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SQLSaturday #989 – Sofia – Virtual 2020

Start Time (24h) Speaker Track Title
10:10:00 André Melancia Advanced Analysis Techniques I'm not sorry, Dave... ML.Net can do that!
10:10:00 Amit R S Bansal Enterprise Database Administration Deployment Real-World Query Tuning Examples
10:10:00 Ramesh Satya Application Database Development Understanding SQL Server Views - The Right Way
10:10:00 Andrey Nikolov BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration Double Power - Managing Power BI with PowerShell
10:10:00 Margarita Naumova Strategy and Architecture What’s in the Cloud for my Datawarehouse
11:20:00 Dennes Torres Application Database Development Notebooks and other wonders in Azure Data Studio
11:20:00 Marco Dal Pino Cloud Application Development Deployment Azure SQL Database EDGE, put your SQL wherever you want!
11:20:00 Erland Sommarskog Application Database Development Don't Bite Off More Than You Can Chew - Take It in Chunks
11:20:00 Ivan Donev Cloud Application Development Deployment Azure Data Factory - how to implement incremental loads for PARQUET
11:20:00 Boriana Petrova Advanced Analysis Techniques Working with parameters in Power Query
13:00:00 Torsten Strauss Application Database Development Performance Tuning with Optimistic Concurrency
13:00:00 Ivelin Andreev Analytics and Visualization The NextGen in Time Series Landscape
13:00:00 Margarita Naumova Enterprise Database Administration Deployment A database that takes it all
13:00:00 Georgi Petkov Advanced Analysis Techniques Monitoring SSAS processing performance in Power BI
13:00:00 Dimo Roussinov Advanced Analysis Techniques Designing GDPR compliant Identity management
14:10:00 Sebastiano Galazzo Application Database Development Machine Learning - Best Practices and Vulnerabilities
14:10:00 Regis Baccaro Strategy and Architecture From Gen1 To Gen2. Recipes for a successful Data Lake migration
14:10:00 Nikola Ilic Analytics and Visualization From XL to S - Reduce your Power BI model size by 90%!
14:10:00 Kaloyan Kosev Enterprise Database Administration Deployment End to end, migrating a database to Azure
14:10:00 Mihail Mateev Advanced Analysis Techniques Q A with partners
15:20:00 Mihail Mateev BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration Creating Custom BI Solutions with Power BI Embedded
15:20:00 Damir Matesic Application Database Development Advanced data types – JSON
15:20:00 Hugo Kornelis Application Database Development From adaptive to intelligent: query processing in SQL 2019
15:20:00 Javier Villegas Enterprise Database Administration Deployment Monitoring SQL Server using Community solutions (Free)
15:20:00 Catalin Gheorghiu Application Database Development Introduction to Computer Vision

SessionID: 104167

I'm not sorry, Dave... ML.Net can do that!

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Event Date: 10-10-2020 - Session time: 10:10:00 - Track: Advanced Analysis Techniques

Speaker: André Melancia

Title: I'm not sorry, Dave... ML.Net can do that!


Do Machine Learning in your .Net world in an easy way, by using the ML.Net framework. Don't know how Machine Learning works? This session covers that too. Disclaimer: No monoliths were harmed in the making of this session.

SessionID: 105564

Real-World Query Tuning Examples

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Event Date: 10-10-2020 - Session time: 10:10:00 - Track: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment

Speaker: Amit R S Bansal

Title: Real-World Query Tuning Examples


Query Tuning is easier said than done. Here is an opportunity to learn some real-world query tuning examples. In this 100% demo, deep-dive session you will learn to identify query performance issues using execution plans, re-write queries to improve execution time, use new T-SQL constructs for better performance, re-define indexes deal with statistics to improve query performance. You will also learn many advanced concepts and true to the session title, you are going to see bad query vs good query, all real-world. This session will be an eye-opener for you and you will learn things that Google cannot find for you. Assured. (The content demonstrated will only be relevant to SQL Server 2012 and onward including 2019)

SessionID: 105611

Understanding SQL Server Views - The Right Way

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Event Date: 10-10-2020 - Session time: 10:10:00 - Track: Application Database Development

Speaker: Ramesh Satya

Title: Understanding SQL Server Views - The Right Way


VIEW is one of the programmable objects often used by Developers to build solutions to business problems but if not used without complete implications, there will be data inconsistency issues. This session focusses on how to create VIEWs, what are issues while doing DML operations through the VIEWS and how does INDEXED VIEWs help us.

SessionID: 107258

Double Power - Managing Power BI with PowerShell

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Event Date: 10-10-2020 - Session time: 10:10:00 - Track: BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration

Speaker: Andrey Nikolov

Title: Double Power - Managing Power BI with PowerShell


Power BI comes with a rich API, which you can use to perform various tasks. Administrators can enumerate workspaces, reports, dashboards and datasets, recover orphaned workspaces, or list all the data sources used in their organization. Users can make a backup of all their published reports. Developers can easily provision new instances of their reports for each new customer. In this session I will show various practical examples how you can do these tasks and explore what is possible even further. No previous PowerShell knowledge is required – it is THAT simple :)

SessionID: 108204

What’s in the Cloud for my Datawarehouse

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Event Date: 10-10-2020 - Session time: 10:10:00 - Track: Strategy and Architecture

Speaker: Margarita Naumova

Title: What’s in the Cloud for my Datawarehouse


There are several reasons to look at the Azure Cloud for your DW: Elasticity and price, You plan to put your data sources or data consumers in the Cloud or you have non-relational data types to store and process on top of your existing datawarehouse. But there are so many questions on the way and before even taking this journey. Where to start and how to plan the movement? Which service to use for the DW in the Cloud? How to move and run ETL packages in the cloud? Should you migrate to Azure Synapse or should you use different Data Store? Let’s get the things in order and let’s try to make the path of this journey a bit more clear by answering all those questions.

SessionID: 102997

Notebooks and other wonders in Azure Data Studio

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Event Date: 10-10-2020 - Session time: 11:20:00 - Track: Application Database Development

Speaker: Dennes Torres

Title: Notebooks and other wonders in Azure Data Studio


Notebooks are an old feature in data science, but completely new for DBA's and database developers. There are a lot of interesting things we can do with them. Azure Data Studio also brings many new features to the data world.

Let's dig these features in details and see what they can provide to us

SessionID: 103009

Azure SQL Database EDGE, put your SQL wherever you want!

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Event Date: 10-10-2020 - Session time: 11:20:00 - Track: Cloud Application Development Deployment

Speaker: Marco Dal Pino

Title: Azure SQL Database EDGE, put your SQL wherever you want!


Developing application for Smart city, Sensors, Industrial IoT increasingly need more affordable and powerful way to store data and manage it.

Now we can also use the same approach we have in our client server distributed application even in remote deployed devices frquently not connected to internet. Expand device architecture coverage to include ARM-based devices on top of x64-based architecture. Use Kubernetes to orchestrate your device infrastructure for better efficiency and automation. Run SQL Database Edge connected or offline to support various edge environments.

SessionID: 107081

Don't Bite Off More Than You Can Chew - Take It in Chunks

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Event Date: 10-10-2020 - Session time: 11:20:00 - Track: Application Database Development

Speaker: Erland Sommarskog

Title: Don't Bite Off More Than You Can Chew - Take It in Chunks


Any SQL programmer with some experience knows that loops are bad and that you should work with all data at once in set-based statements. However, you may have experienced situations where this strategy did not work out well and you ran into problems like out-growing the transaction log or blocking other users.

You can solve this by operating on the data in chunks. Implementing chunking is not that difficult, but there are still pitfalls you can run into. In this session, I will discuss in what situations you may want to use chunking. I will give some best practices for how to implement chunking for good performance and I will highlight some things you need keep in mind, for instance, recovering from interruptions.

I will also look at how you can use chunking for error handling: You want process many rows and you want the good rows to succeed even if some rows yield errors – something you cannot do in a single set-based statement.

SessionID: 107273

Azure Data Factory - how to implement incremental loads for PARQUET

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Event Date: 10-10-2020 - Session time: 11:20:00 - Track: Cloud Application Development Deployment

Speaker: Ivan Donev

Title: Azure Data Factory - how to implement incremental loads for PARQUET


Incremental loads in a DWH environment is a key process everyone needs to consider. PARQUET in data lake by default does not implement in-place updates which makes delta loading quite a challenge. Of course there is the delta lake, but what if we are still not ready to go there? Join me in the session to review the different options we have for implementing incremental loads in a data lake with parquet files.

SessionID: 108519

Working with parameters in Power Query

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Event Date: 10-10-2020 - Session time: 11:20:00 - Track: Advanced Analysis Techniques

Speaker: Boriana Petrova

Title: Working with parameters in Power Query



SessionID: 105093

Performance Tuning with Optimistic Concurrency

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Event Date: 10-10-2020 - Session time: 13:00:00 - Track: Application Database Development

Speaker: Torsten Strauss

Title: Performance Tuning with Optimistic Concurrency


The default transaction isolation level of SQL Server is set to read committed, which eliminates certain read phenomena, but can also affect concurrency and overall read performance.

SQL Server also offers two optimistic transaction isolation levels where a transaction does not acquire a lock when reading data, which reduces the probability of blocks and therefore leads to significantly better reading performance in a busy database. In this session (level 300), you will learn how to increase the reading performance in a database simply by changing the transaction isolation level to snapshot isolation. You will also understand how SQL Server implements this function internally and what disadvantages it has.

SessionID: 107539

The NextGen in Time Series Landscape

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Event Date: 10-10-2020 - Session time: 13:00:00 - Track: Analytics and Visualization

Speaker: Ivelin Andreev

Title: The NextGen in Time Series Landscape


The time series landscape evolves fast to meet the aggressive challenges in IoT. After Influx 2.0 Beta was released in the first days of 2020, in Jul 2020 Azure Time Series Insights Gen 2 became generally available.

Already Top 1 by popularity, InfluxDB introduces v.2.0 as a revolutionary change. It now uses the new Flux and open source data language, supported in VS Code. Inspired by TOP 1 scripting language – JavaSript. Flux takes a functional approach against data exploration and processing to allow read/write to RDBMS stores and enable the unmatched capability to enrich and filter time series with external RDBMS data on query level. Check this session out to embrace the upcoming changes.

SessionID: 108205

A database that takes it all

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Event Date: 10-10-2020 - Session time: 13:00:00 - Track: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment

Speaker: Margarita Naumova

Title: A database that takes it all


In a consolidated environment, where you have several databases of different vendors and apps running on the same Instance, it is challenging to isolate that busy database and prove it consumes resources ineffectively. Let’s find out how to do it fast. This session will show you how to diagnose a database level performance issues and to plan further actions.

SessionID: 108520

Monitoring SSAS processing performance in Power BI

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Event Date: 10-10-2020 - Session time: 13:00:00 - Track: Advanced Analysis Techniques

Speaker: Georgi Petkov

Title: Monitoring SSAS processing performance in Power BI


Ever had to report on the performance of your SSAS cube processing or maybe wanted to check for time patterns of failing processing requests? This approach will help you build historical data for your processing requests and analyze it in Power BI. Extremely useful if you want to set some benchmarks or just report to your managers/business stakeholders

SessionID: 108563

Designing GDPR compliant Identity management

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Event Date: 10-10-2020 - Session time: 13:00:00 - Track: Advanced Analysis Techniques

Speaker: Dimo Roussinov

Title: Designing GDPR compliant Identity management


An overview of envisioning, designing and architecting a globally distributed GDPR compliant Identity management solution leveraging Azure offerings

SessionID: 103057

Machine Learning - Best Practices and Vulnerabilities

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Event Date: 10-10-2020 - Session time: 14:10:00 - Track: Application Database Development

Speaker: Sebastiano Galazzo

Title: Machine Learning - Best Practices and Vulnerabilities


It seems like Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are a must nowdays.

For projects carrying a simple or well kown problem we can find a lot of ready-made solutions, but this extremne easy to use could be one of our best enemy when facing with specific custom problems. With this session we will cover how to apply best practices in configurin ML but much more, do we reaaly need it always? The second part will cover vulnerabilities of ML discovering how easy could be to fool a neural network by some techinques (Like pixel attack) and their implication in projects that requires no security issues.

SessionID: 107439

From Gen1 To Gen2. Recipes for a successful Data Lake migration

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Event Date: 10-10-2020 - Session time: 14:10:00 - Track: Strategy and Architecture

Speaker: Regis Baccaro

Title: From Gen1 To Gen2. Recipes for a successful Data Lake migration


As Data Lake Gen2 is gaining momentum and the product has now reach a very good functional level (new feature such as log analytics, recursive ACLs, Checksum for files in ADF...), it is time to seriously consider a migration from the proprietary Data Lake Gen1 to the Blob Storage based Data Lake Gen2. In this session we will walkthrough the elements of a successful migration such as:

SessionID: 107671

From XL to S - Reduce your Power BI model size by 90%!

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Event Date: 10-10-2020 - Session time: 14:10:00 - Track: Analytics and Visualization

Speaker: Nikola Ilic

Title: From XL to S - Reduce your Power BI model size by 90%!


In this session, we will dig deep to discover what is “under the hood” of Power BI, how your data is being stored, compressed, queried, and finally, brought back to your report. After the session, you will get a better understanding of the hard work happening in the background and appreciate the importance of creating an optimal data model in order to get maximum performance from the Power BI engine.

Finally, you will see a real use-case demo showing how the Power BI data model was reduced by 90%!

SessionID: 108408

End to end, migrating a database to Azure

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Event Date: 10-10-2020 - Session time: 14:10:00 - Track: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment

Speaker: Kaloyan Kosev

Title: End to end, migrating a database to Azure


Migrating to Azure is the step we take to modernize and transform applications and infrastructure by taking advantage of the flexibility and agility of the cloud. There are many different scenarios, tools and routes to successfully migrate your on-premises relational database to Microsoft Azure.

What tools should we use? How do we choose the best approach? How do we analyse the source remove blockers? What are the actual steps we need to take during the migration? How we use the newly set database? It all depends! So lets make it all clear!

SessionID: 108621

Q A with partners

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Event Date: 10-10-2020 - Session time: 14:10:00 - Track: Advanced Analysis Techniques

Speaker: Mihail Mateev

Title: Q A with partners


Q A with SQLSaturday Sofia Partners

SessionID: 102984

Creating Custom BI Solutions with Power BI Embedded

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Event Date: 10-10-2020 - Session time: 15:20:00 - Track: BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration

Speaker: Mihail Mateev

Title: Creating Custom BI Solutions with Power BI Embedded


Microsoft Power BI Embedded is a Microsoft Azure that enables developers to integrate Power BI reports into their web or mobile applications so they don’t need to build custom solutions to visualize data for the users.

Microsoft Power BI Embedded helps Independent Software Vendors to use Power BI data experiences within their applications. Customers, who use applications with Power BI Embedded don’t need to have a Power BI account or to know anything about this Azure service. This talk is a practical session on Microsoft Power BI Embedded concept with many examples how to create custom BI solutions using this technology.

SessionID: 103007

Advanced data types – JSON

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Event Date: 10-10-2020 - Session time: 15:20:00 - Track: Application Database Development

Speaker: Damir Matesic

Title: Advanced data types – JSON


Main topics:

SessionID: 103631

From adaptive to intelligent: query processing in SQL 2019

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Event Date: 10-10-2020 - Session time: 15:20:00 - Track: Application Database Development

Speaker: Hugo Kornelis

Title: From adaptive to intelligent: query processing in SQL 2019


As announced in September 2018, SQL Server 2019 expands the "adaptive query processing" features of SQL 2017 and relabels them as "intelligent query processing". This name now covers many features, such as batch mode on rowstore, memory grant feedback, interleaved execution, adaptive joins, deferred compilation, and approximate query processing.

In this high-paced session, we will look at all these features and cover some use cases where they might help - or hurt! - you.

SessionID: 105897

Monitoring SQL Server using Community solutions (Free)

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Event Date: 10-10-2020 - Session time: 15:20:00 - Track: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment

Speaker: Javier Villegas

Title: Monitoring SQL Server using Community solutions (Free)


In this session we will cover how to monitor and support any SQL Server Environment using free tools created by community members

SessionID: 107389

Introduction to Computer Vision

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Event Date: 10-10-2020 - Session time: 15:20:00 - Track: Application Database Development

Speaker: Catalin Gheorghiu

Title: Introduction to Computer Vision


You want to use Computer Vision, and you have heard of a lot of names from OpenVINO to Azure Cognitive Services. And you ask yourself how to start, and what is the stuff you see the documentation?

This presentation aim is to get you started, to help pick what you need for your solution. We will going to find out what is OpenVINO, what is IR what, what kind deep learning models you can use, explain what is Azure IoT Edge, for what you can use Cognitive Services . In short you will get almost all information you need to start trying your hand at Computer Vision.