
Nr: 921

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SQLSaturday #921 – Pordenone – Virtual 2020

Start Time (24h) Speaker Track Title
09:15:00 Luca Zavarella https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t4 Walk-through of Azure Machine Learning Service new features
09:15:00 andrea benedetti https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t2 Modernizing your Data Warehouse with Azure Synapse Analytics
09:15:00 Gilberto Zampatti https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t1 Performance Monitoring in SQL Server 2019
09:15:00 Gianluca Hotz https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t5 SQL Server Data Virtualization with Polybase
09:15:00 Francesco Milano https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t3 A gentle introduction to Apache Spark for SQL Server people
10:20:00 Dimitri Zornik https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t2 (Envisioning Beantech) A modern crystal ball to predict the future
10:20:00 Andrea Martorana Tusa https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t3 (Envisioning Würth Phoenix) Utilizzo di Power Platform per l’int
10:20:00 Marco Giacomini https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t5 (Envisioning Real Comm): SmartMan: ERP Industria 4.0
10:20:00 Fabrizio Saro https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t4 IT market Clock for Database Management Systems
10:20:00 Federico Favero https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t1 Quando i dati fanno la differenza (e quando un po’ meno)
10:45:00 Danilo Dominici https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t5 Ottimizzare SQL Server su VMWare: come si fa?
10:45:00 Francesco De Chirico https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t2 Introduction to M in Power BI
10:45:00 Alessandro Alpi https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t4 "SQL Wars, l'attacco dei cloni e la resistenza dei container
10:45:00 Rob Sewell https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t3 SQL Notebooks in Azure Data Studio for the DBA
10:45:00 Sergio Govoni https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t1 Query Processing improvements in the latest versions of SQL Server – IT
11:50:00 Mislav Karaula https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t5 What can Azure do for your batch data analytics workloads?
11:50:00 Lorenzo Vercellati https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t3 Datastorytelling Visualization Best Practices with PowerBi
11:50:00 Riccardo Zamana https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t1 Moderm Data Science Lifecycle with ADX Azure
11:50:00 Kamil Nowinski https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t2 The databases in SSDT - a work with project and best practices
11:50:00 Marco Obinu https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t4 SQL Server ed Azure: Disaster Recovery per tutti
14:00:00 Andrea Martorana Tusa https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t2 Advanced Analytics with Power BI
14:00:00 Danilo Dominici https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t2 Usate SQL Server in containers: best practices
14:00:00 Marco Minerva https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t4 Sfruttiamo Dapper al 110%
14:00:00 Gergely Csom https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t1 Building a modern data warehouse and BI solution in Microsoft cloud
14:00:00 Marco Dal Pino https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t3 Azure SQL Database EDGE, put your SQL wherever you want!
15:05:00 andrea benedetti https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t4 (Envisioning Microsoft) "Move forward your data strategy"
15:05:00 Davide Cavalli https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t2 (Envisioning Consulcesi)
15:05:00 Veronica Nuvolone https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t1 (Envisioning SolidQ)
15:05:00 Marco Pozzan https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t5 Power BI App per analisi di Bilancio da file XBRL
15:30:00 Riccardo Perico https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t2 Power BI dataflows deep dive (IT) (https://speakerscore.com/SKKL))
15:30:00 Alessio Biasiutti https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t4 Custom Text Analysis with Azure Machine Learning Services
15:30:00 Marco Pozzan https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t5 Microsoft Power BI fast with aggregation and composite model
15:30:00 Tomaž Kaštrun https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t1 Applied data analytics with Azure Databricks
15:30:00 Dennes Torres https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t3 Synapse Analytics: Beyond the Basics
16:35:00 Andrea Tosato https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t4 How scale SQL with Serverless
16:35:00 Marco Parenzan https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t3 .net developer for Jupyter Notebooks and Apache Spark and viceversa
16:35:00 Gianluca Sartori https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t1 Monitoring SQL Server without breaking the bank
16:35:00 Andrea Martorana Tusa https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t2 Leverage Power BI automation using APIs and Flow
16:35:00 Marco Obinu https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t4 SQL Server Lift Shift on Azure!

SessionID: 100689

Walk-through of Azure Machine Learning Service new features

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Event Date: 30-05-2020 - Session time: 09:15:00 - Track: https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t4

Speaker: Luca Zavarella

Title: Walk-through of Azure Machine Learning Service new features


La sessione consiste prevalentemente in una dimostrazione pratica che vi guiderà nel mondo del nuovo Azure Machine Learning Service, focalizzandosi sulle nuove funzionalità quali il Designer (ML senza codice), l'auto ML e l'interpretabilità di un modello.


SessionID: 100693

Modernizing your Data Warehouse with Azure Synapse Analytics

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Event Date: 30-05-2020 - Session time: 09:15:00 - Track: https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t2

Speaker: andrea benedetti

Title: Modernizing your Data Warehouse with Azure Synapse Analytics


Azure Synapse is Azure SQL Data Warehouse evolved—blending big data, data warehousing, and data integration into a single service for end-to-end analytics at cloud scale.


SessionID: 100705

Performance Monitoring in SQL Server 2019

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Event Date: 30-05-2020 - Session time: 09:15:00 - Track: https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t1

Speaker: Gilberto Zampatti

Title: Performance Monitoring in SQL Server 2019


Some new object and configuration option of our databases can enhance the

efficiency of our monitoring and tuning. This session will show some new object (DMO) introduced in the new platform and a couple of new options that can change our approach to the monitoring, maintenance and tuning activity. https://speakerscore.com/NGZM

SessionID: 100736

SQL Server Data Virtualization with Polybase

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Event Date: 30-05-2020 - Session time: 09:15:00 - Track: https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t5

Speaker: Gianluca Hotz

Title: SQL Server Data Virtualization with Polybase


Polybase è la tecnologia introdotta con SQL Server 2016 per eseguire query distribuite in ambienti eterogenei. Inizialmente con un supporto di sistemi esterni limitato, in SQL Server 2019 è stato esteso per supportare non solo Hadoop e SQL Server in tutte le declinazioni, tra cui Azure SQL Data Warehouse, ma anche Teradata, Oracle, MongoDB e sistemi generici accessibili via ODBC. In questa sessione vedremo come funziona il meccanismo di integrazione dal punto di vista tecnico con qualche esempio pratico. https://speakerscore.com/8P1Q

SessionID: 101039

A gentle introduction to Apache Spark for SQL Server people

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Event Date: 30-05-2020 - Session time: 09:15:00 - Track: https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t3

Speaker: Francesco Milano

Title: A gentle introduction to Apache Spark for SQL Server people


Lavorando con i dati, capita sempre più frequentmente di doversi confrontare con mondi che fino a poco tempo fa erano quasi estranei fra loro.

SQL Server 2019, per esempio, introduce per la prima volta con i nuovi Big Data Cluster il supporto nativo ad Apache Spark, rendendo concreta la convivenza tra il carico di lavoro tipico di un engine relazionale e il calcolo distribuito.

Proveniendo da un ambiente SQL, l'approccio ad Apache Spark tramite il suo dialetto Spark SQL può sembrare molto naturale e poco ostico. La sensazione di "sentirsi a casa", però, non deve far dimenticare che l'engine sottostante ragiona in modo molto diverso da quello a cui siamo abituati.

In questa sessione proveremo ad avvicinarci ad Apache Spark partendo dalle sue basi, così da capire come ragiona e conoscerlo per affrontarlo al meglio. https://speakerscore.com/C4XR

SessionID: 105119

(Envisioning Beantech) A modern crystal ball to predict the future

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Event Date: 30-05-2020 - Session time: 10:20:00 - Track: https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t2

Speaker: Dimitri Zornik

Title: (Envisioning Beantech) A modern crystal ball to predict the future


“SQL + R + Power BI = Demand Planning”

SessionID: 105132

(Envisioning Würth Phoenix) Utilizzo di Power Platform per l’int

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Event Date: 30-05-2020 - Session time: 10:20:00 - Track: https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t3

Speaker: Andrea Martorana Tusa

Title: (Envisioning Würth Phoenix) Utilizzo di Power Platform per l’int


Utilizzo di Power Platform per l’integrazione tra software: un esempio concreto

SessionID: 105135

(Envisioning Real Comm): SmartMan: ERP Industria 4.0

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Event Date: 30-05-2020 - Session time: 10:20:00 - Track: https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t5

Speaker: Marco Giacomini

Title: (Envisioning Real Comm): SmartMan: ERP Industria 4.0


SmartMan: ERP Industria 4.0

SessionID: 105171

IT market Clock for Database Management Systems

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Event Date: 30-05-2020 - Session time: 10:20:00 - Track: https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t4

Speaker: Fabrizio Saro

Title: IT market Clock for Database Management Systems


IT market Clock for Database Management Systems

SessionID: 105176

Quando i dati fanno la differenza (e quando un po’ meno)

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Event Date: 30-05-2020 - Session time: 10:20:00 - Track: https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t1

Speaker: Federico Favero

Title: Quando i dati fanno la differenza (e quando un po’ meno)


Quando i dati fanno la differenza (e quando un po’ meno)

SessionID: 100561

Ottimizzare SQL Server su VMWare: come si fa?

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Event Date: 30-05-2020 - Session time: 10:45:00 - Track: https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t5

Speaker: Danilo Dominici

Title: Ottimizzare SQL Server su VMWare: come si fa?


Abbiamo installato SQL Server su una macchina virtuale VMWare seguendo (vero ?) tutte le best practices. Ma ancora non abbiamo le performance desiderate. Come si analizzano e risolvono le problematiche di performance su una VM? Quali sono le metriche da prendere in considerazione? E quali strumenti utilizzare? In questa sessione demo-oriented cercheremo di capire proprio questo.


SessionID: 100684

Introduction to M in Power BI

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Event Date: 30-05-2020 - Session time: 10:45:00 - Track: https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t2

Speaker: Francesco De Chirico

Title: Introduction to M in Power BI


Uno dei punti di forza di Power BI risiede nelle performance del suo engine di Power Query e nella capacità di semplificare lo sviluppo dell'intera fase ETL attraverso l'uso della sola interfaccia grafica. Ma dietro le quinte ogni nostro "click" si traduce in codice "M" e conoscere tale linguaggio consente di ampliare ulteriormente le potenzialità di Power BI e quindi dei nostri modelli. In questa sessione introduttiva verranno descritti i principali costrutti e le regole base del linguaggio e si mostreranno alcuni esempi pratici di utilizzo all'interno dei modelli di Power BI. https://speakerscore.com/BQ76

SessionID: 98904

"SQL Wars, l'attacco dei cloni e la resistenza dei container

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Event Date: 30-05-2020 - Session time: 10:45:00 - Track: https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t4

Speaker: Alessandro Alpi

Title: "SQL Wars, l'attacco dei cloni e la resistenza dei container


in questa sessione, Giuliano e Alessandro mostrano le tecnologie disponibili per trasportare velocemente dati di produzione in ambienti isolati da usare in: test di integrazione, emulazione di rilasci e controllo di anomalie. Dal cloning in Hyper-V ai container Docker, vedremo quanto è semplice fare provisioning di dati su Microsoft SQL Server per verificare la presenza di regressioni nell'integrare le modifiche prodotte dal Team di sviluppo


SessionID: 99148

SQL Notebooks in Azure Data Studio for the DBA

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Event Date: 30-05-2020 - Session time: 10:45:00 - Track: https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t3

Speaker: Rob Sewell

Title: SQL Notebooks in Azure Data Studio for the DBA


An Azure Data Studio recent release introduced SQL Notebooks as a capability. While you might have read about notebooks being used for Data Science, this session is primarily for DBAs.

We will cover installing Azure Data Studio. https://speakerscore.com/7QK2 What a SQL Notebooks is. Numerous use cases for you to use SQL Notebooks in your daily workload such as creating a Notebook for Glenn Berry's Diagnostic queries.

and some gifs ;-) https://speakerscore.com/7QK2

SessionID: 99544

Query Processing improvements in the latest versions of SQL Server – IT

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Event Date: 30-05-2020 - Session time: 10:45:00 - Track: https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t1

Speaker: Sergio Govoni

Title: Query Processing improvements in the latest versions of SQL Server – IT


How many times have you faced bad performances caused by incorrect rows-estimation or caused by multi-statement user-defined table valued functions? Have you ever seen a warning on Sort operator that spills data on tempdb caused by inadequate memory estimation? These are not the only problems we could have with queries optimization, but these are the three problems that SQL Server 2017 Adaptive Query Processing attempts to address. SQL Server 2019 introduces additional features and all of them are known with the name Intelligent Query Processing. This session will cover the Adaptive Query Processing first. Next we will cover, briefly, the features implemented in SQL Server 2019.


SessionID: 100208

What can Azure do for your batch data analytics workloads?

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Event Date: 30-05-2020 - Session time: 11:50:00 - Track: https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t5

Speaker: Mislav Karaula

Title: What can Azure do for your batch data analytics workloads?


This session will cover developers' / architects' point of view towards what Azure data platform has to offer for batch data analytics workloads. The main focus is going to be on native Azure technologies, with a strong emphasis on how they can work in harmony to provide an on-demand scalable data collection, storage and analysis environment. Services such as Azure SQL Data Warehouse and Azure Synapse Analytics will be covered. https://speakerscore.com/S2G2

SessionID: 100223

Datastorytelling Visualization Best Practices with PowerBi

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Event Date: 30-05-2020 - Session time: 11:50:00 - Track: https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t3

Speaker: Lorenzo Vercellati

Title: Datastorytelling Visualization Best Practices with PowerBi


Quali sono le caratteristiche fondamentali del Data Storytelling? Come utilizzare PowerBI non solo come strumento di analisi dati ma anche di data storytelling? Durante la sessione scopriremo come il cervello umano reagisce a ciò che vede e quali sono le più importanti best practices inerenti alla visualizzazione dati. Scopriremo inoltre le principali caratteristiche dei visual più usati e quando usarli o non usarli. https://speakerscore.com/81RK

SessionID: 101334

Moderm Data Science Lifecycle with ADX Azure

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Event Date: 30-05-2020 - Session time: 11:50:00 - Track: https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t1

Speaker: Riccardo Zamana

Title: Moderm Data Science Lifecycle with ADX Azure


When you deal with data, you have to deal with many data sources and many data destinations too. Even Data science approach is changing, in terms of tools used for the various phases of work. Let's explore many use cases in which you have to use a time series database to explore data, retrieve insights and fill new databases. Azure Data eXplorer can be the ace up your sleeve with such situations. Let's have a deep dive into various Data science phases, and the correct approach tha must be done if you use ADX.


SessionID: 101349

The databases in SSDT - a work with project and best practices

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Event Date: 30-05-2020 - Session time: 11:50:00 - Track: https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t2

Speaker: Kamil Nowinski

Title: The databases in SSDT - a work with project and best practices


A task seems to be easy. Maintenance a project of a database in the code repository, treat as master-version and do deployment evenly and frequently. Simple? Seemingly. The things become more complex as fast as a number of objects in database growing. While instead of one database, we have over a dozen. When databases have got the references to each other. And how about dictionary tables? Where to keep them and how to script? Additional issues are coming whilst we would like to control instance-level objects.

All these topics I will explain in the session focused on practical aspects of work with Microsoft Visual Studio Data Tools. https://speakerscore.com/25GX

SessionID: 98786

SQL Server ed Azure: Disaster Recovery per tutti

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Event Date: 30-05-2020 - Session time: 11:50:00 - Track: https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t4

Speaker: Marco Obinu

Title: SQL Server ed Azure: Disaster Recovery per tutti


Grazie al Azure, oggigiorno è possibile disegnare soluzioni di Disaster Recovery affidabili e di facile implementazione anche per la media e piccola impresa.

Vediamo insieme quali sono le soluzioni suggerite da Microsoft, confrontandone pregi e difetti. https://speakerscore.com/H7FH

SessionID: 100192

Advanced Analytics with Power BI

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Event Date: 30-05-2020 - Session time: 14:00:00 - Track: https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t2

Speaker: Andrea Martorana Tusa

Title: Advanced Analytics with Power BI


Power BI makes advanced analytics handy for business users, allowing stakeholders to extract knowledge and insights from data, to solve business problems and make decisions.

This session will introduce to the advanced analytics features of Power BI, showcasing some real word areas of application: forecasting, predictive analytics, machine learning algorithms, customer sentiment analysis.
For every case it will also be covered the integration with all the complementary tools needed for building a working solution: Azure ML, Cognitive Services, R, Key influence visuals, ... Discover how easy is using advanced analytics in Power BI to effectively address the business challenge and uncover new insights https://speakerscore.com/K866

SessionID: 100214

Usate SQL Server in containers: best practices

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Event Date: 30-05-2020 - Session time: 14:00:00 - Track: https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t2

Speaker: Danilo Dominici

Title: Usate SQL Server in containers: best practices


I containers consentono una nuova modalità di distribuzione, gestione ed esecuzione di istanze SQL Server, in maniera molto più semplice ed efficiente rispetto ad esempio alle macchine virtuali. In questa sessione demo-oriented vedremo in dettaglio come funzionano i containers Docker, come SQL Server viene eseguito in essi e come utilizzarli on-premise ed in Azure. https://speakerscore.com/T4VC

SessionID: 100762

Sfruttiamo Dapper al 110%

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Event Date: 30-05-2020 - Session time: 14:00:00 - Track: https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t4

Speaker: Marco Minerva

Title: Sfruttiamo Dapper al 110%


Dapper è il micro OR/M sviluppato e utilizzato da StackOverflow e rappresenta la soluzione ideale quando vogliamo avere il massimo controllo sulle query SQL che eseguiamo, mantenendo il mapping automatico dei parametri e dei risultati sulle classi di dominio. In questa sessione mostreremo come usarlo efficacemente nelle nostre applicazioni, come si rapporta con altre soluzioni di accesso ai dati e come integrarlo con librerie di terze parti, in modo da sfruttarlo davvero al 110%. https://speakerscore.com/QD9X

SessionID: 98090

Building a modern data warehouse and BI solution in Microsoft cloud

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Event Date: 30-05-2020 - Session time: 14:00:00 - Track: https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t1

Speaker: Gergely Csom

Title: Building a modern data warehouse and BI solution in Microsoft cloud


Data warehouse and BI market is evolving rapidly with the appearance of new cloud born technologies. We might assume, that moving an existing Microsoft based DWH to the cloud is an easy step, but when we dig a little bit deeper, we will see, there are many-many new technological choices and aspects on how to modernize an existing dwh/bi system in the cloud. Not to mention if we start everything from scratch in a new project designed specifically to the cloud to utilize cloud flexibility and innovation as much as possible.

Which ETL tool should I use? Data factory v2 with SSIS and BIML, or Azure Databricks powered Dataflows? Or Power BI Dataflow? Which is the right decision to run OLAP workloads? Azure AS? Or simply Power BI? When do I need Azure SQL DWH? In the last couple years I helped many customers to modernize their DWH landscape partially or fully in the cloud and during my presentation I will share my findings and recipes for the most common situation I met. You will have fun:) https://speakerscore.com/W9GC

SessionID: 99593

Azure SQL Database EDGE, put your SQL wherever you want!

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Event Date: 30-05-2020 - Session time: 14:00:00 - Track: https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t3

Speaker: Marco Dal Pino

Title: Azure SQL Database EDGE, put your SQL wherever you want!


Developing application for Smart city, Sensors, Industrial IoT increasingly need more affordable and powerful way to store data and manage it.

Now we can also use the same approach we have in our client server distributed application even in remote deployed devices frquently not connected to internet. Expand device architecture coverage to include ARM-based devices on top of x64-based architecture. Use Kubernetes to orchestrate your device infrastructure for better efficiency and automation. Run SQL Database Edge connected or offline to support various edge environments. https://speakerscore.com/NQXH

SessionID: 105107

(Envisioning Microsoft) "Move forward your data strategy"

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Event Date: 30-05-2020 - Session time: 15:05:00 - Track: https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t4

Speaker: andrea benedetti

Title: (Envisioning Microsoft) "Move forward your data strategy"


Envisioning Microsoft

SessionID: 105120

(Envisioning Consulcesi)

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Event Date: 30-05-2020 - Session time: 15:05:00 - Track: https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t2

Speaker: Davide Cavalli

Title: (Envisioning Consulcesi)


(Envisioning Consulcesi)

SessionID: 105131

(Envisioning SolidQ)

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Event Date: 30-05-2020 - Session time: 15:05:00 - Track: https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t1

Speaker: Veronica Nuvolone

Title: (Envisioning SolidQ)


(Envisioning SolidQ)

SessionID: 105150

Power BI App per analisi di Bilancio da file XBRL

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Event Date: 30-05-2020 - Session time: 15:05:00 - Track: https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t5

Speaker: Marco Pozzan

Title: Power BI App per analisi di Bilancio da file XBRL


Power BI App per analisi di Bilancio da file XBRL

SessionID: 100317

Power BI dataflows deep dive (IT) (https://speakerscore.com/SKKL))

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Event Date: 30-05-2020 - Session time: 15:30:00 - Track: https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t2

Speaker: Riccardo Perico

Title: Power BI dataflows deep dive (IT) (https://speakerscore.com/SKKL))


Power BI dataflows permette di centralizzare e standardizzare le fasi di data preparation nel cloud, sfruttando Power Query ed il linguaggio M.

Quali sono gli scenari in cui utilizzarli? Quali sono le best practice da tenere a mente? Quali nuovi orizzonti offrono? Cerchiamo di rispondere a queste ed altre domande con esempi pratici.https://speakerscore.com/SKKL

SessionID: 100683

Custom Text Analysis with Azure Machine Learning Services

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Event Date: 30-05-2020 - Session time: 15:30:00 - Track: https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t4

Speaker: Alessio Biasiutti

Title: Custom Text Analysis with Azure Machine Learning Services


Durante la sessione vedremo le tecniche di base per estrarre informazioni da testo scritto in linguaggio naturale, creare un semplice servizio e pubblicarlo come container attraverso Machine Learning Services.


SessionID: 101101

Microsoft Power BI fast with aggregation and composite model

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Event Date: 30-05-2020 - Session time: 15:30:00 - Track: https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t5

Speaker: Marco Pozzan

Title: Microsoft Power BI fast with aggregation and composite model


Il modello composito consente di avere tabelle enormi come origine DirectQuery e alcune tabelle più piccole in modalità di importazione. Quando parliamo di tabelle enormi le prestazioni sono sempre una sfida. In questa sessione, parleremo di come le aggregazioni possono essere utili per accelerare le prestazioni. Puoi vedere come gigabyte di dati possono essere analizzati e visualizzati in meno di un secondo. Scopri molti suggerimenti, trucchi e aspetti interni sulle aggregazioni in Power BI e sul loro utilizzo in un modello composito. https://speakerscore.com/MDN9

SessionID: 101209

Applied data analytics with Azure Databricks

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Event Date: 30-05-2020 - Session time: 15:30:00 - Track: https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t1

Speaker: Tomaž Kaštrun

Title: Applied data analytics with Azure Databricks


Azure Databricks is an Apache Spark–based analytics service for big data and data analytics on top.

In this session we will create Databricks scenarios for useful business scenarios.

Data engineers and business analysts (data scientists) can now work on RDD structured files using workbooks for collaborative projects, using ANSI SQL, R, Python or Scala, easily covering both analytical and machine learning solutions on one hand, and also giving the capabilities to use it as a datawarehouse. https://speakerscore.com/PHXH

SessionID: 105106

Synapse Analytics: Beyond the Basics

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Event Date: 30-05-2020 - Session time: 15:30:00 - Track: https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t3

Speaker: Dennes Torres

Title: Synapse Analytics: Beyond the Basics


Let's discover how to configure Synapse Analytics in order to achieve better result from the MPP environment, going beyond the default configuration

Synapse Analytics, which is way beyond the former Azure SQL Data Warehouse, is focused on MPP, Multi Parallel Processing, being a very powerful environment for Data Warehouse processing. It's former name, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, usually pushed many DW and BI developers to use this powerful tool in order to build a Data Warehouse. However, just implementing the logical design of a Data Warehouse inside an MPP environment can be very deceiving, because many default settings for the MPP environment will not be at their best. On this session you will see how to configure the MPP environment to achieve it's best performance for your Data Warehouse. You will understand the importance to understand and control the distributions by compute nodes, how critical are the correct choice of resource classes and users, the benefits to correct manage. https://speakerscore.com/Z111

SessionID: 100674

How scale SQL with Serverless

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Event Date: 30-05-2020 - Session time: 16:35:00 - Track: https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t4

Speaker: Andrea Tosato

Title: How scale SQL with Serverless


Il serverless è la nuova frontiera dello sviluppo Cloud e le Azure Functions sono uno degli strumenti a disposizione per implementare questo nuovo paradigma. SQL Server è un componente importante nell'ecosistema Azure ma non esiste, al momento, un modo "chiavi in mano" per poterlo utilizzare all'interno delle Azure Functions.

In questa sessione vedremo come scalare correttamente una applicazione che ha la necessità di scrivere e leggere su SQL Azure e di come ridurre al minimo il codice applicativo. https://speakerscore.com/JTKD

SessionID: 100914

.net developer for Jupyter Notebooks and Apache Spark and viceversa

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Event Date: 30-05-2020 - Session time: 16:35:00 - Track: https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t3

Speaker: Marco Parenzan

Title: .net developer for Jupyter Notebooks and Apache Spark and viceversa


Jupyter Notebooks and Apache Spark are first class citizens of the Data Science space, a truly requirement for the "modern" data scientist. But there was a requirement: being a python developer. Now Microsoft is investing on C# as another first class citizen in this space. Let's look what .net can do for notebooks and spark and what are notebooks and spark. https://speakerscore.com/Z2F6

SessionID: 98387

Monitoring SQL Server without breaking the bank

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Event Date: 30-05-2020 - Session time: 16:35:00 - Track: https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t1

Speaker: Gianluca Sartori

Title: Monitoring SQL Server without breaking the bank


Monitoring SQL Server can become a very expensive business. Sure, the market offers countless paid solutions, but what if you have a large server estate and your budget is tight?

In this session we will combine multiple open source tools (InfluxDB, Telegraf , Grafana, DbaTools and many more) to collect important performance metrics, analyze the data they collect, set up alert for the critical events, troubleshoot issues and plan for the future. Join me and you will see how monitoring is not a business for billionaires. https://speakerscore.com/76VR

SessionID: 98621

Leverage Power BI automation using APIs and Flow

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Event Date: 30-05-2020 - Session time: 16:35:00 - Track: https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t2

Speaker: Andrea Martorana Tusa

Title: Leverage Power BI automation using APIs and Flow


Power BI is a cloud-based service; it means that it comes along with a standard set of APIs that provides access to its internal resources such as reports, datasets, rows.

Using APIs gives more flexibility and allows to build custom dashboard applications either for administering or query the service.
And if you combine the power of APIs with Microsoft Flow, you can automate some background processes such as adding users, granting rights, update or refresh datasets, ... The session is demo only. A complete walk-through to the process, will show you how to register an app, create a custom connector and leverage Power BI API actions by triggering a Microsoft Flow object. https://speakerscore.com/VK14

SessionID: 98969

SQL Server Lift Shift on Azure!

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Event Date: 30-05-2020 - Session time: 16:35:00 - Track: https://bit.ly/sqlsat921t4

Speaker: Marco Obinu

Title: SQL Server Lift Shift on Azure!


Sempre più spesso le aziende migrano i propri datacenter, o parte di essi, in cloud. Quando si arriva alla componente SQL Server delle diverse isole applicative, ci si trova davanti alla possibilità di migrare il workload SQL su una pletora di servizi diversi, tra VM in IaaS e Azure SQL Database in PaaS. Analizziamo quali possono essere i driver che guidano la scelta di un percorso di migrazione verso Azure, quali strumenti usare e quali elementi possiamo andare ad introdurre nella soluzione affinché ci si possa avvalere dei benefici del cloud, evitando di fare l'ennesimo banale rehost che poco aggiunge rispetto a quanto avevamo on-premises. https://speakerscore.com/35R6