
Nr: 462

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SQLSaturday #462 - Parma 2015

Start Time (24h) Speaker Track Title
09:30:00 Luca Ferrari SQL Server 2016 Sql server 2016 What's new ?
09:30:00 Peter Myers Cloud Dev Power BI for the Developer
09:30:00 Andrea Martorana Tusa Analytics Reporting Choosing the right Mobile BI tool: SSRS vs Power BI vs Datazen
11:00:00 Alessandro Alpi SQL Server 2016 SQL Server 2016 JSON support
11:00:00 Marco Parenzan Cloud Dev Stream Analytics on premise and on the Cloud with SQL
11:00:00 Andrea Martorana Tusa Analytics Reporting Choosing the right Mobile BI tool (seconda parte)
12:00:00 Sergio Govoni SQL Server 2016 The most prominent wait types of your SQL Server 2016 (IT)
12:00:00 Nicola Pressi Analytics Reporting SSRS - Charts like you've never seen before
12:00:00 Alberto Dallagiacoma Cloud Dev Entity Framework e SQL Server - Better Together
14:00:00 Gilberto Zampatti SQL Server 2016 SQL Server 2016: Maturazione dell'In-Memory OLTP
14:00:00 Peter Myers Cloud Dev Azure Machine Learning: From Design to Integration
14:00:00 Bent Pedersen Analytics Reporting Datazen - On-premise mobile bi
15:00:00 Marco Pozzan Analytics Reporting Power Query
15:00:00 Emanuele Zanchettin Cloud Dev Implementing and Maintaining an Azure SQL Database project
15:00:00 Saverio Lorenzini SQL Server 2016 SQL Server 2016 Query Store: un nuovo modo di ottimizzare le query
16:30:00 Pasquale Ceglie SQL Server 2016 SQL Server 2016 Temporal tables: Viaggiare nel tempo con SQL Server
16:30:00 Elvis Talic Analytics Reporting Many to Many in SSAS Multidimensional: How To Implement It
16:30:00 Marco De Nittis Cloud Dev DocumentDB Jumpstart, NoSQL adventures in Azure

SessionID: 38685

Sql server 2016 What's new ?

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Event Date: 28-11-2015 - Session time: 09:30:00 - Track: SQL Server 2016

Speaker: Luca Ferrari

Title: Sql server 2016 What's new ?


SQL Server 2016 delivers breakthrough mission critical performance, deeper insights across any data on many devices and enables the power of hyperscale cloud to unlock new hybrid scenarios.

A quick look to Queries Store, enhanced security, temporal database and many more....

SessionID: 40188

Power BI for the Developer

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Event Date: 28-11-2015 - Session time: 09:30:00 - Track: Cloud Dev

Speaker: Peter Myers

Title: Power BI for the Developer


In this session you will learn how Microsoft Power BI can deliver data insights with Software as a Service (SaaS), and specifically what can be achieved by the developer. You will learn that the new generation of Power BI enables developers to configure real-time dashboard scenarios.

Demonstrations will illustrate how to configure real-time dashboards by pushing data directly to Power BI by using the Power BI REST API, and also by processing data and events by using Azure Stream Analytics.

This session will be of interest to architects, developers and IT implementers looking to understand and evaluate the Power BI capabilities.

SessionID: 40461

Choosing the right Mobile BI tool: SSRS vs Power BI vs Datazen

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Event Date: 28-11-2015 - Session time: 09:30:00 - Track: Analytics Reporting

Speaker: Andrea Martorana Tusa

Title: Choosing the right Mobile BI tool: SSRS vs Power BI vs Datazen


Two almost contemporary events have recently marked the Microsoft's BI offer: the release of Power BI under GA license and the acquisition of Datazen.

Join these new products with the long-lasting Reporting Services (SSRS), means that now developers have a wide range of tools available for reporting, dashboarding, data analysis, both for desktop and mobile devices. So the question is: which one to choose? What are the key factor for supporting the correct decision? This session we'll focus on Mobile BI reporting; we will provide a clear and understandable overview of each product, highlighting strengths and weaknesses. You'll be able to see how it can be done Mobile BI with Reporting Services, even tough it isn't a immediate feature, as is for Power BI and Datazen. Based on some real examples we will set out a comparison matrix to find the best way to meet your needs with the right reporting tool.

SessionID: 38692

SQL Server 2016 JSON support

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Event Date: 28-11-2015 - Session time: 11:00:00 - Track: SQL Server 2016

Speaker: Alessandro Alpi

Title: SQL Server 2016 JSON support


SQL Server 2016 porter#224; tantissime novit#224;, tra cui, per quanto riguarda la programmabilit#224;, il supporto al formato JSON. vedremo com'#232; possibile serializzare i risultati delle nostre query tramite la clausola FOR JSON, inclusa negli ultimi rilasci della piattaforma.

SessionID: 40241

Stream Analytics on premise and on the Cloud with SQL

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Event Date: 28-11-2015 - Session time: 11:00:00 - Track: Cloud Dev

Speaker: Marco Parenzan

Title: Stream Analytics on premise and on the Cloud with SQL


Modern business is fast and needs to take decisions immediatly. It cannot wait that a traditional BI task that snapshots data at some time. Social data, Internet of Things, Just in Time don't undestand "snapshot" and needs working on streaming, live data. Microsoft offers two solutions, one on premise with SQL Server (Stream Insight), one on the Cloud with Azure (Stream Analytics). Let's see how they work.

SessionID: 40796

Choosing the right Mobile BI tool (seconda parte)

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Event Date: 28-11-2015 - Session time: 11:00:00 - Track: Analytics Reporting

Speaker: Andrea Martorana Tusa

Title: Choosing the right Mobile BI tool (seconda parte)


Two almost contemporary events have recently marked the Microsoft's BI offer: the release of Power BI under GA license and the acquisition of Datazen.

Join these new products with the long-lasting Reporting Services (SSRS), means that now developers have a wide range of tools available for reporting, dashboarding, data analysis, both for desktop and mobile devices. So the question is: which one to choose? What are the key factor for supporting the correct decision? This session we'll focus on Mobile BI reporting; we will provide a clear and understandable overview of each product, highlighting strengths and weaknesses. You'll be able to see how it can be done Mobile BI with Reporting Services, even tough it isn't a immediate feature, as is for Power BI and Datazen. Based on some real examples we will set out a comparison matrix to find the best way to meet your needs with the right reporting tool.

SessionID: 38701

The most prominent wait types of your SQL Server 2016 (IT)

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Event Date: 28-11-2015 - Session time: 12:00:00 - Track: SQL Server 2016

Speaker: Sergio Govoni

Title: The most prominent wait types of your SQL Server 2016 (IT)


Una query, durante la sua esecuzione, pu#242; essere sospesa decine o addirittura centinaia di volte. Una query rimane in esecuzione fino a quando, ad esempio, non richiede di accedere ad una risorsa esterna o fino a quando il thread che la gestisce non eccede il quantum di utilizzo della CPU. In SQL Server 2016 ci sono 815 buoni motivi per cui una query pu#242; attendere. In questa sessione, sulla base delle statistiche pubblicate dalla DMV sys.dm_os_wait_stats, verranno descritti e analizzati i wait type pi#249; frequenti in un carico di lavoro OLTP.

SessionID: 40534

SSRS - Charts like you've never seen before

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Event Date: 28-11-2015 - Session time: 12:00:00 - Track: Analytics Reporting

Speaker: Nicola Pressi

Title: SSRS - Charts like you've never seen before


Reporting Services offre la possibilit#224; di illustrare dati in maniera visuale attraverso pi#249; di 50 grafici, che coprono la maggior parte dei Business Requirements di uno sviluppatore. Tuttavia, la richiesta di report sempre pi#249; intuitivi e graficamente innovativi ha creato l'esigenza di reportistiche pi#249; strutturate con grafici sempre pi#249; particolari .

In questa sessione verranno presentate prima delle linee guida generali per creare dei grafici classici pi#249; accattivanti e in linea con le nuove dinamiche del mercato BI; in secondo luogo verranno realizzati dei veri e propri grafici non nativi ma rimanendo sempre all'interno di Reporting Services.

SessionID: 40823

Entity Framework e SQL Server - Better Together

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Event Date: 28-11-2015 - Session time: 12:00:00 - Track: Cloud Dev

Speaker: Alberto Dallagiacoma

Title: Entity Framework e SQL Server - Better Together


L'utilizzo di un Object-Relational Mapper nelle applicazioni non #232; sempre ben visto dai DBA, per il fatto che il codice SQL generato dal framework, insieme agli altri "automatismi", non sempre incontrano i loro favori.

In questa sessione parleremo di quali accorgimenti prendere per far s#236; che il nostro O/RM vada d'accordo con il nostro DBA, ma soprattutto con il nostro Database.

SessionID: 38663

SQL Server 2016: Maturazione dell'In-Memory OLTP

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Event Date: 28-11-2015 - Session time: 14:00:00 - Track: SQL Server 2016

Speaker: Gilberto Zampatti

Title: SQL Server 2016: Maturazione dell'In-Memory OLTP


In-Memory OLTP #232; una tecnologia che ha subito in questa nuova versione significativi miglioramenti, tesi soprattutto a garantire la scalabilit#224; su databases di maggiori dimensioni e un throughput pi#249; elevato, al fine di supportare carichi di lavoro sempre pi#249; elevati. Sono stati inoltre eliminati vincoli e limitazioni relative a tabelle e stored procedures per rendere pi#249; agevole la migrazione alla nuova piattaforma e trarne i relativi vantaggi. In questa sessione esploreremo le nuove features e quelle migliorate (altering Memory-optimized Tables and Natively Compiled Stored Procedures, Scalar UDF, supporto alle subqueries nelle Natively Complied Stored Procedures ecc.).

SessionID: 40183

Azure Machine Learning: From Design to Integration

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Event Date: 28-11-2015 - Session time: 14:00:00 - Track: Cloud Dev

Speaker: Peter Myers

Title: Azure Machine Learning: From Design to Integration


Machine Learning is a subfield of computer science concerned with systems that learn from data. In this session, learn how a Microsoft Azure Machine Learning solution comes to life: From the creation of a workspace, to the preparation of data, to experimentation with machine learning algorithms, and then finally to the integration and integration of predictive insights.

This session has been specifically designed to describe machine learning fundamentals, and to help enable and inspire existing developers taking their first steps to leverage cloud-based predictive models delivered with Azure Machine Learning. It is guaranteed to thrill you with potential, and excite you with the relative ease in which it can be accomplished.

SessionID: 40916

Datazen - On-premise mobile bi

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Event Date: 28-11-2015 - Session time: 14:00:00 - Track: Analytics Reporting

Speaker: Bent Pedersen

Title: Datazen - On-premise mobile bi


Introducing Microsofts Onpremise Mobile BI solution, Datazen, a leader in mobile business intelligence and data visualization on Windows, iOS and Android devices serving for the on-premise mobile BI. Furthermore i will go through the latest release and present new functionality.

I want to show you how simply and easy it is to gets started and display insights that you can use to improve your business. This session will contain a demo of the UI, creation of dashboards, KPIs and a walk-through of the current architecture and security of the software.

SessionID: 38668

Power Query

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Event Date: 28-11-2015 - Session time: 15:00:00 - Track: Analytics Reporting

Speaker: Marco Pozzan

Title: Power Query


Microsoft Power Query for Excel is a new set of experiences to empower business analysts and end users to discover, acquire, and transform data of any shape and size.

SessionID: 40544

Implementing and Maintaining an Azure SQL Database project

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Event Date: 28-11-2015 - Session time: 15:00:00 - Track: Cloud Dev

Speaker: Emanuele Zanchettin

Title: Implementing and Maintaining an Azure SQL Database project


This is an evergreen session, it follows Azure SQL Database evolution and each time is different: it looks at how to implement, maintain and evolve/update solutions developed on Azure SQL Database, through the use of the tools like SQL Sever Management Studio and Visual Studio. Through examples and case studies, will be presented the versatility, power and reliability of the database as a service in the cloud.

SessionID: 40978

SQL Server 2016 Query Store: un nuovo modo di ottimizzare le query

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Event Date: 28-11-2015 - Session time: 15:00:00 - Track: SQL Server 2016

Speaker: Saverio Lorenzini

Title: SQL Server 2016 Query Store: un nuovo modo di ottimizzare le query


Query Store #232; la nuova funzionalit#224; di SQLServer 2016 che permette la storicizzazione nel tempo delle prestazioni delle query, oltre i riavvii della macchina. Consente l'archiviazione delle prestazioni del piano di esecuzione e di ogni singola esecuzione delle query, permettendone l'analisi a posteriori.

Questo meccanismo permette di effettuare analisi sofisticate delle query e delle loro prestazioni. E’ possibile correlare il cambiamento delle performances a quello del piano di esecuzione o ad altri eventi, seguire nel tempo le prestazioni di determinate porzioni del codice, individuare regressioni oppure identificare le query che hanno degradato nelle ultime esecuzioni. E possibile inoltre seguire nel tempo l’evoluzione di un piano di esecuzione in funzione di cambiamenti, quali cambio delle statistiche, modifiche dello schema o presenza di indici. La sessione entra nel dettaglio della funzionalit#224; e ne illustra l’utilizzo in un’ottica di ottimizzazione e troubleshooting.

SessionID: 39591

SQL Server 2016 Temporal tables: Viaggiare nel tempo con SQL Server

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Event Date: 28-11-2015 - Session time: 16:30:00 - Track: SQL Server 2016

Speaker: Pasquale Ceglie

Title: SQL Server 2016 Temporal tables: Viaggiare nel tempo con SQL Server


Una delle nuove (tante) funzionalit#224; di SQL Server 2016 #232; il supporto integrato per tabelle di dati temporali. Con una tabella temporale pu#242; essere reperito il valore di ciascun record in qualsiasi momento nel tempo. Questo pu#242; essere utile per "viaggiare nel tempo", per fare audit, recuperare il vecchio valore di un campo in seguito a una modifica accidentale.

SessionID: 40282

Many to Many in SSAS Multidimensional: How To Implement It

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Event Date: 28-11-2015 - Session time: 16:30:00 - Track: Analytics Reporting

Speaker: Elvis Talic

Title: Many to Many in SSAS Multidimensional: How To Implement It


Do you have many to many relationship between your dimensions? For example, a person having many accounts at the same bank and accounts being held by more than one person? Or do you have one to many, a patient having mutliple diagnosis? How do you analyze this data? Many to many in SSAS can help you.

In this session, you will learn step by step on how to implement many to many in SSAS. In addition, you will learn the benefits of using many to many, by looking at the real life example of the implementation with healthcare data.

After this session, you will have better understanding of many to many in SSAS, plus you will be able to solve some of common business problems that arise daily.

SessionID: 40483

DocumentDB Jumpstart, NoSQL adventures in Azure

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Event Date: 28-11-2015 - Session time: 16:30:00 - Track: Cloud Dev

Speaker: Marco De Nittis

Title: DocumentDB Jumpstart, NoSQL adventures in Azure


What is NoSQL? What is DocumentDB? How could this technology change the way we manage data?

We’ll discover together how DocumentDB works, how we could use this new exciting product and which are its pros and cons compared to relational databases as SQL server. This session covers how configure a new DocumentDB instance in Azure, how to save and query data and the basic guidelines about organizing complex data as JSON documents.