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SQLSaturday #308 - Houston 2014

Start Time (24h) Speaker Track Title
00:00:00 Carlos Lopez DBA The Transaction Log Internals
00:00:00 Chris Bell DBA The Spy Who Loathed Me - An Intro to SQL Security
00:00:00 Carl Speshock BI Microsoft Predictive Analytics/Data Mining Overview
00:00:00 David Stein BI Writing Your First BimlScript
00:00:00 WIlliam Barnes AppDev Fill Factor: Performance or Nuisance?
00:00:00 Dane Schilling DBA Taming the T-Log
00:00:00 Derek Wilson BI Tabular Data Visualized by PowerView
00:00:00 Garrett Edmondson BI Measuring Data Warehouse Performance
00:00:00 Garrett Edmondson BI Data Warehouse ETL
00:00:00 James Serra Prof Dev \ Cloud Enhancing your career: Building your personal brand
00:00:00 James Serra BI Best Practices to Deliver BI Solutions
00:00:00 Joseph D'Antoni DBA SQL Server--All About HA and DR
00:00:00 Joseph D'Antoni DBA \ BI \ Cloud In-Memory Columnstore Indexes--Make Your Data Warehouse Fly
00:00:00 Jennifer McCown AppDev T-SQL Code Sins
00:00:00 Jennifer McCown Prof Dev \ Cloud DBA Career Roadmap
00:00:00 Jim Murphy DBA Mission Possible: Interactive Performance Troubleshooting - Indexes
00:00:00 John Cook AppDev SQL Server 2012 Analytic Functions
00:00:00 John Sterrett BI Table Partitioning: the Secret Weapon for your Big Data Problems.
00:00:00 John Sterrett DBA Proactive Monitoring with PBM and CMS
00:00:00 Jason Wong DBA Ah, ha, how do you automate database administration?
00:00:00 Karen Lopez AppDev Database Design Contentious Issues
00:00:00 Karen Lopez Prof Dev \ Cloud Windows Azure SQL Database Design: Concepts and Trade-offs
00:00:00 Kris Hokanson AppDev Beyond the Where: Full Text Search tips and tricks
00:00:00 Lori Edwards DBA SQL Server Statistics – What Are The Chances?
00:00:00 Michael Bourgon DBA SQL Watchdog - find out instantly when SQL changes in production
00:00:00 Mike Byrd BI Change Tracking: A Near Bullet-Proof ETL Synchronization Control
00:00:00 Mike Hays DBA Troubleshooting Your Network Connections
00:00:00 Mindy Curnutt DBA SQL Server Bingo – Install, Migration Config
00:00:00 Denny Cherry BI Table Indexing for the .NET Developer
00:00:00 Denny Cherry DBA Storage For the DBA
00:00:00 Nancy Hidy Wilson DBA Cisco Unified Computing System (UCS)
00:00:00 Nancy Hidy Wilson DBA Strategy to Eliminate Bottlenecks
00:00:00 Nancy Hidy Wilson DBA \ BI \ Cloud Resolving the Database Performance Problem Blame Game
00:00:00 Nancy Hidy Wilson DBA Supercharging SQL
00:00:00 Robert Stewart BI SSAS - An Introduction to Multidimensional Cubes
00:00:00 Russel Loski BI Introduction to BIML and BIMLScript
00:00:00 Russel Loski BI SSIS project deployments with multiple developers
00:00:00 Ryan Adams DBA SQL 2012 AlwaysOn Quickstart
00:00:00 Ryan Adams DBA How Active Directory affects SQL Server
00:00:00 Scott Klein DBA \ BI \ Cloud Top 5 SQL Server 2014 Hybrid Features
00:00:00 Scott Klein DBA \ BI \ Cloud SQL Server 2014 OLTP Deep Dive
00:00:00 Sean McCown DBA DIY Performance Reporting
00:00:00 Rudy Rodarte AppDev Expand your TSQL: Intersect, Except, and Apply
00:00:00 Lance Tidwell DBA SQL Server Agent: The life preserver for the drowning DBA
00:00:00 Tamera Clark BI 45 min to build your first SSRS report
00:00:00 Anthony {Tex} Moreign Prof Dev \ Cloud The Cloud and I
00:00:00 Thomas LeBlanc BI Attributes Hierarchies in Analysis Services 2012
00:00:00 Thomas LeBlanc DBA \ BI \ Cloud Execution Plan Basics - Beginners
00:00:00 Tim Mitchell BI Scripting in SSIS
00:00:00 Tim Mitchell DBA \ BI \ Cloud 15 Quick Tips for SSIS Performance
00:00:00 Tim Costello AppDev Windowing Functions
00:00:00 Tim Costello BI Pro Tips: Tuning the data flow in SSIS
00:00:00 Vicky Harp AppDev Edge Case Testing for the Database Professional
00:00:00 Vicky Harp DBA \ BI \ Cloud Care and Feeding of Your System Databases
00:00:00 Mark Moore BI Introduction to PowerBI
00:00:00 Aashish Parekh BI Speed, Depth Flexibility - Having it all with real-time SSAS
00:00:00 Aaron Bertrand AppDev Top 5 Ways to Write Effective triggers
00:00:00 Aaron Bertrand AppDev T-SQL : Bad Habits Best Practices
00:00:00 Aaron Cutshall AppDev The Lost Science of Set Theory and Relational Algebra
00:00:00 Wesley Brown DBA Fundamentals of SAN, NAS and IP Storage
00:00:00 Amit R S Bansal DBA Mind your IO: Resource Governor shows you How
00:00:00 Thomas Norman AppDev Converting Unreliable Deployments Into Consistent Releases

SessionID: 11157

The Transaction Log Internals

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Event Date: 10-05-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DBA

Speaker: Carlos Lopez

Title: The Transaction Log Internals


Lets take a look at how the transaction log really works. On this session we will be able to view several examples of exactly what happens when transactions are added to the transaction log and when can they be removed from the transaction log.

SessionID: 11267

The Spy Who Loathed Me - An Intro to SQL Security

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Event Date: 10-05-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DBA

Speaker: Chris Bell

Title: The Spy Who Loathed Me - An Intro to SQL Security


You have lots of data you have painstakingly collected over the years. How do you ensure that data is protected from hackers, spies and other ne’er-do-wells? Understanding the vast array of security features available in SQL Server is the first step in helping you determine what actions you need to take now to protect your data.

SessionID: 12057

Microsoft Predictive Analytics/Data Mining Overview

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Event Date: 10-05-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: BI

Speaker: Carl Speshock

Title: Microsoft Predictive Analytics/Data Mining Overview


Come and learn about the Microsoft Predictive Analytics/Data Mining offering, capabilities and benefits, from within Excel, SQL Server and O365 Power BI.

SessionID: 12448

Writing Your First BimlScript

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Event Date: 10-05-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: BI

Speaker: David Stein

Title: Writing Your First BimlScript


SessionID: 12863

Fill Factor: Performance or Nuisance?

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Event Date: 10-05-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: AppDev

Speaker: WIlliam Barnes

Title: Fill Factor: Performance or Nuisance?


We expand on a little known but widely modified feature of SQL Server. Fill Factor is something to address in performance tuning after all the low hanging fruit has been addressed. This is not a deep dive into the underlying mechanics of how SQL Server works, but a softer more useful approach to this subject. We will be looking into why changing this could be either good or bad for your environments. This presentation is useful for DBA’s as well as developers trying to get a little more out of their servers.

SessionID: 13261

Taming the T-Log

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Event Date: 10-05-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DBA

Speaker: Dane Schilling

Title: Taming the T-Log


This session will give a brief overview of the many facets of the transaction log. Explore how the different recovery models play into the behavior of the transaction log. We will see what taking the different types of backups do to the transaction log. Explore alerts and scripts to monitor the transaction log. We will explore all this to hopefully help us tame our transaction logs, or at least to better understand why it is the way it is.

SessionID: 13601

Tabular Data Visualized by PowerView

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Event Date: 10-05-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: BI

Speaker: Derek Wilson

Title: Tabular Data Visualized by PowerView


A demo of how to build and deploy a SSAS Tabular model. Then connect to the model via Excel 2013 with PowerView to create advanced reports and analytical capabilities.

SessionID: 14384

Measuring Data Warehouse Performance

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Event Date: 10-05-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: BI

Speaker: Garrett Edmondson

Title: Measuring Data Warehouse Performance


DW Hardware Architecture Comparisons (SAN, DAS). Throughput (MB/sec) versus IOPS. Demo SQLIO – block size, sequential random reads/writes, IO Requests. Query IO/Time Statistics. Demo Columstore Index Segment Elimination. Demo Extended Events.

SessionID: 14385

Data Warehouse ETL

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Event Date: 10-05-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: BI

Speaker: Garrett Edmondson

Title: Data Warehouse ETL


OLTP versus DW ETL Strategies (Availability Groups/Mirroring, Change Data Capture, SSIS, FlatFiles). SSIS Synchronous Asynchronous transforms. Demo SSIS performance. ETL versus ELT. Demo FileTable.

SessionID: 15588

Enhancing your career: Building your personal brand

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Event Date: 10-05-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Prof Dev \ Cloud

Speaker: James Serra

Title: Enhancing your career: Building your personal brand


SessionID: 15591

Best Practices to Deliver BI Solutions

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Event Date: 10-05-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: BI

Speaker: James Serra

Title: Best Practices to Deliver BI Solutions


If your company is planning to build a data warehouse or BI solution, you need to be aware that BI projects have high failure rates. Gartner says between 70% to 80% of corporate business intelligence projects fail. And with “big data” adding more complexity you can expect even more failures. However, the major causes of these failures are well known and can be avoided by implementing a set of best practices.

I have worked on dozens of end-to-end BI projects and have seen my share of successes and failures. I will talk about the reasons BI projects fail and share best practices and lessons learned so your BI project will fall into the “successful” category.

SessionID: 16154

SQL Server--All About HA and DR

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Event Date: 10-05-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DBA

Speaker: Joseph D'Antoni

Title: SQL Server--All About HA and DR


Have you heard about all of the new Availability Group features in SQL 2012? Thinking about implementing a DR solution, but don't know where to start? In this session we will walk through the process of creating a disaster recovery plan for your organization, all of the HA and DR options within SQL Server (even the ones that aren't in Enterprise Edition), and finally a demonstration of the new Availability Groups feature in SQL Server 2012 and see them in practice

SessionID: 16155

In-Memory Columnstore Indexes--Make Your Data Warehouse Fly

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Event Date: 10-05-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DBA \ BI \ Cloud

Speaker: Joseph D'Antoni

Title: In-Memory Columnstore Indexes--Make Your Data Warehouse Fly


Columnstore indexes were introduced in SQL Server 2012, along with a new type of query processing "batch mode". In SQL 2014 they get even better--we can use a Columnstore index as a clustered index and update it. In this session we will explore the basics and beyond of Columnstore indexes and how they can help your warehouse performance. We will also examine their impact to insert and update performance, and the best use cases for implementation.

SessionID: 16461

T-SQL Code Sins

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Event Date: 10-05-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: AppDev

Speaker: Jennifer McCown

Title: T-SQL Code Sins


It’s impossible to follow every best practice all the time. “Code sins” are those things we do to our code that are either so horrendous that they can’t be borne, or that have such tremendous consequences that your stored procedures wish they’d never been created. Attendees will hear about the most common code sins that make code difficult to read, support, run and extend, and practical strategies for reversing the trend.

SessionID: 16463

DBA Career Roadmap

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Event Date: 10-05-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Prof Dev \ Cloud

Speaker: Jennifer McCown

Title: DBA Career Roadmap


Let’s talk about your career. You’ve been a DBA for a week, a month, a year, or ten, but do you know all you need to about keeping up to date? Job hunting and recruiters? Are you an interview ace? We’ll talk about all of this, and much more. To answer your specific questions, we’ll wrap up with a question and answer session.

SessionID: 16815

Mission Possible: Interactive Performance Troubleshooting - Indexes

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Event Date: 10-05-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DBA

Speaker: Jim Murphy

Title: Mission Possible: Interactive Performance Troubleshooting - Indexes


Performance troubleshooting is detective work. We'll have a lab system being assaulted by PowerShell scripts (to simulate live users), and simulated performance problems like those that can make your on-call cell phone ring too much! Do you think you have what it takes to find these "needle in the haystack" issues and resolve them quickly? This will be a highly interactive session where we will locate the rogue queries together, work through solutions, implement them and measure the results. In this episode we'll focus primarily on improper indexing as a common underlying problem and all will walk away with much better troubleshooting skills and an upgraded knowledge of performance tuning!

SessionID: 17305

SQL Server 2012 Analytic Functions

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Event Date: 10-05-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: AppDev

Speaker: John Cook

Title: SQL Server 2012 Analytic Functions


Windowing functions were first introduced in SQL Server 2005 when the ranking functions were added. SQL Server 2012 offers analytic functions that greatly simplify the coding of complex problems. Using analytic functions, aggregations can be easily and painlessly combined with row level details. FIRST_VALUE, RANGE, LEAD, and LAG introduce new ways of thinking about and solving problems. We'll go through the data and the new operators to reduce formerly complex queries to simpler ones.

SessionID: 17687

Table Partitioning: the Secret Weapon for your Big Data Problems.

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Event Date: 10-05-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: BI

Speaker: John Sterrett

Title: Table Partitioning: the Secret Weapon for your Big Data Problems.


Is big data starting to slow you down? Is data growth putting your maintenance tasks in danger of not meeting your service level agreements? Do you wish you could archive old data with minimal impact to your tables during the archive process? Do you wish you could eliminate the majority of the data in your tables when you query them? If so, its time you consider implementing table partitioning to help with your general performance and to reduce your maintenance window for completing your maintenance tasks. In this session you will learn how table partitioning works and when it should be implemented. You will be able to understand how to initially configure partition functions and partition schemes to have a rock solid partitioned table. Finally, you will learn how to implement an automated sliding window to maintain your partitioned tables for ensuring optimal performance.

SessionID: 17688

Proactive Monitoring with PBM and CMS

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Event Date: 10-05-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DBA

Speaker: John Sterrett

Title: Proactive Monitoring with PBM and CMS


This talk will give you an introduction into monitoring SQL Server using Policy Based Management and Central Management System which is provided out of the box with SQL Server. I will then show you how you can combine these features with the Enterprise Policy Management Framework on codeplex to provide monitoring for your whole SQL Server farm. This topic assumes you know nothing about PBM and CMS and will include lots of examples with only a few PowerPoint slides.

SessionID: 17746

Ah, ha, how do you automate database administration?

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Event Date: 10-05-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DBA

Speaker: Jason Wong

Title: Ah, ha, how do you automate database administration?


A typical enterprise database environment comprise of hundreds of database server hosts. Each host has at least the following database administrator's tasks:

User database full backup
System database full backup
Transaction Log backup
Check database integrity
Index defragmentation and update statistics
Backup cleanup per retention policy
Backup history and agent history cleanup

Quick N Easy recovery strategy

SQL Server native environment, the maintenance plan, is not comprehensive enough to cover all scenarios and is not friendly enough to debug. While CMS environment is great, it is not possible to automate via User Graphical Interface. I use CMS, T-SQL and Powershell custom solution to construct a worry-free, stable, easy-deploy DBA task plan and automated monitoring alert notifications including backup failure, backup reports and sql agent job failure. These maybe the processes that future SQL Server version could incorporate as a standard.

SessionID: 17864

Database Design Contentious Issues

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Event Date: 10-05-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: AppDev

Speaker: Karen Lopez

Title: Database Design Contentious Issues


SessionID: 17866

Windows Azure SQL Database Design: Concepts and Trade-offs

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Event Date: 10-05-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Prof Dev \ Cloud

Speaker: Karen Lopez

Title: Windows Azure SQL Database Design: Concepts and Trade-offs


Data modelers and designers need to understand the logical, physical, and technical differences in designing for Windows Azure SQL Databases (WASDs) and traditional on-premise SQL Server databases. In this session, we'll review the concepts that still work in both and the features that need to be tailored to each target environment.

You’ll see demonstrations of the database creation and initial design processes and gain best practices for model-driven development for each environment, including tool support. We’ll finish up with 5 tips for designing databases for both WASD and SQL Server.

SessionID: 18843

Beyond the Where: Full Text Search tips and tricks

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Event Date: 10-05-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: AppDev

Speaker: Kris Hokanson

Title: Beyond the Where: Full Text Search tips and tricks


Lots of people know that Full Text Search is a powerful tool for searching unstructured data but did you know that you can utilize its power for structured data as well? Functions like FREETEXTTABLE and CONTAINSTABLE open up some pretty groovy doors in terms of usability. We’ll discuss ways to give your users that search engine like interface that everyone has grown accustomed to without sacrificing query performance. We’ll also hit on creating synonyms to give your users results even when they aren’t quite sure what to search for. It’s an entirely different type of search altogether.

SessionID: 19233

SQL Server Statistics – What Are The Chances?

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Event Date: 10-05-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DBA

Speaker: Lori Edwards

Title: SQL Server Statistics – What Are The Chances?


For far too long, I thought that statistics only contained information on table row counts. While they do contain that information, there is more to it than that. In this beginner session, we’ll go over statistics – how they are created, the different types of statistics that exist, how they’re maintained and how the Query Optimizer uses them. We will also touch on system tables and DMVs that will provide additional information on your statistics. At the end of this session, you should have a better idea of how SQL Server makes decisions on how to gather data.

SessionID: 19929

SQL Watchdog - find out instantly when SQL changes in production

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Event Date: 10-05-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DBA

Speaker: Michael Bourgon

Title: SQL Watchdog - find out instantly when SQL changes in production


Almost everyone's seen it happen - problems due to changes, be it SPs, index rebuilds, or even configuration changes. But what if you could look historically and track down what changes were made when, by who, and from where? What if you could see in realtime when changes occur? It exists, it's built into SQL Server standard edition from 2005-2014, and it's easy to implement. Come learn what Event Notification is and why you'll want it in your environment. This is not theory, all code provided and in production on hundreds of servers in multiple environments.

SessionID: 19951

Change Tracking: A Near Bullet-Proof ETL Synchronization Control

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Event Date: 10-05-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: BI

Speaker: Mike Byrd

Title: Change Tracking: A Near Bullet-Proof ETL Synchronization Control


Change Tracking came out with SQL Server 2008, but SS2012 almost eclipsed it with Change Data Capture. Change Tracking is now the red-headed step child, but in many cases may be a better solution for data ETL movement from an OLTP database to a data warehouse database. This session will provide a review of change tracking syntax and implementation with detailed demos. It will then dive into an actual ETL subset implementation from the AdventureWorks database to a data warehouse solution (modified AdventureWorksDW) with detailed code discussion and demos.

SessionID: 20651

Troubleshooting Your Network Connections

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Event Date: 10-05-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DBA

Speaker: Mike Hays

Title: Troubleshooting Your Network Connections


Database professionals are often challenged to troubleshoot why a user cannot connect to a SQL Server instance. Attend this session to learn the basics of how SQL Server listens for connections and how it uses its browser service. Also learn what utilities the Windows operating system offers to help you in troubleshooting those connection issues.

SessionID: 20766

SQL Server Bingo – Install, Migration Config

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Event Date: 10-05-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DBA

Speaker: Mindy Curnutt

Title: SQL Server Bingo – Install, Migration Config


Get ready to play SQL Buzzword Bingo with the subject matter being SQL Install, Migration Configuration. Are you preparing to move a database from one SQL Server to another? Whether it's your first SQL install, a SQL Server Upgrade or changing from physical to virtual, there is a lot to consider. In some areas of the setup, you get only one chance to "get it right." Come to this session and find out all about the process - and have some fun while you're at it. First one to hit BINGO! will win a copy of the book SQL Server 2012 - Step by Step.

SessionID: 21019

Table Indexing for the .NET Developer

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Event Date: 10-05-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: BI

Speaker: Denny Cherry

Title: Table Indexing for the .NET Developer


In this session we will be looking at the best and worse practices for indexing tables within your SQL Server 2012 databases. We will also be looking into the new indexing features that are available in SQL Server 2012 (and SQL Server 2005-2008) and how you the .NET developer can make the best use of them to get your code running its best.

SessionID: 21020

Storage For the DBA

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Event Date: 10-05-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DBA

Speaker: Denny Cherry

Title: Storage For the DBA


One of the biggest issues in database performance centers around storage. It’s also one of the hardest places to troubleshoot performance issues because storage engineers and database administrators often do not speak the same language. In this session, we’ll be looking at storage from both the database and storage perspectives. We’ll be digging into LUNs, HBAs, the fabric, as well as RAID Groups. In addition to theory, we’ll be looking at an actual EMC SAN so that we can translate what we see in the Storage Array with what we see on the actual server.

SessionID: 21295

Cisco Unified Computing System (UCS)

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Event Date: 10-05-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DBA

Speaker: Nancy Hidy Wilson

Title: Cisco Unified Computing System (UCS)


SessionID: 21296

Strategy to Eliminate Bottlenecks

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Event Date: 10-05-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DBA

Speaker: Nancy Hidy Wilson

Title: Strategy to Eliminate Bottlenecks


Seeking 5–10X Performance improvement in your SQL environment? Join Matt Henderson from Violin Memory to hear about the results of our collaboration with Microsoft. A platform that delivers sustained sub-millisecond latency and provides which enables you to unleash your databases.

Matt will step through a demonstration and explanation of ‘how’ and ‘why’ Flash can: • Eliminate bottlenecks • Increase CPU utilization • Allow you to tune your databases in new ways

Come learn about Flash and the database tuning opportunities that can drastically improve your SQL performance.

SessionID: 21297

Resolving the Database Performance Problem Blame Game

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Event Date: 10-05-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DBA \ BI \ Cloud

Speaker: Nancy Hidy Wilson

Title: Resolving the Database Performance Problem Blame Game


If you’re like most DBAs, you probably can’t even count the number of times others have blamed your databases for an application performance issue – not that you’d want to know that number. Maybe the root cause of a problem did originate in the database, but maybe it didn’t. It can be difficult to tell – especially when communication among the application, storage, virtualization, and database teams isn’t in perfect sync. Getting the true full picture of the entire environment is a challenge that just about every DBA faces, and native tools do little to help; they generally require a lot of manual work and may still fail to reveal the source of the problem at all.

You’ll learn tricks to: •Understand normal (baseline) behavior •Compare database query workloads over different time ranges •Understand the performance impact of system and database change •Monitor more than just the database •Extend database performance data to other teams

SessionID: 21298

Supercharging SQL

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Event Date: 10-05-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DBA

Speaker: Nancy Hidy Wilson

Title: Supercharging SQL


How to get the performance of flash at spinning disk prices - we'll break down how legacy architectures are not able to keep up with the demands of users and how to overcome this without breaking the IT budget.

SessionID: 23094

SSAS - An Introduction to Multidimensional Cubes

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Event Date: 10-05-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: BI

Speaker: Robert Stewart

Title: SSAS - An Introduction to Multidimensional Cubes


This will be an introduction to building multidimensional cubes. We will be using the Adventureworks database and will do a step by step walk through on building a cube and adding features to it. If cubes have been a mystery to you, come and demystify them.

SessionID: 23689

Introduction to BIML and BIMLScript

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Event Date: 10-05-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: BI

Speaker: Russel Loski

Title: Introduction to BIML and BIMLScript


Microsoft has provided some great tools for creating and editing SSIS packages. First Business Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS) then SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT). However, when creating an SSIS package you frequently repeat the same steps over and over. BIML is an XML markup language designed for representing the structure of an SSIS package. BIML Script takes that structure and generates an SSIS package.In this session we will use BIDS Helper to create a simple SSIS package using BIML. We will handle a couple SSIS scenarios with BIML and BIML Script.

SessionID: 23690

SSIS project deployments with multiple developers

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Event Date: 10-05-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: BI

Speaker: Russel Loski

Title: SSIS project deployments with multiple developers


Before SQL Server 2012, it was easy to develop several SSIS packages in a project and deploy each package as you complete it. However SQL Server 2012 introduces the project deployment model. With its awesome features comes the limitation that you can no longer deploy a single package. You must deploy the whole project every time! How do you deploy a project that contains a mix of deployed packages, ready to deploy packages and packages in development?

In this session I demonstrate common problems that arise in the package development lifecycle that affect project deployment. I will then demonstrate how to use Team Foundation Server to address these problems. I will develop the story for handling packages at various stages of development using TFS.

SessionID: 23740

SQL 2012 AlwaysOn Quickstart

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Event Date: 10-05-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DBA

Speaker: Ryan Adams

Title: SQL 2012 AlwaysOn Quickstart


In this presentation I'll explain what the SQL Server AlwaysOn high availability and disaster recovery solution is all about. I'll talk about the different levels of protection it provides through Windows Clustering, SQL Clustering, and Availability Groups. We'll discuss how these three things come together to protect your databases. We'll finish with a dive into availability group configuration, the new capabilities it gives us, and what's new in SQL Server 2014.

SessionID: 23742

How Active Directory affects SQL Server

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Event Date: 10-05-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DBA

Speaker: Ryan Adams

Title: How Active Directory affects SQL Server


If you have ever had a Kerberos or SSPI context error, then you won't want to miss this session. SQL Server has a large surface area and Active Directory can influence a big part of it. I will discuss AD DNS configuration, Group Policy Objects, Kerberos (of course), and how all of them affect your SQL Server. By the end of the session you'll have a check list of things to discuss with your domain administrator when you return to work.

SessionID: 24164

Top 5 SQL Server 2014 Hybrid Features

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Event Date: 10-05-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DBA \ BI \ Cloud

Speaker: Scott Klein

Title: Top 5 SQL Server 2014 Hybrid Features


Microsoft SQL Server 2014 brings to market new capabilities to simplify cloud adoption and help you unlock new hybrid scenarios. This demo-filled session will highlight these features and show how you can use these features to lower your TCO and help manage your mission-critical applications by leveraging the cloud to provide new disaster recovery and backup solutions. In this session we will look at 5 great hybrid scenarios that are made possible by both great new features as well as enhanced features of SQL Server 2014. We’ll not only look how to use and implement these hybrid features, but also look at look at and discuss scenarios around why you would use these hybrid cloud to expand your options without adding complexity. We’ll look at how you can easily move workloads from your datacenter to Microsoft Azure while still maintaining a complete view of your infrastructure with increased proficiency and reduced cost.

SessionID: 24165

SQL Server 2014 OLTP Deep Dive

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Event Date: 10-05-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DBA \ BI \ Cloud

Speaker: Scott Klein

Title: SQL Server 2014 OLTP Deep Dive


SQL Server's new In-Memory OLTP technology (codenamed 'Hekaton') promises to be one of the most exciting new features to be released when SQL Server 2014 ships. As a DBA you will have a number of questions surrounds it's internals, how it should be administered and how it will impact you high-availability design. In this session In this demo-filled session we will discuss Hekaton from a DBA perspective. We will look at Hekaton's architecture and internals, capacity planning considerations, administration considerations and how it impacts your high-availability design. He will also present some use cases and examples of where Hekaton can be used.

SessionID: 24245

DIY Performance Reporting

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Event Date: 10-05-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DBA

Speaker: Sean McCown

Title: DIY Performance Reporting


Stop relying on vendors to provide you with performance data. Between Windows and SQL Server you’ve already got all you need to collect and report on server performance. And it’s far more flexible than you’ll ever get from a vendor. This is often called a poor man’s method, but it’s so much more than that. I’m going to show you what your options are for collecting performance data for free and you’ll even walk away with a framework you can plug into your own environment and start using tomorrow with very little effort.

SessionID: 24399

Expand your TSQL: Intersect, Except, and Apply

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Event Date: 10-05-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: AppDev

Speaker: Rudy Rodarte

Title: Expand your TSQL: Intersect, Except, and Apply


We all know and love inner join, outer join, in and exists. But, there are a several other TSQL operators that do not get as much press as the rest. Expand your TSQL tool belt with Intersect, Except, Cross Apply, and Outer Apply. You'll get practical examples that you can use on Monday morning!

SessionID: 24429

SQL Server Agent: The life preserver for the drowning DBA

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Event Date: 10-05-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DBA

Speaker: Lance Tidwell

Title: SQL Server Agent: The life preserver for the drowning DBA


Automation is a key part to becoming a great DBA. Without automation a DBA can start to drown in a sea of repeating tasks. The SQL Server Agent can serve as the much-needed life preserver to pull your head above the water.

In this session you will learn at how to setup the SQL Agent as well as creating jobs and alerts within the agent to help you with daily, monthly, yearly tasks.

In addition we will look into how to monitor the jobs and alerts created. Lastly we will talk about some common pitfalls to watch out for when dealing with the SQL Server Agent.

SessionID: 26010

45 min to build your first SSRS report

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Event Date: 10-05-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: BI

Speaker: Tamera Clark

Title: 45 min to build your first SSRS report


Does this sound like you? You were just given access to SSRS and you want to make a report. Or, you're a DBA and could use a daily report. Either way, I've got your back! You will learn everything you need to know to get that first report out the door quickly and how to tweak it once it’s deployed. We’ll even look at the differences between building a report in BIDS (Business Intelligence Development Studio) and Report Builder 3.0. We’ll use SSRS (SQL Server Reporting Services) 2012. The query makes no difference, this time it's all about the output.

SessionID: 26108

The Cloud and I

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Event Date: 10-05-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Prof Dev \ Cloud

Speaker: Anthony {Tex} Moreign

Title: The Cloud and I


This is a special combined speaker session, from the perspective of Tex (20+ year technologist) and Valentino (budding technologist). Suffice to say, when you leave this session expect to walk out with answers to:

... What is the Cloud (Private, Public and Hybrid)? ... How does the cloud impact me personally (individual and family)? ... How does the cloud impact me professionally (developer and Infrastructure)? (see ... How do i get started today, keeping in mind some gotchas? ... finally where do i go from here ... «±»

SessionID: 26529

Attributes Hierarchies in Analysis Services 2012

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Event Date: 10-05-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: BI

Speaker: Thomas LeBlanc

Title: Attributes Hierarchies in Analysis Services 2012


The session explains Attributes and Hierarchies in Analysis Services 2012 Semantic Model. They are used to slice (filter) and dice (group) measures and dimensions used to view analytical data. The slicing and dicing of data involves fields, columns, or whatever you want to labeled them. But, in SQL Server Semantic model these are called Attributes and Hierarchies. The configuration of these slicers and dicers are important in SQL Server Analysis Services. This session will demonstrate the difference between an attribute and columns in a hierarchy in the dimension as well as the configuration of these for best performance and viewing.

SessionID: 26530

Execution Plan Basics - Beginners

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Event Date: 10-05-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DBA \ BI \ Cloud

Speaker: Thomas LeBlanc

Title: Execution Plan Basics - Beginners


This will be a Beginners session highlighting the starting point for using the execution plans from SQL Server to assist in query tuning. Briefly, we will look at the history to get an idea of how Microsoft has improved the display through Graphical Plans and Missing Index suggestion. What is the difference between a Table and Clustered Index Scan? What is a Lookup? How do you improve performance of Lookups? What are the different types of Loops? How to get more information from the Plan with the properties window?

SessionID: 26624

Scripting in SSIS

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Event Date: 10-05-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: BI

Speaker: Tim Mitchell

Title: Scripting in SSIS


SQL Server Integration Services is full of useful and versatile tasks, components, and containers that allow the ETL developer to easily handle most data movement and transformation issues. However, it's not uncommon to run into ETL need that require more flexibility than what is offered in the native tools of SSIS. Fortunately, Integration Services comes with a couple of tools to overcome most any ETL challenge: the Script Task and the Script Component.

In this session, we will explore both the Script Task and Script Component tools within SSIS. We will discuss the reasons why one might need to include scripting as part of an ETL strategy, as well as examining some use cases where scripting is a good fit. We will follow up with several demonstrations of how to solve specific ETL challenges using the Script Task and Script Component in SSIS.

SessionID: 26625

15 Quick Tips for SSIS Performance

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Event Date: 10-05-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DBA \ BI \ Cloud

Speaker: Tim Mitchell

Title: 15 Quick Tips for SSIS Performance


When reviewing your ETL processes, the No. 1 question is always, "Does it work as expected?" Closely following that question is the ubiquitous, "How fast does it run?" This session’s tips are targeted at improve the latter.

In this session, we’ll focus on SSIS package performance, quickly reviewing 15 common hotspots for performance issues as well as recommended methods for maximizing throughput. You’ll walk away with some key design patterns and recommendations that you can use today to improve SSIS package performance.

SessionID: 26795

Windowing Functions

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Event Date: 10-05-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: AppDev

Speaker: Tim Costello

Title: Windowing Functions


Window functions are one of the coolest new things in SQL Server 2012, but they can be tricky to figure out. In this session we'll talk about how windows functions work and why you should start using them. This is going to be a demo heavy session with code samples you can take back to work and start using Monday morning!

SessionID: 26796

Pro Tips: Tuning the data flow in SSIS

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Event Date: 10-05-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: BI

Speaker: Tim Costello

Title: Pro Tips: Tuning the data flow in SSIS


It's not too hard to build a data flow in SSIS quickly. Building a FAST data flow can be a little tricky. In this session I'll show you the things you should be thinking about when designing your data flow and some tricks that can help you move your data faster. In this demo heavy session we will work through examples of slow data flow scenarios and fix them with simple techniques you can put to work Monday morning!

SessionID: 27398

Edge Case Testing for the Database Professional

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Event Date: 10-05-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: AppDev

Speaker: Vicky Harp

Title: Edge Case Testing for the Database Professional


Are you confident that your application performs as expected on Leap Day? Do you know how long it would take to run out of identity values in your major tables? Can you support case-sensitive collations and non-standard sort orders? If not, odds are good that you are not edge and corner testing your application. In this session, learn how to define the edges of your application and start to stretch those boundaries by setting up challenging test and development environments. For database administrators, learn what configurations in your environment may be a source of bugs in application code and what you can do about it. Learn about edge cases that you can start hardening your code against on Monday morning!

SessionID: 27400

Care and Feeding of Your System Databases

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Event Date: 10-05-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DBA \ BI \ Cloud

Speaker: Vicky Harp

Title: Care and Feeding of Your System Databases


Master, model, msdb, tempdb. You see them on all of your servers, but what do you really know about them? If you ever wanted to learn about the SQL Server system databases, their purpose, and the maintenance and configuration required to keep your server running its best, then this session is for you! Learn best practices and techniques, including how to restore master and how to configure tempdb to reduce contention. You'll leave with a better understanding of these shared resources and how they affect your database applications.

SessionID: 34768

Introduction to PowerBI

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Event Date: 10-05-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: BI

Speaker: Mark Moore

Title: Introduction to PowerBI


Use natural language queries to find answers in your own data. Have fun traveling through your data refining or expanding your question, uncovering trust-worthy new information, zeroing in on details and zooming out for a broader view. You’ll be delighted by the insights and discoveries you make.

SessionID: 8904

Speed, Depth Flexibility - Having it all with real-time SSAS

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Event Date: 10-05-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: BI

Speaker: Aashish Parekh

Title: Speed, Depth Flexibility - Having it all with real-time SSAS


SSAS is traditionally implemented in a batch-oriented architecture that requires a nightly maintenance window for processing data. As such, it doesn't get much consideration as an option to satisfy high speed, near-time use cases. However, with some well-placed customization of a few components of a standard OLAP architecture, SSAS can achieve near real-time data latency. This can be a game-changer for businesses that operate around the clock and don't have the luxury of a refresh window, as well as for users who need to analyze both historical and intraday numbers to make decisions.

SessionID: 8920

Top 5 Ways to Write Effective triggers

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Event Date: 10-05-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: AppDev

Speaker: Aaron Bertrand

Title: Top 5 Ways to Write Effective triggers


You've got a piece of code that you want to implement as a trigger, but you've read that triggers can grind your performance to a halt. Developers everywhere write triggers to implement business logic, to enforce certain types of constraints, or to avoid changing database schema or external code. Many triggers are inefficient and violate best practices -- but it doesn't have to be this way. Come learn how to improve your triggers and keep them off the list of potential scapegoats for your SQL Server performance woes.

SessionID: 8921

T-SQL : Bad Habits Best Practices

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Event Date: 10-05-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: AppDev

Speaker: Aaron Bertrand

Title: T-SQL : Bad Habits Best Practices


Bad habits: we all have them. SELECT * is the obvious one; but in this session you will learn about various other habits and why they can be bad for performance or maintainability. You will also learn about best practices that will help you avoid falling into some of these bad habits. Come learn how these habits develop, what kind of problems they can lead to, and how you can avoid them - leading to more efficient code, a more productive work environment, and - in a lot of cases – both.

SessionID: 8941

The Lost Science of Set Theory and Relational Algebra

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Event Date: 10-05-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: AppDev

Speaker: Aaron Cutshall

Title: The Lost Science of Set Theory and Relational Algebra


Many database developers today do not have a Computer Science degree and may also have begun their career developing software using procedural programming languages (Java, C#, etc.). As a result, they may not have the background needed to conceptualize solutions in terms of sets of data and therefore may not be able to develop efficient set-based queries. In this session, we will review the basics of set theory, relational algebra and how they apply to database development to turn cursors, loops, and other procedural programming practices into efficient set-based operations that make the most use of a relational database engine.

SessionID: 9038

Fundamentals of SAN, NAS and IP Storage

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Event Date: 10-05-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DBA

Speaker: Wesley Brown

Title: Fundamentals of SAN, NAS and IP Storage


SAN’s and NAS’s have their own challenges but also open up a whole new set of tools for disaster recovery and high availability. We will touch on the basics that can be applied to most SAN’s and talk about strategies for setting up your storage. We will also cover what makes up a Storage Area Network and what seperates Network Attached Storage from SAN's and how iSCSI fits into this picture.

SessionID: 9398

Mind your IO: Resource Governor shows you How

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Event Date: 10-05-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DBA

Speaker: Amit R S Bansal

Title: Mind your IO: Resource Governor shows you How


Resource Governor was introduced in SQL Server 2008 to achieve predictable performance in a multi-tenant environment, to support mixed workload patterns, to provide mechanisms and tools to deal with runaway queries, and to enforce resource limits for CPU and memory. In prior releases, there have been incremental enhancements to this feature. SQL Server 2014 now supports resource governance for IO. In this demo-heavy session, you will learn to implement Resource Governor to configure resource limits in a comprehensive manner including IO and guarantee predictable performance for different tenants. Along the way, you are also going to see enhancements to Extended Events framework and disk specific counters that have been added SQLServer:Resource Pool Stats.

SessionID: 9841

Converting Unreliable Deployments Into Consistent Releases

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Event Date: 10-05-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: AppDev

Speaker: Thomas Norman

Title: Converting Unreliable Deployments Into Consistent Releases


The deployment process is frustrating; an object is missing, an object is

deployed in the wrong order or the incorrect version. Each database is made up of a lot of objects in different environments. When you create an object like a table or stored procedure, you need to get this object deployed into each environment. Together we will discover how to separate each object for proper order deployment while releasing only objects which have changed. Deployments can cause you trouble but we will provide a reliable deployment and version control process.