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SQLSaturday #887 - Salt Lake City 2019

Start Time (24h) Speaker Track Title
08:30:00 Brent Ozar Application Database Development Dynamic SQL: When, Why, and How to Use It
08:30:00 Nicholas Cain Enterprise Database Administration Deployment Availability Groups: What They’re Not Telling You
08:30:00 Jeff Iannucci Application Database Development Faster Transactions: Query Tuning for Data Manipulation
08:30:00 Erika Haase Nalley BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration ROI with Power BI: Do more than Excel
09:45:00 Paul Stanton Application Database Development SQL DevOps Simplified with Production Databases
09:45:00 Jennifer McCown Enterprise Database Administration Deployment Beginning Admin: The Care and Feeding of SQL Server
09:45:00 Martin Schoombee BI Information Delivery Advanced Power BI Modeling Techniques
09:45:00 Jenny Adams Other Short Circuit Bad User Queries
11:00:00 Steve Peterson Enterprise Database Administration Deployment Use Visual Studio Code to get started with PowerShell
11:00:00 Kathi Kellenberger BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration Azure Machine Learning 101
11:00:00 Liz Amador Professional Development Women In Tech Panel
11:00:00 Reinhard Flügel Application Database Development Possiblities and Limitations of System-Versioned Temporal Tables beyond the Basics
13:00:00 Matt Horton BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration SSAS 101
13:00:00 Tim Gorman Enterprise Database Administration Deployment Reducing The Surface Area Of Risk in Data Security
13:00:00 Steve Seeley Application Database Development Clustered, Non-Clustered and Covering Indexes Oh My!
13:00:00 Pat Wright Strategy and Architecture Are all RDBMS systems created equally?
14:15:00 Andrea Allred Application Database Development SQL Server Management Studio Tips and Tricks
14:15:00 Jacob Case Application Database Development Improving concurrency with Read Committed Snapshot Isolation
14:15:00 Greg McMurray Application Database Development Introduction to SQL Server Graph DB
14:15:00 Jason Horner BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration Real-World Data Movement and Orchestration Patterns using Azure Data Factory V2
14:15:00 Ben Miller Enterprise Database Administration Deployment Inside the DBAtools PowerShell Module
15:30:00 Brent Ozar Application Database Development What's New in SQL Server 2019: 100% Demos
15:30:00 David Lundell Cloud Application Development Deployment Azure AD authentication methods for SQL Azure
15:30:00 Aaron Cutshall Application Database Development The Lost Science of Set Theory
15:30:00 Amie Mason BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration Keys to Successfully Governing Power BI for your Organization

SessionID: 92069

Dynamic SQL: When, Why, and How to Use It

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Event Date: 03-08-2019 - Session time: 08:30:00 - Track: Application Database Development

Speaker: Brent Ozar

Title: Dynamic SQL: When, Why, and How to Use It


You're comfortable writing T-SQL, and you've built a lot of stored procedures that have a bunch of parameters. For example, you have that "product search" stored proc with parameters for product category, name, price range, sort order, etc, and you have to accept any of 'em.

So how do we make those go fast? And how can we get 'em to use indexes?

In one all-demo hour, performance tuner Brent Ozar will show you several ways that fail in comically bad ways. You'll learn how to write dynamic SQL that's easy to tune, manage, and troubleshoot.

SessionID: 93394

Availability Groups: What They’re Not Telling You

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Event Date: 03-08-2019 - Session time: 08:30:00 - Track: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment

Speaker: Nicholas Cain

Title: Availability Groups: What They’re Not Telling You


SQL Server 2012 brought to life a new form of high availability and disaster recovery in the form of Availability Groups (AGs). This all sounds fantastic, but in reality there are issues and problems that are generally not discussed, or well known, that can impact your HA/DR story and cause major performance issues. In this session, I’ll give a brief overview on AGs in SQL Server 2012 and the enhancements that come in 2014 and 2016. Then we’ll get into some of the problems that exist, that I’ve seen in the real world of using AGs, and that you should be aware of before implementing it in your environment.

SessionID: 94261

Faster Transactions: Query Tuning for Data Manipulation

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Event Date: 03-08-2019 - Session time: 08:30:00 - Track: Application Database Development

Speaker: Jeff Iannucci

Title: Faster Transactions: Query Tuning for Data Manipulation


Your server has dozens of CPUs, terabytes of RAM, and solid-state drives, and yet your UPDATE query still takes hours. Why? In this demo-filled session we will discuss common pitfalls for any SQL professional who is manipulating large sets of data with INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements. Not only will you learn about potential issues involving data pages, locks, and the transaction log, but also what techniques you can use to improve performance.

SessionID: 94927

ROI with Power BI: Do more than Excel

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Event Date: 03-08-2019 - Session time: 08:30:00 - Track: BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration

Speaker: Erika Haase Nalley

Title: ROI with Power BI: Do more than Excel


Nifty tips and tricks to start taking your business from Point A to Point B2B using Power BI. We will use real world use case examples of combining supplier, syndicated, or retail data in Power BI in a way that can help you move the needle.

We will cover:

• Sales Dax/M: Options for measures and columns • Real life examples of converting data to continual, common sense Business Intelligence • Actionable items: Dashboards, Alerts, and KPIs • Sharing: B2B permissions, New and Classic Workspaces

No matter what business you are in, we will cover the basics and benefits of advancing your company from emailing excel trackers to cloud collaboration.

SessionID: 91918

SQL DevOps Simplified with Production Databases

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Event Date: 03-08-2019 - Session time: 09:45:00 - Track: Application Database Development

Speaker: Paul Stanton

Title: SQL DevOps Simplified with Production Databases


DevOps is based on building an application binary (immutable artifact) that supports a highly reliable, repeatable engineering process. In the case of SQL Server, however, a database is already in production, and isn’t simply replaced (as an app binary), but is upgraded. Current SQL Server DevOps methods use source control to build a “development” database, with schema and objects and static data needed for functional testing. "Near production data" is used in Staging, and finally production is upgraded. This approach involves complexity, and breaks the principle of working with immutable artifacts throughout the process. Our session introduces a new approach to SQL Server DevOps, with production databases used in all stages. Production database clones are delivered more quickly than "built" databases, are more easily integrated with source control, and produces higher fidelity outcomes. Learn how leading enterprises are simplifying SQL DevOps.

SessionID: 92634

Beginning Admin: The Care and Feeding of SQL Server

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Event Date: 03-08-2019 - Session time: 09:45:00 - Track: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment

Speaker: Jennifer McCown

Title: Beginning Admin: The Care and Feeding of SQL Server


Design and development may be exciting, but database administration is absolutely critical (and, reasonably well-paying!) The care and feeding of a server tends to get short-changed or neglected. In this class, we'll cover the basics of the big five administrator tasks:

Being a database administrator is a big job, but we can cover the basics in one session!

SessionID: 93922

Advanced Power BI Modeling Techniques

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Event Date: 03-08-2019 - Session time: 09:45:00 - Track: BI Information Delivery

Speaker: Martin Schoombee

Title: Advanced Power BI Modeling Techniques


Creating a Power BI data model is pretty easy, but sometimes we have to deal with more complex scenarios the require us to dig a little deeper.

In this session we'll take your modeling skills to the next level as we explore a few advanced techniques that deal with displaying measures in the rows of a table (as opposed to the columns), dynamic currency conversions and an alternate approach to role-playing dimensions.

SessionID: 93995

Short Circuit Bad User Queries

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Event Date: 03-08-2019 - Session time: 09:45:00 - Track: Other

Speaker: Jenny Adams

Title: Short Circuit Bad User Queries


How to prevent your users from writing bad queries. Tips for teaching the non-IT user how to query basic business data.

SessionID: 92268

Use Visual Studio Code to get started with PowerShell

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Event Date: 03-08-2019 - Session time: 11:00:00 - Track: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment

Speaker: Steve Peterson

Title: Use Visual Studio Code to get started with PowerShell


You've heard you should be using PowerShell but how do you get started... Come find out. Using Visual Studio Code with some extensions and open source PowerShell modules we'll get you up and running in a few mins. Then we'll talk about ways you can use PowerShell to make your life a little easier.

SessionID: 93504

Azure Machine Learning 101

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Event Date: 03-08-2019 - Session time: 11:00:00 - Track: BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration

Speaker: Kathi Kellenberger

Title: Azure Machine Learning 101


There are several ways to create a machine learning model. You can use R or Python or even other languages such as C#. Advanced coding skills are required no matter which language you choose. Once the solution is created, it’s often difficult to deploy.

Microsoft addresses those problems with Azure Machine Learning, or Azure ML. Azure ML has built-in transforms for cleansing and munging data. It also contains a variety of configurable machine learning models that can be used without coding. Deploying the model is easy, and users can link to it directly with Excel or a custom application can be written.

If you are experienced in machine learning but haven’t seen Azure ML or if you are curious about machine learning and data science, this session is for you.

SessionID: 94375

Women In Tech Panel

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Event Date: 03-08-2019 - Session time: 11:00:00 - Track: Professional Development

Speaker: Liz Amador

Title: Women In Tech Panel


The greatest supporter of women are other women! Women are 18% of the professional field in data analytics. This is even less than the IT field as a whole. For those that identify as women, feel motivated seeing other women in this space share their journeys. For allies, take an opportunity to see and hear from women and other allies on how to support them.

SessionID: 94732

Possiblities and Limitations of System-Versioned Temporal Tables beyond the Basics

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Event Date: 03-08-2019 - Session time: 11:00:00 - Track: Application Database Development

Speaker: Reinhard Flügel

Title: Possiblities and Limitations of System-Versioned Temporal Tables beyond the Basics


This technical presentation shows how to manipulate data with versioning switched off, what to consider when building queries referencing multiple temporal tables and building views.

SessionID: 92297

SSAS 101

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Event Date: 03-08-2019 - Session time: 13:00:00 - Track: BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration

Speaker: Matt Horton

Title: SSAS 101


Basic walk-through of creating a tabluar cube, deploying the cube and querying the data using Power BI.

SessionID: 93869

Reducing The Surface Area Of Risk in Data Security

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Event Date: 03-08-2019 - Session time: 13:00:00 - Track: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment

Speaker: Tim Gorman

Title: Reducing The Surface Area Of Risk in Data Security


For decades, IT has been negligent, using production data during software development and testing, exposing sensitive data to those not authorized to access it. That decades-old practice must end.

Data masking is the solution for providing non-production environments (i.e. DEV, TEST, etc) with realistic but artificial data for development and testing, while reducing the surface area of risk for breaching data.

The alternative, generating test data, incurs classic problems of engineering bias as well as blindness to true-to-life data scenarios which arise in the "wild".

Masking real production data retains realistic data conditions and distributions while merely obfuscating real data.

Masking is important, and sophisticated software packages are available today, but the field is new enough that there is lots of room for improvement in all of them.

SessionID: 94040

Clustered, Non-Clustered and Covering Indexes Oh My!

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Event Date: 03-08-2019 - Session time: 13:00:00 - Track: Application Database Development

Speaker: Steve Seeley

Title: Clustered, Non-Clustered and Covering Indexes Oh My!


So you have a brand new table with lots of data and when you do a query it takes forever to return. So you add an index to improve performance and it still takes forever. Huh? Let's talk about what an index really is, the different kinds of indexes, and we will finish with a scenario where even though you have the perfect index, it is still not used.

SessionID: 94920

Are all RDBMS systems created equally?

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Event Date: 03-08-2019 - Session time: 13:00:00 - Track: Strategy and Architecture

Speaker: Pat Wright

Title: Are all RDBMS systems created equally?


We all love SQL Server but is it really so much different than Postgres, Oracle or Mysql? I've spent a lot of years in many of these technologies and I want people to understand the good and the bad about the different technologies out there. My goal with this session is to entertain and to hopefully open your eyes to the reality that if you have skills and knowledge of RDBMS you shouldn't be afraid of ever finding a job in any of these technologies.

SessionID: 93905

SQL Server Management Studio Tips and Tricks

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Event Date: 03-08-2019 - Session time: 14:15:00 - Track: Application Database Development

Speaker: Andrea Allred

Title: SQL Server Management Studio Tips and Tricks


Have you ever watched a Microsoft SQL Presentation and wondered how in the world they did that cool trick? What was that keyboard shortcut? Come find out Microsoft SQL tips and tricks that will help you be more productive in your day to day work and give you a few cool ideas to make other SQL people jealous. There will even be a few SQL Server Management Studio 18 tricks.

SessionID: 94097

Improving concurrency with Read Committed Snapshot Isolation

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Event Date: 03-08-2019 - Session time: 14:15:00 - Track: Application Database Development

Speaker: Jacob Case

Title: Improving concurrency with Read Committed Snapshot Isolation


At some point or another, every DBA has to deal with concurrency issues. Read Committed Snapshot Isolation (RCSI) is one of the many appealing options you have in your quiver as a DBA to resolve concurrency problems. This session will focus on how RCSI works, and when it may be useful for you as a DBA or developer.

SessionID: 94102

Introduction to SQL Server Graph DB

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Event Date: 03-08-2019 - Session time: 14:15:00 - Track: Application Database Development

Speaker: Greg McMurray

Title: Introduction to SQL Server Graph DB


Have you heard about all the hot new features in SQL Server 2017? One of the game-changing features is Graph DB. Come see what it is, how you can use it, and what scenarios it excels in - specifically where data has strongly defined relationships and is more interconnected.

SessionID: 94230

Real-World Data Movement and Orchestration Patterns using Azure Data Factory V2

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Event Date: 03-08-2019 - Session time: 14:15:00 - Track: BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration

Speaker: Jason Horner

Title: Real-World Data Movement and Orchestration Patterns using Azure Data Factory V2


In this session, we will start with an overview of Azure Data Factory V2 concepts, then show you how you can use metadata to quickly build scalable serverless pipelines to move data from disparate data sources including On-Premises and Platform As A Service. Next, we will look at how to integrate the solution using continuous integration and deployment techniques. Finally, we will look at how to schedule, monitor and log our solution.

Whether you are just getting started with Azure Data Factory or looking to make your current data factory robust and enterprise-ready this session will take you to the next level.

SessionID: 94906

Inside the DBAtools PowerShell Module

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Event Date: 03-08-2019 - Session time: 14:15:00 - Track: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment

Speaker: Ben Miller

Title: Inside the DBAtools PowerShell Module


There has been a movement towards PowerShell in the SQL Server Community lately. With so much out there, how do you get ahead. I will take you through this massive module that has grown very quickly to over 300 functions for use in your daily DBA job. This module can single handedly migrate an entire server with one command, or you can choose the parts you want to do and just do those. Join me to find out how you can quickly leverage the power of this module. This is one tool you want in your PowerShell toolbox.

SessionID: 92067

What's New in SQL Server 2019: 100% Demos

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Event Date: 03-08-2019 - Session time: 15:30:00 - Track: Application Database Development

Speaker: Brent Ozar

Title: What's New in SQL Server 2019: 100% Demos


You haven't installed SQL Server 2019 yet, and you don't want to sit through a bunch of slides. You want to see a series of real-world demos focusing on the features of SQL Server 2019 that will make your users happier with as little work as possible on your part. You don't have time to rewrite all your queries or learn new languages - you just want the database to go faster.

I'm Brent Ozar, and I'll give you the whirlwind tour. I'll focus on just the features that make the biggest bang for the buck, things you can implement right away and see a noticeable difference. I'll show you what kinds of code will benefit the most so you can go back to the office and have an honest discussion with management about what to expect.

No slides here - not even an about-me slide. Let's dive into some queries!

SessionID: 92121

Azure AD authentication methods for SQL Azure

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Event Date: 03-08-2019 - Session time: 15:30:00 - Track: Cloud Application Development Deployment

Speaker: David Lundell

Title: Azure AD authentication methods for SQL Azure


Deploying to SQL Azure? What are the best ways to login/authenticate to SQL Azure? Learn about Azure AD Authentication methods: Integrated Windows authentication, Azure AD principal name and a password, Application token authentication, and additional Azure Active Directory methods Integrated, Universal with MFA, and Interactive

SessionID: 93906

The Lost Science of Set Theory

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Event Date: 03-08-2019 - Session time: 15:30:00 - Track: Application Database Development

Speaker: Aaron Cutshall

Title: The Lost Science of Set Theory


Many database developers today do not have a Computer Science degree and may also have begun their career developing software using procedural programming languages (Java, C#, etc.). As a result, they may not have the background needed to conceptualize solutions in terms of sets of data and therefore may not be able to develop efficient set-based queries. In this session, we will review the basics of set theory and how it applies to database development to enable you to turn cursors, loops, and other procedural programming practices into efficient set-based operations that make the most use of a relational database engine.

SessionID: 96337

Keys to Successfully Governing Power BI for your Organization

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Event Date: 03-08-2019 - Session time: 15:30:00 - Track: BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration

Speaker: Amie Mason

Title: Keys to Successfully Governing Power BI for your Organization


Discussion of the best practices and considerations for security, governance, and administration of Power BI. Not only of the available options, but tips and tricks for how to navigate those options and set yourself and your organization up for success down the road.