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SQLSaturday #486 - Richmond 2016

Start Time (24h) Speaker Track Title
08:30:00 Monica Rathbun Professional Development I'm It - Survival Techniques for the Lone DBA
08:30:00 Tracy Boggiano Other Disaster Recovery Where to Begin
08:30:00 Cameron Snapp Application Database Development A functional review of Visual Studio 2013 Database Projects
08:30:00 Rick Heiges Database Administration, Deployment, Monitoring First Look at SQL Server 2016
08:30:00 Brian Carrig Database Administration, Deployment, Monitoring Managing Very Large Databases with SQL Server
08:30:00 Patrick LeBlanc Business Intelligence Introduction to the Power BI Desktop
08:30:00 John Morehouse Database Design and Architecture SQL Server Databaseology: A Deep Dive Into Database Internals
08:30:00 Wayne Sheffield Other Community Zone
09:40:00 Kevin Feasel Azure / Cloud / Big Data Peanut Butter Chocolate: Integrating Hadoop with SQL Server
09:40:00 Michael Wharton Other PowerShell Basics for SQL Server
09:40:00 Louis Davidson Database Design and Architecture Let Me Finish... Isolating Write Operations
09:40:00 Rafael Salas Business Intelligence Solving the Data Integration Problem for Non-Developers with Power Query
09:40:00 Carlos L Chacon Professional Development If You Build It, They Will Come--Creating Your Own Opportunities!
09:40:00 Janis Griffin Performance Does your performance tuning need a 12-step program?
09:40:00 Ravi Kumar Business Intelligence Administring SSIS 2012 and 2014 for DBA
10:50:00 George Walkey Database Administration, Deployment, Monitoring Scripting out SQL Server for Documentation and Disaster Recovery
10:50:00 Andy Leonard Business Intelligence SSIS 2014 Data Flow Tuning Tips and Tricks
10:50:00 Slava Murygin Database Administration, Deployment, Monitoring New SQL Server 2016 Feature: "Query Store"
10:50:00 Gigi Bell Professional Development Dealing With Difficult Coworkers
10:50:00 Doug Purnell Database Administration, Deployment, Monitoring Are Availability Groups a good fit for your database?
10:50:00 Jason Brimhall Database Administration, Deployment, Monitoring Extended Events - Better than Profiler
10:50:00 Ayman El-Ghazali Internals SQL Server Internals Party: Storage, Memory and the Query Life-cycle
12:45:00 Rick Heiges Other SQL Games
12:45:00 Jamie Wick Sponsor Session Learn about Pyramid Analytics’ BI Office Version 6 Platform Relea
12:45:00 Greg Samuels Sponsor Session CIO Panel Discussion
13:40:00 Jana Sattainathan Other Small Scale Data Collection Using PowerShell - Going NSA Style!
13:40:00 Gigi Bell Professional Development Dealing With Difficult Managers
13:40:00 Jamie Wick Database Administration, Deployment, Monitoring SQL Backups: Choosing the right solution for your environment
13:40:00 Mark Hudson Business Intelligence Introducing Azure Machine Learning
13:40:00 Azhagappan Arunachalam Azure / Cloud / Big Data Getting to know U-SQL
13:40:00 Konstantin Melamud Database Administration, Deployment, Monitoring Turbo Boost Performance: In Memory Tables index optimizations
14:50:00 Kiran Math Business Intelligence Introduction To R For Sql Developers
14:50:00 William Wolf Application Database Development Service Broker: Coach your processes asynchronously
14:50:00 Chris Bell Performance Optimizing Protected Indexes
14:50:00 Thomas Norman Azure / Cloud / Big Data Beginning Azure
14:50:00 Justin Randall Professional Development Building Your Yellow Brick Road: Directing Your Path to a Successful Career
14:50:00 Tom Staab Database Design and Architecture Introduction to Partitioning
14:50:00 Brad McKuhen Database Administration, Deployment, Monitoring SQL Auditing - Getting A View Of Yesterday's Activity Today
16:00:00 Kevin Feasel Azure / Cloud / Big Data Big Data, Small Data, and Everything In Between
16:00:00 Deji Akomolafe Virtualization Successfully Virtualizing SQL Server on vSphere - Straight from t
16:00:00 Andrew Kelly Database Administration, Deployment, Monitoring TempDB 101 Plus
16:00:00 Rob Volk Database Administration, Deployment, Monitoring Revenge: The SQL! - Director's Cut
16:00:00 Denis McDowell Database Administration, Deployment, Monitoring Managing Complex Workloads Using the SQL Server 2014 Resource Governor
16:00:00 Doug Purnell Professional Development Congrats on your promotion to DBA, now what?
16:00:00 Steve Hughes Application Database Development A Window into Your Data: Using SQL Window Functions
16:00:00 Jason Brimhall Professional Development Wheel of Doom

SessionID: 41439

I'm It - Survival Techniques for the Lone DBA

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Event Date: 19-03-2016 - Session time: 08:30:00 - Track: Professional Development

Speaker: Monica Rathbun

Title: I'm It - Survival Techniques for the Lone DBA


Are you the only database person at your company? Are you both the DBA and the Developer? Being the only data professional in an environment can seem overwhelming, daunting, and darn near impossible sometimes. However, it can also be extremely rewarding and empowering. This session will cover how you can keep your sanity, get stuff done, and still love your job. We'll cover how I have survived and thrived being a Lone DBA for 15 years and how you can too. When you finish this session, you'll know what you can do to make your job easier, where to find help, and how to still be able to advance and enrich your career.

SessionID: 41686

Disaster Recovery Where to Begin

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Event Date: 19-03-2016 - Session time: 08:30:00 - Track: Other

Speaker: Tracy Boggiano

Title: Disaster Recovery Where to Begin


So you have a good backup strategy in place, but now you have to think about a disaster recovery. Where do you start and what are your options? SQL Server offers several options, but then how do you choose the right one to meet your business requirements? In this session, we will go over some of the common DR options including log shipping, replication, mirroring, clustering, and AlwaysOn. Then we will talk about how to choose the best one to meet your business needs.

SessionID: 42452

A functional review of Visual Studio 2013 Database Projects

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Event Date: 19-03-2016 - Session time: 08:30:00 - Track: Application Database Development

Speaker: Cameron Snapp

Title: A functional review of Visual Studio 2013 Database Projects


Visual Studio 2013 (VS) has finally delivered a great way to manage databases within the Software Development Lifecycle. While VS has offered a Database Project type for several years, to me, it was never really a sustainable way to create, manage, source control, schema compare, and deploy database objects. In this presentation, I’ll break down the feature set of database development in VS and offer some experience tips for SQL database developers to start working in what really is a great new way.

SessionID: 44381

First Look at SQL Server 2016

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Event Date: 19-03-2016 - Session time: 08:30:00 - Track: Database Administration, Deployment, Monitoring

Speaker: Rick Heiges

Title: First Look at SQL Server 2016


Microsoft has been busy working on the next version of SQL Server - SQL Server 2016. We will go over some of the new features at a high level and dig deeper on Row Level Security and StretchDB. Row Level Security allows you to add another layer of security to your environment. StretchDB will allow you to transparently place part or all of a table into a SQL Azure DB freeing up your valuable SAN space for data that is COLD.

SessionID: 45163

Managing Very Large Databases with SQL Server

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Event Date: 19-03-2016 - Session time: 08:30:00 - Track: Database Administration, Deployment, Monitoring

Speaker: Brian Carrig

Title: Managing Very Large Databases with SQL Server


If some of your databases have grown to over 1TB and it has become a challenge to maintain them - or if you are anticipating what to do in the future when they do - then this talk is for you!

In this session, I will provide some practical advice on managing VLDBs with SQL server, focusing on common problem areas for new and experienced DBAs alike, including index maintenance, integrity checks, backups and restores.

SessionID: 45449

Introduction to the Power BI Desktop

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Event Date: 19-03-2016 - Session time: 08:30:00 - Track: Business Intelligence

Speaker: Patrick LeBlanc

Title: Introduction to the Power BI Desktop


Most of us are overwhelmed with data from all the different applications that we use on a daily basis. Bringing all the data together is often a very time-consuming and sometimes a challenging process. Even further, attempting to analyze and visualize the data poses new challenges that is sometime difficult or impossible to overcome. Now with Power BI this can all be made very simple. Individuals, ranging from novice information workers to advanced IT professionals can quickly and easily transform, analyze and visualize data using a single tool, Power BI Desktop. In this course we will work through four main topics: Shaping Data, Building a Data Model, Visualizing Data and Using the Power BI Server.

SessionID: 45498

SQL Server Databaseology: A Deep Dive Into Database Internals

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Event Date: 19-03-2016 - Session time: 08:30:00 - Track: Database Design and Architecture

Speaker: John Morehouse

Title: SQL Server Databaseology: A Deep Dive Into Database Internals


Have you ever taken apart a toaster or an alarm clock just to see how it worked? Ever wondered how that database actually functions at the record level, behind the scenes? SQL Server Databaseology is the study of SQL Server databases and their structures down to the very core of the records themselves. In this session, we will explore some of the deep inner workings of a SQL Server database at the record and page level. You will walk away with a better understanding of how SQL Server stores data and that knowledge will allow you to build better, faster databases.

SessionID: 46010

Community Zone

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Event Date: 19-03-2016 - Session time: 08:30:00 - Track: Other

Speaker: Wayne Sheffield

Title: Community Zone


Come and hang out with community members, and discuss SQL Server issues or just ask any questions. Have a work problem? Maybe you can leave here today with a solution!

SessionID: 41549

Peanut Butter Chocolate: Integrating Hadoop with SQL Server

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Event Date: 19-03-2016 - Session time: 09:40:00 - Track: Azure / Cloud / Big Data

Speaker: Kevin Feasel

Title: Peanut Butter Chocolate: Integrating Hadoop with SQL Server


So you jumped on the bandwagon and set up a Hadoop cluster…but now what? Your database developers and app developers know how to integrate with and develop against SQL Server, but the Hadoop world is a completely different experience. This talk will help bridge the gap between SQL Server and Hadoop, using tools such as SQL Server Integration Services and Sqoop to migrate data between a Hadoop cluster and a SQL Server instance, as well as PolyBase to integrate the two like never before.

SessionID: 41682

PowerShell Basics for SQL Server

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Event Date: 19-03-2016 - Session time: 09:40:00 - Track: Other

Speaker: Michael Wharton

Title: PowerShell Basics for SQL Server


Beginners Guide and Overview of PowerShell and how to perform SQL scripts using PowerShell. In this session you will learn the basics on building scripts using PowerShell and then learn the basics of using PowerShell for SQL server administration.

SessionID: 42230

Let Me Finish... Isolating Write Operations

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Event Date: 19-03-2016 - Session time: 09:40:00 - Track: Database Design and Architecture

Speaker: Louis Davidson

Title: Let Me Finish... Isolating Write Operations


OLTP databases can be constantly written to and reporting databases are written to at least periodically. In order to ensure consistent results, connections must be isolated from one another while executing, ideally with the lowest possible cost to concurrency. How this isolation is handled is based on the isolation level, whether the classic lock based or the newer optimistic scheme of the in-memory OLTP engine is used, or even if both engines are enlisted in the same transaction. In this session we will look at examples of how SQL Server isolates reading and writing operations from other writing operations to explore how this may affect your application through error messages and performance hits.

SessionID: 45080

Solving the Data Integration Problem for Non-Developers with Power Query

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Event Date: 19-03-2016 - Session time: 09:40:00 - Track: Business Intelligence

Speaker: Rafael Salas

Title: Solving the Data Integration Problem for Non-Developers with Power Query


Self-service business intelligence (BI) technologies have gained popularity in the past few years. They often highlight how easy data exploration and fancy data visualizations are, but leave out the most expensive and time-consuming part of the process: preparing and integrating the data. Why? Perhaps because most self-service technologies fall short when pulling together information that is drawn from multiple systems.

In this session, learn how businesses and IT can use Power Query--a free data integration tool and part of Power BI--to transform, combine, and share data from heterogeneous data sources, reducing the time and cost to prepare the data that is used to produce analysis and reports. We also discuss how Power Query fits in the larger BI landscape and the considerations and concerns that IT stakeholders have when adopting this type of self-service technology.

SessionID: 45494

If You Build It, They Will Come--Creating Your Own Opportunities!

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Event Date: 19-03-2016 - Session time: 09:40:00 - Track: Professional Development

Speaker: Carlos L Chacon

Title: If You Build It, They Will Come--Creating Your Own Opportunities!


Often times we might feel like we are simply spinning our wheels and can't seem to move ahead. Perhaps we see others getting opportunities and can't quite place why more doesn't come our way. This session will discuss how we can put ourselves in the drivers seat when it comes to making opportunities so we can make some decisions about what we want to do rather than choosing from what is left.

SessionID: 45513

Does your performance tuning need a 12-step program?

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Event Date: 19-03-2016 - Session time: 09:40:00 - Track: Performance

Speaker: Janis Griffin

Title: Does your performance tuning need a 12-step program?


Performance tuning can be complex.It's often hard to know which knob to turn or button to press to get the biggest performance boost. In this presentation, Janis Griffin, Database Performance Evangelist, SolarWinds, will detail 12 steps to quickly identify performance issues and resolve them. Attendees at this session will learn how to:

Quickly fine tune a SQL statement
Identify performance inhibitors to help avoid future performance issues
Recognize and understand how new SQL Server features can help improve query performance

SessionID: 47774

Administring SSIS 2012 and 2014 for DBA

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Event Date: 19-03-2016 - Session time: 09:40:00 - Track: Business Intelligence

Speaker: Ravi Kumar

Title: Administring SSIS 2012 and 2014 for DBA


Make your SSIS Life easy by learning SSIS administration. There is lots of new stuff to learn in SSIS 2012 and 2014, to name a few: SSIS Catalog, Environmental Parameters, Encrypting passwords. We will cover new upcoming features in 2016.

SessionID: 41394

Scripting out SQL Server for Documentation and Disaster Recovery

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Event Date: 19-03-2016 - Session time: 10:50:00 - Track: Database Administration, Deployment, Monitoring

Speaker: George Walkey

Title: Scripting out SQL Server for Documentation and Disaster Recovery


Most DBAs need to use multiple native and third party tools to fully document SQL Server instances, yet still don't get all the objects. Even using SSDT, not all objects are exported and live at the server level, above the database.

Using Powershell, we will script out an organized set of files that can be checked into any Source Control system and/or used for moving or recovering a SQL server instance or for Disaster Recovery purposes. Objects exported include: SQL Agent Jobs/Alerts/Schedules, NT Service Creds, SSIS Packages, SSAS Cubes, SSRS Reports with a Visual Schedule, a Server Security Checkup , a Hardware Inventory, Linked Servers, Server Triggers and DBMail settings.

SessionID: 41423

SSIS 2014 Data Flow Tuning Tips and Tricks

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Event Date: 19-03-2016 - Session time: 10:50:00 - Track: Business Intelligence

Speaker: Andy Leonard

Title: SSIS 2014 Data Flow Tuning Tips and Tricks


Do you want SSIS to go fast? This session is for you! Attend and learn techniques for developing, instrumenting, monitoring, and managing SSIS 2014 Data Flow performance in your data integration enterprise.

SessionID: 42014

New SQL Server 2016 Feature: "Query Store"

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Event Date: 19-03-2016 - Session time: 10:50:00 - Track: Database Administration, Deployment, Monitoring

Speaker: Slava Murygin

Title: New SQL Server 2016 Feature: "Query Store"


Do you have any SQL Server monitoring tool in your production environment?

If so, what would you do when you find a trouble-making query? Do you write a request to software developers to tune it?

In SQL Server 2016 you have an option not only monitor worst performing queries, but also decide how they have to be executed in your system. You can look at different query plans and force SQL Server to use the quickest one or one which uses less memory or IO.

During that session we will go through major new features of SQL Server 2016 and nail down the "Query Store".

You will learn about that new SQL Server feature and maybe you find how it would help you in your current production environment.

SessionID: 42698

Dealing With Difficult Coworkers

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Event Date: 19-03-2016 - Session time: 10:50:00 - Track: Professional Development

Speaker: Gigi Bell

Title: Dealing With Difficult Coworkers


John knows everything and goes out of his way to correct you at every turn. Mary is agreeable to a fault and just placates everyone. Mike is full of doom and gloom and whines constantly. Are these your co-workers? Relatives? Frenemies? You? Learn two golden rules to reduce the stress produced by the difficult people in your life.

SessionID: 45039

Are Availability Groups a good fit for your database?

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Event Date: 19-03-2016 - Session time: 10:50:00 - Track: Database Administration, Deployment, Monitoring

Speaker: Doug Purnell

Title: Are Availability Groups a good fit for your database?


How do you know if Availability Groups are the correct high availability solution for your business application? We’ll cover some common business problems that Availability Groups can solve and go through a quick demo where we’ll cover some pre and post checklist items to help you understand the requirements for a successful implementation.

SessionID: 45456

Extended Events - Better than Profiler

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Event Date: 19-03-2016 - Session time: 10:50:00 - Track: Database Administration, Deployment, Monitoring

Speaker: Jason Brimhall

Title: Extended Events - Better than Profiler


Extended Events were introduced in SQL Server 2008. With SQL 2014, we have seen a significant upgrade to this feature. Join me for a little adventure into the realm of extended events. We will discuss how to use extended events to aid in performance tuning and in day to day administration. We will also explore some background and the architecture of extended events. This is a fast paced session and will be a lot of fun. Attendees will be able to take back several sample XE sessions to help troubleshoot different issues and get to more intimately know their data/environment.

SessionID: 45467

SQL Server Internals Party: Storage, Memory and the Query Life-cycle

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Event Date: 19-03-2016 - Session time: 10:50:00 - Track: Internals

Speaker: Ayman El-Ghazali

Title: SQL Server Internals Party: Storage, Memory and the Query Life-cycle


Come meet the Internals of SQL Server at this special get-together! In this presentation we will cover the basics of data storage and querying with SQL Server. We will cover how data is stored in pages and extents and how that translates to data reads/writes with the storage system. Additionally, we will explore how different queries are processed by SQL Server and how the query life cycle works in general. Finally we will cover disk storage and memory and tie it all together. This session is intended to be broad and to give a general overview of how a query is processed in SQL Server and how storage and memory play a part in that. Everyone is invited to this introductory level presentation and should be appealing to DBAs, DB BI Developers and System Administrators. Party hats not included, rated G for Geeks.

SessionID: 44862

SQL Games

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Event Date: 19-03-2016 - Session time: 12:45:00 - Track: Other

Speaker: Rick Heiges

Title: SQL Games


SessionID: 48755

Learn about Pyramid Analytics’ BI Office Version 6 Platform Relea

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Event Date: 19-03-2016 - Session time: 12:45:00 - Track: Sponsor Session

Speaker: Jamie Wick

Title: Learn about Pyramid Analytics’ BI Office Version 6 Platform Relea


Have you been looking for a Power BI on-prem server solution? Does your organization need a platform that will provide agility, speed, and scalability without sacrificing governance and security? Come and learn from Michael Ford about the recent release of Version 6 BI Office from Pyramid Analytics, an end-to-end platform that enables people across your organization to have governed access to trusted data—to form insights, collaborate freely, and make better data-driven decisions.

SessionID: 48756

CIO Panel Discussion

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Event Date: 19-03-2016 - Session time: 12:45:00 - Track: Sponsor Session

Speaker: Greg Samuels

Title: CIO Panel Discussion


If there was one question you could ask your CIO, what would it be? In this session you'll have the opportunity to hear a panel of three CIOs and CTOs discuss the State of IT in Virginia while covering topics such as technology strategy, leveraging cloud technologies, Big Data and more. This panel discussion will be moderated by B2B's owner, Greg Samuels, and Alex Tulchinsky, CTO of UNOS, Chris Walton, CIO of Chemtreat and George Boatright, former CIO of Media General will be serving as panelists. This interactive session is geared at all levels of experience, so we hope you'll come with questions.

SessionID: 41671

Small Scale Data Collection Using PowerShell - Going NSA Style!

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Event Date: 19-03-2016 - Session time: 13:40:00 - Track: Other

Speaker: Jana Sattainathan

Title: Small Scale Data Collection Using PowerShell - Going NSA Style!


While we are not the NSA, certain vital data needs to be collected – for example audit data, trace data, session information, performance data etc. – all to a central SQL Server repository, for analysis. In this session let us see how freely available PowerShell code can be used to collect data from multiple SQL Servers instances/databases. At the end of this session, you will have the knowledge and ability to collect pretty much any data to a central repository with just a couple of lines of code all in a manner that works specifically for you!

SessionID: 42697

Dealing With Difficult Managers

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Event Date: 19-03-2016 - Session time: 13:40:00 - Track: Professional Development

Speaker: Gigi Bell

Title: Dealing With Difficult Managers


Problems with your boss micro-managing you? Wondering how to deal with an absent boss who takes credit for your work? Learn about dealing with several types of managers and how to deal with them, survive them, and possibly even excel despite them.

SessionID: 42699

SQL Backups: Choosing the right solution for your environment

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Event Date: 19-03-2016 - Session time: 13:40:00 - Track: Database Administration, Deployment, Monitoring

Speaker: Jamie Wick

Title: SQL Backups: Choosing the right solution for your environment


Backing up databases is (arguably) the most important maintenance task for any database administrator. But the question is: Which solution should you choose for creating and managing your backups? In this session we'll discuss the options available and demonstrate 2 of the solutions in action (Ola Hallengren's DatabaseBackup and Minionware's Minion Backup).

SessionID: 45475

Introducing Azure Machine Learning

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Event Date: 19-03-2016 - Session time: 13:40:00 - Track: Business Intelligence

Speaker: Mark Hudson

Title: Introducing Azure Machine Learning


Not satisfied with Multidimensional Analysis Services’ data mining or maybe you are using Tabular Analysis Services? Looking for a flexible and robust predictive analytics tool? Consider Azure Machine Learning … a cloud service for advanced analytics. In this session, I quickly describe concepts and terms before jumping straight into a start-to-finish AML experiment. Join me to see how AML might meet your advanced data analysis needs.

SessionID: 45550

Getting to know U-SQL

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Event Date: 19-03-2016 - Session time: 13:40:00 - Track: Azure / Cloud / Big Data

Speaker: Azhagappan Arunachalam

Title: Getting to know U-SQL


With so many languages around to extract, transform, analyze, and visualize data, Microsoft introduced yet another language : U-SQL. In this session, we'll take a look at what U-SQL is, what it brings to the table, and how it differs from (or overlaps with) the existing constructs (T-SQL, SQL CLR, DAX/MDX, PowerQuery/M, R etc.,). We'll go over step-by-step in getting started with U-SQL, and review some use case scenarios.

SessionID: 46486

Turbo Boost Performance: In Memory Tables index optimizations

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Event Date: 19-03-2016 - Session time: 13:40:00 - Track: Database Administration, Deployment, Monitoring

Speaker: Konstantin Melamud

Title: Turbo Boost Performance: In Memory Tables index optimizations


With the introduction of in-memory based tables in SQL Server 2014, it’s natural to expect significant increases in query performance. But what do we do when queries which utilize in-memory tables actually start to perform same or, in some cases, even worse than their equivalent disk based table predecessors? In this session, we are going to take a look at the changes to the indexing design for in-memory based objects and how it differs from existing disk based table indexing. Also, we are going to cover how to choose the appropriate indexes for your in-memory object to give you the performance boost that you have been expecting.

SessionID: 41444

Introduction To R For Sql Developers

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Event Date: 19-03-2016 - Session time: 14:50:00 - Track: Business Intelligence

Speaker: Kiran Math

Title: Introduction To R For Sql Developers


In this session we will explore

  1. Installation of R and R Studio
  2. R basics
  3. Power of R
  4. Getting data from databases and other sources.
  5. Managing Data frame using Package dplyr
  6. Visualization of Data using Graphic Package ggplots2
  7. Experiment Predicting Housing Price using Linear Regression Model.

SessionID: 41923

Service Broker: Coach your processes asynchronously

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Event Date: 19-03-2016 - Session time: 14:50:00 - Track: Application Database Development

Speaker: William Wolf

Title: Service Broker: Coach your processes asynchronously


This session is an introduction to Service Broker basics. Service Broker is your way to process your data asynchronously in a single instance setting as well as use as a near real time ETL. At the end of this session, you will have the knowledge to use Service Broker for batch processing, ETL or even an alternative to replication.

SessionID: 42692

Optimizing Protected Indexes

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Event Date: 19-03-2016 - Session time: 14:50:00 - Track: Performance

Speaker: Chris Bell

Title: Optimizing Protected Indexes


As a SQL Server DBA I see my role having 2 main focuses. First is to protect the data and second is to ensure performance is maximized. More often than not companies forget about data security when they focus on performance tuning. In this presentation I will mention a few cases where encryption could have saved a lot of hassle. I will then demo a method that can be used to "index" commonly searched on encrypted values (ex: SSNs, Credit Card, etc) helping reduce the impact on the performance of a query.

SessionID: 44893

Beginning Azure

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Event Date: 19-03-2016 - Session time: 14:50:00 - Track: Azure / Cloud / Big Data

Speaker: Thomas Norman

Title: Beginning Azure


The cloud is here! Are you ready? Microsoft, Amazon and others are all vying for your cloud attention. In this session, we will review the different types of cloud platforms available and what they mean to you. We will pay close attention to Microsoft’s Azure platform that offers two hosting solutions. What are these hosting options and what are the differences between them? Most importantly, how do I get started with all of this cloud business? Let's put SQL Server into the cloud!

SessionID: 45372

Building Your Yellow Brick Road: Directing Your Path to a Successful Career

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Event Date: 19-03-2016 - Session time: 14:50:00 - Track: Professional Development

Speaker: Justin Randall

Title: Building Your Yellow Brick Road: Directing Your Path to a Successful Career


For most of us, our career in technology was and is the result of our combined education, experience, opportunities, and luck. In this presentation we will explore approaches to creating the career we want instead of the one we stumble into.

SessionID: 45488

Introduction to Partitioning

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Event Date: 19-03-2016 - Session time: 14:50:00 - Track: Database Design and Architecture

Speaker: Tom Staab

Title: Introduction to Partitioning


We all know that a smaller table is generally faster to retrieve data from than a larger one. What if you could split your very large table into a set of smaller tables but still query and manage them as if they were 1 table? Would that improve your query performance? In this session, we'll examine table partitioning and how it works under the covers to do just that. I'll demonstrate how to configure and manage partitioning (including the magic of SWITCH and sliding windows) and give some examples showing the performance benefits. Finally, we'll take a look at partitioned views and compare/contrast those with partitioned tables.

SessionID: 45547

SQL Auditing - Getting A View Of Yesterday's Activity Today

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Event Date: 19-03-2016 - Session time: 14:50:00 - Track: Database Administration, Deployment, Monitoring

Speaker: Brad McKuhen

Title: SQL Auditing - Getting A View Of Yesterday's Activity Today


When trouble strikes, often it's the simplest, most recent changes needing addressed first. In this session, we'll explore tools, SQL Server features, and some suggested guidelines to help close the gap between the system today and who did what yesterday, so you can make better choices about the changes to make tomorrow.

SessionID: 41550

Big Data, Small Data, and Everything In Between

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Event Date: 19-03-2016 - Session time: 16:00:00 - Track: Azure / Cloud / Big Data

Speaker: Kevin Feasel

Title: Big Data, Small Data, and Everything In Between


The breadth of options available to data professionals today is staggering: between relational, object, graph, and document databases, we have a wide array of storage options, as well as a huge number of access and analysis tools. This talk will walk you through data platform, data analysis, and data processing options. We’ll discuss when to use (and when not to use) Spark, R, Storm, and SSAS, as well as a range of other tools and technologies. By the end of this talk, you may not have MongoDB or Neo4J, but you will know where they might fit.

SessionID: 41669

Successfully Virtualizing SQL Server on vSphere - Straight from t

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Event Date: 19-03-2016 - Session time: 16:00:00 - Track: Virtualization

Speaker: Deji Akomolafe

Title: Successfully Virtualizing SQL Server on vSphere - Straight from t


Over the years, virtualization has matured from the exotic black magic realm to become a mainstream standard IT practice. "Virtualize First" is now a well-accepted default practice in most enterprises and any deviation is now considered an anomaly. In spite of this trend, many IT administrators and architects still have some reservations about virtualizing SQL Server workloads. They consider SQL too "critical" to be virtualized; they wonder and worry about scale about performance; they are looking for guidance and reassurance. If this is where you (or your clients) are today, be sure to attend this session. You will gain valuable insights from what others have done to successfully undertake similar tasks in their environments. We will talk about configuration pitfalls to avoid and also review the configuration and current performance data for some of the most demanding applications in customers environments. Got an SQL virtualization or performance question? Bring it!

SessionID: 41758

TempDB 101 Plus

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Event Date: 19-03-2016 - Session time: 16:00:00 - Track: Database Administration, Deployment, Monitoring

Speaker: Andrew Kelly

Title: TempDB 101 Plus


SessionID: 44747

Revenge: The SQL! - Director's Cut

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Event Date: 19-03-2016 - Session time: 16:00:00 - Track: Database Administration, Deployment, Monitoring

Speaker: Rob Volk

Title: Revenge: The SQL! - Director's Cut


Pop quiz DBA: Your developers are running rampant in production. Logic, reason, and threats have all failed. You're on the edge. What do you do? WHAT DO YOU DO?

Hint: You attend Revenge: The SQL!

This session will show you how to "correct" all those bad practices. Everyone logging in as sa? Running huge cursors? Using SELECT * and ad-hoc SQL? Stop them dead, without actually killing them. Ever dropped a table, or database, or WHERE clause? You can prevent that! And if you’re tired of folks ignoring your naming conventions, make them behave with Unicode…and take your revenge!

Revenge: The SQL! is fun and educational and may even have some practical use, but you’ll want to attend simply to indulge your Dark Side. Revenge: The SQL! assumes no liability and is not available in all 50 states. Do not taunt Revenge: The SQL! or Happy Fun Ball.

SessionID: 44858

Managing Complex Workloads Using the SQL Server 2014 Resource Governor

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Event Date: 19-03-2016 - Session time: 16:00:00 - Track: Database Administration, Deployment, Monitoring

Speaker: Denis McDowell

Title: Managing Complex Workloads Using the SQL Server 2014 Resource Governor


The Resource Governor is a key SQL Server technology for managing competing workloads. New capabilities designed to provide greater flexibility in resource management have been added in SQL Server2012 and SQL Server 2014. As organizations consolidate their SQL architectures, effective management of compute and disk resources becomes more difficult. This session will detail Resource Governor functions as well as demos to illustrate advanced workload management using the SQL 2014 Resource Governor.

SessionID: 45038

Congrats on your promotion to DBA, now what?

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Event Date: 19-03-2016 - Session time: 16:00:00 - Track: Professional Development

Speaker: Doug Purnell

Title: Congrats on your promotion to DBA, now what?


For those of you that don’t have a full time DBA on staff, this session is built around you. I will give you the skills and tools necessary to successfully manage Microsoft SQL Server. Automation is the key to any monitoring effort and SQL Server is no different. I will show you publicly available tools and scripts to alert you when key areas of SQL Server are being stressed. Proactively monitoring SQL Server will make you more efficient and allow you to continue your success within your role.

SessionID: 45458

A Window into Your Data: Using SQL Window Functions

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Event Date: 19-03-2016 - Session time: 16:00:00 - Track: Application Database Development

Speaker: Steve Hughes

Title: A Window into Your Data: Using SQL Window Functions


Window functions and the OVER() clause are an underused feature in T-SQL. These functions can help you solve complex business problems such as running totals and ranking. If you have never used these functions or are looking to solve ranking and aggregate types of calculations without using GROUP BY, join us for a demo filled session on SQL window functions. We will also look at some of the performance implications of using these functions.

SessionID: 46034

Wheel of Doom

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Event Date: 19-03-2016 - Session time: 16:00:00 - Track: Professional Development

Speaker: Jason Brimhall

Title: Wheel of Doom


Lightening Talks with a twist: Random speakers will be selected to perform a random lightening talk presentation submitted by various speakers. Speakers and attendees will laugh and cry together in this light-hearted session to help shake loose some of the fears of presenting.