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SQLSaturday #1005 – Puerto Rico – Virtual 2020

Start Time (24h) Speaker Track Title
09:00:00 Ruslan Zolotukhin BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration Demystification of Calculation Groups in Analysis Services Tabular
09:00:00 André Melancia Application Database Development Hacking SQL Server Is Not Enough
09:00:00 Itshak David Application Database Development SQL Server 2019 on containers and Kubernetes(k8s) from zero to an hero !
09:00:00 Ana Maria Bisbé York Analytics and Visualization Escenarios de modelado en DAX, el súper lenguaje de Power BI.
10:15:00 David Patrick Application Database Development 3 Ways for Getting Data from SharePoint : SSIS, Excel and Access
10:15:00 Jose Manuel Jurado Diaz Cloud Application Development Deployment How to get the most from Azure SQL Database
10:15:00 Orlando Mezquita Analytics and Visualization Query folding in Power BI: maximizing the performance of database connections
10:15:00 Sam Nasr Application Database Development 14 T-SQL Functions You May Not Know
11:30:00 Alex Rostan Cloud Application Development Deployment Get data easily and fast with Cognitives Services
11:30:00 Tracy Boggiano Enterprise Database Administration Deployment SQL Server Configuration with dbatools and dbachecks
11:30:00 Mohammad Darab Enterprise Database Administration Deployment Big Data Clusters for the Absolute Beginner
11:30:00 Kenneth Urena Application Database Development SQL Server 2019: Estrategias de Indexación para alto desempeño
13:30:00 Javier Villegas Enterprise Database Administration Deployment Monitoring SQL Server using Community solutions (Free)
13:30:00 Eduardo Castro Analytics and Visualization Forecasting con SQL Server R Services y PowerBI
13:30:00 Deepthi Goguri Enterprise Database Administration Deployment SQL Engine: Its Working Style
13:30:00 Martha Chávez BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration Databricks for data engineers
14:45:00 Ahias Portillo BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration Delivering a Data Warehouse in the Cloud
14:45:00 Andrea Mascher Professional Development SELECT Questions FROM Diversity.Inclusion WHERE AfraidToAsk = 1
14:45:00 MAYRA BADILLO VILLAMIZAR BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration Power BI and Common Data Service
14:45:00 Vladimir Guzman Application Database Development SQL DevOps
16:00:00 Ondrej Aubrecht Enterprise Database Administration Deployment Can really Naming Convention and standards save your environment ?
16:00:00 Ricardo Estrada BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration ¡Cross Selling con SQL Grafos!
16:00:00 Edwin Martinez BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration PowerBI Embedded First Steps
16:00:00 Jose L. Rivera BI Information Delivery Power BI Composite Models

SessionID: 105887

Demystification of Calculation Groups in Analysis Services Tabular

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Event Date: 10-10-2020 - Session time: 09:00:00 - Track: BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration

Speaker: Ruslan Zolotukhin

Title: Demystification of Calculation Groups in Analysis Services Tabular


Calculation Groups is a new feature for Analysis Services Tabular and Power BI Premium. They can significantly reduce the number of redundant measures by grouping common measure expressions as elements of a calculation. At the webinar, we will look at creating such groups, managing them, their limitations, and how to use them from Power BI Desktop.

SessionID: 107482

Hacking SQL Server Is Not Enough

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Event Date: 10-10-2020 - Session time: 09:00:00 - Track: Application Database Development

Speaker: André Melancia

Title: Hacking SQL Server Is Not Enough


You already know how easy it is to hack SQL Server… But how do you protect your local and cloud servers against enemy agent attacks?

This is a demo-driven session, suited for DBAs, developers and security consultants. Both exploits and security recommendations to avoid them will be covered. Disclaimer: No actual crimes will be committed. Please do not send agents to my house again.

SessionID: 107647

SQL Server 2019 on containers and Kubernetes(k8s) from zero to an hero !

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Event Date: 10-10-2020 - Session time: 09:00:00 - Track: Application Database Development

Speaker: Itshak David

Title: SQL Server 2019 on containers and Kubernetes(k8s) from zero to an hero !


If containers are the new virtual machines, then Kubernetes are the new servers. Kubernetes is an important technology to the future of containerized applications, especially running enterprise workloads like SQL Server

• SQL Server 2019 on containers and Kubernetes(k8s) from zero • Install and Configure Docker on Windows Server o Download and Install the Docker-Microsoft PackageManagement Provider • Install and Configure Docker on Ubuntu Linux • The Docker Ecosystem • Managing and Administering Containers • Persisting Data • Working with SQL Server on Linux and Windows • Creating Custom SQL Server on Windows\linux Container Images . • Docker Networking for SQL Server DBAs If time permits : • What Is k8s? o k8s internal and Objects
o k8s Deployment Options o Deploying SQL Server on k8s o SQL Server High Availability on k8s o Updating SQL Server on k8s o Using Helm Chart o SQL Server Availability Groups on k8s This is a demo session only with minimum theory lessons from the

SessionID: 107781

Escenarios de modelado en DAX, el súper lenguaje de Power BI.

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Event Date: 10-10-2020 - Session time: 09:00:00 - Track: Analytics and Visualization

Speaker: Ana Maria Bisbé York

Title: Escenarios de modelado en DAX, el súper lenguaje de Power BI.


En el camino a la creación de buenos cuadros de mandos y modelos analíticos, se impone la necesidad de contar con un buen modelado tabular. En la sesión se analizan y solucionan un grupo de escenarios de modelado con DAX y Power BI. Estos escenarios son los que nos encontramos con frecuencia en proyectos.

SessionID: 105526

3 Ways for Getting Data from SharePoint : SSIS, Excel and Access

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Event Date: 10-10-2020 - Session time: 10:15:00 - Track: Application Database Development

Speaker: David Patrick

Title: 3 Ways for Getting Data from SharePoint : SSIS, Excel and Access


Need to report on some data from SharePoint? We will look at three different techniques to pull data from a SharePoint Server. We will start with SSIS and the SharePoint List Source and Destinations. Next, We will use Excel to connect to various SharePoint lists (both online and on premise), and finally We will use Microsoft Access to do the same thing (and throw in the capability to do updates as well). At the end of the talk, We will have three different ways to get data from SharePoint.

SessionID: 106019

How to get the most from Azure SQL Database

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Event Date: 10-10-2020 - Session time: 10:15:00 - Track: Cloud Application Development Deployment

Speaker: Jose Manuel Jurado Diaz

Title: How to get the most from Azure SQL Database


In this session we will show how to get the most advantages out from Azure SQL Database.

We will learn how to monitor the performance of our workload, how to improve it and how to secure it using the tools and features at our disposal on the Azure portal without having to install 3rd party tools. We will also see some ways to lower the costs or increase performance without having to also increase costs.

SessionID: 107458

Query folding in Power BI: maximizing the performance of database connections

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Event Date: 10-10-2020 - Session time: 10:15:00 - Track: Analytics and Visualization

Speaker: Orlando Mezquita

Title: Query folding in Power BI: maximizing the performance of database connections


When connecting to a database from Power BI, your best bet in terms of data transformation performance is folding your queries to the database. In other words, to perform the data transformation operations in the database rather than Power BI. In this talk, I’ll explain the concept of query folding, how to maximize it, and some tips to make sure you don’t break the folding.

SessionID: 107863

14 T-SQL Functions You May Not Know

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Event Date: 10-10-2020 - Session time: 10:15:00 - Track: Application Database Development

Speaker: Sam Nasr

Title: 14 T-SQL Functions You May Not Know


Newer releases of SQL Server have introduced many new functions developers may not know or use. This includes functions for type conversion, date/time calculation, enhanced logic, and string manipulation. In this session we’ll cover the ins and outs of these new functions, in addition to some best practices for using these functions.

SessionID: 105986

Get data easily and fast with Cognitives Services

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Event Date: 10-10-2020 - Session time: 11:30:00 - Track: Cloud Application Development Deployment

Speaker: Alex Rostan

Title: Get data easily and fast with Cognitives Services


In this session will see how to get data from forms, letters and other digital documents using cognitive services and then how to store this data into databases

SessionID: 107456

SQL Server Configuration with dbatools and dbachecks

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Event Date: 10-10-2020 - Session time: 11:30:00 - Track: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment

Speaker: Tracy Boggiano

Title: SQL Server Configuration with dbatools and dbachecks


Automating the configuration of SQL Server instances and being able to check the configuration for standard configuration is an important role for any DBA when you have lots of instances. But how can we automate the configuration easily? How can we check to make sure the proper configuration is in place and hasn’t changed?

In this session, we will look at how to configure your SQL Server Instances using PowerShell and the dbatools module. Then we will look at how to use dbachecks to confirm the configuration of our instances and how to check for changes in the future of the configuration.

Attendees will see how easy it is to use PowerShell via dbatools to configure their SQL Server instances. Attendees will see how easy it is to use PowerShell via dbachecks and PowerBI to see if their servers are configured properly. Attendees will be given a set of scripts that take back to use to configure and test the configuration of their SQL Server instances.

SessionID: 107607

Big Data Clusters for the Absolute Beginner

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Event Date: 10-10-2020 - Session time: 11:30:00 - Track: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment

Speaker: Mohammad Darab

Title: Big Data Clusters for the Absolute Beginner


Are you a DBA or data professional working with out-dated technology or feel your skills are quickly becoming irrelevant? Stay ahead in today's ever changing tech space and take your career to the next level.

Join Mohammad Darab this session to explore the cutting-edge technology that SQL Server 2019 has to offer: Big Data Clusters.

Topics include: -Big Data Cluster architecture and its components such as: Containers, Kubernetes and the newly enhanced Polybase -Unique advantage of SQL Server Big Data Clusters -Data Virtualization, Scale-out Data Marts, and Data Hub concepts

SessionID: 108522

SQL Server 2019: Estrategias de Indexación para alto desempeño

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Event Date: 10-10-2020 - Session time: 11:30:00 - Track: Application Database Development

Speaker: Kenneth Urena

Title: SQL Server 2019: Estrategias de Indexación para alto desempeño


Multiples estrategias de indexacion para obtener los mejores resultados sobre SQL Server, se coveran temas como:

SessionID: 105750

Monitoring SQL Server using Community solutions (Free)

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Event Date: 10-10-2020 - Session time: 13:30:00 - Track: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment

Speaker: Javier Villegas

Title: Monitoring SQL Server using Community solutions (Free)


In this session we will cover how to monitor and support any SQL Server Environment using free tools created by community members

SessionID: 107247

Forecasting con SQL Server R Services y PowerBI

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Event Date: 10-10-2020 - Session time: 13:30:00 - Track: Analytics and Visualization

Speaker: Eduardo Castro

Title: Forecasting con SQL Server R Services y PowerBI


En esta sesión veremos las capacidades que tiene SQL Server 2019 en conjunto con R Services para realizar operaciones de forecasting en nuestros sistemas, así como las capacidades que tiene PowerBI Desktop para hacer Forecasting con código R y también con R Visuals.

SessionID: 107620

SQL Engine: Its Working Style

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Event Date: 10-10-2020 - Session time: 13:30:00 - Track: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment

Speaker: Deepthi Goguri

Title: SQL Engine: Its Working Style


Many DBA's and Developers work with SQL Server but don’t fully understand how it really works behind the scenes. Join Deepthi on her dive into the internals of SQL Server to explain why knowing what goes on under the covers will help you make better decisions quickly when solving performance problems in SQL Server. This session will cover ACID properties, key components of the Relational Engine, Storage engine, Cache and the Transaction manager. We will also cover what happens under the covers during read and write operations within SQL Server.

Deepthi will show you how the SQL engine thinks – enabling you to think like it!

SessionID: 107846

Databricks for data engineers

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Event Date: 10-10-2020 - Session time: 13:30:00 - Track: BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration

Speaker: Martha Chávez

Title: Databricks for data engineers


En esta sesión se realizará distintos ejemplos de como usar databricks con los diferentes códigos que existen y como se utilizan en la limpieza y transformación de datos

SessionID: 107293

Delivering a Data Warehouse in the Cloud

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Event Date: 10-10-2020 - Session time: 14:45:00 - Track: BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration

Speaker: Ahias Portillo

Title: Delivering a Data Warehouse in the Cloud


When you need to scale your data warehouse's storage and processing capabilities in minutes, not months, you need a cloud-based massively parallel processing solution.

What you'll learn

Choosing a massively parallel processing architecture for a cloud-based data warehouse. Designing tables and indexes to efficiently distribute data in tables across many nodes. Loading data from a variety of sources, querying using PolyBase, securing and recovering data, and integrating into Big Data environments.

SessionID: 107356

SELECT Questions FROM Diversity.Inclusion WHERE AfraidToAsk = 1

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Event Date: 10-10-2020 - Session time: 14:45:00 - Track: Professional Development

Speaker: Andrea Mascher

Title: SELECT Questions FROM Diversity.Inclusion WHERE AfraidToAsk = 1


In the past several years Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) have become more important and visible in the workplace. Studies have shown that organizations are often more successful when they are more diverse, yet the tech sector is moving slowly to improve representation and inclusion. Many IT professionals want to improve but don't know where to start.

This session will cover key concepts in DEI and how they apply to data practitioners.

SessionID: 107376

Power BI and Common Data Service

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Event Date: 10-10-2020 - Session time: 14:45:00 - Track: BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration


Title: Power BI and Common Data Service


Sesión demostrativa de exploracion del conector Common Data Service para Power BI, y cómo embeber en una aplicacion de PowerAPPS contenido de Power BI

SessionID: 107669

SQL DevOps

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Event Date: 10-10-2020 - Session time: 14:45:00 - Track: Application Database Development

Speaker: Vladimir Guzman

Title: SQL DevOps


En esta sesion veremos los conceptos de DevOps orientados a entornos a Base de datos, herramientas de apoyo a los desarrolladores y CI/CD en Azure

SessionID: 105759

Can really Naming Convention and standards save your environment ?

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Event Date: 10-10-2020 - Session time: 16:00:00 - Track: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment

Speaker: Ondrej Aubrecht

Title: Can really Naming Convention and standards save your environment ?


Are you managing your "chaos" environment but still can't move forward to start any improvements and automation successfully?

Do you really know how is your SQL instance, permissions and servers configured and why are you still missing strong and persistence naming structure and standards?

This session will be focusing on the Naming convention and standards in the infrastructure environment and how to apply it correctly, which also includes SQL Database objects.

SessionID: 107416

¡Cross Selling con SQL Grafos!

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Event Date: 10-10-2020 - Session time: 16:00:00 - Track: BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration

Speaker: Ricardo Estrada

Title: ¡Cross Selling con SQL Grafos!


La teoría de grafos tiene la capacidad de ayudar a solucionar problemas que afrontamos a diario, simplificando la manera en que se aborda un problema, como se exploran los datos y en cómo se construye el código y la relación entre los datos, minimizando la cantidad de código necesario para lograrlo.

Esta sesión está hecha para que nosotros los técnicos podamos entender el valor de esta tecnología y que tengamos parámetros de: ¿Cómo? ¿Cuándo? y ¿Por qué? incluirlos entre nuestras bases de datos transaccionales. El código de las demos estará disponible al final de la sesión para el uso de discrecional de los participantes en sus trabajos, proyectos, experimentos o aprendizaje. ¡Los esperamos! fb: SeHablaSQL

SessionID: 107595

PowerBI Embedded First Steps

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Event Date: 10-10-2020 - Session time: 16:00:00 - Track: BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration

Speaker: Edwin Martinez

Title: PowerBI Embedded First Steps


Session about what is PowerBI Embedded, its benefits and how you can get value from it. View your reports embedded. Customize the views on your app and more...

SessionID: 108521

Power BI Composite Models

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Event Date: 10-10-2020 - Session time: 16:00:00 - Track: BI Information Delivery

Speaker: Jose L. Rivera

Title: Power BI Composite Models


In this talk we will explore a very powerfull set of features called Composite Models and Aggregations. These two new features bring a new level of data modeling and data prep to Power BI Desktop and PowerBI Service. Join us to see it in action.