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SQLSaturday #374 - Vienna 2015

Start Time (24h) Speaker Track Title
00:00:00 Boris Hristov Track 2 Top 5 T-SQL Improvements in SQL Server 2014
00:00:00 David Postlethwaite Track 4 Putting Your head in the Cloud– A Beginner’s Guide to Cloud Computing and SQL Azure
00:00:00 Dejan Sarka Track 3 Identity Mapping and De-Duplicating
00:00:00 Gail Shaw Track 2 Dos and don’ts of database corruption
00:00:00 Kenneth Nielsen Track 3 Azure Big Data Solution – automation of deployment
00:00:00 Leila Etaati Track 3 A journey to Power BI
00:00:00 Margarita Naumova Track 3 Top 10 configuration mistakes that affect your SQL Server performance
00:00:00 Markus Ehrenmueller-Jensen Track 5 Azure Hands-On Workshop #1. (Bring your own Laptop!)
00:00:00 Markus Winand Track 1 Volkskrankheit „Stiefmütterliche Indizierung“
00:00:00 Miloš Radivojević Track 1 SQL Server 2014 and Ascending Key Problem in Large Tables
00:00:00 Miroslav Dimitrov Track 1 Extended events in action
00:00:00 Peter Myers Track 1 Introduction to Time Series Forecasting
00:00:00 Rodney Landrum Track 4 Analytics and the DBA – Using BI Power tools to visualize your SQL Infrastructure
00:00:00 Scott Klein Track 2 Top 5 SQL Server 2014 Hybrid Cloud Features
00:00:00 Tanja Vukov Track 1 Mathematical modeling and Azure Machine Learning - drag, drop, predict
00:00:00 Uwe Ricken Track 4 CDC - Change Data Capture in Detail
00:00:00 Vedran Kesegic Track 4 How to recover deleted data with no backups?
00:00:00 Wolfgang Strasser Track 2 Professionelles Recycling – SSIS Custom Control Flow Komponenten und Visual Studio Community
00:00:00 Zoltán Horváth Track 4 So you are a BI Developer by Accident
00:00:00 Reza Rad Track 2 ETL on Cloud? Azure Data Factory
00:00:00 Andreas Schabus Track 5 Azure Hands-On Workshop #2 (re-run). (Bring your own Laptop!)

SessionID: 10939

Top 5 T-SQL Improvements in SQL Server 2014

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Event Date: 28-02-2015 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Track 2

Speaker: Boris Hristov

Title: Top 5 T-SQL Improvements in SQL Server 2014


SQL Server 2014 comes with dozens of improvements in various areas. In this session we will discuss and see how the latest release can make the life of each and every developer easier and what are the top 5 T-SQL enhancements that we can use in our day-to-day work.

SessionID: 12478

Putting Your head in the Cloud– A Beginner’s Guide to Cloud Computing and SQL Azure

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Event Date: 28-02-2015 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Track 4

Speaker: David Postlethwaite

Title: Putting Your head in the Cloud– A Beginner’s Guide to Cloud Computing and SQL Azure


Although Windows Azure and the concept of Cloud Computing has been around for a number of years it is still a mystery to many. This talk takes a look at Cloud Computing – what it is, the types of Cloud available and their advantages and disadvantages. We’ll then look at Windows Azure and specifically SQL Azure DB, to see how to create and manage SQL databases in the Cloud.

SessionID: 13553

Identity Mapping and De-Duplicating

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Event Date: 28-02-2015 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Track 3

Speaker: Dejan Sarka

Title: Identity Mapping and De-Duplicating


In an enterprise, merging master data, like customer data, from multiple sources is a common problem. Typically, you do not have a single, i.e. the same key identifying a customer in different sources. You have to match data based on similarity of strings, like names and addresses. In this session, we are going to check how different algorithms for comparing strings included in SQL Server work. We are going to use four different algorithms that come with Master Data Services (Levenshtein, Jaccard, Jaro-Winkler and Ratcliff-Obershelp), and Fuzzy Lookup transformation from Integration Services. Finally, we are going to introduce how SQL Server Data Quality Services help us here.

SessionID: 14370

Dos and don’ts of database corruption

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Event Date: 28-02-2015 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Track 2

Speaker: Gail Shaw

Title: Dos and don’ts of database corruption


Database corruption is one of the worst things you can encounter as a DBA. It can result in downtime, data loss, and unhappy users. What’s scary about corruption is that it can strike out of the blue and with no warning, and without having some

In this session we’ll look at • Easy maintenance operations you should be running right now to ensure the fastest possible identification and resolution of corruption • Best practices for handling a database that you suspect may be corrupted • Actions that can worsen the problem • Appropriate steps to take and methods of recovery

SessionID: 18602

Azure Big Data Solution – automation of deployment

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Event Date: 28-02-2015 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Track 3

Speaker: Kenneth Nielsen

Title: Azure Big Data Solution – automation of deployment


By now you’ve probably heard about Big Data 1.000 times or more so why a new session about big data you might ask.

Show how to make creation and deletion of AZURE elements automatically as part of your ETL process or by Powershell, automate the trivial procedures and work on the interesting parts This session will show you how : • Downloads and prepares several years of demo data and storing it in a dedicated Azure Blob Storage account. • Create a storage account and container for the HDInsight Cluster. • Create a SQL database server instance and a SQL database for the Hive Metastore. We will also setup the necessary firewall rules so that you can access the server directly. • The HDInsight cluster is provisioned and configured for access to the sample data. • A partitioned Hive table is created over top of the sample data • Exploration of the result • And how to automate these task either in Powershell or SSIS.

SessionID: 19014

A journey to Power BI

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Event Date: 28-02-2015 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Track 3

Speaker: Leila Etaati

Title: A journey to Power BI


The aim of this session is to introduce easier way than corporate BI (Microsoft SSIS) .Power BI is a self- service tool which can handle all ETL process (extract, transfer and load), manage, discover, and visualize data. Power BI consists of many features and services, and works seamlessly with Excel. In this session you will see an end to end demo which shows how easily Power BI tools provides a business intelligence (BI) solution. In this demo we will show a practical solution which using

• Power Query– easily discover and connect to data from public and corporate data sources • Power Pivot – create a sophisticated Data Model directly in Excel • Power View– create reports and analytical views with interactive data visualizations • Power Map– explore and navigate geospatial data on a 3D map experience in Excel • Power QA– use natural language queries to find, explore, and report over your data

SessionID: 19381

Top 10 configuration mistakes that affect your SQL Server performance

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Event Date: 28-02-2015 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Track 3

Speaker: Margarita Naumova

Title: Top 10 configuration mistakes that affect your SQL Server performance


There are always performance problems that could happen in your production database. But you will be surprised how many of them occur as a result of DBA’s actions or lack of attention to SQL Server Instance and database level configuration settings. If you know them and how they harm your database system it will be easier to not get there. During the session Magi shows some of the worst practices in configuring your SQL Server, explains their whys and gives you the hints to the right settings. Sometimes you are just a few clicks away from a good SQL Server configuration. This sessions gets them to your fingers.

SessionID: 19698

Azure Hands-On Workshop #1. (Bring your own Laptop!)

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Event Date: 28-02-2015 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Track 5

Speaker: Markus Ehrenmueller-Jensen

Title: Azure Hands-On Workshop #1. (Bring your own Laptop!)


Steigt mit uns ein in die Welt von Cloud Computing und Microsoft Azure! Mit konkreten Beispielen zeigen wir Euch die einfache Handhabung und die Vorteile von Microsoft Azure. Wir beginnen mit der Anlage einer Microsoft Azure Subscription und betrachten dann wie Microsoft Azure typische Unternehmensanforderungen ermöglicht: · Kostenersparnis · Erhöhung der Agilität und · Maximierung der Sicherheit durch Auslagerung von Webanwendungen Begleitet uns durch einen interaktiven Vortrag und stellt Euch darauf ein selbst aktiv zu werden. Wir freuen uns auf Eure Teilnahme! · Workshop #1: 13:00 – 15:15 · Workshop #2 (re-run mit identen Inhalten): 15:30 – 17:00 Agenda: · Kurze Einführung in Microsoft Azure · Anlage und Verwaltung von Subscriptions · Kaffeepause · Microsoft Azure Virtual Machines (IaaS) · Microsoft Azure Webservices (PaaS) · QA Um an den praktischen Übungen teilnehmen zu können, nehmt bitte einen Laptop mit!

SessionID: 19715

Volkskrankheit „Stiefmütterliche Indizierung“

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Event Date: 28-02-2015 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Track 1

Speaker: Markus Winand

Title: Volkskrankheit „Stiefmütterliche Indizierung“


Sorgfältige Indizierung ist eine Zeit- und Kosten-Effektive Methode zur Steigerung der Performance. Dennoch wird meist nur sehr oberflächlich indiziert. Dieser Vortrag erklärt das Rollenmissverständnis, das zu schlampiger Indizierung führt, und bietet eine Lösung dafür an. Abschliessend wird anhand der Ergebnisse eines kurzen Online-Quizes gezeigt, wie es um das Indizierungs-Know-How in der Branche bestellt ist.

SessionID: 20761

SQL Server 2014 and Ascending Key Problem in Large Tables

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Event Date: 28-02-2015 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Track 1

Speaker: Miloš Radivojević

Title: SQL Server 2014 and Ascending Key Problem in Large Tables


The SQL Server Query Optimizer relies on distribution statistics to create the query execution plan. But statistics are almost always out-of-date. For columns with ascending keys the most recent rows don’t exist for statistics objects. And common queries are looking for those rows. This can lead to poorly-performing plans, especially for large tables, where for instance a query that returns a few recent orders for a customer takes several seconds, with a few million logical reads.

In this session we’ll show how to identify columns with ascending keys and also query patterns where this problem occurs. Of course we’ll see how to get well performing plans with the queries in SQL Server 2012. According to documentation about new features in SQL Server 2014 the problem seems to be solved in the latest SQL Server version. But is this really so? What is different in SQL Server 2014? Does the problem still occur? As you guess, all those questions will be addressed and answered in this session

SessionID: 20820

Extended events in action

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Event Date: 28-02-2015 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Track 1

Speaker: Miroslav Dimitrov

Title: Extended events in action


In this session we will walk through the world of Extended Events and their power in monitoring SQL server instances. We will explore some real-world scenarios and see how we can benefit from Xevents in solving them. You will be able to see how to track a specific application behavior and how to troubleshoot connectivity issues

SessionID: 22023

Introduction to Time Series Forecasting

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Event Date: 28-02-2015 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Track 1

Speaker: Peter Myers

Title: Introduction to Time Series Forecasting


Imagine taking historical sales data and using data science to accurately predict future sales values. This is precisely the objective of time series forecasting – to predict future values based on previously observed values.

This session will introduce time series forecasting, and describe how different Microsoft BI products enable forecasting for various audiences, including the business analysts, IT developer, and even the Information Worker.

Topics will include Analysis Services forecasting by using the Microsoft Time Series algorithm with the Excel add-ins (Table Analysis Tools and the Client Tools), SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) and script. This session will also introduce and describe the impressive new forecasting capabilities delivered in Power View with Office 365. As part of Microsoft’s new approach to simplify complex Machine Learning technology, forecasting in Power View enables powerful forecasting capabilities for the unspecialized Information Worker.

SessionID: 23392

Analytics and the DBA – Using BI Power tools to visualize your SQL Infrastructure

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Event Date: 28-02-2015 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Track 4

Speaker: Rodney Landrum

Title: Analytics and the DBA – Using BI Power tools to visualize your SQL Infrastructure


Using BI Power tools to visualize your SQL Infrastructure DBAs do not always have time to work with some of the amazing visual data tools that are becoming common place now for analysts. In this presentation I will show how in just a few very easy steps you can learn more than the basics of PowerView, PowerPivot and Data Mining using data you are already familiar with as a DBA, your SQL Server installation data. We will look at new and interesting way to load, transform, merge and analyze configuration and performance data for many servers simultaneously. I will also demonstrate how to best utilize that data for reports in Excel, SSRS and Visio to get the most out of automation, standardization and visualization with the new Power tools.

SessionID: 24226

Top 5 SQL Server 2014 Hybrid Cloud Features

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Event Date: 28-02-2015 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Track 2

Speaker: Scott Klein

Title: Top 5 SQL Server 2014 Hybrid Cloud Features


: Microsoft SQL Server 2014 brings to market new capabilities to simplify cloud adoption and help you unlock new hybrid scenarios. This demo-filled session will highlight these features and show how you can use these features to lower your TCO and help manage your mission-critical applications by leveraging the cloud to provide new disaster recovery and backup solutions. In this session we will look at 5 great hybrid scenarios that are made possible by both great new features as well as enhanced features of SQL Server 2014. We’ll not only look how to use and implement these hybrid features, but also look at look at and discuss scenarios around why you would use these hybrid cloud features to expand your on-premises options without adding complexity. We’ll look at how you can easily move workloads from your datacenter to Windows Azure while still maintaining a complete view of your infrastructure with increased proficiency and reduced cost.

SessionID: 27170

Mathematical modeling and Azure Machine Learning - drag, drop, predict

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Event Date: 28-02-2015 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Track 1

Speaker: Tanja Vukov

Title: Mathematical modeling and Azure Machine Learning - drag, drop, predict


Microsoft Azure Machine Learning (AML) changes the way we work with data and what knowledge and skills are required in order to predict outcome of future events. AML is a comprehensive “drag, drop, predict” technology with all the benefits of the cloud. The transfer of machine learning to the new platform with ability to use R programming language makes common machine learning tasks very simple for the different customers and academic community.

SessionID: 27263

CDC - Change Data Capture in Detail

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Event Date: 28-02-2015 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Track 4

Speaker: Uwe Ricken

Title: CDC - Change Data Capture in Detail


Change data capture records insert, update, and delete activity that is applied to a SQL Server table. This makes the details of the changes available in an easily consumed relational format. Column information and the metadata that is required to apply the changes to a target environment is captured for the modified rows and stored in change tables that mirror the column structure of the tracked source tables.

This session demonstrates the basic concepts, detailed components and implementation strategies of CDC. The demo is based on a real scenario which has been implemented that way!

SessionID: 27358

How to recover deleted data with no backups?

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Event Date: 28-02-2015 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Track 4

Speaker: Vedran Kesegic

Title: How to recover deleted data with no backups?


From time to time on the forums emerge people in really tough situation: data is deleted, database is in SIMPLE recovery model, and as a cherry on top - there is no backup! It might be boss's private database that nobody has put into backup scheme yet, or some new database that was missing from the backup scheme.

It is nearly impossible to recover the lost data from that situation. But I will show you at least three methods. After this presentation, you will be prepared to solve such a tough case. It is really important to know two simple steps you must do really fast, and after that you can relax and extract the data with peace of mind and without time pressure.

SessionID: 28263

Professionelles Recycling – SSIS Custom Control Flow Komponenten und Visual Studio Community

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Event Date: 28-02-2015 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Track 2

Speaker: Wolfgang Strasser

Title: Professionelles Recycling – SSIS Custom Control Flow Komponenten und Visual Studio Community


Die SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) sind eine erweiterbare Datenintegrations-Plattform. Reicht die Funktionalität der mitausgelieferten Komponenten nicht aus, so kann mit der Script-Komponente beinahe jede Anforderung umgesetzt werden. Und genau diese Funktionalität ist es, welche man öfter und auch in mehreren SSIS Projekten einsetzen möchte.

Für ein professionelles Logik-Recycling bieten sich Custom SSIS Komponenten an. Seit der Veröffentlichung der Visual Studio Community Edition ist keine „vollwertige“ VisualStudio Edition für die Entwicklung notwendig. In dieser Session werden die notwendigen Entwicklungsschritte, das Zusammenspiel der für die Programmierung benötigten API-Klassen, die Fallstricke beim Deployment sowie die Erfahrungen aus mehr als 6 Jahren SSIS Custom Komponenten Entwicklung mit dem Publikum geteilt.

SessionID: 34912

So you are a BI Developer by Accident

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Event Date: 28-02-2015 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Track 4

Speaker: Zoltán Horváth

Title: So you are a BI Developer by Accident


You might be a DBA who deals with databases or a developer who creates applications, and you hear that you will be appointed to provide a business intelligence solution which will empower decision makers by displaying key measures of your department, company or client. This session is to help you where to start, giving an overview about the complete on-premise BI toolset of Microsoft, along with the analysis of your infrastructure constraints which influence how your BI solution will look like at the end of the day.

The session also helps those who are planning to introduce the BI-related services (SSIS, SSRS, SSAS, MDS, DQS) of SQL Server to their companies, squeezing the last euro out of their SQL Server and Office license investments.

SessionID: 8787

ETL on Cloud? Azure Data Factory

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Event Date: 28-02-2015 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Track 2

Speaker: Reza Rad

Title: ETL on Cloud? Azure Data Factory


Azure Data Factory is the fully managed services for data consolidation and processing through Cloud, this service is part of Microsoft Azure services. In this session you will learn how to use Azure Data Factory to build a data consolidation and transformation scenario on cloud. You will also learn about scenarios in real world that ADF will be helpful. Many real world demos in this session will help you to learn working with this tool.

SessionID: 9451

Azure Hands-On Workshop #2 (re-run). (Bring your own Laptop!)

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Event Date: 28-02-2015 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Track 5

Speaker: Andreas Schabus

Title: Azure Hands-On Workshop #2 (re-run). (Bring your own Laptop!)


Steigt mit uns ein in die Welt von Cloud Computing und Microsoft Azure! Mit konkreten Beispielen zeigen wir Euch die einfache Handhabung und die Vorteile von Microsoft Azure. Wir beginnen mit der Anlage einer Microsoft Azure Subscription und betrachten dann wie Microsoft Azure typische Unternehmensanforderungen ermöglicht:· Kostenersparnis · Erhöhung der Agilität und · Maximierung der Sicherheit durch Auslagerung von Webanwendungen Begleitet uns durch einen interaktiven Vortrag und stellt Euch darauf ein selbst aktiv zu werden. Wir freuen uns auf Eure Teilnahme!· Workshop #1: 13:00 – 15:15· Workshop #2 (re-run mit identen Inhalten): 15:30 – 17:00Agenda: · Kurze Einführung in Microsoft Azure · Anlage und Verwaltung von Subscriptions · Kaffeepause · Microsoft Azure Virtual Machines (IaaS) · Microsoft Azure Webservices (PaaS) · QAUm an den praktischen Übungen teilnehmen zu können, nehmt bitte einen Laptop mit!