file system layout, and scheduling maintenance tasks.
By default, SQL Server does not install with best practices for every environment. In this session, we will discuss the best practices for most SQL Server configurations, and how to automate your SQL Server builds in both physical and virtual worlds. As you may know, completely automating the build process has great benefits, but it also has great trade-offs. We will talk about lessons learned from building a private cloud at a Fortune 100 telecommunications company with thousands of servers.
You will also learn how use these same methods to ensure your own server build consistency, whether your SQL Servers are in the cloud or on-premises.
SessionID: 16153
Event Date: 09-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Drogo
Speaker: Joseph D'Antoni
SessionID: 16754
Event Date: 09-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Baratheon
Speaker: Jeff Foushee
SessionID: 17477
Azure Development - Soup to Nuts
Event Date: 09-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Baratheon
Speaker: Joe Mack
Title: Azure Development - Soup to Nuts
Joe Mack from Sogeti will be giving a demo of an end-to-end development scenario using Microsoft's cloud offerings. You'll see how to create and deploy an ASP.NET Azure Web Site for displaying data from an on-premise repository and another Azure Web Site to host a RESTful API to do all the heavy lifting. Joe will also demo an automatic deployment of code to an Azure Web Site on check-in from Visual Studio to Microsoft's cloud-based Team Foundation Services offering.
SessionID: 18435
Writing Better T-SQL Queries with Window Functions
Event Date: 09-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Targaryen
Speaker: Kathi Kellenberger
Title: Writing Better T-SQL Queries with Window Functions
This session will teach you how to get great performance, avoid cursor solutions, and create simpler code by using the window functions that have been introduced between 2005 and 2012. You'll learn how to use the new functions and how to apply them to several design patterns that are commonly found in the real world.
SessionID: 18436
Event Date: 09-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Snow
Speaker: Kathi Kellenberger
SessionID: 18437
Women in Tech Panel
Event Date: 09-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Snow
Speaker: Kathi Kellenberger
Title: Women in Tech Panel
SessionID: 21768
Why Re-Invent the Wheel? Build One Solution to Import/ Export Data
Event Date: 09-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Drogo
Speaker: Patrick Brewer
Title: Why Re-Invent the Wheel? Build One Solution to Import/ Export Data
SessionID: 22635
Getting Started with Hekaton (In-Memory OLTP)
Event Date: 09-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Drogo
Speaker: Brian Davis
Title: Getting Started with Hekaton (In-Memory OLTP)
SessionID: 23261
Power Power Query Query! (With Julie Smith and Rob
Event Date: 09-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Stark
Speaker: Rob Volk
Title: Power Power Query Query! (With Julie Smith and Rob
SessionID: 24065
Getting Started With Execution Plans
Event Date: 09-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Stark
Speaker: Scott Fallen
Title: Getting Started With Execution Plans
Are you just breaking into the query tuning side of managing your SQL Servers? In this session, we will cover the basics you need to start leveraging execution plans as part of your tuning process. We will discuss how SQL Server creates and uses plans, and how to collect them. Once we have the plans, we will go step-by-step through how to read them, and what the most common operators mean. We will look at the different types of operators not just from a standpoint of what they do, but how they can impact query performance. We will also cover how good database design and maintenance allow you to get better execution plans through having the right indexes and up-to-date statistics.
SessionID: 24235
A Better Introduction to Tabular Mode in SSAS
Event Date: 09-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Baratheon
Speaker: Scott Nei
Title: A Better Introduction to Tabular Mode in SSAS
Using live demos, this session will demonstrate Tabular mode in SSAS. With an emphasis on understanding why it works and behaves the way it does, you'll have the foundational knowledge to learn how to develop effectively in this new mode.
If you've been left confused by filter context, nested DAX measures, or the CALCULATE() function, come and get a better introduction. It's OK to start is a beginner, I just don't want you stuck there.
SessionID: 24524
Branding Yourself for a Dream Job
Event Date: 09-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Baratheon
Speaker: Steve Jones
Title: Branding Yourself for a Dream Job
Everyone wants a dream job that they enjoy going to each week. However finding that job, and getting yourself hired can be hard for most people. Steve Jones will give you practical tips and suggestions in this session that show you how to better market yourself, how to get the attention of employers, and help improve the chances that the job you want will get offered to you. Learn about networking, blogging, and more.
SessionID: 24591
Interrogating the Transaction Log
Event Date: 09-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Snow
Speaker: Frank Gill
Title: Interrogating the Transaction Log
As a SQL Server DBA, I believe that the transaction log is the most important file in any database. Join me to learn why I believe that. You'll learn how to see a transaction process in the log, what happens when a transaction rolls back, and what the architecture of the transaction log looks like. Plus, you will see how transactions involving SQL Server 2014's in-memory object are handled by the log.
SessionID: 24881
Every Byte Counts: Why Your Data Type Choices Matter
Event Date: 09-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Stark
Speaker: Andy Yun
Title: Every Byte Counts: Why Your Data Type Choices Matter
SessionID: 24896
Self Service Pitfalls
Event Date: 09-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Lannister
Speaker: David Ortiz
Title: Self Service Pitfalls
SessionID: 26009
45 min to build your first SSRS report
Event Date: 09-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Targaryen
Speaker: Tamera Clark
Title: 45 min to build your first SSRS report
Does this sound like you? You were just given access to SSRS and you want to make a report. Or, you're a DBA and could use a daily report. Either way, I've got your back! You will learn everything you need to know to get that first report out the door quickly and how to tweak it once it’s deployed. We’ll even look at the differences between building a report in BIDS (Business Intelligence Development Studio) and Report Builder 3.0. We’ll use SSRS (SQL Server Reporting Services) 2012. The query makes no difference, this time it's all about the output.
SessionID: 26385
SQL Injection
Event Date: 09-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Lannister
Speaker: Kevin Boles
Title: SQL Injection
Well, we have all heard about the horror stories of data loss due to SQL Injection and how costly (in many ways) they can be. This in-depth discussion covers various forms of SQL Injection attacks and offers some guidelines on how to avoid them. Lots of code examples in both .NET and TSQL. Watch me hack a website and retrieve user data in just 3 hits on an unprotected html page!
SessionID: 26388
SQL Server Defaults SUCK!!
Event Date: 09-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Snow
Speaker: Kevin Boles
Title: SQL Server Defaults SUCK!!
SessionID: 27559
DBA Monitoring and Maintenance Fundamentals
Event Date: 09-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Snow
Speaker: Warren Sifre
Title: DBA Monitoring and Maintenance Fundamentals
The key to becoming a great DBA is time. The best way to regain some time is by spending less time doing the daily mundane work. Let this mundane effort work autonomously. We will introduce the basics in monitoring and maintenance. The how and why certain things should be done at a minimum and what things can be done to help improve the quality of life in larger dynamic environments.
SessionID: 8937
Better Decision Making with Power BI
Event Date: 09-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Stark
Speaker: Aaron Crouch
Title: Better Decision Making with Power BI
For most organizations, business intelligence means requesting reports from IT. The IT people then go into the company’s databases to find the requested information and deliver it. If the decision-makers want the data displayed in a certain way, they have to specify it in their requests—or, as often as not, they have to return to the IT office to make another request when they realize they need the data presented differently. But Power BI is what’s called self-service business intelligence. That means for most purposes non-technical users will be able to crunch the numbers without any help from IT. And switching to different graphics and displays is so easy the main difficulty is deciding which one to use.
SessionID: 8940
T-SQL Tips Tricks Part 2
Event Date: 09-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Targaryen
Speaker: Aaron Cutshall
Title: T-SQL Tips Tricks Part 2
SessionID: 8942
The Lost Science of Set Theory
Event Date: 09-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Targaryen
Speaker: Aaron Cutshall
Title: The Lost Science of Set Theory
Many database developers today do not have a Computer Science degree and may also have begun their career developing software using procedural programming languages (Java, C#, etc.). As a result, they may not have the background needed to conceptualize solutions in terms of sets of data and therefore may not be able to develop efficient set-based queries. In this session, we will review the basics of set theory and how it applies to database development to enable you to turn cursors, loops, and other procedural programming practices into efficient set-based operations that make the most use of a relational database engine.
SessionID: 9087
45 Minutes to Your First SSAS Tabular Model
Event Date: 09-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Stark
Speaker: Kerry Tyler
Title: 45 Minutes to Your First SSAS Tabular Model
SSAS Tabular is a new form of business intelligence model released with SQL Server 2012, intended as an alternative to more traditional Multidimensional cubes. In this session, we will talk briefly about what Tabular is and what it does, before exploring the development process of creating a tabular model ready for ad-hoc querying.
SessionID: 9598
Creating Access 2013 web apps on SharePoint using SQL Azure
Event Date: 09-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Drogo
Speaker: Andy Tabisz
Title: Creating Access 2013 web apps on SharePoint using SQL Azure
The latest release of Access 2013 allows users to easily create web apps with a SQL Azure backend within the SharePoint environment. IT departments are better able to manage user rights to these apps, providing better security, preventing data loss and offer a more robust record set. Attendees will see a real-world app in action and learn about the pros and cons of using Access 2013 web apps.
SessionID: 9680
Addressing Trends In Big Data with APS
Event Date: 09-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Lannister
Speaker: Anthony Mattas
Title: Addressing Trends In Big Data with APS
SessionID: 9833
Everything Columnstore!
Event Date: 09-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Drogo
Speaker: Arie Jones
Title: Everything Columnstore!
SessionID: 9978
Manage SQLServer Efficiently w/PowerShell Remoting
Event Date: 09-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Lannister
Speaker: Allen White
Title: Manage SQLServer Efficiently w/PowerShell Remoting
You have more and more servers to manage and less time to accomplish everything. You're writing scripts to automate those tasks but they still take time to run. PowerShell remoting allows you to manage servers without the overhead of Remote Desktop, and allows you to run processes on all your servers simultaneously. In this session we'll walk through how PowerShell remoting works, how to set it up, and how you can save time getting things done more quickly.