
Nr: 860

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SQLSaturday #860 - Lviv 2019

Start Time (24h) Speaker Track Title
10:00:00 Jan Mulkens Advanced Analysis Techniques The Haberdashery of Machine Learning
10:00:00 Anton Boyko Cloud Application Development Deployment The future of serverless computing
10:00:00 Andriy Pogorelov Enterprise Database Administration Deployment SQL Server PowerShell. How to become a true senior DBA (на русском)
10:00:00 Illia Lubenets Cloud Application Development Deployment The future of serverless computing
11:10:00 André Melancia Advanced Analysis Techniques If a machine can learn, why can't YOU learn Azure Machine Learning?
11:10:00 Eugene Polonichko Analytics and Visualization AI Capabilities for Power BI
11:10:00 Andrii Zrobok Application Database Development Polybase in MS SQL Server 2019
13:10:00 Jose Manuel Jurado Diaz Enterprise Database Administration Deployment Attention Contention!!!
13:10:00 Taras Kloba Enterprise Database Administration Deployment What is CI/CD for databases or how to automate DB changes
13:10:00 Catalin Gheorghiu BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration ML on the Edge
13:10:00 Yevhen Nedashkivskyi Application Database Development SQL Server: Поради для непрофільних розробників
14:20:00 Markus Ehrenmueller-Jensen Application Database Development A Game of Hierarchies: Graph Processing with SQL Server 2019
14:20:00 Ruslan Zolotukhin BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration Report optimization techniques in both Desktop and Service. Vertipaq Engine in Power BI
14:20:00 Taras Bachynskyy Strategy and Architecture Data Insight Ecosystem Today
15:30:00 Sławomir Drzymała BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration Docker for data amateur
15:30:00 Mykola Pobyivovk Application Database Development Tuning SQL Server for mere mortals (українською)
15:30:00 Yevhen Nedashkivskyi Application Database Development Узгодженість, паралелізм та блокування в сучасних базах даних

SessionID: 90540

The Haberdashery of Machine Learning

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Event Date: 21-09-2019 - Session time: 10:00:00 - Track: Advanced Analysis Techniques

Speaker: Jan Mulkens

Title: The Haberdashery of Machine Learning


Haberdasheries are various small goods such as buttons, thread and similar sewing goods. When used together correctly, they provide the basis for making good clothes.

Building good Machine Learning solutions is similar, you'll need various small things in your toolkit that you will then leverage build production ready predictive solutions.

In our little Machine Learning shop, you'll receive tips on collaborative data science, automating data pipelines, automated machine learning and will learn how to apply agile methodologies operationalize your experiments in a fast way. We'll even consider the maintenance of your machine learning models afterwards as that often gets overlooked. Using Azure and SQL Server Machine Learning Services during our examples, you'll be able to take these tips home and apply them yourself.

SessionID: 93665

The future of serverless computing

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Event Date: 21-09-2019 - Session time: 10:00:00 - Track: Cloud Application Development Deployment

Speaker: Anton Boyko

Title: The future of serverless computing


Are you still planning your servers capacity in CPU and RAM? Do you enjoy answering questions like “what amount of servers we need to buy to serve 10K and 10M users”? Do you enjoy paying for those servers while they are sitting idle?

In my session I will talk about the current state and the future of serverless computing. I will show several demos that show how to start using serverless computing, what are the application scenarios for it, how it can scale, what it will cost, etc.

This session will be useful for developers and architects who are seeking a way to create an app utilizing all your previous skills, but make it scalable, reliable, fast and cost efficient.

SessionID: 94404

SQL Server PowerShell. How to become a true senior DBA (на русском)

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Event Date: 21-09-2019 - Session time: 10:00:00 - Track: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment

Speaker: Andriy Pogorelov

Title: SQL Server PowerShell. How to become a true senior DBA (на русском)


В этом докладе я расскажу об автоматизации административных задач с помощью PowerShell. Затрону некоторые community решения и их имплементацию.

SessionID: 98783

The future of serverless computing

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Event Date: 21-09-2019 - Session time: 10:00:00 - Track: Cloud Application Development Deployment

Speaker: Illia Lubenets

Title: The future of serverless computing


Are you still planning your servers capacity in CPU and RAM? Do you enjoy answering questions like “what amount of servers we need to buy to serve 10K and 10M users”? Do you enjoy paying for those servers while they are sitting idle?

In my session I will talk about the current state and the future of serverless computing. I will show several demos that show how to start using serverless computing, what are the application scenarios for it, how it can scale, what it will cost, etc.

This session will be useful for developers and architects who are seeking a way to create an app utilizing all your previous skills, but make it scalable, reliable, fast and cost efficient.

SessionID: 89563

If a machine can learn, why can't YOU learn Azure Machine Learning?

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Event Date: 21-09-2019 - Session time: 11:10:00 - Track: Advanced Analysis Techniques

Speaker: André Melancia

Title: If a machine can learn, why can't YOU learn Azure Machine Learning?


Are you a DBA or Developer and would like to get started with AzureML the EASY WAY?

AzureML isn't just for "data scientists"... Anyone can use it! And after this session you'll be using it too... Disclaimer: Sadly, AzureML still can't predict what's on your girlfriend's mind. Nothing ever will.

SessionID: 96248

AI Capabilities for Power BI

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Event Date: 21-09-2019 - Session time: 11:10:00 - Track: Analytics and Visualization

Speaker: Eugene Polonichko

Title: AI Capabilities for Power BI


Power BI makes it possible for every employee in an organization to make better decisions based on data with beautiful reports and dashboards. But data scientists, who are crucial to deploying AI solutions, don’t have the bandwidth to provide custom solutions to all users at an organization. Businesses need ways to surface the valuable work of data scientists and empower more users to leverage AI in easy and intuitive ways. Power BI can easily help with this problem.

SessionID: 98594

Polybase in MS SQL Server 2019

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Event Date: 21-09-2019 - Session time: 11:10:00 - Track: Application Database Development

Speaker: Andrii Zrobok

Title: Polybase in MS SQL Server 2019


Microsoft is enhancing Polybase in 2019 with the ability to connect to more data sources. You can now use PolyBase to connect to other SQL Server instances, Oracle and it’s easy to set up with a wizard. I explains what’s new in PolyBase and walk you through setting it up and connecting to an external table. Will explain difference between PolyBase and SQL Server Linked Server.

SessionID: 90080

Attention Contention!!!

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Event Date: 21-09-2019 - Session time: 13:10:00 - Track: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment

Speaker: Jose Manuel Jurado Diaz

Title: Attention Contention!!!


In this session we will discuss about tempdb contention in SQL Server on-premises, Azure SQL Managed Instance and Azure SQL Database. We will analyze both, Allocation Contention and Metadata contention, describing in detail WHEN and HOW it occurs, How to diagnose it, Best Practices and how to prevent it. The session will have both approaches in on-premisses and in Azure Managed Instance: - Theoretical, to understand what and why it occurs. - Practical, with examples causing it, offering alternatives to solve it and to prevent it.

SessionID: 91301

What is CI/CD for databases or how to automate DB changes

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Event Date: 21-09-2019 - Session time: 13:10:00 - Track: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment

Speaker: Taras Kloba

Title: What is CI/CD for databases or how to automate DB changes


In the world of agile software development, the database development process introduces some challenges to the application development process. The delivery of changes at database level tends to be a different and separated process of the application delivery process or even an entirely manual process. This contributes to the perspective that the database is a bottleneck in the agile process.

In this session, I will show how to build a deployment pipeline capable of delivering database and application changes. The pipeline includes the following steps: source control, continuous integration and continuous delivery. I will share methods and strategies that allow bringing together databases and applications in the delivery process reducing the delivery pain. The main goal is to understand that applications and databases can and should share the same deployment pipeline and that this pipeline will allow you not be afraid of making database changes.

SessionID: 96354

ML on the Edge

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Event Date: 21-09-2019 - Session time: 13:10:00 - Track: BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration

Speaker: Catalin Gheorghiu

Title: ML on the Edge


Or options in running TensorFlow on Pi or similar class devices. My idea was (a bit born from need), to run TensorFlow on Pi class device. And this presentation is born from my adventures, showing pro and cons of each approach. From running directly on Pi to Azure IoT Edge on to Intel Neural Stick, and the list most probably is in “works” you will see the challenges and results of implementing TensorFlow using these technologies. Remark: Kinder chocolates have nothing to do with ML but will be present.

SessionID: 98053

SQL Server: Поради для непрофільних розробників

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Event Date: 21-09-2019 - Session time: 13:10:00 - Track: Application Database Development

Speaker: Yevhen Nedashkivskyi

Title: SQL Server: Поради для непрофільних розробників


Ви не є розробником баз даних і знаєте тільки основи SQL, проте постійно змушені виконувати все більше пов’язаних задач?

Дозвольте поділитися з вами низкою порад, що значно полегшать вашу роботу та дозволять прискорити ваші запити. Оптимізація швидкодії, корисні функції про які мало хто знає, спрощення та автоматизація задач адміністрування та багато іншого.

SessionID: 96371

A Game of Hierarchies: Graph Processing with SQL Server 2019

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Event Date: 21-09-2019 - Session time: 14:20:00 - Track: Application Database Development

Speaker: Markus Ehrenmueller-Jensen

Title: A Game of Hierarchies: Graph Processing with SQL Server 2019


Hierarchies and graphs are the bread and butter of most business applications and you find them almost everywhere:

SessionID: 96809

Report optimization techniques in both Desktop and Service. Vertipaq Engine in Power BI

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Event Date: 21-09-2019 - Session time: 14:20:00 - Track: BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration

Speaker: Ruslan Zolotukhin

Title: Report optimization techniques in both Desktop and Service. Vertipaq Engine in Power BI


Power BI is using In-memory technology, which allows reports to be loaded and presented fast. But here you are limited by CPU and RAM characteristics. Similar behaviour will be when your report is placed at Power BI Service.

At current session I will describe possible performance issues and how to handle them. We will talk about columnar storage and Vertipaq engine as well. During the session different practice advices will be presented.

SessionID: 98634

Data Insight Ecosystem Today

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Event Date: 21-09-2019 - Session time: 14:20:00 - Track: Strategy and Architecture

Speaker: Taras Bachynskyy

Title: Data Insight Ecosystem Today


I am going to cover different aspects: implementation stages, system components, technologies, required skill set, roles, etc. Everything needed to build such ecosystem.

SessionID: 96074

Docker for data amateur

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Event Date: 21-09-2019 - Session time: 15:30:00 - Track: BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration

Speaker: Sławomir Drzymała

Title: Docker for data amateur


Even tough it's nothing new, Docker is a thing nowadays. I've decided to check containers out as well and learn how they can help me. Although I'm a BI consultant and not really using Docker and containers in the current projects, I've already found them to be very helpful on my daily basis learning and other activities. If you are also passionate about data and still experimenting with SQL Server and/or Python and/or any other technology, please join the session and see how Docker can change your life.

I will show you my journey, my thoughts and my findings regarding the usage of SQL Server and Python together with Docker. And there will be a lot, a lot of demos.

SessionID: 96421

Tuning SQL Server for mere mortals (українською)

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Event Date: 21-09-2019 - Session time: 15:30:00 - Track: Application Database Development

Speaker: Mykola Pobyivovk

Title: Tuning SQL Server for mere mortals (українською)


Are you new begining database developer ? Are you .Net developer and often work with database?

I think this session special for you! In this session I would like to show common mistakes, connected with DB development which I saw in my projects and tell audience how we could avoid it . How we can improve performance of SQL Server.

SessionID: 98054

Узгодженість, паралелізм та блокування в сучасних базах даних

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Event Date: 21-09-2019 - Session time: 15:30:00 - Track: Application Database Development

Speaker: Yevhen Nedashkivskyi

Title: Узгодженість, паралелізм та блокування в сучасних базах даних


Давайте поговоримо про теорію та практичну реалізацію багатопоточної обробки даних в сучасних СУБД та розберемо кілька практичних прикладів.

Спробуємо розібратися та обійти потенційні проблеми та на прикладі Microsoft SQL Server. Під час доповіді ми торкнемось тем паралелізму, затримок, блокувань та взаємоблокувань, а також різних рівнів ізоляції.