Nr: 589
SQLSaturday #589 - Pordenone 2017
SessionID: 55059
SQL Server deployment journey, da Dev a Ops
Event Date: 25-02-2017 - Session time: 11:00:00 - Track: DEV
Speaker: Alessandro Alpi
Title: SQL Server deployment journey, da Dev a Ops
SessionID: 55095
Think work like a Data Scientist with SQL 2016 R
Event Date: 25-02-2017 - Session time: 11:00:00 - Track: DATA SCIENCE
Speaker: Dr. Subramani Paramasivam
Title: Think work like a Data Scientist with SQL 2016 R
You now have answers to these questions and thanks to Microsoft for integrating R Revolution within new SQL Server 2016. We all now have the opportunity to use R packages and see the results within SQL 2016.
In this session, you will definitely take away a breakthrough concept of Advanced R Analytics within SQL 2016 and get ready to kick your creative horse, and go beyond your imagination on how you can build advanced analytics and impress your employers/customers.
SessionID: 56579
Cloud BI with Azure Analysis Services
Event Date: 25-02-2017 - Session time: 11:00:00 - Track: BI/CLOUD
Speaker: Sergiy Lunyakin
Title: Cloud BI with Azure Analysis Services
Azure Analysis Services (Azure AS) was released in Public Preview and it gives us possibilities to create full-managed Cloud BI solution without using on-premise servers or VMs, installing and configuring any software. Now, we have full set of PAAS and SAAS services like Azure SQL DWH, Azure AS and Power BI for creating our BI solutions. In this session I will introduce Azure AS and how we can use it together with other Azure services for creating complete BI solution in the cloud.
SessionID: 57237
SQL Server tuning : start to finish
Event Date: 25-02-2017 - Session time: 11:00:00 - Track: DBA
Speaker: Danilo Dominici
Title: SQL Server tuning : start to finish
SessionID: 55047
Data Science for beginners
Event Date: 25-02-2017 - Session time: 12:10:00 - Track: DATA SCIENCE
Speaker: Tomaž Kaštrun
Title: Data Science for beginners
We will focus on answering 5 simple questions.
- is this weird?
- is A better than B, respectively?
- how much / many of this is needed?
- this belong to group A?
- what is next?
Session we will look into technologies that can be tackled using SQL Server 2016 and ML Azure.
SessionID: 57408
Exploring SQL Server Plan Cache
Event Date: 25-02-2017 - Session time: 12:10:00 - Track: DBA
Speaker: Sergio Govoni
Title: Exploring SQL Server Plan Cache
In questa sessione esploreremo la Plan Cache, la zona in cui SQL Server memorizza i piani di esecuzione. Si parlerà di come viene gestita e delle tecniche che permettono di scoprire quali sono i piani di esecuzione in cache, da quanto tempo risiedono lì, quante volte sono stati utilizzati e se contengono operatori sub-ottimali come scansioni, operazioni di ordinamento eseguite nel tempdb e altri tipi di warning. Sapere quello che è successo permetterà di sapere cosa è necessario ottimizzare.
SessionID: 57868
What's new on SQL Azure?
Event Date: 25-02-2017 - Session time: 12:10:00 - Track: BI/CLOUD
Speaker: Marco Parenzan
Title: What's new on SQL Azure?
What's new on SQL Azure?
SessionID: 59730
Columnstore Indexes: what they are, and how to use them
Event Date: 25-02-2017 - Session time: 12:10:00 - Track: DEV
Speaker: Francesco Milano
Title: Columnstore Indexes: what they are, and how to use them
Il recente Service Pack 1 di SQL Server 2016, inoltre, estende l'adozione dei CI con le dovute limitazioni in termini di risorse a tutte le edizioni, Express compresa.
In questa sessione verranno introdotti i Columnstore Indexes, concentrandosi sulle differenze rispetto ai tradizionali B-Tree, su come utilizzarli al meglio e sulle attenzioni da prestare nel passaggio tra le varie versioni ed edizioni di SQL Server.
SessionID: 57247
Indici e statistiche: quanto e come incidono sull'efficenza dei nostri databases
Event Date: 25-02-2017 - Session time: 14:30:00 - Track: DBA
Speaker: Gilberto Zampatti
Title: Indici e statistiche: quanto e come incidono sull'efficenza dei nostri databases
Un modello dei dati relazionale si avvale di indici di varia natura per elevare il grado di efficienza delle queries. Ma lo strumento che l'Engine utilizza per individuare se e quali indici possano soddisfare al meglio una query è l'insieme delle statistiche allestite sulle tabelle e sugli indici. Questa sessione prova ad illustrare il legame tra le due entità e il modo in cui l'ottimizzatore può trarre vantaggio o essere "ingannato".
SessionID: 57286
Event Date: 25-02-2017 - Session time: 14:30:00 - Track: DEV
Speaker: Pasquale Ceglie
Dopo una breve introduzione rivolta a chi non avesse ancora approcciato questa nuova feature di SQL Server 2016 si procederà all'analisi delle tecniche per fare della adeguata manutenzione in scenari critici in cui la tabella storica è destinata a crescere in modo (quasi) esponenziale.
SessionID: 57294
Big Data with Azure: where to begin? Concepts and best practices
Event Date: 25-02-2017 - Session time: 14:30:00 - Track: DATA SCIENCE
Speaker: Satya Jayanty
Title: Big Data with Azure: where to begin? Concepts and best practices
Microsoft Azure has the ability to move, store and analyze data within the cloud. It is essential to evaluate multiple opportunities and options with Microsoft Azure data insights. In this session let us talk about strategies on data storage, data partitioning and availability options with Azure. A tour on how best these Azure components can help you achieve success for your Big Data platform.
SessionID: 57869
Optimizing Dax
Event Date: 25-02-2017 - Session time: 14:30:00 - Track: BI/CLOUD
Speaker: Marco Pozzan
Title: Optimizing Dax
Optimizing Dax
SessionID: 55045
Analyzing Text with SQL Server, R, and Azure ML
Event Date: 25-02-2017 - Session time: 15:45:00 - Track: DATA SCIENCE
Speaker: Dejan Sarka
Title: Analyzing Text with SQL Server, R, and Azure ML
Text mining is becoming more and more popular. Everybody would like to understand data from blogs, Web sites, and social media. Microsoft SQL Server in versions 2012 and 2014 enhances full-text search support that was substantially available in previous editions. Semantic Search, a new component in Full-Text Search, can help you understanding the meaning of documents. The Term Extraction and Term Lookup components from SQL Server Integration Services also help with text analysis. Free statistical package / language R is also useful for the text mining tasks. Azure ML is adding additional techniques to the big picture. However, the question arises: is all this enough? This presentation unveils the good and the bad side of text mining with the tools mentioned.
SessionID: 57287
Securing SQL Server 2016 Databases (IT)
Event Date: 25-02-2017 - Session time: 15:45:00 - Track: DEV
Speaker: Gianluca Hotz
Title: Securing SQL Server 2016 Databases (IT)
SQL Server 2016 e Azure SQL Database hanno introdotto svariate nuove funzionalità legate alla sicurezza. In questa sessione faremo brevemente il punto sulle varie tecnologie disponibili per poi entrare più in dettaglio nelle nuove funzionalità di Data Masking, Row Level Security e Always Encrypted con l'ausilio di dimostrazioni pratiche.
SessionID: 57377
SQL Server Infernals: Worst Practices in Action
Event Date: 25-02-2017 - Session time: 15:45:00 - Track: DBA
Speaker: Gianluca Sartori
Title: SQL Server Infernals: Worst Practices in Action
Let’s face it: Best Practices are too many to really know them all and choose which ones should be applied first. Does your telephone ring all the time? Do your users ask for that “quick report” that instead takes ages and keeps changing every time you think it’s done?
Have you ever thought that in dire times avoiding Worst Practices could be a good starting point and you can leave fine tuning for a better future? If the answer is “yes”, then this session is for you: we will discover together how not to torture a SQL Server instance and we will see how to avoid making choices that in the long run could turn out to be not as smart as they looked initially.
SessionID: 56198
Event Date: 25-02-2017 - Session time: 16:55:00 - Track: DBA
Speaker: Miroslav Dimitrov
SessionID: 56242
Data Quality Services: Let's clean our data
Event Date: 25-02-2017 - Session time: 16:55:00 - Track: BI/CLOUD
Speaker: Andrea Martorana Tusa
Title: Data Quality Services: Let's clean our data
Data quality and data consistency today are big concerns for people working with databases.
Data Quality Services (DQS) is a feature introduced in SQL Server 2012, that aims to give users and IT professionals a simple and flexible solution to these problems.
It allows to perform cleansing operation on bad data such as: correction, standardization, completion and de-duplication.
In this session we'll introduce the main concepts of DQS, and its components. We'll see how to create and build a Knowledge Base, how to implement a Data Quality Project, how to define and manage a Domain.
Starting from real world example, we'll learn how to perform Data Cleansing and Matching and how to define business rules to verify and mantain data integrity.
For those who are working with SQL Server versions prior to 2012, we'll show some tasks and techniques to implement data quality, exploiting other SQL Server's suite tools, although DQS is not yet available.
SessionID: 57355
Event Date: 25-02-2017 - Session time: 16:55:00 - Track: DEV
Speaker: Emanuele Zanchettin