Nr: 400
SQLSaturday #400 - Torino 2015
SessionID: 12912
Build a SQL Server Machine - the right way
Event Date: 23-05-2015 - Session time: 09:30:00 - Track: DBA\DEV
Speaker: Danilo Dominici
Title: Build a SQL Server Machine - the right way
SessionID: 34851
SSRS Reports HCI - How to build the perfect dashboard
Event Date: 23-05-2015 - Session time: 09:30:00 - Track: BI\OPT
Speaker: Nicola Pressi
Title: SSRS Reports HCI - How to build the perfect dashboard
Reporting Services #232; uno strumento dalle grandi potenzialit#224;, flessibile, dinamico, e se sfruttato al meglio #232; in grado di creare delle vere e proprie opere d'arte partendo da dei semplici dati. La dashboard sono oggigiorno uno strumento fondamentale per il management perch#233; forniscono una chiara lettura dei principali KPI aziendali.
La sessione illustrer#224; come costruire delle dashboard utilizzando Reporting Services e dando particolare importanza a tutti quei principi alla base della HCI (Human Computer Interaction) in modo da costruire dei report intuitivi, accessibili ma prima di tutto usabili!
SessionID: 14629
Event Date: 23-05-2015 - Session time: 10:45:00 - Track: DBA\DEV
Speaker: Gilberto Zampatti
SessionID: 19489
Power BI Architecture
Event Date: 23-05-2015 - Session time: 10:45:00 - Track: BI\OPT
Speaker: Marco Russo
Title: Power BI Architecture
Power BI is a cloud service that lets you share, collaborate and access your Excel reports anywhere on any device. In this session, you will learn how to create data models, display visualizations, and synchronize cloud data with on premises data sources. In order to use these new features, you will continue to leverage existing skillsets, such as Tabular, Power Pivot, DAX, and you will be able to connect to database and semantic models you already built, such as existing databases in Analysis Services Multidimensional and Tabular. The goal is to create dashboards leveraging data and models that you have both on cloud and on premises.
SessionID: 24398
Execution Plans in SQL Server and SQL Azure (IT)
Event Date: 23-05-2015 - Session time: 12:00:00 - Track: DBA\DEV
Speaker: Sergio Govoni
Title: Execution Plans in SQL Server and SQL Azure (IT)
SessionID: 9186
Tabular vs. Multidimensional in SQL Server Analysis Services
Event Date: 23-05-2015 - Session time: 12:00:00 - Track: BI\OPT
Speaker: Alberto Ferrari
Title: Tabular vs. Multidimensional in SQL Server Analysis Services
Since 2012, SQL Server Analysis Services has two engines: Tabular and Multidimensional. Somebody believes Multidimensional is granny stuff and aim to learn only Tabular. Somebody trust only the good-old well-debugged code of Multidimensional, and ignores Tabular. We try to use a more informed approach: by looking at the difference in features, hardware requirements, scalability, required knowledge and business needs, we will discuss which engine to use for which kind of project. The goal is to teach when to use what, and to avoid the common mistakes of choosing the wrong technology, which might be a very expensive error.
SessionID: 35675
SQL Server AlwaysOn
Event Date: 23-05-2015 - Session time: 14:00:00 - Track: DBA\DEV
Speaker: Gianluca Hotz
Title: SQL Server AlwaysOn
Business continuity is becoming more and more a central topic for many companies. AlwaysOn Failover Cluster Instances and Availability Groups are two functionality for high availability and disaster recovery available in SQL Server. With the help of live demos, in this session we will cover in details this technologies that extends on the familiar concepts of database mirroring and failover clustering. We will also introduce some other engine enhancements that will help raising the overall service availability and we will cover enhancements introduced with SQL Server 2014.
SessionID: 36402
AzureML - Creating and Using Machine Learning Solutions (IT)
Event Date: 23-05-2015 - Session time: 14:00:00 - Track: BI\OPT
Speaker: Davide Mauri
Title: AzureML - Creating and Using Machine Learning Solutions (IT)
In questa sessione vedremo cos'#232; il machine learning, quali sono le diverse casistiche tecniche e funzionali in cui pu#242; essere usato ed inizieremo a "giocare" con i dati per vedere fin dove possiamo spingerci, usando strumenti On-Premise e quindi spostandoci poi sull'offerta Azure Machine Learning dove, una volta fatta propria la teoria, si possono realizzare soluzioni estremamente complesso in modo molto visuale e sfruttare la scalabilit#224; di Azure per avere performance ottimali. Il tutto senza dimenticare che gli algoritmi cos#236; ottenuti possono essere facilmente integrati nelle nostre applicazioni semplicemente invocando un web service.
SessionID: 20228
Entity Framework 7, Back To The Future!
Event Date: 23-05-2015 - Session time: 15:15:00 - Track: BI\OPT
Speaker: Michael Denny
Title: Entity Framework 7, Back To The Future!
SessionID: 25898
Database under source control
Event Date: 23-05-2015 - Session time: 15:15:00 - Track: DBA\DEV
Speaker: Alessandro Alpi
Title: Database under source control
SessionID: 19331
SSDT Database Projects Deep Dives (IT)
Event Date: 23-05-2015 - Session time: 16:30:00 - Track: DBA\DEV
Speaker: Luca Zavarella
Title: SSDT Database Projects Deep Dives (IT)
SessionID: 9447
Geocoding with SQL Server, Bing and Google Maps API
Event Date: 23-05-2015 - Session time: 16:30:00 - Track: BI\OPT
Speaker: Andrea Martorana Tusa
Title: Geocoding with SQL Server, Bing and Google Maps API
Geocoding is the process of converting addresses into geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude).
Geographic coordinates can then be converted into SQL Server spatial data type and stored in a database.
In this session we will learn:
- how to retrieve coordinates from an address, using Google Maps API and Bing API;
- how to get a free license from API services;
- how to automate the process and convert coordinates into a geography data type using SQL Server Integration Services;
- how to store the data into a database.