
Nr: 485

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SQLSaturday #485 - Lisbon 2016

Start Time (24h) Speaker Track Title
09:00:00 Ivan Campos CORE Track                                Room Azure B Introdu#231;#227;o ao In-Memory OLTP (hekaton) com SQL Server 2016
09:00:00 Quilson Antunes BI Track                                 Room Azure A What's new in SSIS2016
10:15:00 Etienne Lopes CORE Track                                Room Azure B Security enhancements in SQL Server 2016
10:15:00 Artur Santos BI Track                                 Room Azure A What's New in Reporting Services 2016
12:15:00 Niko Neugebauer CORE Track                                Room Azure B Getting Started with U-SQL Azure Data Lake Analytics
12:15:00 Pedro Perfeito BI Track                                 Room Azure A Power BI For Real World Business Scenarios
14:00:00 Rui Romano BI Track                                 Room Azure A Power BI for Developers
14:00:00 Pedro Simoes CORE Track                                Room Azure B Azure VM's with SQL Server - Notes from the field
15:45:00 Murilo Miranda CORE Track                                Room Azure B Availability Groups 2016: Quais s#227;o as novidades?
17:15:00 Andre Batista CORE Track                                Room Azure B Query Store no SQL Server 2016
17:15:00 Bruno Ferreira BI Track                                 Room Azure A How to use R in SQL Server 2016

SessionID: 44618

Introdu#231;#227;o ao In-Memory OLTP (hekaton) com SQL Server 2016

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Event Date: 20-02-2016 - Session time: 09:00:00 - Track: CORE Track                                Room Azure B

Speaker: Ivan Campos

Title: Introdu#231;#227;o ao In-Memory OLTP (hekaton) com SQL Server 2016


Quando temos necessidade de efetuar transa#231;#245;es #224; velocidade da luz, esta vai ser sem d#250;vida a tecnologia que vai pensar usar. Tecnologia nascida na vers#227;o anterior (SQL Server 2014) e melhorada na vers#227;o 2016, In -Memory OLTP #233; sem d#250;vida uma grande aposta por parte da Microsoft para solucionar este tipo de exig#234;ncias do atual mercado das TI.

Nesta sess#227;o vou explicar de uma forma clara o que consiste este novo componente do SGBD da Microsoft como come#231;ar a utilizar, limita#231;#245;es e alguns truques para resolver algumas das limita#231;#245;es.

SessionID: 44624

What's new in SSIS2016

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Event Date: 20-02-2016 - Session time: 09:00:00 - Track: BI Track                                 Room Azure A

Speaker: Quilson Antunes

Title: What's new in SSIS2016


SSISDB catalog

#183; Deployment #183; Debugging #183; Azure #183; Etc.

SessionID: 42961

Security enhancements in SQL Server 2016

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Event Date: 20-02-2016 - Session time: 10:15:00 - Track: CORE Track                                Room Azure B

Speaker: Etienne Lopes

Title: Security enhancements in SQL Server 2016


There are several pretty cool enhancements regarding security in SQL Server 2016.

This session will cover some of them in the following (new) topics:

Join me in a set of full demonstrations for all these features!

SessionID: 44629

What's New in Reporting Services 2016

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Event Date: 20-02-2016 - Session time: 10:15:00 - Track: BI Track                                 Room Azure A

Speaker: Artur Santos

Title: What's New in Reporting Services 2016


Find out what Reporting Services may improve even more your Reporting skills.

How to pin items to Power BI, new HTML 5 Renderind, PowerPoint Export Rendering, the custom Parameters Pane, are only some of the new cool stuff that you could find in the new version of Reporting Services. This and a lot more is waiting for you... Come and see for yourself.

SessionID: 44614

Getting Started with U-SQL Azure Data Lake Analytics

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Event Date: 20-02-2016 - Session time: 12:15:00 - Track: CORE Track                                Room Azure B

Speaker: Niko Neugebauer

Title: Getting Started with U-SQL Azure Data Lake Analytics


Born out of the internal Big Data language called SCOPE, U-SQL is the language of the new generation that combines the powers of SQL and the extensibility of the C#.

Capable of working with Azure Data Lake Storage, Azure Blob Storage, Azure SQL DB Azure SQL DW and Azure VMs with SQL Server, U-SQL is the language of choice if you are looking for querying and combining data from variety of data sources.

Let us discover what is exactly U-SQL Azure Data Lake Analytics are and how they can be of big help for your projects.

SessionID: 44679

Power BI For Real World Business Scenarios

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Event Date: 20-02-2016 - Session time: 12:15:00 - Track: BI Track                                 Room Azure A

Speaker: Pedro Perfeito

Title: Power BI For Real World Business Scenarios


Depois de ter partilhado as vantagens e desvantagens do Power View no passado m#234;s de maio de 2015 no SQL Saturdays, desta vez proponho a apresentar dois casos reais na #225;rea de jogo e retalho para avaliarem se de facto o Power BI #233; agora funcional e ultrapassa todas as limita#231;#245;es do Power View. Estar#225; o Power BI preparado para casos reais? Venha descobrir...

SessionID: 43019

Power BI for Developers

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Event Date: 20-02-2016 - Session time: 14:00:00 - Track: BI Track                                 Room Azure A

Speaker: Rui Romano

Title: Power BI for Developers


Are you a developer? Want to learn what PowerBI has for you? Then come to my session where you will learn how to enhance your applications with PowerBI experiences...

In this talk I will show you an overview of the developer ecosystem in Power BI and share my experiences in the creation of Power BI Office Apps (Power BI Tiles and Send to PowerBI) and the community PowerShell module PowerBIPS.

SessionID: 43117

Azure VM's with SQL Server - Notes from the field

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Event Date: 20-02-2016 - Session time: 14:00:00 - Track: CORE Track                                Room Azure B

Speaker: Pedro Simoes

Title: Azure VM's with SQL Server - Notes from the field


Vamos apresentar algumas das boas praticas e a nossa experiencia com m#225;quinas virtuais Azure com SQL Server

SessionID: 44129

Availability Groups 2016: Quais s#227;o as novidades?

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Event Date: 20-02-2016 - Session time: 15:45:00 - Track: CORE Track                                Room Azure B

Speaker: Murilo Miranda

Title: Availability Groups 2016: Quais s#227;o as novidades?


O SQL Server 2016 est#225; proximo de ser lan#231;ado, e muitas novidades est#227;o a caminho. O Availability Groups nao #233; exce#231;#227;o! Saiba nesta sess#227;o tudo sobre a solucao numero 1 de HADR do SQL Server.

SessionID: 44535

Query Store no SQL Server 2016

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Event Date: 20-02-2016 - Session time: 17:15:00 - Track: CORE Track                                Room Azure B

Speaker: Andre Batista

Title: Query Store no SQL Server 2016


O Query Store #233; uma nova funcionalidade que ser#225; lan#231;ada com o SQL Server 2016 que permitir#225; armazenar o hist#243;rico de planos de execu#231;#227;o de cada consulta juntamente com os contadores de desempenho. Ser#225; poss#237;vel de uma maneira mais f#225;cil corrigir alguns problemas de desempenho sobre as altera#231;#245;es que ocorrem nos planos de execu#231;#227;o. Junta-te a mim nesta sess#227;o, para obter mais informa#231;#227;o e falar sobre esta nova funcionalidade, que vai mudar a maneira de podermos corrigir e solucionar problemas de desempenho.

SessionID: 44662

How to use R in SQL Server 2016

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Event Date: 20-02-2016 - Session time: 17:15:00 - Track: BI Track                                 Room Azure A

Speaker: Bruno Ferreira

Title: How to use R in SQL Server 2016


R represents the primary analysis language for the majority of data scientists and statisticians. SQL Server 2016 will allow you to run R scripts. In this session we will demonstrate how to run R analytics in the database so any user can explore the data, build predictive models and embed the R code into Transact-SQL stored procedures.