
Nr: 510

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SQLSaturday #510 - Paris 2016

Start Time (24h) Speaker Track Title
10:00:00 Marco Russo Eau - Plongez dans la BI Handling Relationships in DAX
10:00:00 Charles-Henri Sauget Air - la puissance du Cloud Et si ... nous connections SSAS Tabular sur Datalake ?
10:00:00 Sean McCown Feu - des performances brulantes The Backup Tune-up
10:00:00 Ryan Yates Metal - la robustesse de SQL Server Why and how to Implement PowerShell DSC for SQL Server
11:30:00 Uwe Ricken Metal - la robustesse de SQL Server Demystifying clustered indexes
11:30:00 Markus Ehrenmueller-Jensen Eau - Plongez dans la BI My Favorite Pie (Chart): Simple Rules for Clear Visualizations
11:30:00 Christophe Laporte Feu - des performances brulantes SQL Server Scale-Out Performance
11:30:00 Marius Zaharia Air - la puissance du Cloud From StreamInsight to Azure Stream Analytics, or moving CEP to the Cloud
13:30:00 Chrissy LeMaire Metal - la robustesse de SQL Server Simplifying SQL Server Migrations using PowerShell
13:30:00 Philippe Geiger Feu - des performances brulantes Query Store ou comment donner de la m#233;moire #224; sa base de donn#233;es
13:30:00 serge Luca Eau - Plongez dans la BI Que choisir ? SharePoint 2016 BI ou PowerBI v2 ?
13:30:00 Jean-Pierre Riehl Air - la puissance du Cloud Cortana Analytics, de nouvelles patterns pour vos plateformes de donn#233;es
15:00:00 Sarah Bessard Metal - la robustesse de SQL Server Mise #224; niveau du moteur de base de donn#233;es
15:00:00 Romain Casteres Air - la puissance du Cloud Velib Cortana (Event Hubs, ASA, ADF, AML, SQL DB, Power BI, ...)
15:00:00 Kevin Kline Feu - des performances brulantes End-to-End Troubleshooting for SQL Server
15:00:00 jean-pierre Girardot Eau - Plongez dans la BI Dashboards dynamiques et percutants avec Power BI
16:30:00 Dejan Sarka Eau - Plongez dans la BI Identity Mapping and De-Duplicating
16:30:00 David Barbarin Feu - des performances brulantes Locks, latches and spinlocks
16:30:00 Jen Stirrup Air - la puissance du Cloud Hi there, I’m Cortana: Cortana Analytics Data Visualisations with Power BI
16:30:00 Gianluca Sartori Metal - la robustesse de SQL Server New Security Features in SQL Server 2016

SessionID: 45753

Handling Relationships in DAX

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Event Date: 25-06-2016 - Session time: 10:00:00 - Track: Eau - Plongez dans la BI

Speaker: Marco Russo

Title: Handling Relationships in DAX


The Tabular model in Power Pivot for Excel, Power BI and SSAS Tabular seems to offer only plain-vanilla one-to-many relationships, based on a single column. In 2015 there was the introduction of many-to-many relationships, yet the model seems somewhat poor when compared with SSAS Multidimensional. In reality, by leveraging the DAX language, you can handle virtually any kind of relationship, no matter how complex they are. In this session we will analyze and solve several scenarios with calculated relationships, virtual relationships, complex many-to-many. The goal of the session is to show how to solve complex scenarios with the aid of the DAX language to build unconventional data models.

SessionID: 47723

Et si ... nous connections SSAS Tabular sur Datalake ?

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Event Date: 25-06-2016 - Session time: 10:00:00 - Track: Air - la puissance du Cloud

Speaker: Charles-Henri Sauget

Title: Et si ... nous connections SSAS Tabular sur Datalake ?


Nous vous proposons une session qui sort des sentiers battus, #224; base d'une architecture dont voici quelques #233;l#233;ments :

Pensez-vous qu'une telle architecture peut donner quelque chose de viable ? Venez le d#233;couvrir avec nous :)

SessionID: 47880

The Backup Tune-up

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Event Date: 25-06-2016 - Session time: 10:00:00 - Track: Feu - des performances brulantes

Speaker: Sean McCown

Title: The Backup Tune-up


Have you ever gotten tired of your database taking hours to back up? Are you sick of your users breathing down your neck because the database restore is taking too long? Now you won't have to worry about that anymore. In this session I show you some little known tricks, methods, and trace flags you can use to tune your backups just like you would a query. You'll learn about the backup "execution plan" and how to access it. Understanding how to tune the individual portions of your backup process will allow you to knock 80% and even more off of your backup and restore time. I’m not holding anything back in this session. This is a method I’ve used for 15 years to tune my backups and I’ve had great success.

SessionID: 48519

Why and how to Implement PowerShell DSC for SQL Server

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Event Date: 25-06-2016 - Session time: 10:00:00 - Track: Metal - la robustesse de SQL Server

Speaker: Ryan Yates

Title: Why and how to Implement PowerShell DSC for SQL Server


In this Session we will delve into the need to deploy and manage SQL Server Configurations using PowerShell Desired State Configuration and the immediate benefits that this can and will bring to your deployment and administration of this very much vital technology.

Believe me when I say that I am no SQL Expert but this session will leave those that attend in a position to go away and look to implement this in their organisation and really reap the benefits that managing your Infrastructure as Code brings to a flexible an more maintainable environment.

This session will also briefly cover the other core necessities that will be required to get this underway which include the importance of Source Control for the configurations, Community Developed Resources more.

SessionID: 44498

Demystifying clustered indexes

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Event Date: 25-06-2016 - Session time: 11:30:00 - Track: Metal - la robustesse de SQL Server

Speaker: Uwe Ricken

Title: Demystifying clustered indexes


If you ask an expert about using a clustered index you will ALWAYS hear: Yes, you need a clustered index for your table. Last but not least Microsoft Azure Databases requires clustered indexes. But clustered indexes are not always a good choice for your database solution because of several different reasons. This session will start a debate about genius and madness of clustered indexes in your application.

This session will run several demos which will show in a very clear way why a clustered index isn't the best choice in several workload scenarios. "There's no lunch for free"! Not using clustered indexes will have ONE heavy drawback - this drawback will be demonstrated, too.

The session goal is to make decisions easier for you to use a clustered index or not!

SessionID: 44732

My Favorite Pie (Chart): Simple Rules for Clear Visualizations

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Event Date: 25-06-2016 - Session time: 11:30:00 - Track: Eau - Plongez dans la BI

Speaker: Markus Ehrenmueller-Jensen

Title: My Favorite Pie (Chart): Simple Rules for Clear Visualizations


Dataviz guru Stephen Few once stated that we should “save the pies for dessert”. What he meant is that pie charts are good in some specific use cases, but they should not be used in others. The same is true for other chart types. Using the wrong type of chart will make it harder for report users to understand the story behind the data. To enable insights, information has to be presented in the most intuitive way possible. You will leave this session with five easy-to-implement rules, which will guide you through the process of creating clear and attractive visualizations. Every rule will be applied through live demos in Excel, Reporting Services and Power BI Desktop, where you will learn how to avoid pitfalls from the defaults in those tools.

SessionID: 48322

SQL Server Scale-Out Performance

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Event Date: 25-06-2016 - Session time: 11:30:00 - Track: Feu - des performances brulantes

Speaker: Christophe Laporte

Title: SQL Server Scale-Out Performance


Assurer la mont#233;e en charge d'une application fait partie int#233;grante des t#226;ches qui incombent au DBA. M#234;me si bon nombre de choix influant sur l'#233;volutivit#233; de l'application sont inh#233;rents au d#233;veloppement et #224; l'architecture de l'applicatif, SQL Server offre portant bon nombre de possibilit#233;s afin de supporter la mont#233;e en charge. Techniques et retour d'exp#233;rience sur un domaine m#234;lant optimisation, architecture, infrastructure et ing#233;niosit#233;.

SessionID: 48520

From StreamInsight to Azure Stream Analytics, or moving CEP to the Cloud

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Event Date: 25-06-2016 - Session time: 11:30:00 - Track: Air - la puissance du Cloud

Speaker: Marius Zaharia

Title: From StreamInsight to Azure Stream Analytics, or moving CEP to the Cloud


In 1h we will understand the main concepts of Complex Event Processing, the "technological roots" of it at Microsoft (StreamInsight under SQL 2008 R2) then moving the implementation to Azure's corresponding service - Stream Analytics. Main use cases, including IoT but not only.

SessionID: 45090

Simplifying SQL Server Migrations using PowerShell

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Event Date: 25-06-2016 - Session time: 13:30:00 - Track: Metal - la robustesse de SQL Server

Speaker: Chrissy LeMaire

Title: Simplifying SQL Server Migrations using PowerShell


What if migrating SQL Server instances was as simple as executing a single command?

In this presentation, I'll cover the reasons companies migrate, the ways SQL migrations are usually performed, and the considerations that must be made when performing a migration.

Then I'll show you how to use the PowerShell dbatools module to simplify your SQL Server migrations. dbatools makes migrating databases, logins, linked servers, credentials, jobs, database mail, and other essential SQL components extremely easy.

SessionID: 48469

Query Store ou comment donner de la m#233;moire #224; sa base de donn#233;es

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Event Date: 25-06-2016 - Session time: 13:30:00 - Track: Feu - des performances brulantes

Speaker: Philippe Geiger

Title: Query Store ou comment donner de la m#233;moire #224; sa base de donn#233;es


Le Query Store, tout le monde en parle pour diagnostiquer les probl#232;mes de performance en fonction de l'historique mais qu'est qui se cache en d#233;tail derri#232;re cette fonction.

Pendant une heure, nous allons regarder en d#233;tail ce qui fait tourner ce moteur, ces cas d'usage et ses limites. Tout sera pass#233; #224; l'analyse et nous verrons si la fonction tient ses promesses : trouver les probl#232;mes de performancesen comparant avec ce qui s'est pass#233;.

SessionID: 48717

Que choisir ? SharePoint 2016 BI ou PowerBI v2 ?

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Event Date: 25-06-2016 - Session time: 13:30:00 - Track: Eau - Plongez dans la BI

Speaker: serge Luca

Title: Que choisir ? SharePoint 2016 BI ou PowerBI v2 ?


La roadmap BI de Microsoft est rarement bien comprise.

On premises nous avons SharePoint 2013 ainsi que de nouvelles fonctionnalit#233;s BI en SharePoint 2016. Dans le cloud nous avons la PowerBI ; la PowerBI elle-m#234;me a #233;t#233; r#233;vis#233;e en profondeur par Microsoft de sorte qu’il devient assez compliqu#233; de comprendre la diff#233;rence entre la PowerBI v1 et la PowerBI v2. C’est ce qu’il sera clarifi#233; lors de cette session o#249; Serge Luca (SharePoint MVP) et Isabelle Van Campenhoudt (SQL Server MVP) d#233;criront les fonctionnalit#233;s de Business Intelligence de SharePoint 2016 , les am#233;liorations par rapport #224; SharePoint 2013; en seconde partie de session la nouvelle version de PowerBI (V2) sera #233;galement illustr#233;e et expliqu#233;e, en ce y compris les sc#233;narios hybrides.

SessionID: 48725

Cortana Analytics, de nouvelles patterns pour vos plateformes de donn#233;es

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Event Date: 25-06-2016 - Session time: 13:30:00 - Track: Air - la puissance du Cloud

Speaker: Jean-Pierre Riehl

Title: Cortana Analytics, de nouvelles patterns pour vos plateformes de donn#233;es


Le monde de la donn#233;e est en pleine mutation. Le Data devient Big, le SQL devient NoSQL, la BI devient Analytics, le Data Mining devient Data Science…

Faux buzz ou vrais paradigmes, quoiqu'il en soit, de nouvelles architectures apparaissent pour traiter les challenges d'aujourd'hui. Microsoft propose ses solutions au travers de Cortana Analytics, veritable mashup des briques Data du Cloud Azure : Azure Data Catalog, Azure Stream Analytics, Azure Data Lake, Azure Data Factory, Azure ML, HDInsight, etc. Que font ces briques ? Lesquelles choisir ? Comment s'interconnectent-elles ? Quelle architecture impl#233;menter ? Ce sont ces questions que nous aborderons lors de cette session.

SessionID: 47185

Mise #224; niveau du moteur de base de donn#233;es

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Event Date: 25-06-2016 - Session time: 15:00:00 - Track: Metal - la robustesse de SQL Server

Speaker: Sarah Bessard

Title: Mise #224; niveau du moteur de base de donn#233;es


Mise #224; niveau du moteur de base de donn#233;es

SessionID: 48471

Velib Cortana (Event Hubs, ASA, ADF, AML, SQL DB, Power BI, ...)

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Event Date: 25-06-2016 - Session time: 15:00:00 - Track: Air - la puissance du Cloud

Speaker: Romain Casteres

Title: Velib Cortana (Event Hubs, ASA, ADF, AML, SQL DB, Power BI, ...)


V#233;lib est un service public #224; grande #233;chelle de location de v#233;los sur la r#233;gion parisienne en France. Lanc#233; le 15 juillet 2007, le service propose aujourd’hui environ 14 500 v#233;los et 1230 stations sur Paris. Gr#226;ce #224; la suite Azure Cortana Analytics Suite, nous allons mettre en place une solution d’analyse des donn#233;es de ces V#233;lib de fa#231;on #224; r#233;pondre #224; 2 probl#233;matiques :

Dans la pr#233;sentation nous montrerons comment nous avons mis en place la solution dans le Cloud Azure #224; l’aide des services suivants :

SessionID: 49669

End-to-End Troubleshooting for SQL Server

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Event Date: 25-06-2016 - Session time: 15:00:00 - Track: Feu - des performances brulantes

Speaker: Kevin Kline

Title: End-to-End Troubleshooting for SQL Server


Learning how to detect, diagnose and resolve performance problems in SQL Server is tough. Often, years are spent learning how to use the tools and techniques that help you detect when a problem is occurring, diagnose the root-cause of the problem, and then resolve the problem.

In this session, attendees will see demonstrations of the tools and techniques which make difficult troubleshooting scenarios much faster and easier, including:

• XEvents, Profiler/Traces, and PerfMon • Using Dynamic Management Views (DMVs) • Advanced Diagnostics Using Wait Stats • Reading SQL Server execution plan

Every DBA needs to know how to keep their SQL Server in tip-top condition, and you’ll need skills the covered in this session to do it.

SessionID: 49670

Dashboards dynamiques et percutants avec Power BI

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Event Date: 25-06-2016 - Session time: 15:00:00 - Track: Eau - Plongez dans la BI

Speaker: jean-pierre Girardot

Title: Dashboards dynamiques et percutants avec Power BI


D#233;couvrir les multiples possibilit#233;s de dashboarding de Power BI

-int#233;gration graphiques et tableaux crois#233;s dynamiques depuis Excel -int#233;gration images dynamiques -insertion de graphiques personnalis#233;s -Partage des dashboards -Int#233;gration Power Point et Office 365

SessionID: 44354

Identity Mapping and De-Duplicating

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Event Date: 25-06-2016 - Session time: 16:30:00 - Track: Eau - Plongez dans la BI

Speaker: Dejan Sarka

Title: Identity Mapping and De-Duplicating


In an enterprise, merging master data, like customer data, from multiple sources is a common problem. Typically, you do not have a single, i.e. the same key identifying a customer in different sources. You have to match data based on similarity of strings, like names and addresses. In this session, we are going to check how different algorithms for comparing strings included in SQL Server work. We are going to use four different algorithms that come with Master Data Services (Levenshtein, Jaccard, Jaro-Winkler and Ratcliff-Obershelp), and Fuzzy Lookup transformation from Integration Services. Finally, we are going to introduce how SQL Server Data Quality Services help us here.

SessionID: 44481

Locks, latches and spinlocks

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Event Date: 25-06-2016 - Session time: 16:30:00 - Track: Feu - des performances brulantes

Speaker: David Barbarin

Title: Locks, latches and spinlocks


Do you want to know more about SQL Server and data consistency mechanisms? Please join this session ... We’ll talk about logical locking but also how SQL Server protects its physical data structures in memory with lightweight synchronization objects like Latches and Spinlocks.

SessionID: 44755

Hi there, I’m Cortana: Cortana Analytics Data Visualisations with Power BI

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Event Date: 25-06-2016 - Session time: 16:30:00 - Track: Air - la puissance du Cloud

Speaker: Jen Stirrup

Title: Hi there, I’m Cortana: Cortana Analytics Data Visualisations with Power BI


Cortana Analytics is a fully managed big data and advanced analytics suite that enables you to transform your data into intelligent action. In this talk, you will get an underpinning of analytical modelling, along with demos of visualizing data and getting insights via Power BI and the challenges of building a SaaS service at scale. Major features of new Power BI will be covered with demos, including natural language query, and others, in the context of Cortana Analytics. Come and learn what model to use when, and how to use data storytelling to display the results meaningfully.

Having spent time studying Artificial Intelligence at universities in the UK and in Paris, and then spending a good part of her early career as an Artificial Intelligence consultant, Jen is happy to see that deep analytics and intelligence action is available to everyone in the form of Cortana Analytics. Join her as she demystifies this exciting technology so that you can get insights from your data.

SessionID: 46735

New Security Features in SQL Server 2016

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Event Date: 25-06-2016 - Session time: 16:30:00 - Track: Metal - la robustesse de SQL Server

Speaker: Gianluca Sartori

Title: New Security Features in SQL Server 2016


In this session we will explore the new features introduced with SQL Server 2016 to enhance security.

Always Encrypted is a new technology that protects your data not only at rest, but also throughout the whole interaction between the application and the database. Dynamic Data Masking is another interesting feature that allows us to protect sensitive data by masking it to all users that don’t have enough privileges to see the actual contents. Row Level Security allows showing to end users only the data they’re entitled to access, without changing the applications’ code. We will demonstrate the use of these three features with example applications and we will explore the use cases where these technologies represent a big leap from previous custom implementations.