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SQLSaturday #753 - Lviv 2018

Start Time (24h) Speaker Track Title
09:45:00 Markus Ehrenmueller-Jensen Analytics and Visualization Create Stunning Visualizations with The Help of R
09:45:00 Torsten Strauss Enterprise Database Administration Deployment Database tuning advisor vs. dynamic management views
09:45:00 Eugene Polonichko Cloud Application Development Deployment Azure Databricks for Data Engineering
10:55:00 André Melancia Application Database Development Hacking? Mission Possible!
10:55:00 Michal Sadowski Enterprise Database Administration Deployment Encryption in SQL Server
10:55:00 Maryna Popova BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration AWS Redshift Introduction
12:50:00 Grzegorz Stolecki BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration Predictive Reporting Services Performance Monitoring
12:50:00 Marcos Freccia Enterprise Database Administration Deployment 10 Alerts that you should have it running in your SQL Server!
12:50:00 Denis Reznik Application Database Development SQL Server Performance Tuning Nowadays
14:00:00 Jan Mulkens Advanced Analysis Techniques Practical SQL Server Machine Learning Services
14:00:00 Erland Sommarskog Application Database Development Dynamic Search Conditions
14:00:00 Andrii Zrobok Application Database Development MS SQL: Worst Practices
15:10:00 Mikael Wedham Application Database Development A Masters view on Query plans and indexing
15:10:00 Jose Manuel Jurado Diaz Cloud Application Development Deployment Back to the future - Migrating our SQL Server OnPremise Database to Azure
15:10:00 Satya Jayanty Cloud Application Development Deployment Azure Cosmos DB - What you need to know to build globally distributed apps?
15:10:00 Yevhen Nedashkivskyi Enterprise Database Administration Deployment ДБА мимоволі – що робити? (українською)
16:20:00 Andriy Pogorelov Enterprise Database Administration Deployment SQL Server Transaction Log: internals
16:20:00 Catalin Gheorghiu Application Database Development SQL database on IoT devices, could you? should you? would you?
16:20:00 Vitalii Bondarenko Strategy and Architecture Data Migration Project for over 200 TB: Pre-sale, Architecture, PoC and Delivery

SessionID: 73920

Create Stunning Visualizations with The Help of R

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Event Date: 29-09-2018 - Session time: 09:45:00 - Track: Analytics and Visualization

Speaker: Markus Ehrenmueller-Jensen

Title: Create Stunning Visualizations with The Help of R


R is the first choice for data scientists for a good reason: besides accessing and transforming data and applying statistical methods and models to it, it has a wide variety of possibilities to visualize data. As visual perception of data is the key to understanding data, this capability is crucial. This session will give you a broad overview over available packages and diagram types you can build with them on the one hand, and a deep dive into common visualizations and their possibilities on the other hand. Impress yourself and your peers with stunning visualizations which will give you insights into data you could not achieve with other tools of Microsoft’s BI stack.

SessionID: 74110

Database tuning advisor vs. dynamic management views

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Event Date: 29-09-2018 - Session time: 09:45:00 - Track: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment

Speaker: Torsten Strauss

Title: Database tuning advisor vs. dynamic management views


Query tuning is a challenging task for a developer and database administrator - so how can we achieve this?

SQL Server mainly offers two different tools we can use for this purpose: DTA Database Tuning Advisor and Missing Index Dynamic Management Views. But what are the differences in terms of reliability, usage, limitations and tuning recommendations? So, we will try to answer these questions in this deep dive session (300-400).

SessionID: 82328

Azure Databricks for Data Engineering

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Event Date: 29-09-2018 - Session time: 09:45:00 - Track: Cloud Application Development Deployment

Speaker: Eugene Polonichko

Title: Azure Databricks for Data Engineering


How you know companies set their sights on making data-driven decisions. Mastering data engineering is a business necessity. So they need tool which can be simply and powerfull at the same times. Now it's Azure Databricks. Built on Apache Spark™, Azure Databricks provides the scale, compatibility and reliability to expand your data engineering capabilities. Come to my session and I show you how you can scale mission-critical data cleansing, transformations, and manipulations to make business use cases such as real-time dashboards or fraud detection possible with Azure Databricks.

SessionID: 73884

Hacking? Mission Possible!

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Event Date: 29-09-2018 - Session time: 10:55:00 - Track: Application Database Development

Speaker: André Melancia

Title: Hacking? Mission Possible!


Everthing is connected. Everything is accessible. Everything is hackable.

This is a security "worst" practices session for developers (yes, yes, the boring "best" practices are also included). As always, should you or any of your colleagues be hacked or exploited, the Demo Gods will disavow any knowledge of the speakers' actions. This session will self-destruct in 60 minutes. Luck has nothing to do with it, Jim…

SessionID: 73942

Encryption in SQL Server

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Event Date: 29-09-2018 - Session time: 10:55:00 - Track: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment

Speaker: Michal Sadowski

Title: Encryption in SQL Server


An application that you administer stores sensitive data in the database and you would like to keep them safe in Microsoft SQL Server - how to approach this issue? What type of encryption should you use in your environment? On the session I will walk through available options in Microsoft SQL Server and show when to use encryption, how to identify threats, and countermeasure them by using options like Transparent Data Encryption, SSL certificates, Always Encrypted, etc. After this session, you will know a set of best practices that you can apply in your environment.

SessionID: 83079

AWS Redshift Introduction

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Event Date: 29-09-2018 - Session time: 10:55:00 - Track: BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration

Speaker: Maryna Popova

Title: AWS Redshift Introduction


This session is Intro to AWS Redshift.

Will give the overview of the architecture and important details

SessionID: 74193

Predictive Reporting Services Performance Monitoring

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Event Date: 29-09-2018 - Session time: 12:50:00 - Track: BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration

Speaker: Grzegorz Stolecki

Title: Predictive Reporting Services Performance Monitoring


Every user wants to have his/hers reports generated quickly. But reality isn't so cute. Sometimes you have to wait and wait, and wait again while looking at the rotating green circle.

During my session you will learn how to monitor Reporting Services with the Execution Log. I will show the structure of the log and some useful queries to get precise insights into report generating process. Analysing the log gives you a quick way to find bottlenecks and sources of your problems. Especially when you use a tool like Power BI or Excel to create a functional dashboard. You also will learn how to use R powered models in Power BI to predict problems with your reports execution.

SessionID: 80706

10 Alerts that you should have it running in your SQL Server!

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Event Date: 29-09-2018 - Session time: 12:50:00 - Track: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment

Speaker: Marcos Freccia

Title: 10 Alerts that you should have it running in your SQL Server!


Did you not get budget for that cool monitoring tool, but you still want to monitor your SQL Server? In this session I am going to show you 10 alerts that you should setup in your SQL Server instance. Going from CPU, IO, Corruption and Backups.

By the end of this session, your life as a DBA will be much easier with those alerts in place!

SessionID: 84165

SQL Server Performance Tuning Nowadays

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Event Date: 29-09-2018 - Session time: 12:50:00 - Track: Application Database Development

Speaker: Denis Reznik

Title: SQL Server Performance Tuning Nowadays


Nothing is perfect, which means that your database may be not perfect as well. And one day you may decide that your database is slow and it's time to optimize it. But.. Where to start? When to end? What to look at? Which queries are slow? How to identify the real bottleneck? And so on, and so on. There are a lot of questions that should be answered in a process of performance tuning.

In this session, we will find answers to all these questions going from collecting data for analysis, through identifying bottlenecks to optimization of the particular queries. On this way, we will learn performance tuning practical techniques and solve a bunch of issues in real-time. And despite I'm a big fan of Profiler and old-fashioned tools and technics, new, more interesting and useful instruments are available nowadays, so will use them to find the bottleneck and tune performance. Minimum of theory and a lot of practice.

SessionID: 73982

Practical SQL Server Machine Learning Services

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Event Date: 29-09-2018 - Session time: 14:00:00 - Track: Advanced Analysis Techniques

Speaker: Jan Mulkens

Title: Practical SQL Server Machine Learning Services


Admit to yourself that you’ve seen enough basic “R is coming to SQL Server” sessions with the same old examples!

Enough of that, in this session we'll walk through a real SQL Server Machine Learning Services scenario from idea to code and from deployment to monitoring maintenance. Learn how you can easily roll out your own Data Science projects or support the data scientists and analysts at your company.

SessionID: 83716

Dynamic Search Conditions

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Event Date: 29-09-2018 - Session time: 14:00:00 - Track: Application Database Development

Speaker: Erland Sommarskog

Title: Dynamic Search Conditions


A common requirement in database applications is that users want a function to search a set of data from a large set of possible search conditions. The challenge is to implement such searches in a way that is both maintenanble and efficient in terms of performance. This session looks at the two main techniques to implement such searches and highlights their strengths and limitaitons.

SessionID: 85476

MS SQL: Worst Practices

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Event Date: 29-09-2018 - Session time: 14:00:00 - Track: Application Database Development

Speaker: Andrii Zrobok

Title: MS SQL: Worst Practices


Real project experience: Causes and how to avoid

Sunstroke. Butterfly effect (How optimizer allocates memory for different operations? Is it possible to change allocated memory in-fly (without query recompilation)? Some data types save disk space and what about memory?) Sequence (is it good or bad), Silver bullet (not only SQ-92)

SessionID: 73895

A Masters view on Query plans and indexing

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Event Date: 29-09-2018 - Session time: 15:10:00 - Track: Application Database Development

Speaker: Mikael Wedham

Title: A Masters view on Query plans and indexing


Do you find query optimization a mystery? This session will straighten out your question marks.

You will se how queries are run, how indexes are used and get an insight into what query plans tell you. Further on you'll be introduced to In-Memory and Column Store indexing to get a fair chance of selecting appropriate indexing for your query load.

SessionID: 74339

Back to the future - Migrating our SQL Server OnPremise Database to Azure

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Event Date: 29-09-2018 - Session time: 15:10:00 - Track: Cloud Application Development Deployment

Speaker: Jose Manuel Jurado Diaz

Title: Back to the future - Migrating our SQL Server OnPremise Database to Azure


We will cover the main aspects to migrate to one of the three architectures available in SQL Server in Azure from SQL Server On Premise.

This session consists of: -> What is the best platform for my environment? IaaS, PaaS, or SQL Datawarehouse. -> Best Practices and best tools for our migration process depending on the platform chosen. -> After the migration, we have several outstanding questions: Can I keep both environments synchronized? How is the performance of my database?

SessionID: 74418

Azure Cosmos DB - What you need to know to build globally distributed apps?

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Event Date: 29-09-2018 - Session time: 15:10:00 - Track: Cloud Application Development Deployment

Speaker: Satya Jayanty

Title: Azure Cosmos DB - What you need to know to build globally distributed apps?


In this session let us find about (technical overview)what are the foundations and design goals of Azure CosmosDB. There are many benefits which will fit for web, mobile and globally distributed applications that need elastic scaling, high availability with a predictable performance which can elevate ease of development with NoSQL capabilities that every developer/architect/DBA should know about.

SessionID: 86074

ДБА мимоволі – що робити? (українською)

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Event Date: 29-09-2018 - Session time: 15:10:00 - Track: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment

Speaker: Yevhen Nedashkivskyi

Title: ДБА мимоволі – що робити? (українською)


Часто роль адміністратора баз даних закріплюється за принципом «може розібратися і має на це час», а іноді і просто ігнорується. На жаль, це призводить до проблем з продуктивністю, необгрунтованих витрат на обладнання, ризику втрати даних і простою основної діяльності.

Доповідач, в стислій, але доступній формі на прикладі СУБД Microsoft SQL Server розповість і покаже, що необхідно робити новоспеченим адміністраторам баз даних, навіть якщо ця роль дісталася їм мимоволі.

У цій сесії:

  1. Планування
  2. Інсталяція і налаштування
  3. Регулярне обслуговування
  4. Проблеми з продуктивністю і як їх вирішити
  5. Масштабування
  6. Побудова стратегії відновлення від збоїв
  7. Сторонні утиліти і інструменти

Доповідь призначений для широкої кола в тому числі і для тих, хто не має досвіду в адмініструванні баз даних, а також тим, кому роль ДБА дісталася за сумісництвом.

Українською мовою.

SessionID: 73940

SQL Server Transaction Log: internals

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Event Date: 29-09-2018 - Session time: 16:20:00 - Track: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment

Speaker: Andriy Pogorelov

Title: SQL Server Transaction Log: internals


Подробно рассмотрим важнейший компонент базы данных - лог транзакций. Для чего он нужен, в каких процессах участвует. Облако затрагиваемых терминов: Backup, Recovery, Shrink, VLF, Replication, AlwaysOn, CDC, Best Practices.

SessionID: 84963

SQL database on IoT devices, could you? should you? would you?

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Event Date: 29-09-2018 - Session time: 16:20:00 - Track: Application Database Development

Speaker: Catalin Gheorghiu

Title: SQL database on IoT devices, could you? should you? would you?


The current IoT devices are pretty powerful, so could very well run a version of SQL engine.

It would be a good idea? What will be the use of it? How to make it work and make the most of it? How does all fit with the field gateway concept? During the presentation, we will take a real word scenario, real hardware, and together we will try to answer these questions

SessionID: 85663

Data Migration Project for over 200 TB: Pre-sale, Architecture, PoC and Delivery

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Event Date: 29-09-2018 - Session time: 16:20:00 - Track: Strategy and Architecture

Speaker: Vitalii Bondarenko

Title: Data Migration Project for over 200 TB: Pre-sale, Architecture, PoC and Delivery


We would like to describe a data migration project for Law Company from UK. 500M documents in more than 20 offices around the world were migrated from a legacy Document Management System to a new one. As the result, in total, over 200 TB of data were extracted, transferred, reshaped and loaded. The session will start from specifics of a pre-sale process, than cover in details "As Is" and "To Be" architecture, show the results of a PoC, which was done in Azure Cloud and finally describe delivery and results. During the presentation we will focus on specific aspects of Data Migration projects, scalability, security, etc. Also will discus several difficulties we dialed with. The session contains lots of architectural diagrams and examples of code.