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SQLSaturday #309 - Oklahoma City 2014

Start Time (24h) Speaker Track Title
00:00:00 Brandon Leach DBA SQL Server Storage internals: Looking under the hood.
00:00:00 Bryan Smith BI Overcoming Complex Data Cleansing Challenges with Excel Power Query
00:00:00 Bryan Smith BI Finding and Cleansing Data with Excel Power Query
00:00:00 Brett Tomson Bonus 1 Power This, Power That...Making Sense of Power BI
00:00:00 Derek Dai BI Data Discovery and Insights using Excel 2013 Power BI
00:00:00 David Klee DBA SQL Server Virtualization 101
00:00:00 Jeremy Marx Bonus 2 BIML: Taking the Pain Out of Integration Services Development
00:00:00 Hakim Ali Dev T-SQL Throwdown
00:00:00 Hakim Ali Dev INDEXING 101 - WHAT IS AN INDEX?
00:00:00 Jennifer McCown Bonus 1 T-SQL Code Sins
00:00:00 Jennifer McCown Bonus 1 Introduction to Powershell cmdlets for DBAs
00:00:00 Michael Bourgon DBA SQL Watchdog - find out instantly when SQL changes in production
00:00:00 Mike Byrd Bonus 2 Change Tracking: A Near Bullet-Proof ETL Synchronization Control
00:00:00 Pam Matthews BI Building an MDM Center of Excellence with MDS and Maestro
00:00:00 Patrick Bewley Dev Develop SQL Server Databases from Visual Studio: SQL Server Data Tools
00:00:00 Ryan Adams DBA AlwaysOn Live Deployment
00:00:00 Sean McCown Bonus 1 DIY Performance Reporting
00:00:00 Rudy Rodarte Dev Expand your TSQL: Intersect, Except, and Apply
00:00:00 JK Wood Dev Temporary Query Items and You
00:00:00 Tim Mitchell Dev Parent/Child Structures in SSIS
00:00:00 Tim Costello Bonus 2 Windowing Functions
00:00:00 Tim Costello Bonus 2 Source Code Control: Revision management for the data dude.
00:00:00 William E Pearson III Bonus 1 Design and Implement BI like Edison!
00:00:00 William E Pearson III Bonus 1 Getting Started with MDX
00:00:00 Wesley Brown DBA Understanding Storage Systems and SQL Server
00:00:00 Amy Herold DBA Beginning Automation with Powershell
00:00:00 Thomas Norman Bonus 2 I’m New, Select Me!
00:00:00 Thomas Norman Bonus 2 Converting Unreliable Deployments Into Consistent Releases
00:00:00 Allen Smith BI ColumnStore Indexes in SQL 2014
00:00:00 Allen Smith BI BI Basics - Finding Return on Data

SessionID: 10692

SQL Server Storage internals: Looking under the hood.

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Event Date: 23-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DBA

Speaker: Brandon Leach

Title: SQL Server Storage internals: Looking under the hood.


Ever wonder what goes on under the hood of your SQL Servers? SQL Server is a complicated system. Understanding how your data is actually stored on disk can have a profound effect on the choices you make while designing and architecting a solution. In this session I'll show you how data is physically stored and how choices you make effect performance. We'll look at the structure of rows and data pages, index allocation maps, and the physical differences between heaps and clustered indexes.

SessionID: 11040

Overcoming Complex Data Cleansing Challenges with Excel Power Query

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Event Date: 23-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: BI

Speaker: Bryan Smith

Title: Overcoming Complex Data Cleansing Challenges with Excel Power Query


Building off the earlier session, "Finding Cleansing Data with Excel Power Query", we will explore more advanced techniques for cleansing data using Excel Power Query including the use of Power Query expressions. Armed with these techniques, analysts should feel confident tackling some of the gnarliest data cleansing challenges.

SessionID: 11041

Finding and Cleansing Data with Excel Power Query

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Event Date: 23-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: BI

Speaker: Bryan Smith

Title: Finding and Cleansing Data with Excel Power Query


The hardest part of the analyst's job is finding data to support his or her work. And once that data is found, it is often in less than ideal shape for our needs. With Excel Power Query, the analyst now has capabilities to find and cleanse data, resulting in huge time savings. In this session, you will learn the basics of working with Power Query.

SessionID: 11081

Power This, Power That...Making Sense of Power BI

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Event Date: 23-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Bonus 1

Speaker: Brett Tomson

Title: Power This, Power That...Making Sense of Power BI


With the introduction of Power BI, Microsoft has moved one step closer to its vision of self-service BI for all. But with this new offering comes a bevy of "Power" apps that are bound to confuse just about anyone. In this session, we will power through Power BI for Office 365 bringing meaning to the mess of names like Power Query, Power Map, Power Pivot and Power View and how these experiences are delivered through Microsoft Excel and Office 365. Expect to leave with the power of insight into an exciting new offering that captures the essence of self-service BI.

SessionID: 12137

Data Discovery and Insights using Excel 2013 Power BI

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Event Date: 23-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: BI

Speaker: Derek Dai

Title: Data Discovery and Insights using Excel 2013 Power BI


In this session you will learn how to provide valuable data insights through data discovery and visualisation with Microsoft’s Power BI capabilities. You'll learn how to connect and discover the world's data to enhance data discovery over your own and externally available datasets and how to combine multiple datasets together. You'll also learn how to use existing and new data visualisation capabilities together using Power View and Power Map in Excel 2013, and get a deep drilldown into the Power BI capabilities.

SessionID: 12493

SQL Server Virtualization 101

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Event Date: 23-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DBA

Speaker: David Klee

Title: SQL Server Virtualization 101


What is virtualization? What impact does it have on DBAs and their systems? What aspects of their job stays the same, and what changes? What is really going on inside that black box? The fundamentals of private cloud computing and how it impacts data professionals will be discussed in this interactive session. Tips on how to use the best of virtualization to improve their daily tasks and efficiencies will be demonstrated, and common questions and concerns will be addressed.

SessionID: 13056

BIML: Taking the Pain Out of Integration Services Development

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Event Date: 23-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Bonus 2

Speaker: Jeremy Marx

Title: BIML: Taking the Pain Out of Integration Services Development


SessionID: 14929

T-SQL Throwdown

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Event Date: 23-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Dev

Speaker: Hakim Ali

Title: T-SQL Throwdown


Join us for a game of SQL that combines fun, learning SQL, networking, and friendly competition with your peers. Create your team for a SQL-off against other teams. If you can write a SQL query, you have the skills required to play. Each team must bring a laptop with SQL Server 2012 Express and AdventureWorks 2012 pre-installed. Please read full rules here: http://www.sqlzen.com/t-sql-throwdown.html

Track: Developer

SessionID: 14930


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Event Date: 23-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Dev

Speaker: Hakim Ali



If your eyes glaze over when you read the terms 'clustered index' or 'non-clustered index', and you think you really ought to know what these are, this may just be the session for you.

This session is designed for those new to database design/development. If you have some idea of how databases and tables are used, but need a (re)grounding in the basic concepts of indexing and how to use them to your advantage, you will benefit from this session. You will leave knowing what a clustered index is, what a non-clustered index is, when to use them, how to use them, their advantages and disadvantages. We will start at a very high level with simple examples and basic definitions, and then go into details of how indexes work and practical examples of index usage in T-SQL.

SessionID: 16457

T-SQL Code Sins

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Event Date: 23-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Bonus 1

Speaker: Jennifer McCown

Title: T-SQL Code Sins


It’s impossible to follow every best practice all the time. “Code sins” are those things we do to our code that are either so horrendous that they can’t be borne, or that have such tremendous consequences that your stored procedures wish they’d never been created. Attendees will hear about the most common code sins that make code difficult to read, support, run and extend, and practical strategies for reversing the trend.

SessionID: 16458

Introduction to Powershell cmdlets for DBAs

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Event Date: 23-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Bonus 1

Speaker: Jennifer McCown

Title: Introduction to Powershell cmdlets for DBAs


You’ve been hearing about this newfangled craze, and it’s time to learn exactly why it’s called POWERshell. You’ll want to take notes, or better yet, bring your laptop and start using Powershell immediately. We will get Posh running and then I’ll introduce you to the basic concepts, with examples to make things happen right away. We’ll work on SQL Server with Powershell, and learn some cool techniques. Come see this all-demo, hands-on session!

SessionID: 19928

SQL Watchdog - find out instantly when SQL changes in production

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Event Date: 23-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DBA

Speaker: Michael Bourgon

Title: SQL Watchdog - find out instantly when SQL changes in production


Almost everyone's seen it happen - problems due to changes, be it SPs, index rebuilds, or even configuration changes. But what if you could look historically and track down what changes were made when, by who, and from where? What if you could see in realtime when changes occur? It exists, it's built into SQL Server standard edition from 2005-2014, and it's easy to implement. Come learn what Event Notification is and why you'll want it in your environment. This is not theory, all code provided and in production on hundreds of servers in multiple environments.

SessionID: 19954

Change Tracking: A Near Bullet-Proof ETL Synchronization Control

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Event Date: 23-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Bonus 2

Speaker: Mike Byrd

Title: Change Tracking: A Near Bullet-Proof ETL Synchronization Control


Change Tracking came out with SQL Server 2008, but SS2012 almost eclipsed it with Change Data Capture. Change Tracking is now the red-headed step child, but in many cases may be a better solution for data ETL movement from an OLTP database to a data warehouse database. This session will provide a review of change tracking syntax and implementation with detailed demos. It will then dive into an actual ETL subset implementation from the AdventureWorks database to a data warehouse solution (modified AdventureWorksDW) with detailed code discussion and demos.

SessionID: 21626

Building an MDM Center of Excellence with MDS and Maestro

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Event Date: 23-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: BI

Speaker: Pam Matthews

Title: Building an MDM Center of Excellence with MDS and Maestro


Learn how to build a Master Data Management (MDM) Center of Excellence with Best Practices using extensive demonstration of SQL Server Master Data Services (MDS) and Profisee's Maestro product. The session will including building a complete sample customer domain including data quality, merge, match and deduplication, and business workflow.

SessionID: 21754

Develop SQL Server Databases from Visual Studio: SQL Server Data Tools

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Event Date: 23-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Dev

Speaker: Patrick Bewley

Title: Develop SQL Server Databases from Visual Studio: SQL Server Data Tools


Did you know you can design and develop databases from within Visual Studio using SQL Server Data Tools? Attend this session to find out how to take database development to the next level using Visual Studio. Discover simple ways to manage databases using a tool designed by Microsoft.

SessionID: 23744

AlwaysOn Live Deployment

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Event Date: 23-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DBA

Speaker: Ryan Adams

Title: AlwaysOn Live Deployment


This session is 90% live demonstrations. I'll walk you through a complete AlwaysOn deployment. You will see firsthand how to install and configure an AlwaysOn Failover Cluster. I'll also show you how to setup an AlwaysOn Availability Group across 5 nodes using both the GUI and T-SQL so you know why and when to use each method. I'll finish up by showing how you can connect to a readable secondary.

SessionID: 24244

DIY Performance Reporting

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Event Date: 23-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Bonus 1

Speaker: Sean McCown

Title: DIY Performance Reporting


Stop relying on vendors to provide you with performance data. Between Windows and SQL Server you’ve already got all you need to collect and report on server performance. And it’s far more flexible than you’ll ever get from a vendor. This is often called a poor man’s method, but it’s so much more than that. I’m going to show you what your options are for collecting performance data for free and you’ll even walk away with a framework you can plug into your own environment and start using tomorrow with very little effort.

SessionID: 24400

Expand your TSQL: Intersect, Except, and Apply

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Event Date: 23-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Dev

Speaker: Rudy Rodarte

Title: Expand your TSQL: Intersect, Except, and Apply


We all know and love inner join, outer join, in and exists. But, there are a several other TSQL operators that do not get as much press as the rest. Expand your TSQL tool belt with Intersect, Except, Cross Apply, and Outer Apply. You'll get practical examples that you can use on Monday morning!

SessionID: 25169

Temporary Query Items and You

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Event Date: 23-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Dev

Speaker: JK Wood

Title: Temporary Query Items and You


Temporary Tables. Table Variables. Views. CTEs. Derived Tables. All of these are useful for some form of temporarily persisted query or data, but how do you choose between them? Join JK as he works his way through the strengths and weaknesses of each of these items, their scope and their impact on your queries in this demo-heavy session.

SessionID: 26628

Parent/Child Structures in SSIS

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Event Date: 23-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Dev

Speaker: Tim Mitchell

Title: Parent/Child Structures in SSIS


SQL Server Integration Services provides the ability to nest packages within one another in a parent/child structure. By creating a multilayer package infrastructure using native elements of SSIS, you can easily encapsulate reusable components of your ETL layer, simplify logging, and make the development process more efficient.

In this session, we'll take a tour through parent/child design architecture within SSIS. We'll discuss the advantages of using the parent/child architecture while reviewing various design patterns. We'll review the capabilities within the various versions of SSIS (2005 through 2014) and discuss the buttons and switches that make it work. Finally, we'll have a number of realistic demonstrations to fully illustrate these concepts.

SessionID: 26803

Windowing Functions

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Event Date: 23-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Bonus 2

Speaker: Tim Costello

Title: Windowing Functions


Window functions are one of the coolest new things in SQL Server 2012, but they can be tricky to figure out. In this session we'll talk about how windows functions work and why you should start using them. This is going to be a demo heavy session with code samples you can take back to work and start using Monday morning!

SessionID: 26804

Source Code Control: Revision management for the data dude.

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Event Date: 23-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Bonus 2

Speaker: Tim Costello

Title: Source Code Control: Revision management for the data dude.


Ever wanted to see what has changed since the last time you looked, or work with someone else and realize you've both changed the same stored procedure? Do you really enjoy searching through folder after folder of obscure .sql files to find the query you might or might not have saved last week? There is a better way, and it doesn't have to be a hassle. In this session we'll look at why you would want a revision management system and options (build or buy, free or fee) to implement one for yourself or your team.

SessionID: 28125

Design and Implement BI like Edison!

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Event Date: 23-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Bonus 1

Speaker: William E Pearson III

Title: Design and Implement BI like Edison!


As the most prolific inventor in American history, Thomas Edison was a master of “Best Practices!” Edison’s creations were not just novel and commercially successful, but many launched entire new industries including electric light and power, sound recording, motion pictures and industrial cement and concrete manufacture. At the heart of Edison’s remarkable record of innovation was his categorization of the innovation process into “competencies,” or bundles of skills supporting the achievement of success in a particular area of endeavor. In this session, we will look at ways that we can use many of these broad success secrets to bring powerful tools and strategies to the recurring implementation of business intelligence.

SessionID: 28128

Getting Started with MDX

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Event Date: 23-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Bonus 1

Speaker: William E Pearson III

Title: Getting Started with MDX


In this session, led by Microsoft BI Architect and SQL Server MVP Bill Pearson, we will concentrate largely upon crafting simple MDX expressions and queries whose purposes, for the most part, are to return a set of data. We will overview the structure of a cube, using as a basis the sample Adventure Works cube that is available to anyone installing SQL Server Analysis Services 2008 R2. We will then outline the components of simple MDX syntax, and get started writing basic expressions and queries. We will expose basic member functions, introduce filters (or “slicers”), and begin exploring core MDX functionality, including calculated members, and named sets. This session applies equally to Analysis Services 2008, 2008R2 and 2012.

SessionID: 9039

Understanding Storage Systems and SQL Server

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Event Date: 23-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DBA

Speaker: Wesley Brown

Title: Understanding Storage Systems and SQL Server


The most important part of your SQL Server is also the slowest, Storage. This talk will take you through the fundamentals of your server's Disk I/O System. From how hard drives work, through RAID configurations, and how to configure the file system. This session should give you a solid foundation over storage systems and help you understand why they are slow and how to overcome some of their limitations.

SessionID: 9407

Beginning Automation with Powershell

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Event Date: 23-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: DBA

Speaker: Amy Herold

Title: Beginning Automation with Powershell


This session will cover concepts of automating SQL processes with Powershell - the one tool no DBA should shy away from. If you haven't gotten on the bandwagon yet now is the time. With some simple demos that you can take and expand upon, you wil learn how you can leverage Powershell to not only efficiently meet the needs of your busines, but also free up your time for other things.

SessionID: 9848

I’m New, Select Me!

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Event Date: 23-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Bonus 2

Speaker: Thomas Norman

Title: I’m New, Select Me!


I have been new to something at some point in my life, new town, new job or new profession. Now, I am the new DBA! Feeling overwhelmed, not sure where to begin. I know I have data and maybe lots of it. I need a friend and mentor to help me discover my new role. Select wants to be my friend, in fact Select and I need to become best friends. For Select and I to become best friends, we need to learn about each other, our weaknesses and our strengths. Come along, Select wants to introduce you to all of Selects friends. Let’s meet Where, Join, Group By and more of Select friends. Come along, let’s discover Select and his friends.

SessionID: 9849

Converting Unreliable Deployments Into Consistent Releases

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Event Date: 23-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Bonus 2

Speaker: Thomas Norman

Title: Converting Unreliable Deployments Into Consistent Releases


The deployment process is frustrating; an object is missing, an object is

deployed in the wrong order or the incorrect version. Each database is made up of a lot of objects in different environments. When you create an object like a table or stored procedure, you need to get this object deployed into each environment. Together we will discover how to separate each object for proper order deployment while releasing only objects which have changed. Deployments can cause you trouble but we will provide a reliable deployment and version control process.

SessionID: 9936

ColumnStore Indexes in SQL 2014

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Event Date: 23-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: BI

Speaker: Allen Smith

Title: ColumnStore Indexes in SQL 2014


ColumnStore indexes were first introduced as xVelocity with SQL 2012 as a way to improve query performance against large data sets by grouping and storing columns of data instead of rows. With SQL 2014, those ColumnStore indexes become update-able. In this session, we review the difference in ColumnStore indexes, implementing ColumnStore indexes Clustered and Non-Clustered and monitor performance.

SessionID: 9937

BI Basics - Finding Return on Data

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Event Date: 23-08-2014 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: BI

Speaker: Allen Smith

Title: BI Basics - Finding Return on Data


This session will you chart the waters through the sea of Business Intelligence (BI) options. IT departments need tools to turn data into useful information for users. Instead of ROI, this session talks about Return on Data' for IT Managers.

In this session we look at the roles of data warehousing, big data and business intelligence systems. The Microsoft BI stack has evolved from traditional OLAP cubes to include tabular models, PowerBI, integration with HADOOP, reporting tools and full integration with SharePoint. This session is non-technical.