
Nr: 416

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SQLSaturday #416 - Odessa 2015

Start Time (24h) Speaker Track Title
00:00:00 Denis Reznik Other Тарас Бобровицкий - Columnstore Indexes
10:00:00 Andrii Zrobok Other “Magic numbers”, local variable and performance
10:00:00 Evgeny Khabarov Track 1 Поговорим об ожиданиях и очередях
11:05:00 Konstantin Proskurdin Track 1 Continuous integration and delivery of databases in web development
11:05:00 Viktoriia Mala Track 1 NoSQL - MongoDB. Agility, scalability, performance (Part 1)
12:35:00 Denis Reznik Other Hidden gems of SQL Server 2014
12:35:00 Viktoriia Mala Track 1 NoSQL - MongoDB. Agility, scalability, performance (Part 2)
14:35:00 Denis Reznik Other Effective T-SQL. To be effective or not to be.
14:35:00 Evgeny Khabarov Track 1 Транзакционная репликация - это не страшно.
15:40:00 Konstantin Proskurdin Other Database version control
15:40:00 Michal Sadowski Track 1 Upgrading to SQL Server 2014
17:05:00 Andrii Zrobok Other MS SQL data types: features of conversion

SessionID: 13119

Тарас Бобровицкий - Columnstore Indexes

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Event Date: 25-07-2015 - Session time: 00:00:00 - Track: Other

Speaker: Denis Reznik

Title: Тарас Бобровицкий - Columnstore Indexes


About columnstore Indexes

SessionID: 10109

“Magic numbers”, local variable and performance

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Event Date: 25-07-2015 - Session time: 10:00:00 - Track: Other

Speaker: Andrii Zrobok

Title: “Magic numbers”, local variable and performance


About dependency between query syntax (adhoc query, query with local variables, stored procedures, local variable ) and query execution plan

SessionID: 37489

Поговорим об ожиданиях и очередях

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Event Date: 25-07-2015 - Session time: 10:00:00 - Track: Track 1

Speaker: Evgeny Khabarov

Title: Поговорим об ожиданиях и очередях


Ожидания - очень точно отражают, что же происходит внутри SQL Server’a. Потоки в сиквеле всего чего-нибудь да ждут, иногда в этом нет ничего плохого, но когда ожидание затягивается, то надо разбираться, почему же так долго. Что такое ожидание? Почему приходится ждать, когда это плохо, и как с этим бороться (если требуется) мы рассмотрим в этом докладе

SessionID: 37373

Continuous integration and delivery of databases in web development

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Event Date: 25-07-2015 - Session time: 11:05:00 - Track: Track 1

Speaker: Konstantin Proskurdin

Title: Continuous integration and delivery of databases in web development


The session is about methods and tools for continuous integration and delivery of databases in web development

SessionID: 37521

NoSQL - MongoDB. Agility, scalability, performance (Part 1)

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Event Date: 25-07-2015 - Session time: 11:05:00 - Track: Track 1

Speaker: Viktoriia Mala

Title: NoSQL - MongoDB. Agility, scalability, performance (Part 1)


NoSQL - MongoDB. Agility, scalability, performance. I am going to talk about the basis of NoSQL and MongoDB. Why some projects requires RDBMs and another NoSQL databases? What are the pros and cons to use NoSQL vs. SQL? How data are stored and transefed in MongoDB? What query language is used? How MongoDB supports high availability and automatic failover with the help of the replication? What is sharding and how it helps to support scalability?. The newest level of the concurrency - collection-level and document-level. Join the session, I promise that it will be interesting! :)

SessionID: 13121

Hidden gems of SQL Server 2014

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Event Date: 25-07-2015 - Session time: 12:35:00 - Track: Other

Speaker: Denis Reznik

Title: Hidden gems of SQL Server 2014


SQL Server 2014 is full of new features and improvements. Some of them are "Killer" features like InMemory OLTP, Clustered Columnstore Indexes, Buffer Pool Extensions, etc., which are discussed a lot and we always can get a lot of information about them. And in the same time, SQL Server 2014 have several fantastic features and improvements, which are more hidden from our sight. In this session we will talk in details about these features and improvements. Query Fingerprints, Cardinality Estimator, Tempdb improvements, and more features will be covered in this session.

SessionID: 37522

NoSQL - MongoDB. Agility, scalability, performance (Part 2)

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Event Date: 25-07-2015 - Session time: 12:35:00 - Track: Track 1

Speaker: Viktoriia Mala

Title: NoSQL - MongoDB. Agility, scalability, performance (Part 2)


NoSQL - MongoDB. Agility, scalability, performance. I am going to talk about the basis of NoSQL and MongoDB. Why some projects requires RDBMs and another NoSQL databases? What are the pros and cons to use NoSQL vs. SQL? How data are stored and transefed in MongoDB? What query language is used? How MongoDB supports high availability and automatic failover with the help of the replication? What is sharding and how it helps to support scalability?. The newest level of the concurrency - collection-level and document-level. Join the session, I promise that it will be interesting! :)

SessionID: 13120

Effective T-SQL. To be effective or not to be.

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Event Date: 25-07-2015 - Session time: 14:35:00 - Track: Other

Speaker: Denis Reznik

Title: Effective T-SQL. To be effective or not to be.


Almost any database query can be written in several ways. T-SQL, as any other query language, contains many language constructions and has a lot of aspects, that can both make life easier and more complex. Under "complex life", I understand bad readability and poor performance. In this session we will consider a number of typical tasks, solved with the help of T-SQL, and will look at effective and ineffective task solutions.

SessionID: 37490

Транзакционная репликация - это не страшно.

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Event Date: 25-07-2015 - Session time: 14:35:00 - Track: Track 1

Speaker: Evgeny Khabarov

Title: Транзакционная репликация - это не страшно.


Когда я в первые столкнулся с репликацией, я подумал: "Да что в ней может быть сложного?". Но как оказалось на деле, это достаточно не простая штука для понимания с первого раза. Второй момент, когда начинаются с ней проблемы, в виде рассинхронизации данных между её узлами, появлением каких-либо других ошибок, то не знаешь куда бежать.

В докладе я расскажу о том, что такое транзакционная репликация, как и для чего ее используют, как ее настроить и что делать если что-то пошло не так.

SessionID: 37969

Database version control

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Event Date: 25-07-2015 - Session time: 15:40:00 - Track: Other

Speaker: Konstantin Proskurdin

Title: Database version control


The session will describe the typical schemes of the developers work with database and methods how to maintain the database up to date with the history of changes. There will be a demonstration of some methods.

SessionID: 38143

Upgrading to SQL Server 2014

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Event Date: 25-07-2015 - Session time: 15:40:00 - Track: Track 1

Speaker: Michal Sadowski

Title: Upgrading to SQL Server 2014


In this sessions you will learn how to perform seamless upgrade from previous version of SQL Server (yes, even from version 2000!) to latest and greatest version of SQL Server. No matter if reason of upgrade is end of support or consolidation, you are upgrading from Express Edition or Enterprise – you will get set of best practices how to avoid most common issues and perform successful upgrade. On the session there will be not only theoretical knowledge but real life examples with demos.

SessionID: 10108

MS SQL data types: features of conversion

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Event Date: 25-07-2015 - Session time: 17:05:00 - Track: Other

Speaker: Andrii Zrobok

Title: MS SQL data types: features of conversion


Type of NULL (usage of functions nullif(), isnull(), coalesce()), features of function STR(), implicit conversion and indexes in SQL queries, etc.