Nr: 777
SQLSaturday #777 - Parma 2018
SessionID: 80200
Azure Cognitive Services - AI for everyone
Event Date: 24-11-2018 - Session time: 09:45:00 - Track: Cloud
Speaker: Alexander Klein
Title: Azure Cognitive Services - AI for everyone
This is a large playground for young and old. Here you can try out to your heart's content what will be in use tomorrow. With the various building blocks such as Bot Framework, Emotion, Face, Text Analytics or Recommendations, to name but a few, impressive applications can be assembled in a short time.
SessionID: 84906
CI/CD with SQL Server 2017 and Docker
Event Date: 24-11-2018 - Session time: 09:45:00 - Track: DevOps
Speaker: Giancarlo Lelli
Title: CI/CD with SQL Server 2017 and Docker
In this session we will talk about how you can use Docker containers to build CI/CD pipeline with SQL Server 2017. We will presents the basics of running SQL Server 2017 in Docker containers, building your own Docker image, and combining an app and a SQL Server database as a service - all of this with the goal of automating you database-development process.
SessionID: 85392
SQL Server 2017 su Linux e High Availability
Event Date: 24-11-2018 - Session time: 09:45:00 - Track: Database Admin
Speaker: Danilo Dominici
Title: SQL Server 2017 su Linux e High Availability
SessionID: 85666
SQLChain - BlockChain Concepts using T-SQL and SQL Server
Event Date: 24-11-2018 - Session time: 09:45:00 - Track: New technologies
Speaker: Stefano Altamura
Title: SQLChain - BlockChain Concepts using T-SQL and SQL Server
Posso crearmi una blockchain in autonomia ? Di cosa ho bisogno ? Esploriamo i concetti chiave di una blockchain utilizzando un alleato insospettabile: SQL Server.
All'interno di SQL Server è possibile scrivere una BlockChain funzionante con il minimo sforzo.
Trovarsi all'interno di un ambiente noto semplifica notevolmente il percorso, utile anche per scoprire funzioni supportate, ma a volte poco utilizzate.
SessionID: 78907
What is hidden in the query plan ?
Event Date: 24-11-2018 - Session time: 11:00:00 - Track: Development
Speaker: Rudi Bruchez
Title: What is hidden in the query plan ?
SessionID: 79997
SQL Server Query Optimizer end-to-end
Event Date: 24-11-2018 - Session time: 11:00:00 - Track: Database Admin
Speaker: Sergio Govoni
Title: SQL Server Query Optimizer end-to-end
SessionID: 83289
Most common mistakes data scientists make
Event Date: 24-11-2018 - Session time: 11:00:00 - Track: Data science
Speaker: Tomaž Kaštrun
Title: Most common mistakes data scientists make
In the middle of deploying the model, team of data scientists realize that the predictions are "somewhat-off". Troubleshooting on the horizon and what to do.
Session will guide you through most common mistakes data scientists and statisticians are making when preparing and engineering the data using
T-SQL or any other database system. Further more, we will explore common statistical and data science mistakes when modeling data, extracting know-how from the data, finding the hidden patterns and running different test against the structural models using mainly R, Python, or Spark.
What not-to-do will be replaced with what to-do explanations using sample datasets and sample codes.
Some statistical knowledge or background is a plus!
SessionID: 84897
SQL Server Graph Database
Event Date: 24-11-2018 - Session time: 11:00:00 - Track: New technologies
Speaker: Salvatore Pellitteri
Title: SQL Server Graph Database
Vedremo insieme i concetti di base, come si creano gli oggetti e come si possono effettuare le interrogazioni.
SessionID: 78915
Writing queries in SQL Server 2016-2017
Event Date: 24-11-2018 - Session time: 12:10:00 - Track: Development
Speaker: Andrea Martorana Tusa
Title: Writing queries in SQL Server 2016-2017
SQL Server releases follow each other seamlessly. If you are a database developer, is a tough task to stay up to date with new features and getting to know all the improvements that are available.
Have new functions been released? Does the optimizer behave in a different way than the past? What happens to the execution plan? Do I need to know any query hint in order to optimize my queries?
The final question is: how does it affect my way of writing T-SQL queries? How can I benefit from this continuous flow of updates?
So, this session was designed for you. We will go through the new features introduced in SQL Server 2016/2017 for writing T-SQL queries. Some of the topics covered are: functions, execute external scripts, JSON support, automatic tuning, querying temporal tables, ...
For each of them we compare the same scripts before and after the new additions, to highlight the differences in terms of code writing, simplification, reusability, performance improvements.
SessionID: 78930
Market Basket Analysis in SQL Server Machine Learning Services
Event Date: 24-11-2018 - Session time: 12:10:00 - Track: Data science
Speaker: Luca Zavarella
Title: Market Basket Analysis in SQL Server Machine Learning Services
In questa sessione vedremo come i nuovi Machine Learning Services ci permettono di ricavare gli insight di questa analisi direttamente in SQL Server 2017, utilizzando il linguaggio di programmazione R.
SessionID: 85527
Automatic Tuning in SQL Server 2017 and Azure SQL Database
Event Date: 24-11-2018 - Session time: 12:10:00 - Track: Database Admin
Speaker: Pasquale Ceglie
Title: Automatic Tuning in SQL Server 2017 and Azure SQL Database
Ci sono numerose nuove funzionalità in SQL Server 2017 progettate per chi opera su database. Cosa è cambiato nel Query Store per consentire di identificare i colli di bottiglia nelle prestazioni delle query e come indagare per risolverli. Gestione "automatica" degli indici che permette la loro creazione in caso di bisogno e la loro rimozione in caso di inutilizzo e/o di duplicazione. Demandare a SQL Server tutte le attività che possono essere automatizzate risparmiando tempo prezioso da dedicare ad attività più "creative e divertenti".
SessionID: 78895
Deep dive into Adaptive Query Processing
Event Date: 24-11-2018 - Session time: 14:00:00 - Track: Database Admin
Speaker: Hugo Kornelis
Title: Deep dive into Adaptive Query Processing
Until SQL Server 2016, the Query Optimizer and the Execution Engine were strictly separated. The Query Optimizer produces an execution plan that, based on statistics and estimates, should be fast. That execution plan is then faithfully executed by the Execution Engine, even if reality turns out to be different from expectations.
SQL Server 2017 changes this! Three new features now allow execution plans to adapt to reality. Memory Grant Feedback increases or decreases assigned memory based on past experience. The Adaptive Join operator allows the optimizer to create two alternative plans, the best of which will be decided at execution time. And with Interleaved Execution, parts of the plan are even completely recompiled mid-execution, with much better cardinality estimates.
If you are more interested in how all this ACTUALLY works than in shiny marketing slides, come to this session. We will spend the full 60 minutes knee-deep in execution plan internals!
SessionID: 78929
Cosmos DB - La nuova frontiera del BigData e NoSql
Event Date: 24-11-2018 - Session time: 14:00:00 - Track: New technologies
Speaker: Riccardo Cappello
Title: Cosmos DB - La nuova frontiera del BigData e NoSql
Sei pronto a distribuire globalmente le tue soluzioni BigData e NoSql? Hai bisogno di un ridimensionamento trasparente e della replica dei dati ovunque si trovino gli utenti? Azure Cosmos DB è la soluzione che fa per te e vedrai in come è possibile sfruttarlo al meglio con degli esempi pratici.
SessionID: 83763
What is in reality a DAX filter context
Event Date: 24-11-2018 - Session time: 14:00:00 - Track: Data Visualization
Speaker: Marco Pozzan
Title: What is in reality a DAX filter context
Often when discussing evaluation context in DAX courses, a complete and in-depth definition of this very important mechanism is not provided. Many times an approximation is given of what the evaluation contexts really are. In this session I will provide some important details on the evaluation contexts to proceed with more complex calculations and get a full understanding of how DAX evaluates the expressions, it is necessary learn in depth the way the evaluation contexts work and interact in a DAX Formulas
SessionID: 83767
Transaction Log management in SQL Server
Event Date: 24-11-2018 - Session time: 14:00:00 - Track: Database Admin
Speaker: Gilberto Zampatti
Title: Transaction Log management in SQL Server
Ogni Database in un'istanza di SQL Server dispone come minimo dsi un file (primario) pèer i dati, eventualmente di uno o più files secondari e ineludibilmente di un file per il Transaction Log. Gli obiettivi dei files di dati sono chiari perfino nella loro definizione...Ma il Transaction Log è fondamentale al fine di un possibile ripristino del database in caso di guasto. Questa sessione illustra alcuni tra gli aspetti meno noti di questo file e presenta alcune best practices per mantenerne l'efficienza al massimo livello.
SessionID: 83720
Dynamic Search Conditions
Event Date: 24-11-2018 - Session time: 15:10:00 - Track: Development
Speaker: Erland Sommarskog
Title: Dynamic Search Conditions
A common requirement in database applications is that users want a function to search a set of data from a large set of possible search conditions. The challenge is to implement such searches in a way that is both maintenanble and efficient in terms of performance. This session looks at the two main techniques to implement such searches and highlights their strengths and limitaitons.
SessionID: 84715
ColumnStore Indexes: Come, quando e perchè usarli ?
Event Date: 24-11-2018 - Session time: 15:10:00 - Track: Database Admin
Speaker: Luca Ferrari
Title: ColumnStore Indexes: Come, quando e perchè usarli ?
Cosa sono e come funzionano i Columnstore index ? Come possono migliorare le performances delle mie queries ? Quanti dati sono necessari per sfruttarne le caratteristiche ? E cosa è il Tuple-Mover ? Daremo oltissime risposte riguardo questo tipo di indici ancora poco sfruttato e sottostimato.
SessionID: 84984
Power BI integration with PowerAPPs for WriteBack
Event Date: 24-11-2018 - Session time: 15:10:00 - Track: Data Visualization
Speaker: Giuseppe Piluso
Title: Power BI integration with PowerAPPs for WriteBack
A common Scenario asked by customers is: how can I update data on my reports?
Currently PowerBI doesn't have write-back features but it is possible to achieve it with the integration
of PowerApps (custom Visual) and Flow. Join the session and we will walk your through the solution.
SessionID: 85569
Benchmarking in the Cloud
Event Date: 24-11-2018 - Session time: 15:10:00 - Track: Cloud
Speaker: Gianluca Sartori
Title: Benchmarking in the Cloud
Join me in this session and learn how to capture a production workload, replay it to your cloud database and compare the performance. I will introduce you to the methodology and the tools to bring your database to the cloud without breaking a sweat.
SessionID: 84868
Automatizzare la creazione di ambienti SQL su Azure con Arm Templates e PowerShell
Event Date: 24-11-2018 - Session time: 16:30:00 - Track: Cloud
Speaker: Marco Obinu
Title: Automatizzare la creazione di ambienti SQL su Azure con Arm Templates e PowerShell
Su Azure è possibile applicare il modello Infrastructure as Code, per effettuare il provisioning della propria infrastruttura attraverso un approccio programmatico che non richiede intervento umano; abbiamo quindi la possibilità di velocizzare la creazione dei nostri ambienti di test e produzione, riducendo gli errori ed i disallineamenti tra le configurazioni, ed eventualmente di integrare questa parte nel processo di deployment delle nostre applicazioni.
Tra gli strumenti disponibili per realizzare questi obbiettivi troviamo gli ARM templates, che possono essere integrati con PowerShell: vediamo insieme come funzionano, in particolar modo nel contesto di SQL Server!
SessionID: 85391
Be careful! Unexpected behaviour with T-SQL
Event Date: 24-11-2018 - Session time: 16:30:00 - Track: Development
Speaker: Alessandro Mortola
Title: Be careful! Unexpected behaviour with T-SQL
Several times in Sql Server we have to deal with unexpected behaviour and situations that can leave you confused and that seldom can even lead to disasters. The causes of that are often hidden into details, lack of attention or know-how, haste and carelessness.
In this session I will go through some topics and examples that demonstrate that. Most of them derive from real situations I have faced or that someone has told me, with the addition of several classical examples.
This session will be useful in order to avoid some pitfalls in which we could fall during our daily work.
SessionID: 85881
My 10 favorite PowerShell commands
Event Date: 24-11-2018 - Session time: 16:30:00 - Track: DevOps
Speaker: Marcos Freccia
Title: My 10 favorite PowerShell commands
As a DBA I am always trying to automate the tasks that I have to do. In this session I want to show you 10 Powershell commands that will make your life easier and increase your productivity.
I promise that at least one new thing you will learn it
SessionID: 86041
AlwaysOn in SQL Server 2017 (IT)
Event Date: 24-11-2018 - Session time: 16:30:00 - Track: Database Admin
Speaker: Gianluca Hotz
Title: AlwaysOn in SQL Server 2017 (IT)
AlwaysOn "Failover Cluster Instances" e "Availability Groups" sono due specifiche tecnologie del Database Engine di SQL Server per far fronte a esigenze di alta disponibilità e disaster recovery. Obiettivo di questa sessione è di introdurre entrambe le tecnologie evidenziando tutte le migliorie introdotte nelle varie versioni di SQL Server a partire dalla 2012 e i nuovi scenari da queste abilitate. Il tutto senza dimenticare le dovute considerazioni riguardo altri componenti di SQL Server quali Reporting Services e Analysis Services.