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SQLSaturday #1016 – São Paulo – Virtual 2020

Start Time (24h) Speaker Track Title
10:00:00 Marcel Inowe Professional Development Carreira de banco de dados - Como e por onde começar
10:00:00 Taiob Ali Enterprise Database Administration Deployment New features in Management Studio -- Performance Troubleshooting made easier!
10:00:00 Roberto Cavalcanti Cloud Application Development Deployment Azure SQL Managed Instance - lições aprendidas
11:00:00 Rodrigo Crespi Application Database Development Técnicas de Tuning que Todo Desenvolvedor Deve Saber
11:00:00 Deepthi Goguri Enterprise Database Administration Deployment Start thinking like the SQL Engine
11:00:00 Javier Villegas Cloud Application Development Deployment The Evolution of SQL Server as a Service - Azure SQL Database Managed Instance
12:00:00 William Lino Oliveira Strategy and Architecture Estratégias de Migração de Bancos de Dados para Azure
12:00:00 Nestor Campos Professional Development How to prepare for passing certifications
12:00:00 Rodrigo Crespi Enterprise Database Administration Deployment Powershell para DBAs SQL Server
12:00:00 Sulamita Dantas Information Delivery LGPD - Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados
12:00:00 Renato Groffe Application Database Development Serverless + Integrações com Bancos de Dados: utilizando Azure Functions e Logic Apps
13:00:00 Carlos Lopez Application Database Development Getting started database development with WSL2
13:00:00 Luciano Moreira Cloud Application Development Deployment Cosmos – Cenários comuns no suporte e boas práticas
13:00:00 Dirceu Resende Enterprise Database Administration Deployment Ative o olho de Thundera no SQL Server e saiba tudo o que todo mundo fez e está fazendo
14:00:00 ALAN FERRANDIZ LANGLEY Analytics and Visualization Data Science, Analytics, and Storytelling Tools
14:00:00 Eduardo Pivaral Application Database Development Getting started with Azure Data Studio
14:00:00 Fabiano Amorim Enterprise Database Administration Deployment Virei DBA, e agora?
15:00:00 Thiago Carlos de Alencar Cloud Application Development Deployment Azure SQL DB - Automatizando/Provisionando o seu banco de dados
15:00:00 Jasmin Azemović Application Database Development Handle Data with Care
15:00:00 Rodrigo Dornel BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration Power BI - Dicas e Truques para turbinar seu Dashboard
16:00:00 Nilton Kazuyuki Ueda BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration Databricks as a Unified Data Analytics Platform
16:00:00 Itshak David Application Database Development Data virtualization with SQL Server 2019 PolyBase and integration with Power BI
16:00:00 Marcelo Adade Enterprise Database Administration Deployment Conceitos de Alta disponibilidade no SQL SERVER

SessionID: 108122

Carreira de banco de dados - Como e por onde começar

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Event Date: 26-09-2020 - Session time: 10:00:00 - Track: Professional Development

Speaker: Marcel Inowe

Title: Carreira de banco de dados - Como e por onde começar


Já pensou em trabalhar com banco de dados e não sabe como começar e nem por onde começar?

Embarque comigo nessa sessão. Eu vou te contar como eu comecei, quais estratégias eu utilizei para me tornar um DBA. Será um bate papo muito descontraído e enriquecedor para todos nós.

SessionID: 108130

New features in Management Studio -- Performance Troubleshooting made easier!

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Event Date: 26-09-2020 - Session time: 10:00:00 - Track: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment

Speaker: Taiob Ali

Title: New features in Management Studio -- Performance Troubleshooting made easier!


SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) is now updated each month with the latest version of the SQL Client Tools. Which enabled rapid enhancement to Execution Plan.

Do you know that you can now see how many pages are spilled to disk for a sort, as well as the memory statistics for the operator? Are you aware that you can see the top 10 waits for an execution and what trace flags were active during compilation and which ones influenced compilation? Have you ever analyzed a big plan and wish you could search for table name, index name or column name without opening XML plan? When you see a clustered index was used do you know for sure which statistics were used by the Query Optimizer to estimate the number of rows?

In this demo intensive session, I will show you how to find and use new features introduced into SSMS and Showplan. You will walk out of this session equipped to make Query Performance Troubleshooting easier and ready to tackle those nasty, hard to solve query plans.

SessionID: 108132

Azure SQL Managed Instance - lições aprendidas

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Event Date: 26-09-2020 - Session time: 10:00:00 - Track: Cloud Application Development Deployment

Speaker: Roberto Cavalcanti

Title: Azure SQL Managed Instance - lições aprendidas


Nessa sessão você aprenderá as melhores práticas e dicas de como fazer troubleshooting e monitoração do Azure SQL Managed Instance em ambientes de produção. Essas lições foram aprendidas e aplicadas durante engajamentos entre clientes da Microsoft e as equipes de suporte técnico (CSS) e engenharia de campo (PFE). Veja quando e como usar Query Store, Extended Events, DMVs, Kusto queries em Log Analytics e outras ferramentas para ter sucesso no uso do SQL MI. Essa sessão é praticamente baseada em demonstrações.

SessionID: 108107

Técnicas de Tuning que Todo Desenvolvedor Deve Saber

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Event Date: 26-09-2020 - Session time: 11:00:00 - Track: Application Database Development

Speaker: Rodrigo Crespi

Title: Técnicas de Tuning que Todo Desenvolvedor Deve Saber


Consultar bancos de dados é fácil quando você está desenvolvendo.

Contudo, você sabe o impacto de suas consultas no futuro? Nesta sessão, aprenda algumas técnicas que todo o desenvolvedor deve conhecer para criar melhores objetos no SQL Server com desempenho, segurança e elegância.

SessionID: 108131

Start thinking like the SQL Engine

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Event Date: 26-09-2020 - Session time: 11:00:00 - Track: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment

Speaker: Deepthi Goguri

Title: Start thinking like the SQL Engine


Many DBA's and Developers work with SQL Server but don’t fully understand how it really works behind the scenes. Join Deepthi on her dive into the internals of SQL Server to explain why knowing what goes on under the covers will help you make better decisions quickly when solving performance problems in SQL Server. This session will cover ACID properties, key components of the Relational Engine, Storage engine, Cache and the Transaction manager. We will also cover what happens under the covers during read and write operations within SQL Server.

Deepthi will show you how the SQL engine thinks – enabling you to think like it!

SessionID: 108143

The Evolution of SQL Server as a Service - Azure SQL Database Managed Instance

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Event Date: 26-09-2020 - Session time: 11:00:00 - Track: Cloud Application Development Deployment

Speaker: Javier Villegas

Title: The Evolution of SQL Server as a Service - Azure SQL Database Managed Instance


In this session we will cover SQL Server running as a managed service (Paas) and will get to know it so that we can consider it as a possibility for our developments

SessionID: 108123

Estratégias de Migração de Bancos de Dados para Azure

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Event Date: 26-09-2020 - Session time: 12:00:00 - Track: Strategy and Architecture

Speaker: William Lino Oliveira

Title: Estratégias de Migração de Bancos de Dados para Azure


Planos para sair da vida de Datacenter, CPD, Colocation ou outras clouds? Então essa palestra é para você. Nesta sessão veremos quais as vantagens, técnicas e estratégias para migrar seu workload de banco de dados para Azure na prática!

SessionID: 108152

How to prepare for passing certifications

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Event Date: 26-09-2020 - Session time: 12:00:00 - Track: Professional Development

Speaker: Nestor Campos

Title: How to prepare for passing certifications


In this session, we will share experience on how to optimize time, knowledge and good practices to prepare for technology certifications (Azure, and others).

To do this, Néstor Campos (certified in 6 different Cloud technologies, with 11 current Azure certifications, among others) will share his way of achieving it, especially in these times of pandemic. LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nescampos/

SessionID: 108287

Powershell para DBAs SQL Server

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Event Date: 26-09-2020 - Session time: 12:00:00 - Track: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment

Speaker: Rodrigo Crespi

Title: Powershell para DBAs SQL Server


Todo o poder do script em diversos ambientes para administrar e automatizar melhor o SQL Server!

Venha conhecer e aprender como utilizar esta linguagem em prol do seu tempo.

SessionID: 108290

LGPD - Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados

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Event Date: 26-09-2020 - Session time: 12:00:00 - Track: Information Delivery

Speaker: Sulamita Dantas

Title: LGPD - Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados


Essa palestra irá abordar como adequar sua empresa à LGPD, quais são os principais riscos e de que forma os dados devem ser protegidos.

SessionID: 108357

Serverless + Integrações com Bancos de Dados: utilizando Azure Functions e Logic Apps

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Event Date: 26-09-2020 - Session time: 12:00:00 - Track: Application Database Development

Speaker: Renato Groffe

Title: Serverless + Integrações com Bancos de Dados: utilizando Azure Functions e Logic Apps


Acompanhe nesta apresentação como tirar proveito de alternativas serverless como Azure Functions e Logic Apps no desenvolvimento de soluções voltadas a bancos de dados relacionais e NoSQL. Desde o monitoramento de alternações em tabelas do SQL Server ou coleções do Azure Cosmos DB, a cenários envolvendo os mais variados tipos de integrações.

SessionID: 108154

Getting started database development with WSL2

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Event Date: 26-09-2020 - Session time: 13:00:00 - Track: Application Database Development

Speaker: Carlos Lopez

Title: Getting started database development with WSL2


In this session, we will apply (WSL) Windows Subsystem on Linux to manage SQL Server on Docker containers interfacing in your local environment.

We will take advantage of this new out-brake to maximize the use of resources and apply this scenario into the SQL Server world with the use of containers. We will manage a containerized SQL Server database and inspect through scripting capabilities between Linux and windows environments working together.

Overview SQL Server containers demos inside the image prepared as well as the configuration for it.

SessionID: 108304

Cosmos – Cenários comuns no suporte e boas práticas

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Event Date: 26-09-2020 - Session time: 13:00:00 - Track: Cloud Application Development Deployment

Speaker: Luciano Moreira

Title: Cosmos – Cenários comuns no suporte e boas práticas


Nesta sessão vamos revisar alguns cenários comuns no dia-a-dia de um engenherio de suporte para o Cosmos, discutindo abordagens para troubleshooting e boas práticas no uso do serviço.

SessionID: 108311

Ative o olho de Thundera no SQL Server e saiba tudo o que todo mundo fez e está fazendo

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Event Date: 26-09-2020 - Session time: 13:00:00 - Track: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment

Speaker: Dirceu Resende

Title: Ative o olho de Thundera no SQL Server e saiba tudo o que todo mundo fez e está fazendo


Nessa apresentação iremos demonstrar as ferramentas e recursos do SQL Server e Azure SQL Database que podem ser utilizados para auditoria e logs de ações. Iremos abordar sobre Database Audit, Server Audit, Triggers de DDL, DML e Login, Extended Events, Trace, CDC, CT, Temporal Tables e muito mais!

SessionID: 108119

Data Science, Analytics, and Storytelling Tools

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Event Date: 26-09-2020 - Session time: 14:00:00 - Track: Analytics and Visualization


Title: Data Science, Analytics, and Storytelling Tools


In this talk we will discover the secrets to create an impact on a presentation using the resources provided by analytics and storytelling. Additionally, we will see the most common mistakes made when presenting data and how to solve them using the best analytical and storytelling practices.

Alan Ferrandiz Langley, MCT

SessionID: 108176

Getting started with Azure Data Studio

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Event Date: 26-09-2020 - Session time: 14:00:00 - Track: Application Database Development

Speaker: Eduardo Pivaral

Title: Getting started with Azure Data Studio


It provides a great T-SQL editing environment to work with data on-premises and Azure, and Git integration. This tool is open-source, lightweight and fully customizable. On this session we will show you how to start using and customize it, we will learn how to:

SessionID: 108297

Virei DBA, e agora?

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Event Date: 26-09-2020 - Session time: 14:00:00 - Track: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment

Speaker: Fabiano Amorim

Title: Virei DBA, e agora?


Se você é analista de sistemas+DBA, desenvolvedor+DBA, gerente de infra-estrutura+DBA, suporte técnico+DBA, estagiário+DBA ou mesmo um mero DBA, esse palestra pode ser útil pra você. Depois de trabalhar por vários anos com desenvolvimento e consultoria, o MVP em SQL Server Fabiano Amorim tenho gastado vários dias com tarefas do dia a dia de um DBA. Nessa sessão ele irá falar um pouco dessa atividade e mostrar algumas dicas que podem fazer seu dia a dia mais tranquilo. Espere assuntos do tipo, checklist, powershell, dicas e mais dicas...

SessionID: 108133

Azure SQL DB - Automatizando/Provisionando o seu banco de dados

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Event Date: 26-09-2020 - Session time: 15:00:00 - Track: Cloud Application Development Deployment

Speaker: Thiago Carlos de Alencar

Title: Azure SQL DB - Automatizando/Provisionando o seu banco de dados


Nessa sessão, eu irei mostrar como tirar o melhor proveito do banco de dados da Microsoft na Nuvem, sim, o Azure SQL DB. Irei mostrar alguns conceitos e o mais importante da nuvem, COMO FAZER passo-a-passo para você deixar de ser o DBA que "SABE" o que é a nuvem para o DBA que "TRABALHA" com a nuvem. Essa sessão é pra qualquer audiência, seja ela o DBA Jr ou aquele DBA SR que está migrando para a nuvem e ainda possui diversas dúvidas do dia a dia do Azure SQL DB.

SessionID: 108180

Handle Data with Care

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Event Date: 26-09-2020 - Session time: 15:00:00 - Track: Application Database Development

Speaker: Jasmin Azemović

Title: Handle Data with Care


https://informationisbeautiful.net/visualizations/worlds-biggest-data-breaches-hacks/ Data Breaches figures are generally measured in the tens and hundreds of millions of records. However, the other side of the medal from the Hall of Fame is that it is unprotected data from databases that have reached the "deep web". What happens next, hypothetically, can have very serious consequences. Is everything just so black? Learn about it on this session.

SessionID: 108293

Power BI - Dicas e Truques para turbinar seu Dashboard

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Event Date: 26-09-2020 - Session time: 15:00:00 - Track: BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration

Speaker: Rodrigo Dornel

Title: Power BI - Dicas e Truques para turbinar seu Dashboard


Nessa sessão vamos explorar dicas e truques para turbinar sei Dashboard, imagens, ícones, layout, templates, marcadores e DAX para sair do Dashboard tradicional para um Dashboard profissional.

SessionID: 108159

Databricks as a Unified Data Analytics Platform

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Event Date: 26-09-2020 - Session time: 16:00:00 - Track: BI Platform Architecture, Development Administration

Speaker: Nilton Kazuyuki Ueda

Title: Databricks as a Unified Data Analytics Platform


Databricks is a unified data platform with the capabilities to offer resources in the data access, manipulation, extraction, presentation and sharing of business insights layers. In addition to offering the entire structure for creating machine learning and artificial intelligence experiments. This is what we call the "unified data analytics platform".

SessionID: 108171

Data virtualization with SQL Server 2019 PolyBase and integration with Power BI

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Event Date: 26-09-2020 - Session time: 16:00:00 - Track: Application Database Development

Speaker: Itshak David

Title: Data virtualization with SQL Server 2019 PolyBase and integration with Power BI


In this session we will learn about the improvements to PolyBase in SQL Server 2019, which allows you to extend the querying capability to data sources like SQL Server, Oracle, MongoDB, Redis, Hadoop CDH, and other data sources. You also get insights on the design, capabilities, and performance advantages of PolyBase, save ETL Processes as follows:

• Installing and Configuring PolyBase Windows Linux • Connecting to Hadoop • Using Predicate Pushdown to Enhance Query Performance • Packet Capture With\Without Predicate Pushdown • When to use Predicate Pushdown • Limitations on Pushdown with Complex Filters • Built-In Integrations: Oracle, MongoDB , Radis and More Integrating via ODBC : Apache Spark , Apache Hive, Microsoft Excel Monitor PolyBase with Dynamic Management Views . • PolyBase Query Tuning , Execution Plans and Statistics PolyBase Scenarios : ETL VS ELT jobs This is a demo session only with minimum theory lessons from the fields !

SessionID: 108299

Conceitos de Alta disponibilidade no SQL SERVER

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Event Date: 26-09-2020 - Session time: 16:00:00 - Track: Enterprise Database Administration Deployment

Speaker: Marcelo Adade

Title: Conceitos de Alta disponibilidade no SQL SERVER


Nesta sessão vamos explorar as atuais opções de Alta Disponibilidade e recuperação de desastres no SQL SERVER. Dentre as tecnologias apresentadas, vamos falar sobre: Log Shipping, Always On Failover Cluster Instances e Availability Groups.