
Nr: 426

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SQLSaturday #426 - Lviv 2015

Start Time (24h) Speaker Track Title
10:00:00 Andrii Zrobok Application Database Development @Table vs #Table: шаблони використання, спільні характеристики, міфи
10:00:00 Andrey Langovoy Application Database Development Managing Database Changes in Source Control
10:00:00 Taras Bobrovytskyi Application Database Development Inside Transaction Logging
11:10:00 Denis Reznik Application Database Development Hidden gems of SQL Server 2014
11:10:00 Alex Peshekhonov BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration SSAS Multidimensional Databases optimization
11:10:00 Vladislav Samoylenko Enterprise Database Administration Deployment Database monitoring, tuning and optimization using Dell Software tools
13:20:00 Mihail Mateev Cloud Application Development Deployment Complex Event Processing with Azure Stream Analytics
13:20:00 Vitalii Bondarenko Cloud Application Development Deployment Dive into HDInsight: common Big Data analysis scenarios on Microsoft Azure
13:20:00 Marcin Szeliga Enterprise Database Administration Deployment SQL Server 2016 CTP 3 review
13:20:00 Ivan Rudnytskyi Enterprise Database Administration Deployment Инструменты резервирования и репликации реляционных баз данных
14:30:00 Marcin Szeliga BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration Metadata-driven Automatic Package Creation with Biml - Notes From The Field
14:30:00 Eugene Polonichko BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration MDX: а давайте взорвем мозг?
14:30:00 Michal Sadowski Enterprise Database Administration Deployment Database corruption
16:15:00 Oleksii Kovalov Application Database Development Practical X: ML, Path, Query
16:15:00 Vitaliy Popovych Enterprise Database Administration Deployment SQL Server Query Store
16:15:00 Yevhen Nedashkivskyi Enterprise Database Administration Deployment Failover Clustering та High Availability

SessionID: 40699

@Table vs #Table: шаблони використання, спільні характеристики, міфи

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Event Date: 05-12-2015 - Session time: 10:00:00 - Track: Application Database Development

Speaker: Andrii Zrobok

Title: @Table vs #Table: шаблони використання, спільні характеристики, міфи


MS SQL Server надає дві можливості для зберігання тимчасових наборів даних: тимчасові табиці та табличні змінні. Вважається, що табличні треба використовувати для маленьких об'ємів даних (бо вони живуть в оперативній пам'яті), а тимчасові таблиці - для великих. Подивимося, чи дійсно це так; чи можна за такими характеристиками порівнювати ці об'єкти.

SessionID: 40715

Managing Database Changes in Source Control

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Event Date: 05-12-2015 - Session time: 10:00:00 - Track: Application Database Development

Speaker: Andrey Langovoy

Title: Managing Database Changes in Source Control


There are a number of challenges while collaborating on database development. When someone in a team changes database objects in a shared database, another team member may overwrite those changes. This will lead to the valid changes and data loss. The best way to resolve such challenges is to start using database version control. In this session, we will talk about the source control basics, and also have a look at how to start source controlling your SQL Server databases.

SessionID: 41105

Inside Transaction Logging

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Event Date: 05-12-2015 - Session time: 10:00:00 - Track: Application Database Development

Speaker: Taras Bobrovytskyi

Title: Inside Transaction Logging


This session covers the main principles and internals of transaction logging mechanism and focuses on different factors, which influence the process of transaction logging. It also contains several general recommendations for Developers, Application Support engineers and DBA's on dealing with different transaction log issues and, possibly, avoiding them.

SessionID: 35661

Hidden gems of SQL Server 2014

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Event Date: 05-12-2015 - Session time: 11:10:00 - Track: Application Database Development

Speaker: Denis Reznik

Title: Hidden gems of SQL Server 2014


SQL Server 2014 is full of new features and improvements. Some of them are "Killer" features like InMemory OLTP, Clustered Columnstore Indexes, Buffer Pool Extensions, etc., which are discussed a lot and we always can get a lot of information about them. And in the same time, SQL Server 2014 have several fantastic features and improvements, which are more hidden from our sight. In this session we will talk in details about these features and improvements. Query Fingerprints, Cardinality Estimator, Tempdb improvements, and more features will be covered in this session.

SessionID: 41791

SSAS Multidimensional Databases optimization

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Event Date: 05-12-2015 - Session time: 11:10:00 - Track: BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration

Speaker: Alex Peshekhonov

Title: SSAS Multidimensional Databases optimization


We will talk about processing optimization (partitioning, parallel processing, attribute keys, indexes etc), work on users queries performance (playing with rigid and flexible attributes relations, aggregations and scopes) and try to figure out how to improve MDX code readability.

SessionID: 42560

Database monitoring, tuning and optimization using Dell Software tools

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Event Date: 05-12-2015 - Session time: 11:10:00 - Track: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment

Speaker: Vladislav Samoylenko

Title: Database monitoring, tuning and optimization using Dell Software tools


Ensure optimal database performance with non-stop data collection and instant metric-sensitive alerts. Speed through your work with intuitive interfaces, built-in expert guidance and easy-to-follow workflows. Get an enterprise-level view of database health and automated performance analysis to quickly identify and fix problem servers and resource areas. Maximize database performance and availability with these robust SQL Server monitoring and optimization tools.

SessionID: 39438

Complex Event Processing with Azure Stream Analytics

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Event Date: 05-12-2015 - Session time: 13:20:00 - Track: Cloud Application Development Deployment

Speaker: Mihail Mateev

Title: Complex Event Processing with Azure Stream Analytics


Azure Stream Analytics targets complex event streams (CEP’s) to deduce meaningful patterns. Most of the typical use cases for this product is when various devices and sensors are sending data for further processing.

This technology uses a T-SQL like syntax to express its intents. A language that most data-power users will be familiar with.

The biggest advantage of Stream Analytics is when events are being published to the Stream Analytics, the only thing that event publishers needs to know is which Event Bus or Blob storage to place the data. Stream Analytics will then fetch the data.

This talk is about the main concepts and solution architecture when using Azure Stream Analytics, and also how to use this technology together with MS SQL Server, Azure SQL Database and Power BI.

SessionID: 41789

Dive into HDInsight: common Big Data analysis scenarios on Microsoft Azure

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Event Date: 05-12-2015 - Session time: 13:20:00 - Track: Cloud Application Development Deployment

Speaker: Vitalii Bondarenko

Title: Dive into HDInsight: common Big Data analysis scenarios on Microsoft Azure


Microsoft Azure HDInsight is a big data solution based on the open-source Apache Hadoop framework, and is an integral part of the Microsoft Business Intelligence (BI) and Analytics product range. We will review the various methods of programming with HDInsight, including how to use the HDInsight cmdlets in Windows PowerShell to work with the HDInsight cluster, how to use the HDInsight Software Development Kit (SDK) to develop applications, how to use Hive, Pig, Excel Power Query, Sqoop to work with data. We will explore common Big Data analysis scenarios and their implementations with Azure HDInsight.

SessionID: 42201

SQL Server 2016 CTP 3 review

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Event Date: 05-12-2015 - Session time: 13:20:00 - Track: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment

Speaker: Marcin Szeliga

Title: SQL Server 2016 CTP 3 review


SQL Server 2016 is coming bringing a lot of new innovations. During this session we will have a look at some of them, including: always encrypted (great think if you want to keep sensitive data encrypted at all times with ability to query), row-level security (finally, DBAs can apply fine-grained access control to table rows), temporal database support (yes, you can query data as points in time), and operational analytics (architecture to run analytics queries concurrently with operational workloads using the same schema). Stay ahead of the game!

SessionID: 42559

Инструменты резервирования и репликации реляционных баз данных

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Event Date: 05-12-2015 - Session time: 13:20:00 - Track: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment

Speaker: Ivan Rudnytskyi

Title: Инструменты резервирования и репликации реляционных баз данных


Будут освещены две темы:

  1. Способы разгрузки продуктивных серверов баз данных при построении кроссплатформенной репликации. В примере будет затронута связка Oracle gt; SQL Server. Построение репликации с помощью Dell SharePlex.
  2. Основные проблемы и нюансы, на которые стоит обратить внимание при построении резервного копирования SQL Server. Например, влияние компрессии на производительность сервера БД и методика оптимизации - построение динамических заданий, которые в зависимости от нагрузки на сервер БД будут определять необходимый уровень компрессии без потери производительности. Автоматизация проверки резервных копий и т.д. Инструментом анализа и оптимизации заданий резервного копирования рассматривается Dell LiteSpeed for SQL Server.

SessionID: 38036

Metadata-driven Automatic Package Creation with Biml - Notes From The Field

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Event Date: 05-12-2015 - Session time: 14:30:00 - Track: BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration

Speaker: Marcin Szeliga

Title: Metadata-driven Automatic Package Creation with Biml - Notes From The Field


We already know what Biml is. But how do we leverage its power to create next generation ETL? In this session we want to show you different approaches to package creation with Biml, based on user-specified metadata. We'd like to show you advanced scenarios, some lightweight metadata storages, and MDS. We'll also cover live database discovery, automatic database object creation, automatic data type normalization, flexible incremental stage loading, and more.

SessionID: 39771

MDX: а давайте взорвем мозг?

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Event Date: 05-12-2015 - Session time: 14:30:00 - Track: BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration

Speaker: Eugene Polonichko

Title: MDX: а давайте взорвем мозг?


Что это за зверь MDX? Как с ним работать? Как писать запросы? Вы думаете он похож на Transact Sql, ошибаетесь. Он сам по себе - язык многомерных данных. Некоторые запросы на нем пишутся в течении минуты, некоторые пишутся в течении месяцев. В общем, хотите взорвать мозг - приходите будем взрывать вместе. Доклад начнется с level 100, а закончится level 300

SessionID: 40250

Database corruption

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Event Date: 05-12-2015 - Session time: 14:30:00 - Track: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment

Speaker: Michal Sadowski

Title: Database corruption


SessionID: 42088

Practical X: ML, Path, Query

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Event Date: 05-12-2015 - Session time: 16:15:00 - Track: Application Database Development

Speaker: Oleksii Kovalov

Title: Practical X: ML, Path, Query


Small session about your friend XML - why, when and how to use it without being hurt.

SessionID: 42319

SQL Server Query Store

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Event Date: 05-12-2015 - Session time: 16:15:00 - Track: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment

Speaker: Vitaliy Popovych

Title: SQL Server Query Store


В докладе мы поговорим о SQL Server Query Store

SessionID: 42335

Failover Clustering та High Availability

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Event Date: 05-12-2015 - Session time: 16:15:00 - Track: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment

Speaker: Yevhen Nedashkivskyi

Title: Failover Clustering та High Availability


Під час даної доповіді ми поговоримо про Windows Failover Clustering у взаємодії з СУБД Microsoft SQL Server. Також буде розкрито тему масштабування та забезпечення доступності баз даних за допомогою механізму AlwaysOn High Availability.

Розуміння матеріалу потребує володіння базовими знаннями з побудови компютерних мереж, механізму роботи SQL-транзакцій та реплікації. Доповідь буде в першу чергу цікава адміністраторам та архітекторам баз даних, та ІТ-керівникам. Також вона буде корисною проектувальникам сховищ даних, BI-аналітикам та розробникам високонавантажених систем. Мова: українська